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Chapter 4: Chapter 4

 We enjoyed the hospitality of the samurai for a night and got ready to leave the next morning. Before leaving we greeted the head samurai, Date Isami, a member of the famous Date clan of fire country.

 The samurai wanted to gift us a horse each for saving his life. I was about to say no, but j hana stopped me, I initiated telepathy with her to find out why. She said that it would be disrespectful and would imply that his life was not worth much if I didn't accept his gift. 

 Although I'm also part of a noble clan, Hana is the hier and future head of her noble clan, so she has better insight on manners and perceived slight against nobles. I hesitantly accept his offer.

 The Date clan is famous for breeding some of the best warhorses in the country, maybe even the world, as they claim. The Daimyo's personal horses were bred by this clan after all. 

 Although Isami may not have the highest position in the clan, as a member of the clan, he had access to the steeds all the same. He said that it would be best to get the horse from his father's City, because even though he had brought many great steeds here, i would get a better Verity of selection there.

 It was on the way to Konoha, so we didn't mind it too much. We Travel there on horse pulled carriage and reach the city by night. Isami's father greeted us and we stayed there for the night. Next morning we were taken to the horse fields to choose our horses.

 Hana asked her ninken to help her choose their new friend and they went to where the foals were kept. Her clan specialises in dogs , so it would be important for her new horse to get along with everyone in her clan. The best way to achive that is to find the cutest beast that invokes the feeling of wanting to protect it.

 I went to the adult horses and spread out my killing intent. Only a few of them ran away from me, as expected from warhorses. I then used a variation of my telepathy to boradcast my wish to become stronger and my wish to be the best.

 A big tan horse with fluffy Mane approached me. I asked it's handler about it and they told me that this is a teenage mare , yet to be breeded and that many a horse have fought each other to show her their strength to win her favour. But once a horse enters her interest, the mare Fights that horse. The handler thinks that she would only breed with a horse if it was able to defeat her, but that has yet to happen.

 The handler told me that it is relatively friendly with humans, but has an arrogant personality. I picked this one.

 After a few more minutes hana and her dogs come out of the stables with two of the cutest horse-foal I have ever seen. They were both was pure white, about the size of a dog and one had big brown eyes dekhe the other had hazle eyes.

 Hana told me that they were very young, so when she was just checking out the foals, she couldn't decide but then these twin brothers started playing with her ninken. She told me that she told the handler there that she will pick up one of then, but the handler said that these two were inseparable, so she would have to take both.

 She tried looking at other foals to not look like she is taking advantage of Date clans generosity. But when she couldn't click with any of them, the handler just laughed and told her to take the twins , he further mentioned that the clan would only be happier that their benefactor got a good gift rather than be salty about it.

 After that, we greeted the Samurais goodbye and started traveling back to Konoha with our new horses.


 In konoha, my life went back to its old routine of morning excercise with Guy Sensei and evening with my friends at the hospital . Rest of the time is spent either catching up with Lee-chun Sensei, Kurenai Sensei and Hana.

 I have a kushy job at the hospital, but I still take on missions from time to time ranging from solo to team missions. After I had shown the Hokage my telepathy scales, I started getting a lot of requests for rescue missions, since the scales can act as floating stretchers. I would often do these in team with Hana for extra protection and because of her medical support.

 Both Hana and me checked out our elemental affinities using chakra paper, to add more jutsus to our arsenal. Hana had high chakra affinity for Earth, while i had affinity for Water.

 We prioritised learning defensive jutsus like Earth wall for Hana and Water wall for me because we already had multiple attack options with our weapons and Taijutsu, but we lacking in wide area defence and shielding techniques. We even learnt some utility jutsus such as ones that help us hide better and offer us alternate movement.


 Soon, as if in the blink of an eye, another year had passed and I was 10 years old. By now I had already mastered shadow clone jutsu to a point where I could make one without hand signs, but I still don't have the chakra for multi-shadow clone jutsu.

 I can only cast shadow clone because of my training with Guy Sensei. It has increased my phisical energy, thus increasing my chakra, but still I hadn't been confident in using shadow clone until i had opened the second gate.

