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"I can not believe how you handled the case, Em." Robert said with a soft chuckle.

"Well, you know me. I hate what I do not like. How can they go to an old woman's shop to steal? That is so mean and cruel. And funny enough, their parents are wealthy."

"The world is a cruel place. You are a detective. You of all people should know that already. With the amount of violence, we witness every day... Like, come on."

She sighed. "I know. I just... I felt so bad for the poor old woman. She is struggling already. Kids like this grow up and start disturbing innocent people with their bad omen. If I could lock them up in jail forever, I would do it."

Robert laughed, shaking his head at her silly retort. "You have the softest heart and yet you are the nicest person in this station. I admire you, Em."

She smiled.

"So..." He paused. "Did you make the parents compensate the old woman for their sons' misbehavior?"

"Of course, I did. You don't expect me to let the matter slide without the woman getting compensated, do you?"

"I expected that from you. You are one hell of a tough lady."

She narrowed her eyes at him, folding her arms over her chest. "You keep complimenting me every chance that you get. Why is that?"

Robert gave her a confused look, raising a questioning brow at her.

"I... I don't get it."

"Why does it feel like you are complimenting me like this because I helped you solve the problematic case?"

Robert kept his lips in a straight line, looking so guilty as if he was caught committing a crime.

"Ah, you are indeed a detective."

"Ugh, enough with the numerous compliments, Rob. I only did my job as a detective, okay?" Emma rolled her eyes.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"I wonder what I would have done if it weren't for you. I almost lost my mind because of the case. They kept talking over themselves making it very hard for me to concentrate and deal with the issue. My head was just throbbing and it almost felt like I was going to die of frustration. Lack of sleep really has a way of affecting a person's peace of mind." He said.

"I know, right? Come to think of it, you are not supposed to do the night shift at the station. You are a detective and not a patrol officer."

"I volunteered." He mumbled.

"You... You volunteered? Why?"

"Dan pleaded with me to help him fill his spot. He needed to take care of some family business last night and I couldn't turn him down."

Emma eyed him from head to toe. "Look at you calling me nice. Aren't you the nice one here now?"

He laughed. "I'm not all that nice. I didn't initially do it for him. I did it for myself also."

"Oh. Avoiding something at home?" She questioned.

He shrugged. "Something like that."

A young cop walked towards them. "Good morning, detectives."

"Good morning," Emma and Robert replied, smiling.

"The chief executive officer would like to speak with you both. I guess you have a case to sort out this morning."

"The day has finally begun," Emma grunted. "Let's get moving, Rob."


Abigail entered a patient ward alongside two other nurses and an intern.

She went through the machines connected to the patient's body, making sure that everything was in order.

"How do you feel, sir?" She asked the elderly man lying on the hospital bed, looking so weak and almost lifeless.

He gave out a weak smile as he struggles to keep his eyes open.

"I feel... good?"

"Your answer doesn't sound so convincing, Mr. Gilbert. Do you feel pains anywhere?"

"I always feel pains, dear doctor. It has become a part of me." He told her.

"I'm sorry..."

"What are you apologizing for?" She did not answer because she didn't know what to say. Why exactly was she apologizing? She didn't put him in this condition. He was old already and his health is bound to deteriorate. But still, she felt so bad and sad for him. How can pain be a part of someone's life? She can't even imagine what he goes through every single day. "You are a nice person, Dr. Abby. I wouldn't have lived this long if it weren't for you."

She sniffled, trying to fight back the tears trying to fall from her eyes.

The poor old man looked so pitiful. Wasn't death better than being in a state like this for the past two years?

"I am only doing my job as a doctor, Mr. Gilbert. You don't have to feel indebted to me."

His trembling lips stretched into a smile. "Are you married, Dr. Abby?" He asked, changing the subject and also wiping off the tense atmosphere. Abigail felt glad that he did so. Because if they kept talking about his health, she was going to cry her eyes out here in the presence of her juniors.

She chuckled and waved her ring-less fingers in the air. "Single as hell. Why do you ask?"

"I have a son who is also single." He said.

"What? Are you trying to matchmake me with your son, sir?"

"Is that a bad thing?"

She quickly shook her head. "Of course not. However, I don't think there is a need for that."

"Why not? My son is very handsome and nice. You are going to like him when you see him, trust me."

"I trust you. But..." She shrugged. "I don't know."

"Think about it, dear. And give me a reply before I get discharged from the hospital, will ya?"

Honestly, Mr. Gilbert was far from getting discharged. His condition needs to be monitored carefully because any slight mistake or ignorance can tamper with his life.

