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Chapter 7: Falter

"Ugh" Dutch opened her eyes, inviting a bright light to assault her eyes. She closed them tightly as she tried to move.

"Ah" She groaned. A sharp pain coursed through her body. 

She quickly stopped moving finding this all to familiar. She opened her eyes and sat up avoiding the light that was directly above her. 

The pain she felt, was now negligible to her current situation. She looked around the room. It looked like a lab. 

Tables filled with different items sat around her. With only one of them empty. She saw she laying on a bed in the middle of the lab. 

Tubes connected to her as blood was being drawn from one and a green and blue liquid was being pumped into her from other tubes.

Dutch was now confused. If she was a test subject why wasn't she strapped down? 


The door opened to the side. The light skinned woman walked in wearing a lab coat. She looked at Dutch and smiled. 

"Your finally awake! Good we can finally get started." A came close to Dutch. 

Dutch looked at her confused. "You don't think I'll attack you?" 

"I honestly look forward to it." A removed the tubes from Dutch's body. 

"Does your wound still hurt?" Dutch nodded without thinking. A nodded as well. She walked towards a table. Taking a scoop of some red cream, she walked back to Dutch.

"Why do I feel so weak?" This is why Dutch didn't attack. As soon as she saw A walk into the room, her entire body lost all strength. 

Even now she felt as if moving her arms was like moving a mountain. 

"This green liquid here." A rubbed the red cream over Dutch's sore areas. Not explaining anything further.

"You don't have to worry about the girls, they were returned to Dreykov. Well...all except Natasha." Dutch eyes locked onto the woman's. 

A surge of anger rushed through her. Ignoring her weakened state, Dutch jumped up towards the woman. Her movements slowed considerably. 

The woman sidestepped. Dutch landed on the ground. Turning around swiftly, she rushed forward. A kicked forward sending Dutch flying across the room.

"You know I have your sister. Compared to you she would make a better fight partner." A walked over to Dutch.

"What do you want?" Dutch stood up. 

"I was very wrong about you." A squatted in front of Dutch. 

"Oh come on. Is this how your really going to treat your new sister." A seeing Dutch's hateful expression, sighed before standing up. 

Dutch looked at the woman as if she was dumb. "I have a sister and your holding her hostage." 

"Lord! Your sister isn't a hostage... she is free to go when ever you want her too." A side eyed Dutch with a smirk on her face.

"What do you want?" Dutch glared at A.

"All work not play. your life will be very boring if you keep this up." A went back to the middle of the lab. She pulled up a chair.

Waving her hand over the only empty table, a holographic screen appeared in front of A. She looked at Dutch with a smirk seeing Dutch's face.

Dutch went over. She grabbed a chair and sat down in front of the screen. She reached out to touch it. Her hand fazed through.

"Now, that's some sci-fi stuff." Dutch smiled awestruck. Her face froze remembering it was only 1990. She gave A a questioning look.

"Oh, so now you want to play." Dutch's face dropped into a dull look. She looked away from the screen as if she wasn't interested. 

A laughed seeing this. "I like you." 

"Ok, there are several things you need to know." A's face turn serious. She tapped on the table, soon the holographic screen changed to show three different images.

One being Natasha in a cell. She was sitting on a bench playing with a ball with a bored expression.

One being a rainforest. Dutch saw a large compound with heavily armed guards patrolling the perimeter.

Before Dutch could look at the third screen, A touched the table enlarging the screen with Natasha on it. 

"See your sister is fine.... Natasha say hello to your sister." Natasha raised her head hurriedly.

"Dutch?" She asked anxiously. 

"Natasha, are you alright?" Dutch looked at the screen intensely.

"Yeah I'm fine, but do me a favor and beat the sh*t out that b*tch for me." Dutch and A looked eyes. 

A locked at Dutch with amusement. 

"Maybe later." Dutch said not knowing what A was thinking. "Bye-bye now." A tapped the table, the screen with Natasha disappeared.

"Now, using your sister as a bargaining chip would give the less than desirable effect." A tapped the table again the other two images appeared. 

Dutch saw the third one clearly now, it was a man. She saw the man with a large scar on his face that runs from his forehead down to his left cheek.

She couldn't tell since, the photo was older and blurry, but his left eye looked like his iris was all white. Meaning he would be blind in that eye. 

"So, I'm willing to give proper payment for the contracts I offer to you." A carried herself as a businesswoman.

Dutch didn't speak. She was curious as to what A was about to say. 

"With that being said, I would like to offer you a deal. You complete ten contracts for me all with appropriate payments of course. The first would be a simple assassination.

As for your payment, well I wouldn't mind giving Natasha C's formula along with releasing her back into the custody of the red room." 

A paid close attention to Dutch's facial expressions. 

"What effects are you hoping to achieve? Why such a high payment? And what do you mean by C's formula?" Dutch took a while to put her words together. 

"I told you I have plans, you are apart of those plans. Getting you to trust us is what my goal is. The payment is high because this is the first mission. I plan to lure you in slowly. And every letter had a different modified version of the same formula." A calmly explained not minding being honest. 

Dutch nodded. "What are the chances the serum won't work?"

"10% chance of it failing, using your DNA, which already has proven to be compatible with every serum, I was able to simulate a C version of a serum that was compatible with her." A looked at Dutch seriously. 

"What happens if I don't accept?" Dutch looked conflicted.

"I make you watch as I kill your sister before killing you." Using the same tone as earlier A spoke directly.

"What?" Dutch was completely confused.

"What? I am trying to develop a relationship. That takes two, if you aren't welling to work then might as well cut my loses." A sighed.

I thought we were sisters. When did we get into a relationship? 

Dutch shook the thoughts out of her head. 

"Why can't you do the contracts on your own?" Dutch looked at A calmly.

"I'm apart of an organization. What I do could easily blow back on them. Even if my intentions are for the advancement of the organization. 

this is where you come in. I need you to work independently. No, ties to any organization. This will allow me to get things done." The room fell silent after A spoke. 

"I have a few conditions. For one i'm not obligated to do anything for you and your organization this applies to Natasha as well.

Two, I have the right to accept or deny contracts this applies to Natasha as well

And three after Natasha takes the serum I will return her to the red room personally. You people have no business going near her again." A smiled 

"I admire your love for your sister, but a warning, she will be your downfall if you continue on like this." A raised her eyebrow.

She had been watching Dutch closely since she walked into the room. Yet this was the first time she seen her falter. Although Dutch was quick to cover it up, it still didn't stop A from taking note of it.

"My sister, my business." Dutch straightened up. A serious expression appeared on Dutch's face.

"Now, tell me who's the target." Dutch exhaled silently. She was well aware of her actions and how they are affecting her. 

She knew if it kept on like this, then it could mean the end of her and Natasha. Yet every time a feeling emerges inside of her. Pushing her to do things to help Natasha. Even if they are completely inhumane.

When Dutch faltered it was because the image of her using the soldiers heads as stepping stones to get to Natasha.

It was of her decapitating a man with her legs just to intimidate girls who would have told her what she wanted to know without much problem.

Many more instances appeared like how she stayed in the red room longer than necessary just to make sure Natasha learned everything she could learn. To let her sharpen her skills.

Dutch sighed, this wasn't the best place to think about any of this. She quickly put those thoughts aside for now. 

"This is your target." A tapped on the screen. The image of the man enlarged. "Pablo Belisario Ochoa." 

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