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Chapter 2: Foster Family

"Really Rose, did anything happen between you and Adam last night?" Isabella asked for the umpteenth time that morning and Rose gave her the same answer like before, "No."

She really hoped not to run into Adam today. Apart from the fact that she was a bit embarrassed because of what happened, she

didn't want him getting any stupid ideas.

Isabella parked in her spot and they got down from her now two year old truck that Maria, Rose's foster mother, had gifted to her on her 17th birthday. As they passed through the school gate, she whispered something incoherent.

"What did you say?" Rose asked.

"Why are people staring at you then?" She repeated. 

Rose looked around and realized it was true, people were staring at her.

"Did something happen at the party last night?" She whispered to Isabella in confusion.

"Apart from you and Adam going to the room? Nothing unusual..." Isabella answered. When they got to their lockers, Rose opened hers and a green cardboard fell out. She picked it up and written on it in bold, capital letters with a red marker was - BOYFRIEND SNATCHER!

Rose sighed, she didn't have the time for drama. 

Isabella peeped at what she was looking at and released a dramatic gasp, "Who the hell's calling you a boyfriend snatcher?" 

Rose shook her head and proceeded to squeeze the cardboard. "That's their problem." She said blandly. She would toss it into a waste bin on her way to class; good riddance to bad rubbish. 

Isabella scoffed, "You talk like you're not bothered." She brought out her phone and started scrolling through it - it was where she had her timetable. 

"Why would I be when nothing happened?" Rose replied pointedly. She put her hand into her locker and took out her notepad where she wrote her timetable. 

She was a major in Arts and Humanities while Isabella was a major in Business. They were in entirely different areas of college and were able to see each other most times, only during lunch. 

"I have Philosophy." She said after taking a look at it. 

"I have Economic statistics this morning, ugh, I hate that course!" Isabella exclaimed dramatically. Rose chuckled at her dramatic display which she never failed to perform everytime she had a class. Isabella hated school and only went because she didn't like the idea of dropping out. 

"Where's Abbey?" She asked curiously. As if summoned, Abbey walked towards them.

"Hey guys!" She exclaimed. Abbey was the third member of their clique, she was also the nerdiest. She was 5'4, quite curvy but hid her curves under very baggy clothes. She had the worst fashion sense and the driest sense of humour.

"Oh, Abbey thank God, keep Rose out of trouble, will you?" lsabella said while locking up her locker. Abbey and Rose were course mates, so they had the same classes together. 

Rose rolled her eyes; Isabella could be such a mom sometimes, she always behaved like the older one among them. 'Mommy' waved and began walking away.

"So, shall we?" Abbey asked excitedly. She was always so excited about school, Rose could never understand it. 

"Have you heard anything about me, recently?" She inquired.

Abbey shook her head, "Um...nope." 



Rose sat beside Abbey in Philosophy class, her eyes dropping as she continuously dozed off. She usually enjoyed the class but the new professor was definitely not the best person for the job. She had almost fallen asleep when she heard her name being called with a soft whisper. 


It sounded like someone closeby at first. She looked at Abbey for confirmation but the girl was busy writing down the jargons the new professor was saying.


The whisper came again and along with it, intense pain. She whimpered as she moved her hand to cradle her temple. 

"Rose, are you okay?" Abbey's voice sounded distant just like Adam's had last night. The pain became more intense with each passing second. She needed to leave the class before she made a fool of herself.

"I need to use the restroom..." She told Abbey and got up to leave but the professor stopped her. He was saying something but his words faded in her head, and before she knew it, she was on the floor. Everyone was gathered around her but the only thing she could focus on at that moment were the red eyes staring at her from the podium. Afterwards, she blacked out.


Rose awoke to the sound of steady beeping. The harsh glare of florescent lights and the smell of antiseptic hit her at the same time. She slowly became aware of what was making the beeping sound and looked down to see IV tubes connected to her arm. She realized she was in an hospital.

