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36.3% Aeon Enigma

Chapter 57: Chapter 56.5: Christmas Special

In the warm embrace of the Japanese house, Kaito and Aria found themselves seated on a plush couch near a crackling fireplace. The room, adorned with tasteful decorations, emanated a subtle festive charm that mirrored the serenity of the Christmas season.

Aria, her eyes twinkling with curiosity, turned to Kaito and asked, "What should we do for Christmas?" Kaito, glancing around the cozily decorated room, pondered for a moment before replying, "I'm not sure."

As if on cue, the door opened, and Ryouichi, Yuki, and Sakura entered, adding a lively energy to the scene. Yuki, ever the proactive one, suggested, "I've got an idea." Ryouichi, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, proposed, "Let's play a game of Truth or Dare." Sakura, perhaps sensing the potential intensity, sought reassurance, asking, "Appropriate.. right?" Ryouichi, smirking, responded with a confident "Yes," leaving an air of anticipation.

Yuki, being the voice of reason, inquired, "Okay... So? Will we apply some rules on it, or not?" Ryouichi, always one to add a dash of excitement, declared, "No rules will be added, but I'm thinking of making it a little more... Spicy." Sakura, ever mindful of the situation, questioned, "How so?" Ryouichi, appearing to have a sudden burst of inspiration, exclaimed, "Actually... I've got a better idea!"

Intrigued, Sakura asked, "What is it?" Ryouichi, with a mischievous grin, revealed, "We'll play 'Pick A Stick'." Yuki, ever vigilant, immediately expressed concern, "THERE ARE MINORS IN THE ROOM!!" Ryouichi, enjoying the moment, reassured her, "You sure are naughty... I meant I'll make it into an appropriate one." Yuki sighed in relief, stating, "Good."

However, Ryouichi couldn't resist a playful mumble to himself, "For the minors only..." Yuki, catching wind of his comment, couldn't let it slide and demanded, "WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Ryouichi, with a sly grin, merely chuckled, leaving a lingering sense of mischief in the air.

With Ryouichi's enthusiastic proclamation, "Let's play already! Prepare yourselves, everyone," the anticipation in the room reached a palpable peak. Kaito, however, couldn't shake off a sense of foreboding, confessing in a hushed tone to Aria, "I've got a bad feeling about this..." Aria, sharing his concern, speculated, "Ryouichi will definitely order us to do ridiculous things if he wins."

As everyone gathered around, Ryouichi took charge, revealing the rules of the game with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Alright, everyone will be picking a stick from this small box. The one who gets the longest stick wins and gets to order someone," he explained. The nods of agreement signaled the group's readiness to embark on this playful adventure.

Yuki, always eager to dive into the action, was the first to pick a stick. Sakura followed suit, then Kaito, Aria, and lastly, Ryouichi himself. The tension in the room heightened as each person extracted a stick, their eyes flickering with a mix of curiosity and excitement.

As fate would have it, Yuki found herself holding the smallest stick, and Kaito and Aria, not far behind, had also picked shorter ones. Sakura, with a triumphant expression, declared, "I GOT THE LONGEST ONE!!" However, her moment of victory was short-lived as Ryouichi, ever the trickster, interjected, "WRONG! I got the longest stick!"

With a dramatic flair, Ryouichi revealed the stick that had secured his victory – the longest one, albeit not by a significant margin. Sakura sighed in good-natured disappointment, conceding, "At least I got the second longest one..."

Ryouichi, reveling in his triumph, couldn't resist a smirk as he issued his first order. "I order Yuki to... Let me kiss her right ear!" Yuki, caught off guard, immediately protested, "WHAT?" Ryouichi, undeterred, reminded her, "You agreed to play the game, so..."

In a bold move, Ryouichi approached Yuki and, with a playful yet daring spirit, kissed her right ear. The room buzzed with a mix of laughter and surprise as the unexpected order unfolded. Yuki, with a determined glint in her eyes, warned, "I'LL GET MY REVENGE EVENTUALLY!"

The playful dynamics of the game continued as the group, undeterred by the previous antics, decided to pick sticks once more. In an unexpected turn of events, Ryouichi, much to everyone's surprise, managed to snag the longest stick once again. Yuki, her initial excitement from the first round replaced by a subtle frown, couldn't help but express her mild frustration.

Ryouichi, reveling in his consecutive victories, declared with a mischievous grin, "I'm the Master again!" Kaito, with a touch of humor, added, "The devil has been revived!" The rest of the group, donning playful expressions of feigned fear, shared in the lighthearted anticipation of what Ryouichi's next order might entail. It was a shared moment of camaraderie, where the fear was more about the playful dares to come than any genuine trepidation.

