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Chapter 4: I am a Marriage counselor?!

I sit there eating a bowl of fried rice while gauging Goku's and Chi chis reactions.

Goku was in deep thought at the news of the threat. While Chi chi is quiet in fear. She glances between me and Goku fearfully and I decide to finish my portion of the food to answer any questions.

Goku pipes up first, "So... Who is this threat?"

I shrug and say with the usual vagueness needed in this kind of situation, "Don't know, only that he will come from off planet like King Piccolo did when he first came here. I think it is an alien. Also he is 5 times stronger than King Piccolo ever was. We need to train together and to push ourselves further than we ever had before. If we want to make it through this next threat in one piece. Or at least alive and not needing to rely on the dragon to bring us back anyway."

Goku nods and says with a determined look, "I am in! Let me at this Krillin! With our friends all working together we should be able to beat back this threat!"

I grin at him before waiting for the upcoming rejection I know Chi chi is coming with. Soon enough, "No..."

We both look at her, she has tears brimming in her eyes as she looks between us both and then yells out, "NO! You won't take my husband from me to train against this threat! We just got married! We just consummated our marriage not even 4 days ago!"

I mutter, "Dang she teaches him quickly."

Chi chi rounds on Goku with a fury in her eyes, "You are willing to risk you life and leave me alone?! On my own?! What about the family we were planning to have?! What about our future together?! Can't we have that? Can't I have you?"

Goku tries to think up a reason but he begins to stutter and mumble. I sigh as he was never the best to think on the spot. Especially if it hurt his loved ones and friends.

I pipe up, "You know... I don't have to take him anywhere."

They both look at me. Chi chi with confusion and Goku with intrigue.

I get up and begin to walk back and forth by them while they stand by the table. I think out loud so they can hear me, "Let's face it. We have 5 years. We can train hard. We have our friends involved. We can manage to beat this guy back. But! We need to remember he is only a foot soldier! There is a whole army behind this guy! Chi chi think it through! If we fail because we couldn't train enough to beat him... Then what does that mean for your family? My family? Roshi is like a father to me and Goku is like a brother to me! I don't want to lose all our friends and family members we have made over the years! If we forget them, and only focus on ourselves? Then who is the real enemy here?"

Chi chi stops and tears up, she thinks hard before her eyes widen as she looks at her wedding photo with her and Goku standing in front of a proud Ox king who is holding their shoulders together. She then imagines her father and Goku both on the ground dead while many evil looking shadows stand over them in triumph.

She cries as she realizes that this vision, could be a possible future if she remains stubborn about this. She cries harder at realizing that Goku needs to train to protect not just their family. But the whole world as well, and Goku hugs her to himself in order to let her cry it out.

She wails as she cries out how sorry she is for being so selfish to everyone on earth.

I let them cry it out as Goku cries with her a bit, as he was also sorry for focusing on the fight instead of the people we needed to save. Then I clear my throat, "Guys? There is a way we can train, prepare, and still have you both have your couples time."

Goku and Chi chi both look at me with hopeful eyes.

I explain, "Listen we will need every fighter we have. Chi chi you are more powerful than your father at this point. We will need you to train with us! You and Goku can become our ace in the hole against this threat! Let's all train to protect this world! To make it a safe place for you to have a family together! What do you both say?"

They both look to each other, with a reassuring smile from Goku, Chi chi smiles as well and looks to me, "We are in! But you better promise us alone time so we can... solidify our feelings for one another."

Goku looks confused at that and then looks at me, I face palm while Chi chi sighs in frustration, I then tell him, "Your couples training Goku. The one I walked in on you guys having? That. We need to make time for you both to do that. After all you won't have a baby boy or girl without it."

Goku lights up and kisses Chi chi making her blush hard, he smiles widely at my stunned face, "Then we will make time for that too! It felt great and worked our bodies well! I am looking forward to all the kids we can have with that! And I want to make sure Chi chi feels my love! I am so happy to have her as my wife! Even though I still don't understand how that works!"

I smirk at Chi chi as she sighs again with a resigned smile on her face. I toss them the capsule and explain the clothing inside as I then look at the time.

I then say, "Alright you both train hard! I'll be back in a week to see your progress, and Goku? We are going to spar until neither of us can stand!"

Goku grunts with a thumbs up and a smile.

I turn to fly off and say, "Oh and Chi chi?"

She and Goku were about to walk back in but she turns back to me with a small smile at how Goku is currently wrapping his arm around her waist. "Hmm? Yes Krillin?"

I smirk at her and give her my own thumbs up, "Nice to have you on the team! Good luck with your training!" I glance at them both then give them the knowing face, "Both types of them~!"

I fly off right before a crimson faced Chi chi can yell at me. As I fly I realize that Goku of all people... Just kissed Chi chi in a happy manner and not with disgust or forcing himself. And he even wrapped his arm around her in a loving manner as well.

I think it over and realize he was never taught how to have a wife or be a husband. My words and lessons so far must be working! I smirk as I have a plan to purchase a few books for him and some materials he might be slipping on since he focused on fighting all his life. That plan should make Chi chi happy with him and their future together for any children they have.

I fly back to each friend and tell them the plan about meeting Goku and his wife every year at Kamis lookout to train together with them for 3 months during the winter so we can all survive the incoming threat.

After telling them all I go to the mountains I found before and begin my training in earnest. Knowing that I have to work hard.

But not before I call Bulma on the communicator we gave to everyone and ask her to buy a few books for Goku and Chi chi.

She smiles as she was hoping someone would knock some sense into their rather dense friend.

I smile as I look up at the stars knowing these next few weeks before we all meet at the lookout would be the telling sign if my changes will be for better or for worse.

I clench my fist and begin to channel ki throughout me and my surroundings like Piccolo.

After an hour of this my eyes snap open in shock as I realize, "Fuuuuuuuuuuck! I need to find and recruit Piccolo! Why is being a future knower so difficult!!"

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