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Chapter 42: Ch 37 Shikigami Conquest

As the black tortoise and Ichiro locked eyes, a tense silence engulfed the battlefield. Their gazes pierced through the chaos surrounding them, each assessing the other's strength and resolve. Suddenly, with a burst of movement, they clashed, sending shockwaves rippling through the air.

Cracks formed and debris scattered as their blows collided with ferocious intensity. The ground trembled beneath their feet with each strike, creating a battlefield fraught with danger. Amidst the chaos, Ichiro's keen eyes caught something unexpected.

"Damn," he muttered under his breath, barely audible over the din of battle. "This one is more resilient than I anticipated. Even after receiving that kind of damage, it can still fight."

His realization echoed in his mind as he dodged another powerful blow from the black tortoise, his thoughts racing as he recalibrated his strategy on the fly. Each moment was crucial as they continued their fierce combat, locked in a struggle where every move could mean victory or defeat.

As Ichiro's grin stretched wider, he unleashed a torrent of cursed energy, suffusing the air with cursed energy. The black tortoise, sensing the surge of malevolent energy, attempted to strike Ichiro with its coiling snake appendage, hoping to disrupt his concentration. However, before it could land a blow, the snake abruptly froze in place, ensnared by a colossal spectral hand.

"Heh, surprised?" Ichiro's voice dripped with satisfaction as he seized control of the situation.

With a commanding gesture, Ichiro ordered his special grade to hurl the black tortoise using the snake that bound it. With a mighty heave, the creature obeyed, launching the tortoise skyward. As the black tortoise soared through the air, seemingly weightless, Ichiro seized the opportunity to summon his loyal shikigami.


As Ichiro spoke the name, his shadow expanded, absorbing all the cursed energy he had unleashed earlier. Simultaneously, the griffin materialized, its form exuding a more formidable aura than before. Its talons glinted ominously, poised to rend any prey in its path.

"Heh, it's a good thing I've mastered the art of strengthening them with cursed energy," Ichiro remarked, a sinister gleam in his eyes. "But you see, there's a catch. While they do grow stronger with the refinement and potency of my cursed energy, I've deliberately halted their progress using my cursed energy manipulation. Why, you ask? Because where's the fun in ending the fight too quickly? I want my opponents to have a fighting chance, to savor the thrill of the battle"

His words dripped with malice as he explained his twisted logic, reveling in the anticipation of the clash yet to come. The black tortoise, momentarily stunned by Ichiro's revelation, gathered itself for another assault, sensing that the true test of strength was still ahead. As the tension mounted, Ichiro's grin widened, eager to prolong the excitement of the confrontation.

The Griffin, its majestic form illuminated against the backdrop of the sky, soared with purpose, knowing instinctively what its master desired. With a graceful motion, it ascended into the atmosphere, positioning itself for a rapid descent akin to a peregrine falcon in pursuit of its prey.

As it hurtled earthward, the Griffin's speed surpassed even that of lightning, a blur of motion as it closed in on the black tortoise. With precision born of years of loyalty and training, the Griffin extended its razor-sharp talons, slicing through the air with deadly intent. The impact was swift and decisive as it tore a chunk from the black tortoise's armored shell, eliciting a roar of pain from its formidable adversary.

"Nice one, Griffin," Ichiro praised, his voice tinged with satisfaction as he observed the successful strike. "But that should be enough for now. My plan has already succeeded."

With a nod of approval, Ichiro signaled for the Griffin to stand down, content in the knowledge that their objective had been achieved. As the dust settled and the battlefield quieted, Ichiro's gaze remained fixed on his fallen opponent, his mind already racing with plans for the next phase of their deadly game.

Heeding its master's order, the Griffin gracefully descended to land by Ichiro's side, seamlessly melding into his shadow as if it were a natural extension of his being. Meanwhile, the black tortoise, despite the grievous wound inflicted upon it, refused to yield. With a resolute determination, it rose from the earth and charged towards Ichiro, its eyes burning with unyielding resolve.

"Heh," Ichiro scoffed, his laughter echoing across the battlefield like a chilling refrain. "You can still fight, even after receiving that amount of damage? Impressive, I'll give you that."

His voice dripped with mockery as he watched the black tortoise press forward, undeterred by its injuries. But beneath the facade of amusement, a flicker of respect shimmered in Ichiro's eyes.

"I commend you for your resilience," he admitted, a hint of grudging admiration coloring his tone. "But that's all there is to it, isn't it?"

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Ichiro prepared to face the black tortoise's renewed onslaught, confident in his ability to emerge victorious.

As Ichiro's words hung in the air, he surged forward with lethal intent, his sword gleaming in the sunlight as he aimed for the black tortoise's leg. The creature, caught off guard by Ichiro's sudden onslaught, attempted to evade the strike, but to its astonishment, its movements seemed sluggish, its reflexes dulled compared to earlier.

