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31.21% Aeon Enigma

Chapter 49: CHAPTER 49: Unveiling Potential

As the confrontation escalated in Maruyama park, Haruka took a deliberate step back, his gaze shifting to Ryouichi. With a calculated question, he inquired, "You don't know where Kaito and Aria are, do you?" The sudden change in focus prompted Ryouichi's realization, a dawning awareness that Haruka's intentions might pose a grave threat to their companions.

The urgency in Ryouichi's voice betrayed his concern as he blurted out, "ARE YOU GOING TO KILL THEM?" The gravity of the situation hung heavily in the air, an ominous uncertainty that underscored Haruka's enigmatic motives.

In response, Haruka maintained an inscrutable demeanor, offering only a cryptic farewell, "Have fun tracking me down." The ominous implication of his words set the stage for a tense confrontation.

Swift as a shadow, Yuki, propelled by the power of Void Enes, materialized behind Haruka. With agility and precision, she launched a kick toward his back, seeking to catch him off guard. However, Haruka's reflexes proved equal to the task, as he swiftly turned to face her, effortlessly blocking the attack. In a display of casual strength, he propelled Yuki several tens of meters away, demonstrating a level of prowess that left her momentarily stunned.

Undeterred, Yuki, fueled by determination and defiance, retorted, "YOU THINK TOO MUCH OF YOURSELF!" In an instant, she utilized Void Enes to teleport to Haruka's left, attempting to strike a blow at his exposed side.

Seizing the opportunity, Ryouichi, propelled at an astonishing Mach 127, hurtled towards Haruka from the opposite side. The convergence of their attacks created a whirlwind of motion as Haruka, demonstrating extraordinary skill, intercepted both strikes. With a single hand for each assailant, he thwarted their efforts with apparent ease.

The shock on Ryouichi and Yuki's faces was palpable. The realization that Haruka had effortlessly defended against their combined assault left them momentarily speechless. As they recoiled, distancing themselves from their enigmatic adversary, the lingering uncertainty of Haruka's true intentions hung heavy in the air.

As the confrontation intensified in Maruyama Park, Haruka's cryptic statements only added to the enigma surrounding him. With an air of confidence, he declared, "What you know about the Nara, Heian, and Kamakura Periods is nearly nothing compared to my knowledge of what happened back then." Ryouichi, fueled by a mix of frustration and determination, retorted, "YOU DIDN'T EVEN EXIST BACK THEN!"

Haruka's response was a smirk, a subtle acknowledgment of his superior knowledge. "The Golden Period of Enes, the period where—" he began, but Ryouichi, unwilling to entertain his elaborate tales, abruptly launched himself towards Haruka at Mach 127. His impatience manifested in a direct challenge, "YOU WERE LUCKY! THAT'S THE ONLY REASON YOU BLOCKED OUR ATTACKS!"

As Ryouichi closed the distance between them, Haruka displayed a nonchalant confidence. With seemingly minimal effort, he once again blocked Ryouichi's high-speed assault with a single hand. Unfazed, Ryouichi seized the opportunity, proclaiming, "You fell for it!" Attempting a low kick, he sought to exploit an opening in Haruka's defenses. However, Haruka effortlessly thwarted the maneuver, dismissing it with a casual remark, "That won't work on me."

Undeterred, Ryouichi adapted his strategy. Swiftly locking his feet around Haruka's, he aimed to disrupt his balance and create an opening for Yuki. Meanwhile, Yuki, employing the artful technique of Void Enes, teleported directly behind Haruka. In a synchronized effort, she attempted to deliver a decisive blow to his head, an attack aimed at exploiting the momentary vulnerability Ryouichi had orchestrated.

However, Haruka's reflexes proved to be as formidable as his knowledge. With a swift, almost instinctive motion, he threw Ryouichi away, dispersing the threat without breaking a sweat. Simultaneously, he swiftly raised an arm to block Yuki's incoming strike, effortlessly neutralizing the coordinated assault.

The dynamic exchange unfolded with a fluidity that showcased the intricate dance between the combatants. As they regrouped, a lingering tension hung in the air, underscoring the uncertainty surrounding Haruka and the challenges that awaited Ryouichi and Yuki in this unforeseen clash.

The clash between Haruka and the duo of Ryouichi and Yuki reached a momentary lull, with Haruka attempting to shed light on the vast complexity of the Enes beyond the six known to them. In his enigmatic manner, he started to convey, "You only know of the 6 Enes, and you think that only they exist—"

Ryouichi, fueled by a mixture of impatience and conviction, promptly interrupted, declaring, "These are the only ones that exist! Stop trying to confuse us." It was clear that Ryouichi was resolute in his belief, unwilling to entertain the prospect of additional, unknown Enes.

Haruka, seemingly unfazed by the interruption, conceded with a simple, "Very well, if you do not wish to know, then it is none of my concern." The air crackled with tension as the trio found themselves in a momentary standstill. Sakura, positioned at a safe distance, grappled with conflicting emotions—her reluctance to attack Haruka coupled with the fear of witnessing Ryouichi and Yuki succumb to a potential assault.

However, Haruka's intentions remained enigmatic, as he refrained from initiating an offensive. Sakura pondered, "But, Haruka has not been on the offense... Does he not plan to attack them?" Her uncertainty mirrored the palpable suspense that hung in the air.

Meanwhile, Ryouichi and Yuki, exchanging a brief glance, appeared to be formulating a strategy. Yet, before their intentions could fully unfold, Haruka interjected with keen observations. "You are powerful, but nowhere near your full potential," he asserted. The declaration hung in the air, prompting a contemplative pause before he continued with a touch of criticism, "You don't even attack me with Enes, you just launch yourselves towards me and hope to land a blow. Well, Yuki uses Void Enes to teleport, but that's all."

Haruka's words echoed a deeper understanding of their combat techniques and suggested a certain level of underestimation. The revelation hinted at the vast reservoirs of untapped potential that lay within Ryouichi and Yuki, awaiting discovery and refinement. As the trio navigated the intricate dynamics of the confrontation, the unfolding events held the promise of uncovering latent abilities and reshaping the trajectory of their encounter.

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