 Early in my trainings with Guy sensei, i had also introduced him to my horse that I had named Gai. I told him that I named it after him because of how hard working and persistent the horse is and asked him for permission to allow the horse to train with us.

 It took a few training sessions and testing the horse's YOUTH before Guy Sensei admitted that the horse really is hard working and strong willed. Now they are like best friends, so much so that My horse would rather listen to Guy Sensei's command over my own.

 I had helped it unlock it's chakra similar to how i did with Cat, my pangolin. Unlocking chakra had a transformative effect on its body, increasing all his stats throughout, to a much higher degree than it had with Cat.

 For Cat, My Pangolin, i had helped him learn some other jutsu like rest of the academy three- illusory clones just, substitution jutsu, like i had taught him learn transformation jutsu, by entering it's mindscape. I had to master these jutsu to be able to do them without hand signs before i could teach it to him.

 I found out that it's affinity was Earth, so i had spent a lot of time learning and marketing another jutsu called Earth style: Hiding like a Mole Technique, to teach it to him. It took me much longer due to not having affinity for Earth, but with my shadow clone's help, I was eventually able to do it.

 Now my pangolin can move underground without alerting anyone above ground. The reason I had spent so much time training him is because he accompanies me on all my missions, while the horse "Gai" stays in konoha to train with Guy Sensei.

 During this time, I had also learnt Bringer of Darkness and many other Genjutsu's with help of kuranai Sensei, making me one of the foremost Genjutsu artist among known chunin. I won't consider myself an expert though, not until I can create custom Genjutsus on the fly.

 With Lee-chun Sensei, I have broken new grounds for Fuinjutsu. We've developed a technique where instead of putting Fuinjutsu on a weapon, we put Fuinjutsu on the hammer that forges the weapon. We were only able to do this after we found out that chakra metal not only conducts chakra, but can also store a little bit of it.

 I have forged a hammer with my Fuinjutsu: telekinetic tag on its head that smashes into the metal. I then heat up the chakra metal till it's red hot. I then use the hammer, channeling chakra through it to imprint the seal on the metal.

 I have a shadow clone ready, who then spreads the seal's chakra throught the metal using chakra shape transformation. I'm actually good at chakra shape transformation because I have been practicing Rasengan in secret all this time.

 It is the only technique who's compleat instructions are taught in anime itself so it is actually the jutsu I've been practicing the longest, since I've been in the academy. I haven't shown it to anyone though, because it would invite unnecessary suspicion.

 Anyway, the clone's only job is to use chakra shape transformation to make sure that energy released by seal is circulated throughout the metal , similarly to how in training Rasengan , chakra is circulated inside the balloon.

 I keep hammering the metal, creating and activating new imprints and destroying old ones, while the clone keeps circulating the chakra from the imprint. Once the metal is a little thin, I fold it back to orignal thickness and keep continuing

 It is like the seal is using nature transformation to change the nature of chakra to telekinetic chakra, while my shadow clone is using shape transformation to circulate it throughout chakra metal.

 The shape transformation becomes more difficult during the folding process, so some of the energy is let out and wasted. But after folding, it seems that chakra metal becomes more attuned to the chakra circulating in it.

 I repeat this process 1000 times over, beating the hot metal with the Telekinetic_tagged-hammer, thus inscribing the metal with telekinesis while also thinning it, then folding it back to its original thickness while circulating the telekinetic chakra throughout the metal.

 Usually, one would have to reheat the metal in between, but that would Disrupt the telepathic chakra circulating in it. But as a practitioner of 8 gates technique, and having mastery over 2 gates, I could generate enough heat with my hammering to keep the process going.

 Even the hammer itself had to be designed to cool off a little heat because of how much energy was generated with my hammering.

 Guy sensei had put this restrictions on 8 Gates that I should only use it to protect someone precious, But I had already asked his permission for this experiment. Afterall, i wasn't using this to bully someone or show off, i was using it to better myself, considering weapons are considered a part of your strength.

