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Chapter 2: Time Is A Window, Love Is A Doorway.

 As I ventured deeper into the outer plaza before Lazarus' grand gates, the scene unfolded with even greater complexity and splendor. The city's grandeur was not confined to its immediate entrance. Still, it extended outward, a prelude to the grandeur that awaited within.

 The ornate gates still dominated the scene with their intricate carvings and abstract symbols. But beyond them, the city seemed to beckon with its alluring blend of mysticism and machinery. I couldn't help but be captivated by the enchanting lanterns, casting their ever-shifting light upon the streets. The glow seemed to pulse with a life of its own, giving the surroundings an otherworldly, almost dreamlike quality.

 The aromas of exotic spices and the hubbub of animated conversations became more pronounced as I ventured further into the plaza. Street vendors enthusiastically peddled their wares, and the chorus of their voices became a symphony of commerce.

"Fresh fruits from the floating gardens! Come taste the flavors of the cosmos!"

"Clockwork wonders for sale! Unparalleled craftsmanship and precision!"

 The marketplace was a dazzling display of colors and scents, a testament to the city's cosmopolitan character. It was a place where beings from various corners of the universe came together to exchange goods and stories, a vibrant hub of life and culture.

 Amid the crowd, scholars engaged in a heated debate near an intricate bronze fountain. Their words were filled with passion and intellect, and they gestured vigorously as they discussed the mysteries of time and existence.

 "Time is not an absolute, but a construct of perception," one scholar argued.

 "Indeed, time is a window into the tapestry of the heavens," 


 Another replied, "And it is through this window that we glimpse the mysteries of existence."

 The philosophical discourse of the scholars was both enthralling and perplexing, revealing the intellectual depth of the city's inhabitants. Lazarus was a place where the known and unknown boundaries were constantly explored and challenged.

 As I continued my journey, a peculiar street performer in an extravagant costume caught my eye. With graceful twirls, they manipulated floating orbs of light, creating intricate patterns that left the audience spellbound. Their performance narrates stories of interstellar journeys and wonders.

 Gathered onlookers, their eyes filled with wonder, watched silently as the performer wove a tapestry of light and dreams. It was a reminder that in Lazarus, the extraordinary was not a rarity but a part of daily life, and the city's inhabitants embraced the melding of reality and the fantastical.

 The architecture of the surrounding buildings added to the city's charm. Towers adorned with intricate trimmings reached for the heavens, their elegant machinery seamlessly integrated. The air was a delightful medley of the scents of oiled gears and unfamiliar herbs, creating an olfactory symphony that enveloped me.

 Walking further on the outskirts' bustling streets, I noticed a figure in the distance. It was a woman dressed in an elegant gown of deep purple, with long black hair flowing behind her like a river of silk. Even from a distance, I could tell she was different from the others.

 Her movements were graceful and deliberate, and her eyes seemed to hold secrets no one knew. As I drew closer, I noticed she was holding a small, intricately detailed box. It was made of dark metal, and its surface was etched with strange coil-like symbols. Without warning, the woman turned and looked directly at me, her eyes piercing and intense. 

 For a moment, I felt she could see straight through me, into the depths of my soul. Then, just as suddenly, she turned away and disappeared into the crowd. I stood there, stunned and bewildered by what had just happened. 

Who was that woman? 

And what was in the box she was holding? 

 I knew instinctively that there was more to her than met the eye, and I couldn't shake the feeling that our paths would cross again.

As I continued my journey through the city, I felt such a sense of awe and wonder.

Lazarus was a place unlike any other.

 I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder as I took in the sights and sounds of Lazarus's outer shell. 

 As I continued my journey further, I was drawn to a small shop nestled in a quiet corner of the plaza; I was so lost in thought and caught in the details that I must have lost track of my direction.

 The shop had a sign above the door that read. 

"The Timekeeper's Emporium,

I couldn't resist exploring.

 Inside, the shop was a treasure trove of wonders. Clockwork contraptions of all shapes and sizes lined the shelves, their intricate gears and mechanisms on full display, crystals of all colors and shapes and timepieces of every kind, from pocket watches to massive grandfather clocks, everything ticked and tocked in unison, creating a symphony of sound. 

 But it was the shopkeeper who caught my attention.

 A small, wizened man with a twinkle in his eye greeted me warmly and invited me to explore his collection. 

 "Time is a window, boy, you heard them," he said, his voice soft and melodic. "And I have the keys to unlock its secrets." I was shocked at first, but after a few seconds of looking at the man, I asked, "How did you...?" but before I could finish, he showed me a pocket watch. 

 Its face is adorned with shimmering gems and celestial symbols. Holding it in my hand, I felt a strange connection to the device, as if it had the key to my destiny. 

 The shopkeeper smiled knowingly. "Ah, I see you feel it too. This is no ordinary timepiece, boy. It is a doorway to the past and the future, a portal to the mysteries of time itself." 

 "No, I suppose it isn't, is it?" Of course, I was skeptical, but the shopkeeper's words had a strange power over me. I felt drawn to the watch as if it held the answers to the questions burning in my mind. As I gazed into the shimmering gems, I saw visions of the past and the future, fleeting images that danced before me.

 I saw skies of radiant blue, the bloody destruction of CrestFall, the rise of the horrifying Ethereal, and a figure with hair as bright as a star and eyes mirroring the twin moons almost perfectly, a familiar face. However, I knew it was not mine. The reminder of those I lost overwhelmed my senses, and it was like I was experiencing it all over again, and then it all went silent, quiet, and peaceful; just then, the shopkeeper's words echoed in my mind: "Time is a window, boy. And love is a doorway. Embrace both, and you will be just fine." 

 I was taken aback; the shopkeeper and I exchanged looks for a while, then I slowly retreated and left the shop feeling both exhilarated and confused. 

 The visions I had seen were both thrilling and terrifying, and I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being guided down a path I couldn't fully understand. But one thing was clear: I had to learn more about the woman and the box, the prophecy I had all but forgotten about, and where my friends had gone, but first- to cross the threshold into the biggest city in all of CrestFall. Lazarus.

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