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Chapter 13: Chapter 13

" You did that on purpose, didn't you? You didn't have to do that." Jade Anastasia chided, with a frosty look fixiated on the masked woman.

"What are you talking about? I didn't do anything." A voice as sweet as the twittering of the canaries, proceeded out from the lips of the masked woman, feigning ignorance towards Anastasias words.

"Don't take me for a fool, I am not a kid anymore. I know what you did. I obviously felt you release a wisp of your aura just now."

"Really? But, I didn't - "The woman refrained from her denial. She observed Anastasia's deep frown and then she giggled sweetly and admitted her transgression, "Alright, alright, okay, fine. Gods, don't be so annoyed. It's not good for your pretty face, you know. You could get wrinkles, as you get older."

This only deepened the frown on Anastasia's face.

"Alright, fine, fine. I am sorry. Is that what you wanted to hear? I am sorry, okay. I didn't mean to ruin your reunion. It wasn't on purpose. In my defense, I didn't expect any of them to detect it. I released a bit to scare off any of those men from having any silly ideas. I sensed some experts and officials around the corner, you know. Watching and waiting for the right moment to strike."

"If you didn't want any unwanted attention, then, why did you wear such tight, revealing clothes?" Anastasia growled sweetly in annoyance.

"What? You wanted me to hide all this?" The masked woman jokingly gestured at her sexy body. "That's tantamount to owning a rare treasure and refusing to show it off and sticking it in the sand. What's the point of owning it? If you know what I mean."

"I don't want to know what you mean, you pervert!"

"Still, that Bermuda kid sure is something. I am not so surprised you were able to detect my specialized aura. You've been with me for quite a while now. But for him to be able to do so at first glance and especially do such, at his age, that takes quite a lot of inherent skill and expertise. Honestly, I am impressed. He has got my attention now." The masked woman praised Douglas.

If Douglas were to hear this directly, one can only imagine the kind of expression he would have made or his reaction or how he would have responded.

"He has always been that way. He's got a special kind of constitution." Anastasia said

"Hmmmm, what constitution?" The masked woman curiously inquired.

"You will find out in the tournament." Anna simply replied.

"oOoOO, you don't want to spill the deets now. Well, that's okay. That will only heighten my curiosity, as I look forward to his matches."

"Whatever." Anastasia coldly brushed her off. She still hadn't forgiven the masked woman for what she did.

"That Bermuda kid is so handsome and that Jason, I mean, look at those muscles, so sturdy and so firm. Two absolute hotties. You know what we should do later on, you all should all come to my room and let's have some quality fun together. Lets explore our bodies and get down and dirty. Now that's a perfect reunion, don't you think? Our bodies been pillaged and ravaged." The masked woman playfully teased, as she twirled her fingers on her dark hair.

"Stop it with your dirty jokes! I don't know how such a perverted woman like you, was elected as the Ice queen!"

But, dont deny it. You are thinking about it, arent you? The masked woman giggled at the blushed cheeks of Anastasia.

Shut the f*ck up! You are depraved down to your core!! Anastasia curved her face to the side, to hide her blushes.

The masked woman giggled some more.

Jade Anastasia was the only person who could talk so familiarly and rudely to this woman. She was the ice queen of the Frozen Fairy Asgard. The most powerful woman in the whole of Arges!! A woman whom could topple kingdoms with just a smile, a wink and a wave of her palm. Her words were law in sapphire, though she never really cared and rarely interfered in the politics of the province.

Anastasia wasn't her second in command, because she was the strongest or most powerful after her. There were a lot of elders and middle-aged instructors in the Frozen Fairy Asgard, whom were a lot more experienced and domineering than her. But she was gifted such position, because of her enormous potential and in addition, because the Ice queen considered her more of like the junior sister she never had. The Ice queen expressed herself more freely with her, than anyone else in the Asgard. Most in the Asgard were very narrow minded and core religious fanatics, absolutely indoctrinated by their religion. The Ice queen, whom was more of a free thinker, couldnt relate well with others, until the advent of Anastasia.

"Hmmmph, that filthy piece of trash from Bermuda almost polluted the presence of the Ice queen with his stink. He was lucky he didn't come any closer. I would have personally put him down like the rabid dog he is." One of the nine ladies behind Anastasia and the Ice queen whispered in disgust to her partner beside her.

"It would have been no different than cleaning shit from the gutters. It's a disgrace to even sully my hands with such offensive oddity. Even been in an eight meter radius and breathing in the same air he's breathing, might make me puke." the lady on the left, to one beside whom just spoke, earlier whispered.

"Honestly, I don't know why he was even approved to remain in Zion and even sully the grounds of the arena. He might be our dear Anastasia's childhood friend, but trash will always remain trash and feces should only remain inside the toilet." Another woman whispered.

Yes, not exalting itself into the abode of men. Another lady added.

Anastasia caught wind of the fact that the women behind her were talking smack about Douglas. She angrily wanted to turn around and give them a piece of her mind, but the Ice queen's piercingly, mind reading glare, prevented her from doing such.

The women accompanying behind them were top elders in the Asgard. They made important decisions in the Asgard, along with the Ice queen and the grand elders. The ice queen didn't have full control over them, though she could easily wipe them out if she wanted to. That was the disadvantage of a democratic rule. One couldn't forcefully use its power over others. The Ice queen herself was selected from amongst them and was elected into her current position. And though this nine were her most trusted confidants, she couldn't really influence their thoughts and decisions. Or their utterances.

Anastasia was second in command, but only in name alone. The truth is, she wasn't really all that respected by the powers that be in the Asgard. Well, not until she was powerful enough to take over from the Ice queen. They simply adored her, like one would adore a puppy or a cute kitten. She wasn't really taken seriously. She only had real power over the disciples and maybe some newbie instructors.

DD, it's up to you to show the world what you are truly made off. Prove them wrong. Make them fear and respect you. Your province is counting on you. You are the only hope to restoring the dignity of your province. Don't lose to anyone, till you finally reach me. Then, I will stop you from achieving your true goal. I won't allow you to uselessly waste your life for the sake of revenge. But until then, I am rooting for you.

Anastasia clenched her fists, as she lifted her blue eyes to the heavens and thought inwardly.

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