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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Unit 6

"Now... Let's welcome our camp caretaker, Toji Zenin!" Tekna Izumo introduced Toji, who had been dragged from the infirmary on the ground floor to the lounge where the members gathered.

Toji was still in disbelief about what he had just experienced: being dragged into the world of Mato without the power of the peach fruit, chased by a horde of Shuuki, and ultimately becoming the caretaker for these girls! His mind couldn't quite grasp it all, which is why, from the infirmary to the lounge, Toji had a dumbfounded expression.

Yachiho Azuma, a fair-skinned young woman with long blue hair tied into twintails with white ribbons, showed a displeased face when she saw Toji's dumbfounded expression. "Chairman, are you sure about recruiting this guy? I mean, just look at him!" she said.

Tenka introduced Toji to the entire Unit-6 members, and the atmosphere became mixed. They seemed diverse, each with unique personalities and characters.

Tenka, the unit leader, had a calm and authoritative nature but could sometimes turn brutal. She stood next to Toji with a stern expression, delivering important information about their mission and tasks.

Yachiho, with her long blue hair and twintails, had a fierce and strict nature but actually had a tsundere side that occasionally emerged. Even though she spoke loudly and firmly, Toji could see a small smile on her face when Tenka wasn't looking.

And then there was Sahara Wakasa, a girl with closed eyes who appeared lazy and loved to sleep. When Tenka introduced Toji, Wakasa was still napping on one of the lounge sofas. No matter how noisy the room was, she looked very peaceful in her dreams.

Tenka tried to gently wake up Wakasa. "Wakasa, we have a new guest." She touched Wakasa's shoulder and tried to shake her body.

Wakasa finally woke up with half-opened eyes. "Ah, what's going on?" she said drowsily.

"We have a new guest, Toji Zenin," said Tenka, pointing to Toji standing beside her.

Wakasa reached for the long hat she was wearing and pulled it lower to cover her face. "Oh, really?" she said in a flat tone.

Suddenly, Yachiho picked up a medium-sized teddy bear and threw it at Wakasa. "Sleep later, Sahara!" she exclaimed with a grin. It hit the napping Wakasa right on target, causing her to wake up fully.

"You startled me, Yachiho!" Wakasa protested, sitting up quickly. "What's with the rough behavior?"

After this unusual introduction, they began to inform Toji about their mission and tasks in combating the Shuuki that appeared in Mato. Tenka provided further information about Toji's role as a camp caretaker and issued a stern warning not to attempt to confront the Shuuki directly.

"You're just an ordinary human, Toji-kun. Never think about dealing with Shuuki directly. It could endanger your life," Tenka said firmly.

Toji nodded in understanding. He knew he had to follow the rules and adapt to his new life, even though everything felt strange and unexpected.


A few days later, Toji was currently doing the laundry for the Unit-6 members. He had no issues with being a caretaker for the women, but the problem was that he had to resist his temptations.

"Haaah... At least, I can have three square meals without a problem," Toji muttered, after finishing loading the clothes into the dryer.

"I hope there won't be any strange incidents tomorrow," Toji said with a sigh. Once again, he raised a red flag for himself.


One day, Tenka assigned a special task to Toji. They were both in the Unit-6 supply storage room, which was quite spacious and isolated. The task involved moving several heavy boxes to a different location. In the relatively calm and isolated atmosphere inside the storage room, Toji and Tenka began working together.

Tenka, with her mature and calm demeanor, couldn't resist teasing Toji. As she lifted a heavy box, she said, "Toji, you're really strong, aren't you? How can you be so strong? Do you have any special training?"

Toji, always level-headed, simply smiled faintly. "Well, I have a rather unique background. But, it's better if we focus on the task at hand. We need to get this done."

Tenka continued with her work, but a mischievous smile continued to play on her face. "Of course, Toji. We'll finish it quickly." She lowered her voice and looked at Toji with eyes full of emotion.

Toji felt like something strange was happening. "What are you planning, Tenka?"

Tenka just smiled mysteriously. "Oh, what? I was just thinking that we could discuss more things during this job. For example, about our personal lives. We haven't talked too much about that so far."

Toji felt a little taken aback. "We're coworkers, Tenka. I think we don't need to know too much about each other's personal lives."

However, Tenka continued to tease Toji. "Oh, well, who knows? Maybe we could be more than just coworkers. Who knows, we could become closer friends."

Toji felt irritated, but he couldn't deny there was something intriguing in the way Tenka was teasing him. "We'll see. For now, let's finish the task."

They continued to work in silence, but the atmosphere between the two of them became more intense. Toji was the type of person who could exchange clever banter with someone sarcastic. He couldn't help but respond.

When Tenka tried to tease him again, Toji couldn't resist anymore. "You know, Tenka, I think your always calm nature can be quite boring at times. Maybe you need a little humor in your life."

Tenka just smiled. "Oh, humor, huh? There's no harm in having a bit of humor in life. What if you become the source of that humor, Toji?"

Toji wasn't one to back down. "Sure, as long as you can keep up."

They began bantering back and forth quickly, creating a humorous atmosphere between them. Despite his irritation, Toji started to realize that behind Tenka's mature demeanor, there was an intriguing side to her. Perhaps, the job in Unit-6 wouldn't feel so dull with Tenka's teasing presence.

As they completed their task, Tenka smiled at Toji. "Thank you, Toji. You've made this job much more enjoyable."

Toji responded with a smile. "No problem, Tenka. I think we can make a good team."

With the task completed, the two of them left the storage room, and Toji began to feel that there was something unique in their relationship.


One day, the atmosphere in Unit-6's camp was calm. Toji and Yachiho were in the dining room with other members, enjoying a cup of coffee. Toji sat next to Yachiho, who had a cold demeanor and a sharp gaze.

