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Chapter 9: Chapter 9 Ninja Council

Just a couple of hours later, the clan heads, the Hokage and his advisors, the village's chief jōnin, and Naruto were seated around a large rectangular table. There were also four Anbu, two behind the Hokage and two behind Naruto, although the ones behind the Hokage were guards, and the ones behind Naruto were part of the Root.

"Hokage-sama, I believe that before we start this meeting, you should provide us with some explanations," said Shikaku Nara, head of the Nara clan. Other clan leaders nodded, looking at Naruto. "Six months ago, the jinchuriki was just a schoolboy, but now he's part of this meeting and is the head of the Root," Shikaku said cautiously.

Naruto looked at the Hokage, who nodded stiffly. Naruto also nodded and looked at everyone.

"I'm not the head of the Root; I simply took control of the seal that Danzo, the former head, held over the Root Anbu. In this meeting, it will be decided who will be the next head of the Root to whom I will transfer the seal.

"Regarding my rapid advancement in power, I think everyone here already knows my training method. If you're referring to my knowledge, my parents, the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato, and the previous Jinchuriki, Kushina Uzumaki, sealed part of their consciousness into me, and now I possess a vast amount of knowledge. They haven't left me with significant techniques, but my knowledge in certain areas may surpass most of yours," Naruto explained.

"The Fourth's space-time jutsu, that's why you've been able to use it," Shikaku said. Naruto shook his head.

"The jutsu was part of my memories, but I only knew it existed. The space-time jutsu I've used, I developed it myself," Naruto said because anyone familiar with the original jutsu would undoubtedly recognize that they weren't the same, so there was no point in lying.

"It's similar but not the same," Kakashi said.

"It's not the same," the Third Hokage added. Shikaku nodded, realizing that the Fourth Hokage's acquaintances didn't want to talk about him.

"How does the bijū obey you?" Inoichi Yamanaka asked.

"Kurama doesn't obey me; we are allies and protect each other. Although he is indifferent to the protection of this village, as it is my desire to protect it, he has lent me his strength to do so," Naruto said.

"What is your alliance based on?" the Hokage asked.

"Matters outside of the interests of ninja villages. The bijūs have no interest in humans. As I've said, using their power in this conflict was my wish, not Kurama's. He despises all of you, especially the First, and Madara Uchiha, who has controlled him on several occasions," Naruto explained.

"What non-human matters are you involved in?" the Hokage persisted.

"Very dangerous matters. If I fail, I will die, as will Kurama. But that won't happen at this moment. I still have time to prepare, perhaps a couple of decades. If any of you are still alive by then and can help me, I will ask for a favor," Naruto said.

"This is not the time to get involved in external matters to the village. This meeting is an emergency," said one of the Hokage's advisors coldly.

It was Koharu Utatane, an elderly woman who had been a disciple of the Second Hokage and had great influence in the village. Kakashi frowned, seeming to want to know more about the relationship between Naruto and Kurama, but he didn't say anything.

One of the Hokage's Anbu stepped forward and presented a comprehensive report on the village invasion and the preventive measures that were taken.

As Naruto suspected, when he called Gaara his brother, alarms went off in the heads of the Anbu and jōnin who realized that Gaara was another jinchuriki. If he was there, it was because the Sand Village was planning something. Later, Hayate discovered Kabuto, a traitor from the village, meeting with the Sand Village, and the situation became critical.

The Hokage ordered Increased security, monitoring of the guests, and patrols around the village in case of enemy movements. However, in the end, it was all futile because the attackers were already inside the village. If it hadn't been for the more than ten thousand clones that Naruto had left in the village, there would have been many casualties among both citizens and ninjas. But thanks to Naruto's collaboration, the Sand Village ninjas were captured, and the ones from the Sound Village, except for Orochimaru's five guards, were dead.

Orochimaru died in his battle with the Third Hokage when Naruto intervened and blew him away with a Bijuudama. There were no traces of his corpse, but he was presumed dead.

The damage in the village was mainly material, such as destroyed houses and shops. The Test Coliseum was now a forest.

In addition to Naruto, who restrained the Sand Village jinchuriki and managed to capture him, and killed Orochimaru, his teammates Sasuke Uchiha, who was suspected to be Orochimaru's target, Sakura Haruno, and Hinata Hyuga made significant contributions to protecting and rescuing civilians.