Although, she wasn't going to tell him that. It is better to live with hope than to be hopeless.

"Okay." She smiled.

"Any family who has you as a daughter-in-law will be very lucky. And believe me, I want my family to be the lucky ones."

"You keep flattering me. Thank you."

"You must have other things to take care of. Go ahead. I don't want to keep you to myself. Other patients like me need you. Hey, you will come back for me, right?"

"I will." She nodded.


Promising him wasn't necessary because she was definitely going to come back to check up on him later in the day. After all, she was his personal doctor.

But if he still needed reassurance from her then she don't see why she shouldn't make him the harmless promise.

She nodded again. "I promise."


Abigail and the nurses and intern visited other patients for about 2-3 hours until it was almost time for lunch.

They all stepped out of the last patient's ward, looking extremely tired from walking from one ward to another, dealing with issues that needed to be dealt with, or reassuring some patients that were scared of dying that everything was going to be okay.

One of them even went as far as accusing Abigail of making her condition worse but the skilled doctor dealt with the situation without calling for an unnecessary scene. She just quietly injected the IV pack with a sedative and watched the woman fall asleep, bringing an end to her drama and accusation.

The patient's daughter had apologized for her mother's rude remark and behavior but Abigail brushed it off and told the girl not to worry about it. She was used to some patients acting insane and accusing doctors of their predicament. The woman wasn't the first and she won't be the last as well.

"Good job, everyone." Abigail said to those who had accompanied her to every patients' ward with a warm smile on her face. "You can all go for a break."

"Okay. But uhm, we are yet to visit ward 302. Shouldn't we do that before going for a break?" One of the nurses asked.

"Nah. Don't worry about ward 302. I will check up on her myself, okay?"

"Are you sure you wouldn't need our assistance?" The second nurse questioned.

"I can handle it. Besides, you all look so worn out. Take a break. We can't go about looking like a zombie." She joked.

They all laughed.

"Okay, ma'am." They bowed their heads and walked away.

Abigail smiled and walked over to her office. She needed to grab something first before going down to her favorite patient's ward. There is a reason why there is a saying that the last is usually saved for the best.


Abigail walked into the warmth of the room, grinning widely when she saw the young girl of twelve years old, sitting down on the hospital bed while drawing something.

"Good afternoon, my kitten." She greeted cheerfully as she stepped closer to the bed.

The girl lifted her gaze up on hearing her favorite doctor's voice and a huge smile found a way to her face.

"Dr. Abby!" She dropped the drawing book aside and went to hug Abigail.

"Aw, seems like someone missed me so much. Huh?"

"Yes, I did. Where have you been since morning?" She pulled away but had her arms secured around Abigail's waist as she raised her head to look into the eyes of the beautiful doctor.

"I'm sorry, kitten. I have been busy with other patients."

"And forgot about me?" She pouted, seeming offended.

"I would never forget you, honey. I saved your visit for the last. The last is always the best, remember?"

"Yeah..." She smiled.

"I bought you your favorite food." Abigail gestured at the brown paper bag she was holding.

"Taco and burrito?"

"You've got it right. And I added something else to it. Wanna guess?"

"Uhm, hamburger?"


"Chicken and chips?"


"Just tell me. I don't think I can guess anymore." The girl said in defeat.

"Sprinkle cupcake and a cup of milkshake." She announced.

The girl squealed excitedly, jumping up and down like a little girl who just received a bag of candies.

"Oh, my God. You really got me all those things?" She asked, just to be sure she wasn't hearing things.

"Of course, kitten. Do you think I would lie over something like that? Don't you trust me again?"

"I trust you, Abby. I trust you with my life and everything."

Abigail placed a gentle kiss on the little girl's forehead.

"Come on, let's eat."


The girl sat down on the bed while Abigail positioned a small table across the girl on the bed and set out all the things she had got.

"I know how much you've been craving to eat something other than the hospital food."

"You know me too well, Abby." She smiled.

"Your wish has finally come true."

"All thanks to you." The girl beamed, deciding to eat the taco first. She took a bite and moaned in satisfaction, momentarily shutting her eyes as she savor the taste.

"How is it?"

"Superb. I love it." She replied.

"I'm glad."

"Here, take a bite."

Abigail shook her head. "No, don't worry about me. I actually bought one for myself as well." She took out another taco from the brown paper bag. "But won't my mouth smell of taco? I have other patients to_"

"You could simply brush your teeth after you are done eating the food. Besides, you bought something else and I'm sure if you eat them, your mouth won't smell of taco."