Toji attempted to start a conversation with Yachiho. "Yachiho, you know, we haven't talked much to each other. How about we get to know each other better?"

Yachiho turned coldly towards Toji. "What do you mean, mister? We are coworkers, nothing more."

Toji smiled, trying not to be affected by Yachiho's tsundere nature. "Sure, we are coworkers. But that doesn't mean we have to stay as strangers, right?"

Yachiho furrowed her brow, as if trying to hide her feelings. "I don't know what you mean. I'm busy enough with my own work."

Toji felt there was something intriguing about Yachiho's unpredictable nature. "You know, Yachiho, sometimes we need to take a little time to relax and talk with friends. It can make our lives much more enjoyable."

Yachiho only shook her head indifferently. However, deep down, she felt touched by Toji's words.

The atmosphere became tense when Toji accidentally dropped his coffee cup, spilling its contents on Yachiho's clothes. Yachiho immediately blushed and glared at Toji.

"You! What are you doing?" she scolded in an elevated tone.

Toji tried to explain. "I'm sorry; it was an accident. I will clean it up."

Yachiho exaggerated the issue, pointing at the coffee stain on her clothes with an angry face. "Do you think you can ruin my clothes and apologize so easily? Do you really have no respect for your coworkers?"

Toji felt frustrated. "I've already apologized, Yachiho. It was just an accident. Why are you always so harsh on me?"

Yachiho sighed deeply, trying to control her anger. "Accident or not, you should be more careful. And I can't respect someone as careless as you."

Toji was losing his patience. "You know, Yachiho, no one is perfect. What's the problem with exchanging banter or joking occasionally? It can make our work much easier."

Yachiho started losing her patience. "There's no need for joking here. This is serious work. And I won't accept your apology so easily."

Toji and Yachiho continued to argue, and neither was willing to back down. They cornered each other, trying to prove their point. The atmosphere became increasingly tense, and they both refused to yield.

When their commotion reached Tenka, who was working in her office, she felt disturbed and decided to intervene. She entered the dining room with a firm step.

"Enough, both of you!" she exclaimed firmly. "This is not the time to fight. We are a team, and we need to work together. If you want to compete, do it on the training ground, not here."

Toji and Yachiho looked at each other, realizing they had created a tense atmosphere. They both felt embarrassed and guilty.

Tenka continued, "Now, Toji, just clean Yachiho's clothes properly. And you both need to learn to work together. We are all here to achieve the same goal."

The two feuding coworkers finally obeyed Tenka's command. They felt embarrassed and awkward but knew they had to learn to work together as a team.


On a quiet night in Unit-6's camp, Sahara Wakasa felt bored. She lay on her bed, contemplating what she could do this evening. Though sleeping seemed like a good option, Wakasa felt more inclined to practice.

Wakasa knew she was one of the lazier members of Unit-6, and she wanted to change that. She decided to leave her room and head to the dojo to practice on her own.

However, when she arrived at the dojo, she was not alone. Toji Zenin, who also seemed to be suffering from boredom, stood in the middle of the training area. Toji appeared to be gazing blankly at the training grounds.

Wakasa approached Toji with a curious look. "Why are you here, Toji?"

Toji turned his head to see Wakasa. "I felt like practicing, but it seems there's no one to be my training partner tonight."

Wakasa smiled. "In that case, how about we practice together? I feel pretty energetic tonight."

Toji nodded. "Why not? It would be a good training session."

They both started preparing. Toji confidently put on his Judo Gi uniform and was unashamed to show his muscular physique to Wakasa. She found herself staring at him, secretly impressed by Toji's physical form.

Wakasa touched Toji's back with her fingers, causing him to shiver. "What are you doing, Wakasa-san?" he exclaimed, quickly stepping away.

She blinked in confusion and tilted her head. "Huh? I was just touching your muscles... You have an amazing body, Toji."

"Thank you," Toji said, genuinely puzzled by Wakasa's character, and hastily resumed putting on his uniform.

They both stood facing each other in the middle of the dojo. Wakasa smiled. "Are you ready?"

Toji nodded. "Let's begin."

They commenced their training session, with Wakasa wearing her brown wrestling uniform. Toji took his typical Judo stance, ready to face his opponent.

Wakasa and Toji stood facing each other in a few tense moments. Then, they began to move. Wakasa attempted to attack Toji swiftly, but Toji used his Judo techniques to evade her strikes. They spun around, trying to gain control over one another.

Later, Wakasa tried to lock her legs around Toji's, but Toji used this opportunity to lift Wakasa off the ground and throw her to the mat. They both walked quickly and continued their training, engaging in various grappling and throwing techniques.

Wakasa attempted to apply some of her western wrestling techniques, such as "suplex" and "takedown," but Toji skillfully avoided them. They both grew increasingly sweaty, but their spirits burned on.

Then, Toji got an opportunity to execute his Judo technique. He leaped behind Wakasa, quickly twisted his body, and threw her to the ground using a technique known as "seoi-nage." Wakasa was surprised by the speed and strength of Toji's move.

Both of them gasped, catching their breath after the intense training. Wakasa stood up and bowed to Toji. "You're really amazing, Toji. I need to practice harder."

Toji smiled. "We can practice again another time. And don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it."

Wakasa nodded in agreement. "Thank you, Toji. You're truly incredible."

After the intense training session, Toji and Wakasa began to feel closer to each other. They sensed a bond of trust and respect between them.

//Author Notes//

Hay! I'm Author dan now working on my second fanfic project, yeay!

I also still have 4 chapters saved on [Patreon] if you are curious, please join. 

I also don't know if this fanfic will go fast or slow. Let's see how my schedule goes in the future.

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