Shikamaru Nara and Shino Aburame also captured Gaara's genin allies, Temari and Kankuro. The rest of the report detailed the collaboration of the jounin, such as Kakashi, Kurenai, Asuma, and Gai, as well as the clan heads.

"We didn't really have much to do this time," Shikaku Nara said with a grimace.

"Don't mention me; those kids took care of everything," Chouza Akimichi, head of the Akimichi clan, said.

"Naruto, how did you find out about the invasion and how did you have everything prepared to face it?" Inoichi Yamanaka asked.

"To explain this, I first need to clarify one of my abilities as a jinchuriki," Naruto said. "For that, anyone present here can leave this room, use Shadow Clones, and then come back. I will tell you who the real one is," Naruto explained. Hiashi Hyuga pounded the table.

"This is not a show; speak already, impudent brat," Hiashi Hyuga, head of the Hyuga clan, scolded.

"Father-in-law, if you trust my word, be honest. There's no need for excuses to appear tough," Naruto said, and Hiashi Hyuga tried to jump at him, but the clan heads at his side restrained him and put him back in his place.

"Silence!" Homura Mitokado, the Second Hokage's advisor, another of his former comrades and an influential elder, scolded. Hiashi ground his teeth with agitated breathing. Naruto simply shrugged.

"Explain," the advisor ordered. Naruto nodded and looked at him, then pointed at the advisor, the councilwoman, and Hiashi Hyuga.

"Your intentions towards me are not good. Both advisors want me out of this place and dislike me, even hate me a little. As for my father-in-law, he seems happy for me to disappear but fears the village's laws, so he won't act against me," Naruto said. "As a jinchuriki, people's emotions and feelings aren't hidden from me. If those emotions and feelings are directed towards me, I find it easier to sense them.

"That's why, from the moment the first Sand Village ninja set foot in this village with hostile intentions, I could perceive it, and as a result, I knew about the attack and where all the attackers were, regardless of whether they were hidden, disguised, or using any other tricks. Whenever they felt hostility towards the village, I could locate them," Naruto explained. "That's why it was easy for me to identify Brother Panda; Shukaku inside him was furious," Naruto added. "And in case you're wondering, yes, I can also tell if someone is lying or telling the truth based on their intentions, although I would have to focus," he added.

Everyone sitting at the table looked at him in shock. It took them a few seconds to recover, and some swallowed nervously.

"That's an interesting ability," Gai said uncomfortably.

"That's right, I can perceive intentions, so it's almost impossible to spy on me without me knowing, Pervy Sage," Naruto said, and the Pervy Sage appeared at his side in a puff of smoke. He gave him a hearty pat on the shoulder, causing the chair he was sitting on to creak.

"Naruto, call me 'master,'" the Pervy Sage grumbled.

"Okay, Master Pervy. Can we know what you were doing until now?" Naruto asked, and Jiraiya gave him another strong pat.

"Just 'master' is fine," he grumbled. "I was investigating outside the village, but I returned as soon as I noticed the commotion. However, everything was already under control," he shamelessly excused himself.

"Master, I just said I can perceive intentions, and you only saw that the situation was complicated, so you didn't want to get closer…" Jiraiya interrupted his words with more pats and hearty laughter.

"Naruto, always making jokes. But this is a serious meeting," Jiraiya said with a serious tone. "Now, let's continue," he added, nodding and crossing his arms behind him.

His posture was a threat and also an offer of support. If Naruto tried to confront him in any way, Jiraiya was willing to strike him, but if he remained quiet, he could back him up. Naruto sighed as the Hokage's advisers and Hiashi Hyuga looked disapprovingly at Jiraiya.

"Jiraiya, is this arrogant kid your disciple?" the elderly adviser asked.

"Actually, he's my godson. His father and mother entrusted his care to me. Although he's a bit rebellious, his father was like a son to me, which makes him something like my grandson. I can't help but be lenient with his discipline," Jiraiya said.

The clan heads blinked, and the elderly advisers grimaced. Jiraiya had also threatened them and the clan heads. Naruto was somewhat surprised by his actions, as this guy always evaded his responsibilities.

"Let's continue then," the Third Hokage said to break the tension.

"Danzo," the elderly councilwoman said through clenched teeth. Everyone looked at Naruto. Naruto nodded.

"One of my clones sensed a hostile presence toward the village and followed it to the secret Root headquarters, where Danzo led a group of Anbu. It seemed like his intention was to hide and do nothing until the crisis passed.

