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Chapter 8: Journey to Trost

As Kaito and Carla made their way towards Trost District after their short respite in the abandoned village, Kaito couldn't help but notice Carla's rather distracted demeanor. It wasn't the time for daydreaming, and he couldn't resist poking a bit of fun.

"Carla, are you always this much of an airhead?" he said, a teasing smile playing on his lips.

Carla's face reddened in embarrassment. "I— I can't help it; it's been a lot to take in."

Kaito chuckled and decided to ease her embarrassment by answering her questions. "Well, speaking of taking things in, you really should check your legs."

Carla looked down and let out a small shriek of surprise. "My legs... they're fine!"

Kaito laughed at her realization. "I'm amazed you didn't notice earlier.

Carla was still awestruck by her restored legs, feeling like she'd been given a miracle. "But how? Why?"

Kaito gave her a half-truth, trying to keep some of his true nature under wraps. "Let's just say I have some unique talents that extend beyond defeating Titans. As for your legs, well, think of it as a side effect of my powers."

Carla wasn't entirely convinced but decided not to push further. She had more questions, though, and she turned her attention to Kaito's unusual appearance.

"What about your hand back in Shinganshina? It rotted, but then a new one grew out, and what happened to your hair?" she asked, a mix of curiosity and confusion in her voice.

Kaito grinned mischievously, knowing he couldn't reveal the whole truth. "Ah, that's a fun story. You see, my hair decided it was time for a change of style, and my hand was just playing hide and seek."

Carla raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying his playful explanation. "Kaito, you can't fool me with that nonsense. What's the real story?"

Kaito leaned in closer, still teasing. "Well, I could tell you, but then I'd have to drink your blood. Just kidding!" He laughed for a moment and then said,

"Nothing comes for free in this damn world, you see. That's why my hand died off, and courtesy of my vampiric regeneration, a new hand sprouted. The hair... for now, let's stick to my previous explanation. It's really too big of a revelation for you currently."

Carla couldn't help but chuckle at Kaito's playful response, though a part of her still held a certain level of curiosity mixed with unease about his peculiar abilities.

"Nothing comes for free in this world, indeed," she agreed with a small smile. "I guess I'll just have to accept these mysteries for now, along with everything else that's happened."

Kaito leaned in even closer, his voice dripping with seduction as he teased, "I can tell you everything you want to know, Carla, but we need to be very, very close... like skin-on-skin close."

Carla's heart raced at his suggestive tone, and she could feel her cheeks growing warm. The undeniable attraction between them was hard to ignore, and it stirred a sense of longing she hadn't felt in years. Her thoughts drifted to her husband and children, and she wrestled with her inner turmoil.

"Kaito, I'm married," she finally admitted, her voice trembling with hesitation. "I can't... I can't betray my family."

Kaito playful said," Yeah, keep telling that to yourself." after that, Kaito didn't tease her more, for now.


Carla POV

'Fuu, that was close…'

Carla sighed with relief, grateful that Kaito hadn't pressed the matter. Even in a world overrun by Titans and filled with uncertainty, there were still lines she was unwilling to cross.

Carla couldn't help but wonder how long she could resist the allure and temptation of the enigmatic vampire traveling beside her. As they journeyed deeper into the unforgiving world of Titans, the line between her duty to her family and her growing attraction to Kaito continued to blur.

For now, she remained steadfast in her commitment to her husband and children, but with each passing moment, the future became increasingly uncertain.

In a world where survival was a daily struggle and the unexpected was the norm, Carla couldn't predict what choices lay ahead or how her relationship with Kaito might evolve.

As the world around them remained shrouded in darkness and danger, Carla couldn't escape the fact that she was also navigating a perilous path within herself, torn between her responsibilities and the magnetic pull of the vampire at her side.


Two days had passed since Carla and Kaito had left the abandoned village behind. The journey had been surprisingly free of Titan encounters, much to Carla's relief. The world around them was desolate and eerie, yet the absence of Titans was a small blessing in these trying times.

As they continued their travel, Carla's insistence on warning the villages they encountered became a regular routine. They shared news of the impending Titan invasion, hoping to save as many lives as possible. Some villagers believed their warnings and prepared for the worst, while others dismissed the information as mere superstition.

During these arduous days of constant travel, the toll of sitting on horseback became increasingly evident. Carla's body, unaccustomed to such rigorous journeys, began to rebel. Her legs and hips ached, and the physical strain became nearly unbearable. With each passing mile, the pain in her muscles and bones intensified, and it was only a matter of time before she could no longer endure the discomfort.

Finally, on the third day, Carla's body reached its limits. She could neither sit astride the horse nor bear the weight of her own body to walk. Her legs refused to cooperate, rendering her immobile. In a world where every step counted and time was of the essence, Carla's inability to move was a significant setback.

That led to the current situation. Kaito was now walking with the reins of the horse in one hand, but the other hand was occupied in a very different manner. Carla, her legs no longer able to support her, found herself on a piggyback ride with Kaito. Her entire upper body was snugly pressed against Kaito's back, and her heart raced as her breasts lightly grazed his back. She couldn't help but blush deeply from the closeness of their bodies.

Carla's legs were wrapped securely around Kaito's waist, and to support her securely, Kaito's hand found its place beneath her... well, a place that only added to her blush.

This hand placement, however, was causing an entirely different set of sensations for both of them. Carla's face was flushed with embarrassment as she clung to Kaito, acutely aware of the contact and the intimate positioning.

Kaito, on the other hand, couldn't resist a playful grin, enjoying the blush that had overtaken Carla's face. He kept walking, offering his own unique form of support while teasing her with the undeniable closeness of their bodies.

Carla's internal struggle grew with each passing moment. The hours rolled on, and the constant physical proximity to Kaito, the sensation of his body moving beneath her, was affecting her in ways she had not anticipated.

Her commitment to her husband and children was unwavering, but the temptation grew stronger with each passing day.

She tried to focus on her family, reminding herself of her love for them, but the relentless closeness was making it increasingly difficult to keep those thoughts at the forefront of her mind. Carla knew she should not be feeling the way she was, yet her willpower was slowly waning.

Carla's heart felt like a battlefield, and the voice of temptation was slowly overpowering her, whispering that she deserved to embrace these stolen moments of passion. She felt guilty and ashamed but was finding it harder to resist the allure of the situation.

And like that the night came.

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