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Chapter 26: A Good Older Sister

Chapter 24 – A Good Older Sister

After the torturous class with Snape, the Gryffindor students left with their heads down due to his blatant favoritism towards the Slytherins. Well, Simon answered the questions correctly and brewed an excellent potion, but children didn't care about that; they were just children. All they saw was a bad teacher who punished them and protected the others.

As for the Slytherins, many were like Draco, sporting mocking smiles toward the Gryffindors and taking advantage of their loss.

As for Simon, he observed this petty rivalry, sighed, ignored it, and left the scene. He wasn't like those charismatic individuals seen in movies, someone who would try to change things and make the houses understand each other for a greater cause.

For him, as long as nobody interfered too much in his life, it was fine. So, he simply waited for lunch. Later that day, he received a letter informing him of the death of "Stephanos," which was expected. What bothered him was that they wanted to send him to an orphanage or foster home.

With not many ideas, Simon set that aside for now and decided to do his activities. The next day, he once again woke up early and enjoyed the sunrise. It was so tranquil and calm by the shores of the Black Lake.

Suddenly, footsteps sounded behind him, and when he turned around, he saw an older girl looking at him with some apprehension. Long, curly red hair, bright green eyes, and small freckles on her face. Simon recognized her immediately.

- Heloise.

- Simon. We need to talk.

Simon just nodded. Heloise looked at the little boy in front of her and approached to sit beside him.

Heloise and Simon sat in silence, watching the sunrise. She didn't know what to say, and he also felt a bit guilty for leaving the orphanage. Despite committing atrocities, the moments of peace he spent there were still very important to him.

Heloise was a good sister, although not much older than him, she took care of him when they lived together in the orphanage. She was also quite talented in the kitchen and strived to become a great chef.

- When I returned to the orphanage, they said you had disappeared. The police looked for you for several days, but no leads. I always thought...

- ...

- Where have you been?

Simon remained silent for a while. He liked Heloise, but he seriously doubted that she, no, that anyone, would accept the things he had done. Perhaps the only person who might partially understand him was Grindelwald in his golden years.

Seeing Simon's silence, Heloise just sighed and turned to look at the lake. She was a simple girl, from a troubled home, and saw her father taken away when she was 5.

When she arrived at the orphanage, she was shy, but she was well received, and after a while, she came to love the place. She always tried to help the younger ones; she liked it, and because of that, she became quite attached to Simon.

So, when she went to Hogwarts, her first thought was to learn as much as she could to teach her little brother. It was a shock when she returned and found out he was no longer there.

She was only 11 at the time and didn't know how to act; her mind was too young to understand such complex things. Over the years, she gradually healed from the pain of losing her little brother. She worked hard to become one of the best Hufflepuff students, achieved excellent OWLs, with the highest being an O in spells, and was now preparing for the NEWTs, highlighting her hard work.

Gradually, she healed from the pain of losing her little brother until one day she saw him. In her last year at Hogwarts, as new students entered the Great Hall, she saw him.

Her mind went blank, a whirlwind of emotions surged in her heart all at once: Joy that her brother was well. Anger that he never sought her out. Relief at being able to see him again. But most importantly, fear.

Fear that he wasn't him, that he was someone else, that he was just someone with a familiar appearance.

- Simon Morgan.

- "The same name, the age matches. But if that's the case, why did he run away? Or was he kidnapped by someone? Or maybe he just got lost and was found by someone who decided to adopt him? Or perhaps..."

While Heloise played various scenarios in her mind about what might have happened to Simon, she saw the boy look briefly in her direction before averting his gaze.

- "It's him, undoubtedly him."

Determined, she waited for a chance to talk to him, and now that opportunity presented itself with both sitting by the shore of the Black Lake.

- I won't ask where you've been or what you've been doing, Simon, just... I hope that if you need help, you'll come to me. I'm still your older sister, aren't I?

- You don't match that serious appearance, Heloise. I still remember you pulling my blanket off and dragging me out of bed on your birthday.

- Who asked you to be lazy?

- I was 5... needed more sleep time.

- Puff, those were good times.

- Yes.

Both sat and talked about various things. Simon asked about the orphanage and was pleased to learn that old Thomas married Anne and had a son named David; he was 4 years old now.

He also learned that Director Victoria fell ill for a while after his disappearance, and after recovering, she made stricter rules for the children and increased the security of the property. This made Simon fall silent again as he thought about the caring director.

They both then talked about various things about the wizarding world, and Heloise was surprised by Simon's abundant knowledge of the wizarding world and its rules. She was tempted several times to ask him where he had been but restrained herself. She had just regained her little brother, and no matter what happened or what would happen, she would protect him.

Finally, Simon looked at the rising sun on the horizon and speculated that it should be around 7 a.m. He stood up, helped Heloise, and then both went for their breakfast.

- What are you going to do now? - Heloise suddenly asked as they walked.

- Well, I had plans to go to the library, but...

- But...?

- Now that I know I have a super sister, I decided it makes more sense to get your notes than to study everything from scratch.

- Huff, and why would I give you my 7 years' worth of work, Simon?

- 50 golden galleons?

- Deal.

- Just like that?

- Don't you know?

- Know what?

- Wait. How did you pay for your uniform, books, and school supplies?

- Money? Ah, you want to know about student loans.

- Yes. Those greedy goblins, most Muggle-borns end up in their hands after graduation due to a lack of well-paying jobs.

- Really? In that case, you...

- I'm fine. My grades are good, and thanks to that, Madame Bones offered me a sort of internship alongside her. She said a young person like me, with few connections to the wizarding world, could bring a new perspective to the Ministry. A good place to start, right?

- Yes.

- And you?

- The man who took care of me gave me 5 kilograms of gold.

- 5kg? That's... that's...

- Approximately 715 golden galleons.

- All of that?

- Is it a lot?

- Simon, as far as I know, the annual salary of an Auror is approximately 600 galleons. (There is no mention of Auror salaries in the books or movies, at least I couldn't find any official information. This value is entirely based on a site I saw.)

- Ah, I understand more or less. Anyway, can you sell me your notes?

- Sure, I would have given them to you for free, but you've already offered some money, so don't think about backing out now.

- Fair enough.

- Good.

Both continued their way across the green lawns of Hogwarts, enjoying each other's company, and only parted ways upon reaching the Great Hall. Simon settled at the Slytherin table and enjoyed his breakfast of oatmeal and a juice he couldn't identify but seemed to be made from some citrus fruit.

After breakfast, Simon took a shower and then met Heloise in the library. Unfortunately, she didn't have the first-year books with her; she said she sold them to buy second-year books. But it didn't matter much because she always kept her notes with her.

Her understanding of Transfiguration and Potions was mediocre at best. But he admitted that she made great strides in spells; although she didn't create any, she undoubtedly mastered several, whether used in daily life or in combat scenarios.

Simon took advantage of the weekend to reconnect with his sister, while Heloise seized the moment to act as an older sister and taught Simon everything she could, just as she imagined when she first arrived at Hogwarts.

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