"If that were all, the clone would have overlooked it, as a case of cowardice wouldn't be uncommon. But there was the fact that Danzo fled just as the attack began, and his forces were already gathered. Based on the clear evidence, his case shifted to be considered treason, and the clone called for reinforcements.

"The clone didn't sense anything about the Anbu accompanying Danzo, only absolute obedience. The clone concluded that capturing Danzo would resolve the matter immediately, so It attacked him.

"However, Danzo used a jutsu against the clone, subjecting it to his control. Fortunately, it was only a clone, and there was a mechanism to destroy it in case it fell under a genjutsu, and that was the case.

"After this brief exchange, two thousand reinforcement clones arrived and captured Danzo, while the Anbu who tried to defend him were immobilized…" The elderly councilwoman pounded the table with her fist, causing it to break, interrupting her account with the commotion.

"Two thousand clones!" the elderly councilwoman grumbled. "Do you take us for fools? Did you happen to have two thousand clones near Danzo?" she scolded.

"Elder, I can change this version of events, but undoubtedly, it would align with what's most favorable for the village," Naruto said seriously. The clan heads pondered for a few seconds and, after making many grimaces, they nodded in agreement for Naruto to continue. The elderly councilwoman just clenched her teeth.

"Very well, after capturing Danzo, the clones offered to either behead him or hand over the Root control seal. He chose to surrender the seal and even modified it for my use, as I would if you decide to give my position to someone else."

"Without this seal, the Root's Anbu will be able to speak freely about Danzo. Moreover, since I captured Danzo, I have subjected him to an interrogation, sealing his chakra to prevent him from expelling me from his mind.

"Using this method and Kurama's pressure on his mind, I have uncovered some of his actions. Once I unlock the seals in his mind, everyone will be able to see it," Naruto said, and began listing the crimes of Danzo that he knew.

"Danzo was the one who provided children to Orochimaru for his experiments with Hashirama's cells. Danzo financed his experiments, covering all the costs. Additionally, when Orochimaru left the village, they maintained contact, and Danzo always provided him with resources.

"It was Orochimaru who implanted an arm with Hashirama's cells in Danzo so he could use the Sharingan. Danzo is one of the responsible parties for the creation of Akatsuki. Danzo stole one of Hisui Uchiha's eyes and intensified the conflict within the Uchiha clan, then sent Itachi Uchiha to kill them all to take possession of their Sharingan. Danzo collaborated with Orochimaru to have him kill the Third Hokage and the elites who supported him, thus enabling him to be named Hokage.

"That's just a summary," Naruto said, and the meeting fell into silence.

No one dared to say anything, even the advisers remained silent, although everyone knew that the heads of Danzo and Orochimaru were not the only ones who had to be held accountable in that place.

"After this meeting, I will resign from my position as Hokage and retire to spend the rest of my days with my grandson," the Hokage said, looking weaker and more fragile than ever. "Unless this meeting decides that I should take on more responsibility in this matter," he added, and the clan heads quickly shook their heads, then looked at him.

"A good leader has a duty to trust his subordinates, but he must also take responsibility for doing so. I believe the Third Hokage has already demonstrated his responsibility at this moment, no more needs to be said," Naruto said coldly.

"So it remains to be decided who will be Danzo's successor in the Root," Shikaku said. "Does anyone volunteer?" he asked.

"I believe Kakashi should take that position," Hiashi Hyuga said. The elderly advisers quickly nodded. Kakashi looked at them in shock.

"I believe I am the most suitable for that position because I have the ability, knowledge, power, and also possess a specialized skill for it," Naruto said.

"Naruto, you're twelve years old!" Hiashi grumbled.

"father-in-law, if you decide to humiliate yourself by admitting that a twelve-year-old surpasses you in power and merits, no one will reproach you. But if you humiliate others, this meeting might take offense with you. And since I don't like you, I'll let them beat you at will," Naruto said, and Hiashi jumped again.

The clan heads quickly restrained him, and the elderly woman pounded the table to call for calm.

"Naruto, what will be your first actions if you're appointed the head of the Root?" the Hokage asked.

"Get the locations of Orochimaru's hideouts, capture his subordinates, confiscate all his research, burn all the evidence, and erase all traces to prevent other villages from exploiting what has cost the lives of our ninjas.

"After ensuring all of that, I will start investigating to discover what Danzo and Orochimaru were involved in. Once that's done, I'll create my own laboratory using the Root's resources and their access to secret information.