"Rose? Are you okay?" It was her foster mother, Maria. She had a worried look on her beautiful face and it made Rose's heart ache. Maria was a hardworking young woman in her early thirties who saved her life by giving her purpose and a family, the least she could do, was not make her worry. Isabella stood beside her. 

"Hey...what happened?" Rose croaked out. Her throat was parched and she really needed water.

"Isabella called and told me you passed out...are you okay?" Maria asked worriedly.

"I will go get you some water." Isabella said and left them alone.

"Maria, I am fine, I just had a headache that was all." She assured her. Maria held her hand tightly, "Are you sure?"

She smiled and squeezed hers in response, "Yes."

Isabella came back with Abbey, and gave Rose a bottle of water which she chugged down.

"See, I am fine." She said after making a show of chucking the empty bottle into a trash bin. They smiled.

"What happened to you?" Isabella asked.

She sighed. She couldn't tell them she was suddenly hearing voices, that would be terrible and Maria would worry too much.

"I just had a headache and felt dizzy." She answered.

She remembered the whisper and those red eyes. Had it been real? She sighed deeply; what was wrong with her? Was she schizophrenic now? Had her real mother's illness been passed down to her?

"Go call a doctor." Isabella told Abbey who left and came back with one. The doctor stood in front of her to check her vitals.

"Hello Miss Rossi, my name is Doctor Martin Suiss. So far so good, you experienced a little dehydration but there is nothing else wrong with you, so there is no need to be worried, okay?"

Rose nodded, "Thank you doctor." 

"Can we leave now?" Maria asked him.

He gave her a bright smile, "Of course, ma'am. The nurses will discharge Rose from the hospital soon."

Maria gave him an appreciative smile and he left them alone.

"I'm so sorry for making you guys worry." Rose apologized sincerely. 

Abbey smiled, "We've got you." She looked at Isabella and Maria who both nodded in agreement. 

Rose smiled back, grateful to have such amazing people by her side.


After Rose was discharged from the hospital, Maria made sure she ate something before leaving. Isabella dropped Abbey off at her house before driving to their house. As they approached the house, Rose couldn't help but think about how far she had come. After her mom died of schizophrenia when she was 13 and her father who loved her so much died soon after due to the heartbreak of losing his soulmate, she was taken into child care. Two years after, she was adopted by Mrs. Maria Rossi, an accountant, who had lost her husband in a car accident years ago. Isabella, her only daughter, loved her immediately - she had always wanted a sister. She was enrolled into high school with Isabella and now, they were in their second year of college.

How time flies!

She chuckled softly as Isabella parked in front of their house. They lived in a beach house close to school, courtesy of Maria. 

"What are you thinking about?" Isabella asked as they got down from the car.

"Nothing." Rose replied with a small smile. They went into the house.

"If you're worried about the boyfriend snatching thing, I have taken care of it." 

Isabella went to take an apple from the fridge and chewed on it loudly. 

Rose laughed heartily, "What did you do, you devious girl?" 

Isabella smirked, "Let's just say I gave Chanel a choice and she chose the right one. You don't want to mess with the school's top blogger now, do you?" 

Rose nodded with a smile, "I wouldn't."

"I'm going to bed." She added. 

"You're not going to eat something?" Isabella questioned. 

"We already ate, you're just a glutton." She pointed out jokingly. 

Isabella shrugged and peformed her usual funny dance anytime she was called a glutton, "Your loss!" 

Rose left her and went to her room. She began taking off her clothes. First of, she needed a cold shower to wash off the hospital from her body. She stood in front of her dresser. The girl in the mirror appeared alright, but deep down, she wasn't. Rose had always been scared of suffering the same fate as her mother did. This thing, whatever it was, that was happening to her was scary and she didn't know what to make of it.

"You'll be fine, Rose." She whispered to her reflection.

She has to be.

Treasure_Love Treasure_Love


So, I decided to post a little early, this is just one of those times so, I hope you cherish it!

Release days still remain Mondays and Fridays but I am also thinking about adding Wednesdays...comment your thoughts please!

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