 I made the argument that since I'm using it to increase my future strength, this application could be considered using it for training, in a round about way. He already knew that whenever I unlock a gate, my priority becomes training to be able to use while mitigating it's backlash, using my medical knowledge and hard work.

 Eventually, when I was satisfied with the ammount of energy that has stabilized itself in the metal, I started shaping it. I shaped it into a rapier blade , but without the added parts for handle. Making it look more like a long needle, but not as long as nubari.

 It had small distinction from normal rapier in that instead of a square cross section, it had a diamond ( <×> hexagonal) cross section. This would allow me to sharpen it's edges , making it capable of cutting, while retaining most of its piercing power.

 The cutting power would not be as impressive as it's piercing power, but the versitality may prove useful in a pinch.

 I tried using it and confirmed that I could control it's movements with my mind using the telepathy technique that all chunin Yamanaka must learn. 

 I then held it in my hand and asked it to float upwards, carrying me. I'M MARRY POPPINS Y'ALL. I was excited, since this whole process had broken a few well regarded Fuinjutsu rules, but I won't be sharing this process with anyone else.

 Lee-chun Sensei knows about this since she helped me with some theory and experimentation for it, but she doesn't have the strength of 2 gates to actually produce any results.

 I have much bigger plans for myself than this little blade, that I named Dātsu ( "Dart" in Japanese). So I did the wise thing and gifted it to my clan head, Inoichi Yamanaka. I showed him it's usage and he was extremely impressed.

 I told him that only a Yamanaka can use it, since it requires usage of telepathy technique on user's part. He was hesitant to accept it, asking me to use it for myself, but I told him that this was a prototype for what I want to build for myself. It would be a waste to just reforge it into my needs.

 He eventually accepted, still hesitant. We went through a process of dousing his blood on Dātsu, by cutting his palm on it and then circulating this telepathy chakra through it, so as it mutate the chakra inside it. After it's done, even i can't use the blade, only he can.

 I later used similar process to create many small scales and needles of chakra metal that look like guitar pick and small sewing needles respectively. I named the scales "petal shiled"and needles as "thorn sword". I named the group of these as Thorny Rose.

 To match the name, I created just enough, to assemble them in form of a Rose In the first batch, with scales making up the petals, while the small needles made up the stem and the thorns on it.

 With enough of these, I can make any shape, but the shape i like the most is dragon. I can use them as multi use version Sharp dragon jutsu , with the Thorns acting as Senbons, while the petals act as Shuriken. This "Thorny Rose" weapon had been very expensive and I even had to take some missions near iron country to try to source the chakra metal required.

 I can even use them similar to how i use my wooden scales, that I have now named "Lotus stretcher", because of how often i use them as such. But I would still keep the Lotus stretcher with me due to its less intimidating nature. Imagine using a bed of needles and Shuriken as a medic's stretcher.

 Another Artifact that I had created was a bodysuit for me and Guy Sensei. It was inscribed on the inside with resistance seals with a control seal on the wrist. Guy sensei could use his chakra to adjust the level of resistance the suit offers. For my own suit, i had used some Yamanaka seals to be able to adjust the level telepathically.

 Because I can change the resistance much quickly, I had even allowed the resistance to have negative levels. (..., -1,0, 1, ...). With negative resistance, instead of offering resistance, it increases my motion such that it increases my speed (similar to pedal assist in electric cycles).

 I still have to learn to adapt to this increase though. The feeling reminded me of another jutsu I had already learnt called Shunshin no jutsu (Body flicker technique). In the jutsu, extra momentum is added to body's movement, making the movement so fast that it is imperceptible to the normal eye.

 While Body flicker technique has a fixed amount added, my bodysuit can actually adjust the amount of momentum added by controlling the resistance. By the time i reached 10 years old, i was adapted to -2 level of resistance, while Body flicker brings the extra momentum straight to equivalent of -10 level resistance.

 I estimate that if I gradually adapt to that level, i would be able to turn mid-movement in Body-flicker. That amount of control over this technique is mythical in this world. 



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