"That way, my medical skills will progress rapidly, and I'll be able to begin my research to understand what attracted them to Hashirama's cells and the Sharingan. Of course, that's not the only thing I'm interested in…" The elderly woman once again pounded the table, this time breaking its side completely.

"Why the hell shouldn't we behead you as well, along with Danzo?" the indignant elderly woman asked. Naruto looked at her coldly.

"I didn't capture Danzo or Orochimaru for their research. Danzo was caught for treason, using parts of ninjas who died in the service of this village to grotesquely increase his own power and gain political advantages, in addition to kidnapping and killing children. I killed Orochimaru for similar reasons.

"As for me, I am a medical ninja, and I am passionate about all knowledge in this field. Thanks to that, my medical jutsu has surpassed any other in this village, and I have achieved this without harming or hurting anyone, which is exactly what I plan to do now," Naruto looked at Kakashi. "Kakashi-sensei, you know I've taken samples of your eye. Do you think it's a crime for me to study those samples?" Naruto asked. Kakashi blinked and then shook his head without saying more. Naruto looked at the elderly woman.

"Counselor, Danzo and Orochimaru were seeking power. I don't think that's wrong. I'm also seeking power, just like my peers. It's inevitable in this ninja world. What is unacceptable are their methods," Naruto explained coldly. Gai nodded.

"Naruto was able to…" Kakashi elbowed Gai, and he fell silent, although everyone looked at him, demanding answers. "Forget what I just said," he added.

"Naruto, what will you do with Orochimaru and Danzo's research? Will you implant parts of other ninjas into your body?" the Hokage asked.

"Old man, as I've told you before, if I ever act like Orochimaru and Danzo, don't start asking stupid questions or dwelling on the past, just act," Naruto said seriously, the thought of doing the same things as Danzo disgusted him.

"So, what do you intend to do with their research?" Hiashi Hyuga asked. Naruto looked at Kakashi.

"Kakashi-sensei, did you see Sakura using medical jutsu during the village invasion?" Naruto asked. Kakashi nodded.

"She used the Kyubi's chakra on several occasions," Kakashi said, and the jōnin, clan heads, elderly advisers, and even the Hokage looked surprised.

"I haven't given her any of the Kyubi's chakra, and there's nothing of the Kyubi within her. In fact, what Kakashi saw wasn't the Kyubi's chakra; it was Sakura's own chakra imitating the nature of the Kyubi, a jutsu I've developed.

"In the end, the user only uses their own chakra, and in the change of nature, some of it is lost. But for a medical ninja, the tissue regeneration speed and chakra replenishment that can be achieved using this jutsu would make any medical ninja give one of their hands for it," Naruto said.

"Do you think bloodlines can be imitated?" Shikaku said, coming to a logical conclusion.

"It's not a belief; I've already tested it with the White Eye," Naruto said, and Hiashi turned pale. "Of course, it's pointless, so I won't waste my time on that," Naruto smiled at Hiashi. "My research into developing the jutsu to use an imitation of Kurama's chakra is more valuable for the village. Sakura can use it, but she has unparalleled chakra control. For other medical ninjas, it would be challenging to learn.

"On the other hand, using this jutsu consumes a significant amount of chakra, so I'm more interested in the research on the First's cells. If I can mimic its effects, it would be a significant breakthrough," Naruto said.

"The effects of that would be catastrophic," the elderly adviser said. Naruto nodded.

"It's possible, but I'll only investigate it. Whether to publish it or not is the Hokage's concern. That's why only Sakura knows about the new medical jutsu for now. If it spreads to other villages, it could also be a disadvantage for us. However, that doesn't mean I'll stop researching. Just that you won't find out anything unless the Hokage decides otherwise," Naruto explained. The clan heads frowned.

"You might be suitable for the position," the elderly adviser grumbled, and the elderly man reluctantly nodded.

The heads of the Akimichi, Nara, Yamanaka, and Inuzuka clans also nodded. Hiashi disagreed, but his grumbling indicated that it was a personal matter. Kakashi, Gai, and Kurenai also nodded. The other jōnin abstained from voting, but that was enough, and Naruto became the new head of the Root.

At nightfall, Naruto toured the ANBU headquarters, in the dungeon area where Danzo, some of his ANBU, Orochimaru's five guards, and Orochimaru himself were being interrogated by his clones.

Of course, Naruto wasn't going to kill Orochimaru, as the snake had a jutsu too valuable to allow him to die. This jutsu was the Body Change jutsu, not as advanced as the Ōtsutsuki Dharma Seal, but still more useful, as it could be used at any time. And Naruto wasn't going to let Orochimaru die without extracting that jutsu from his head.