Seizing the opportunity presented by the black tortoise's confusion, Ichiro's blade sliced through the air with deadly precision, cleaving through the creature's leg with a sickening crunch. As the black tortoise recoiled, attempting to create distance between them, it felt an unexpected weight pressing down upon its body, as if the very air had grown heavy with foreboding.

"You must be wondering why you suddenly become weak," Ichiro remarked, his voice dripping with amusement as he observed the black tortoise's confusion. Sensing the creature's bewilderment, he halted his advance, allowing a momentary reprieve in their deadly dance of combat.

"Remember when I concentrated all my cursed energy to a single point and fired it at you, and you had no choice but to take that attack?" Ichiro's voice sliced through the tense air, his words calculated and precise. "Well, the thing is, given that you're pretty durable, I knew that attack wouldn't outright defeat you. But it was enough to graze you, and that's all I needed."

A sly grin played across Ichiro's lips as he continued, his eyes locking onto the black tortoise's gaze. "I took the chance to leave some cursed energy residue earlier in the graze on your body. Then, slowly but surely, I manipulated them into entering your body and taking control."

The black tortoise's eyes widened in realization, a mixture of anger and disbelief flickering across its features as it struggled to comprehend Ichiro's cunning strategy.

"But the last nail in the coffin," Ichiro's voice lowered to a sinister whisper, "was when I unleashed a huge amount of cursed energy just now. That surge of power hastened my plan, accelerating the control I have over you."

A sense of dread washed over the black tortoise as it realized the extent of Ichiro's manipulation. Its movements grew sluggish, its once formidable strength waning under the weight of Ichiro's mastery over cursed energy.

As Ichiro finished his explanation, the black tortoise's disbelief morphed into a seething rage, fueling its desire to retaliate against its cunning adversary. With a snarl, it launched itself at Ichiro, intent on tearing him apart. Yet, to its astonishment, it found itself rooted to the ground, unable to move even a single inch.

Ichiro approached the immobilized black tortoise, his gaze cold and calculating. "You see now?" he taunted, his voice cutting through the silence like a blade. "This is checkmate. There's no way you could defeat me in your current state."

A sense of dread washed over the black tortoise as Ichiro's words sank in, realizing the extent of his control over its very being. It struggled against the invisible force binding it, but to no avail.

"I can make you as soft as butter or as hard as a rock," Ichiro continued, his tone dripping with malice. "In other words, I'm the one who is in control of your body."

The black tortoise's defiance wavered in the face of Ichiro's overwhelming power, its once formidable strength reduced to nothing more than a puppet dancing at the mercy of its master's strings. With a sinking heart, it realized that in this deadly game of dominance, it was Ichiro who held all the cards.

With a defiant glare, the black tortoise struggled to stand, but Ichiro's foot pressed firmly against its head, forcing it back down. "Don't even bother fighting me," Ichiro sneered, his voice laced with contempt. "You know it's futile."

Ignoring the black tortoise's futile attempts at resistance, Ichiro regarded it with a resolute grin. "So what will it be?" he taunted, his eyes boring into the creature's soul.

Realizing the futility of its defiance, the black tortoise's resolve crumbled, its body sagging against the unforgiving ground. With a resigned acceptance, it surrendered to the inevitable.

As Ichiro watched, a triumphant grin spread across his face. The black tortoise's form began to shift, transforming into a swirling mass of black substance that slithered into Ichiro's shadow, merging with it seamlessly

As the black tortoise's essence merged seamlessly into Ichiro's shadow, he released a contented sigh, his body relaxing as the tension of battle ebbed away. Sitting upon the ground, he reflected on the formidable resilience of his vanquished foe.

"That black tortoise is a bit tougher than I anticipated," Ichiro mused aloud, his voice tinged with a hint of admiration. "Probably tougher than any shikigami I've encountered before. Withstanding that concentrated cursed energy... it's truly a different beast."

His thoughts lingered on the power and durability displayed by the black tortoise, a worthy adversary that had pushed him to his limits. Despite the challenge it posed, Ichiro couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at overcoming such a formidable foe.

"Well then, let's go home for now, Griffin," Ichiro declared, summoning his loyal shikigami. With a graceful motion, he mounted the Griffin's back, ready to depart from the battlefield and return to the sanctuary of his home.

As they soared through the sky, Ichiro's mind drifted to thoughts of rest and relaxation, a well-deserved respite after the day's trials. Upon arriving home, he retired to his room, sinking into the comfort of his bed with a weary sigh.

"Finally," he murmured to himself, closing his eyes as sleep beckoned. "I can rest. Tomorrow, I'll continue my conquest of taming shikigami." With that thought, he surrendered to the embrace of slumber, his dreams filled with visions of future battles yet to come.

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