True to the established pattern, Ryouichi wasted no time in issuing his next command. "I order Kaito to kiss Aria!" Kaito, caught off guard once more, stammered, "Eh? Wait, what?" Ryouichi, unfazed, simply urged, "Go ahead and do so." Without further protest, Kaito leaned in and planted a kiss on Aria's cheek, eliciting a round of laughter and cheers from the onlooking participants.

As the group delved into another round of stick-picking, the atmosphere was charged with a mix of excitement and a hint of trepidation. Ryouichi, against all odds, managed to secure the longest stick once more. "I'm the Master again!" he announced, reaffirming his playful dominance in the game. Kaito, with a touch of humor, muttered, "The devil's reign continues..."

The room, now accustomed to the ebb and flow of this spirited game, couldn't help but collectively brace for what Ryouichi's next order might entail. As if on cue, Ryouichi, with a gleam in his eye, issued a daring command. "I order Yuki to remove two pieces of clothing!" The declaration was met with a collective gasp, and Yuki, startled, exclaimed, "WHATTT?"

Ryouichi, unyielding in his mischief, insisted, "It's an order!" Yuki, with a playful mix of resistance and compliance, reached for a bag she was holding. She extracted her phone, which was inside the bag, and handed it over, along with the bag. Ryouichi, ever the trickster, couldn't resist pointing out, "The phone isn't clothing..." Yuki, with a smirk, retorted, "Shut up... Just accept it for this round." Ryouichi, with a nod and a grin, conceded, "Fine."

The merriment in the room continued unabated as the group decided to engage in yet another round of the stick-picking game. To the bewilderment of all, Ryouichi managed to secure the longest stick for the fourth consecutive time. His self-proclaimed mastery over the game seemed to take on an almost mystical quality, earning him amused glances and a round of good-natured chuckles.

With a triumphant smirk, Ryouichi, reveling in his ongoing winning streak, issued his next daring command. "I order Sakura to kiss me," he declared. Sakura, ever the voice of reason, sought clarification, asking, "On the cheek, right?" Ryouichi, with a twinkle in his eye and a mischievous grin, dropped a bombshell, "A French kiss."

The room erupted into a chorus of surprised gasps and exclamations. Yuki, perhaps unexpectedly, couldn't hide a tinge of jealousy as she yelled, "WHAT?" Nevertheless, Sakura, with a playful glint in her eyes, leaned in and obliged, delivering a French kiss to Ryouichi that left the room in a state of collective amusement and astonishment.

As the lingering echoes of the unexpected kiss filled the room, Kaito and Aria exchanged a glance, their silence speaking volumes about the unfolding dynamics of the game. The atmosphere, already charged with playful energy, took on a new layer of intrigue.

Undeterred by the reactions, the group prepared to pick sticks once more, curious about who would be the next recipient of Ryouichi's whimsical orders. In an astonishing turn of events, Ryouichi managed to secure the longest stick for the fifth consecutive time, solidifying his status as the undoubted master of the game.

"I order Yuki to French kiss me," Ryouichi declared, his words hanging in the air with a certain audacity. Yuki, caught off guard but with a visible blush coloring her cheeks, stammered, "W-WHAT?" However, despite the initial surprise, she mustered the courage to walk towards Ryouichi and, with a mix of playfulness and hesitation, engaged in a French kiss.

Once the kiss was broken, the room held a collective breath, preparing for the next round of the game. The stick-picking ritual was becoming a captivating spectacle, a blend of unpredictability, daring dares, and the shared laughter of friends immersed in the joyous spirit of Christmas.

As the group enthusiastically reached for the sticks once more, the seemingly inexplicable streak continued – Ryouichi managed to secure the longest stick for the sixth consecutive time. The room buzzed with a mix of incredulity and amusement, the mere repetition of this improbable feat creating a sense of jovial anticipation.

Ryouichi, unfazed by the previous dares and reveling in his newfound authority, issued his next command with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I order for Yuki to allow me to touch her boobs," he declared. Yuki, caught off guard by the unexpected nature of the request, stammered, "W-What...?"

Kaito, with a touch of humor, chimed in, "The devil's reign continues!" The room erupted into a mix of laughter and playful banter as Ryouichi, true to form, approached Yuki and, with a daring yet non-explicit touch through the clothing, carried out his order. Yuki, maintaining her composure, retaliated with a spirited vow, "I'll pay you back once I become the master!"