Naruto entered Orochimaru's interrogation room, which was the main and most secret ANBU chamber. The room was ten by five meters, and in the center was Orochimaru, trapped within a sealed water sphere. He was also wrapped in bandages that covered his body from head to toe. Around the water sphere were twenty of his clones, pressing for information from Orochimaru's mind.

Naruto checked the seals himself and then proceeded to another, larger room that looked the same, except inside the sphere were five bodies instead of one: Orochimaru's guards and Kabuto, who were not ordinary people. Kabuto had very useful information, and the four guards possessed bloodlines that interested Naruto.

First, there were Sakon and Ukon, who, thanks to their bloodline, shared a body but were not limited to that. They could enter a person's body and make cellular-level modifications. This bloodline would be a valuable tool for him when he needed to make structural changes to his blood.

Second, there was Tayuya, whose genjutsu was unique in this world, as it worked through sound. Naruto had plans to study it.

Lastly, Naruto took a look at Danzo's interrogations and the ANBU from the Root, who were his prisoners. He would delve into their minds to decide who could be released and who was more than a mere puppet.

The next day, the Hokage had cleared his office, and an emergency meeting was convened to appoint the new Hokage. Naruto was part of the meeting due to his appointment as the head of the ANBU. Thanks to his promotion to the head of the Root and his actions to protect the village, Naruto was appointed a jōnin and now wore the official uniform.

Present at the meeting were the Feudal Lord of the Land of Fire, several scribes, the two elderly advisers, the Third's ANBU captain, and Shikaku, who served as the military adviser.

The Feudal Lord had no authority over the village's internal affairs, not even in decisions regarding going to war with other villages. It could be said that Konoha had complete independence, but this was only in appearance, as the Village Hidden in the Leaves occupied territory within the Land of Fire, which was a benefit granted by the Feudal Lord.

The Feudal Lord was also the main sponsor of the village, and in case of emergencies, the money spent was his. In fact, most of the military contracts that came to the village originated from the Land of Fire since Konoha was a military village that relied on the Land of Fire's economy.

Therefore, even though theoretically Konoha was independent, and a Hokage was entirely free to act without the Feudal Lord's approval, the latter had the power to sever all economic relations with the village.

The Feudal Lord could request military support from other villages, prohibit their traders from coming to Konoha, prevent their lords from requesting their forces for missions, and halt his sponsorship.

For a village that didn't actively participate in the country's economy, this would be a catastrophe. This is what happened to the Village Hidden in the Sand. Their Kazekage lost his sanity and confronted his Feudal Lord, resulting in the Feudal Lord withdrawing his economic support, leaving them in ruins. They were forced to devise a plan to destroy Konoha in order to gain the support of some lords and Orochimaru, who promised more support if Konoha fell, while the options with their own Feudal Lord would be limited.

Due to all of this, Konoha wasn't truly independent, and the Daimyo's opinion was crucial in the appointment of a Hokage, as his sponsorship depended on his good opinion and trust in the candidate. That's why, during the meeting, when the Feudal Lord expressed a desire for Kakashi to be named Hokage, the elders tensed up and quickly proposed Jiraiya.

Naruto knew that Jiraiya would refuse, and Tsunade would be named Hokage, but this was a better option since she was the granddaughter of the village's founder, the First Hokage.

After giving his agreement to the elders' proposal, the Daimyo looked at him.

"So, Danzo was really injured in the attack, and it seems his replacement is quite young," the Daimyo commented.

"Naruto Uzumaki is one of the strongest ninja in this village, and he executed the most effective defense plan against the invasion of the Sand and the Sound Village singlehandedly. He was the one who finally defeated Orochimaru," Shikaku explained, and both elders nodded.

"Mmmm… Uzumaki, a famous clan from the past, and I find his appearance somewhat familiar," the Daimyo said as he fanned himself with his left hand and stroked his chin with his right hand.

"Naruto is the son of the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato, and Kushina Uzumaki," Shikaku said.

"Ah, the young Yellow Flash," the Daimyo said with a smile. "That explains what happened in the Chunin Exams. My advisers couldn't understand the use of that famous jutsu. It seems the village's future is promising," he added calmly with a curious smile.

Naruto nodded and made a formal hand gesture to accept the good omen but said nothing more, as he was sure his future plans would not be to this individual's liking.