"Ah, why are you so smart, Tara?" Tara was the name of the girl.

Tara grinned. "I don't know."

"Let's stop talking and eat. What do you think?"

Tara bobbed her head up and down, devouring the taco like a hungry lion.

"I second that." Her voice came out muffled due to the food packed up in her mouth.

"Eat slow or you will choke, Kitten." Abigail warned.

Tare simply nodded her head, paying absolute concentration on her food.

Abby felt so proud of herself for making the little girl this happy.

Tara has been hospitalized long before Abigail became a doctor. Approximately, the girl has been in the hospital for close to seven years. She has been battling with Hepatitis B.

Abigail was just an intern when she came across Tara and suddenly grew fond of the little girl. She watched the child grow to the age she is now.

While other kids were busy playing with friends in the amusement park. Tara was stuck in the hospital, battling to survive the life-threatening disease.

However, Tara was a strong and brave girl. Not everyone would be happy if been diagnosed with Hepatitis B but the little girl didn't let it weigh her down.

Maybe because she doesn't know how serious the condition is or she just didn't want it to bother her. Living almost all her life in the same environment was enough burden already.


In a cleared bushy path - it looks like a place where families would come for picnics or adventure. There was blood that flowed like a river and a sketched body of a dead person on the grassy ground.

The forensic team was already present and also a prosecutor when Emma and Robert arrived at the scene, surveying the environment.

The officers who stood in front of the crime scene bowed slightly and make their way from them to enter.

They crossed the tape that states 'Do not enter' and approached the people already there who were examining the crime scene to gather up enough evidence to locate the murderer.

"Detective Emma, Detective Robert," Mr. Reid, the forensic team leader shook their hands one after the other. "I've been waiting for you both."

"We are sorry for arriving late. We were caught up in traffic." Emma explained.

"I see."

"Talk to him while I look around," Robert said and started walking away.

"Okay," Emma responded and watched him go to meet the photographer from the forensic team who was taking pictures of the place.

"Now that you are here," Reid began, grabbing her attention once again. "I will like to show you something."

"What is it?"

"Come with me," They both walked over to a body sketch of the exact place where the body once laid on but is no longer there. "The body has been taken over to the morgue for autopsy."

"Male or female?"

"Male." He handed her a document. "His information is in there."

Emma opened the book and scanned through it. The name of the dead boy was Steven Maxwell, 22 years old and a student of Frankenstein college. He was a freshman.

She closed the document and looked around, squinting her eyes a little bit because of the bright sun.

"Was there a witness?" She asked.

"Yes. A young girl who so happens to be his girlfriend. According to her story, they were returning from a party along with a few of their friends. They were high and didn't know what they were doing. They crashed into a tree," He pointed at a tree that truly had a car smashed into it. "There wasn't a way for them to go back home because it was late and they couldn't get a cab. They decided to crash here for the night. And in the morning, they found their friend/boyfriend dead. How true does the story sound?"

"Hmm." Emma hummed, staring at the damaged car. "Did she say who was driving?"

"Not really. However, it wasn't her or Steven."

"How many were they in the car?"

"Including Steven, they were a total of six." He answered.

Emma took out a small book and jotted down the key point of what she will be working with to solve the case. She handed back the document that contains the victim's information to Mr. Reid.

"What is the girlfriend's name?" She asked after a moment of silence.

"Uhm, Julian."

"Julian..." She repeated and scribbled the name on the jotter. "Julian and the rest of their friends are our top suspects. They were the ones who saw the victim last. Although, her story doesn't really add up."

Reid nodded in agreement. "I thought I was the only one who noticed."

"Was there any kind of injury in his body? Like a cut? Stab? Strangle? Anything at all?"

"He was stabbed severally by the side of his stomach. He must have offended someone to warrant such a painful death." Reid noted.

"You didn't find the weapon used?" She asked.

"No. I found nothing. And being the fact that they were more than one person present at the scene... We can't use the footprint or fingerprint to detect the killer unless we find the murder weapon."

"What knife do you think was used to murder him?" She asked.

"A kitchen knife with a straight blade," Robert answered from behind, joining them. He saw the confusion in her eyes, she must be wondering how he got to figure that out. "Pascal showed me the image of the stab."

Pascal was the photographer from the forensic team.

"Oh." She mouthed. "Students are becoming more vicious by the day."

Robert knew exactly what she meant. She wasn't just talking about the current case but the one that had happened this morning as well.

"Let's go, Rob." She cleared her throat. "We have some college students to question about the death of their friend because it seems like there is a frenemy in their midst."

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