As the group readied themselves for yet another round, the atmosphere crackled with a blend of camaraderie and excitement. This time, however, the winds of fortune seemed to shift as Yuki, much to everyone's surprise, picked the longest stick. Kaito, with a theatrical flair, announced, "The Saviour has arrived!" Yuki, exuding confidence, declared, "AWWW HELL YEAH!"

Seizing the moment, Yuki wasted no time in taking charge. With a determined gaze, she addressed Ryouichi, proclaiming, "Your reign of terror ends now, Ryouichi." His curiosity piqued, Ryouichi inquired, "Hm?"

With a sly grin, Yuki issued her own daring command. "STRIP NAKED, ONLY KEEP YOUR PANTS ON AND HEAD HOME!" The room fell silent for a moment as Ryouichi, without hesitation, began to comply. He removed his jacket and shirt, revealing a well-defined physique adorned with an impressive eight-pack, sculpted chest, biceps, triceps, shoulders, and back.

As Ryouichi started heading towards the door, Yuki, perhaps realizing the unexpected turn of events, exclaimed, "W-WAIT! I WAS JOKING." However, Ryouichi, seemingly unaffected, continued his march outside. The snowfall provided a serene backdrop to this unconventional scene, Ryouichi's figure gradually disappearing into the wintry landscape.

In the midst of Yokohama's snow-covered streets, Ryouichi continued his half-naked trek, seemingly oblivious to the winter chill. His shirtless form, displaying a well-sculpted physique, left a trail of raised eyebrows and curious glances from passersby. The cityscape, adorned with a blanket of pristine snow, provided an idyllic yet surreal backdrop to this unconventional scene.

As Ryouichi navigated the snowy sidewalks with an air of nonchalance, he unexpectedly crossed paths with Mei (芽衣). Mei, with her striking features, commanded attention. Her scarlet hair, straight and vibrant, framed a face that exuded a unique blend of beauty and confidence. Dressed in casual attire, she sported a stylish, snow-white jacket that added a touch of elegance to her ensemble.

Spotting Ryouichi's peculiar state of undress, Mei couldn't help but voice her curiosity. "Hey, Mei," Ryouichi greeted her, his nonchalant demeanor contrasting sharply with the amused glint in Mei's brown eyes. "Why are you half-naked?" she inquired, her tone a mix of bemusement and concern.

Ryouichi, ever the irreverent spirit, responded with a shrug and a devil-may-care attitude. "Just a little holiday mischief," he explained, his words accompanied by a mischievous grin. Mei, though taken aback, couldn't suppress a subtle smile at the absurdity of the situation.

The snowflakes continued their graceful descent, creating a serene atmosphere around the duo amidst the winter wonderland of Yokohama. Mei, unfazed by the unconventional encounter, decided to play along with Ryouichi's antics. "Well, you certainly know how to make an entrance," she remarked, her scarlet hair catching the ambient light.

Ryouichi, seizing the opportunity to engage in some banter, quipped, "I thought I'd join the snow in embracing the 'cool' factor." Mei chuckled at the wordplay, appreciating the lightheartedness of the moment.

As the wintry wind swept through the snow-covered streets of Yokohama, Mei, with her characteristic poise, reached into one of the bags she was carrying. From within, she retrieved a stylish snow-white colored jacket, a garment that seemed to match the serene elegance of the snowflakes descending around them. With a warm smile, she handed the jacket over to Ryouichi, who, up until that point, had been braving the chilly weather with only half his attire.

"Here, take this as a gift," Mei offered, her eyes reflecting a mix of amusement and kindness. The jacket, a cozy shield against the winter cold, carried a certain flair that resonated with Mei's own sense of style.

Ryouichi, not one to refuse an unexpected gift, graciously accepted the offering. With a quick and appreciative nod, he slipped into the snow-white jacket, instantly enveloping himself in its warmth. The contrast of the pristine white against the backdrop of the snowy city streets created a picturesque moment, as if Mei had orchestrated a scene in the ongoing play of their chance encounter.

"Thank you," Ryouichi expressed his gratitude, his voice carrying a note of genuine appreciation. The jacket, not merely a shield against the cold but a symbol of Mei's goodwill, felt like a fitting addition to the whimsical tale that was unfolding in the midst of Yokohama's winter charm.

Mei, with a playful twinkle in her eye, responded, "Haha... Anything for you." Her words held a hint of lightheartedness, a subtle acknowledgment of the unexpected camaraderie that had blossomed between them on this peculiar day.

Ryouichi, now comfortably adorned in the snow-white jacket, couldn't help but reciprocate Mei's gesture with a genuine smile. The shared laughter that followed echoed through the snowy streets, a harmonious blend of warmth and mirth against the wintry backdrop.

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