The seemingly carefree smile of the Daimyo was also a threat, indicating that he knew Naruto's origin and warning him not to overstep.

After the meeting ended, Naruto went directly to the Root headquarters, where five hundred of his clones were handling administrative tasks, all using Sage Mode to sustain the jutsu indefinitely through natural energy. Furthermore, this maximized their senses and allowed him to absorb as much information as possible from Danzo's archives in the shortest time.

Naruto walked through the headquarters, where only clones were visible, as he had sent all the Root members he had decided to release on a mission. Most of them led the way and served as liaisons for an army of ten thousand clones invading Orochimaru's bases.

With the Kyubi's chakra at his disposal and Sage Mode activated, Naruto was capable of creating over thirty thousand clones that, using Sage Mode, could be sustained indefinitely. This way, he and Kurama were able to conquer a ninja village by themselves.

For this reason, the Shadow Clone Jutsu was considered by him as the most powerful and potentially the greatest jutsu in history. It didn't matter what jutsus were in his memories: the Rinnegan, Sharingan, Tenseigan, or even the divine techniques used by the Otsutsukis; everything was insignificant compared to the Shadow Clone Jutsu.

As Naruto grew and gained more power, this jutsu would only exponentially increase his power. Unlike other jutsus that lost their utility over time, the Shadow Clone Jutsu had infinite potential. Regardless of his level of power, the ability to create shadow clones would always elevate him to a higher level.

To complement the shadow clones, there were the Eight Gates, which the clones could use without any limitations, surpassing their physical boundaries.

Gai, by using the Eight Gates, was able to confront Kisame, a ninja with power similar to a Biju.

It's important to note that Gai was an ordinary human. He didn't possess any bloodlines that enhanced his body or granted him special abilities. His achievements were the result of intensive physical training. Yet, he had managed to unleash a terrifying power through the use of the Eight Gates.

If Naruto's clones could use the Eight Gates, he would have an army of thirty thousand clones attacking his enemies with this power. With that, Madara would be easily defeated, pulverized just like Orochimaru was during his capture. That's how powerful the Shadow Clone Jutsu was when used correctly. Throughout history, there was no power capable of matching its potential. This was the power that Naruto could wield at any given moment.

With Sage Mode, the clones could be sustained indefinitely, drawing from natural energy and regaining their strength to create more clones each day, up to thirty thousand of them. Therefore, currently, his combined power with Kurama made him the strongest ninja in the world.

The problem was that Naruto didn't want to be just the strongest ninja; he aspired to be a god and didn't want to rely on Kurama to achieve that. He sought his own power, and now that he had Orochimaru, Danzo, and other valuable pieces in his hands, he had all the information he needed, he just had to wait.

Of course, all of this was for the future. For now, he could only handle the Akatsuki and Pain, and even that required Kurama's assistance. By himself, he was only at the level of a jōnin or a weak kage, like the Third Hokage. But from this moment on, his quest for power began, Naruto thought with a smile as he arrived at a large laboratory, more like a warehouse than a lab. There, seven people were trapped in seals, metal boxes imprisoning their entire bodies except their heads, which were covered in talismans.

The seven people were the four guards of Orochimaru, Danzo, Kabuto, and Orochimaru himself. Around them, there were thirty-five clones in Sage Mode, covered by Kurama's cloak, touching the prisoners' heads to extract all the information they possessed. As Naruto arrived, one of the clones created another clone that shot off at lightning speed, indicating that a new hideout had been revealed.

Naruto smiled. He had received several updates from the clones conducting research. When these clones became saturated with information, they created a new clone and dispelled their own jutsu.

Naruto observed the new room created by his clones in a new underground floor of the Anbu Headquarters. Naruto was confident that only he had access to it since the only way to reach it was through the Space-Time Jutsu.

Naruto was satisfied with the progress of things and left the headquarters to attend his daily training, which included physical exercises, chakra control, medical jutsu practice, taijutsu, and chakra nature control.

"Naruto, would you like to accompany me on a journey?" Jiraiya asked, appearing in his training field.

"What kind of journey?" Naruto asked, although he already knew what it was about.

Jiraiya explained that they would go to find Tsunade to have her take on the role of Hokage. The journey would take place the next day, and Naruto agreed to accompany him. His role as the head of the Anbu and the looting of Orochimaru's secret bases would not be interrupted in any way since with Sage Mode active thanks to Kurama, the clones did not need to be refreshed by him.

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