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51.59% Aeon Enigma

Chapter 81: CHAPTER 80: Ethereal Enigma

In the cosmic ballet that unfolded within the shattered remnants of Shibuya, Enishi posed a question that echoed across Shibuya. "You were able to defend against one, but will you be able to defend against many?" His words, laden with the promise of impending fury, marked the initiation of yet another celestial onslaught.

With a flourish of his celestial prowess, Enishi unleashed a tier 7 Essence Paragon Nature Enes ability, birthing multiple manifestations of 'Abyssal Novas.' These ethereal spheres, harboring cataclysmic forces, descended upon Altharion like an impending storm. Altharion, recognizing the imminent danger, summoned the might of his Nature Enes, weaving a defensive barrier comprised of galactic superclusters.

The clash unfolded with breathtaking intensity as the countless Abyssal Novas collided with Altharion's protective barrier. Explosions reverberated through the celestial plane, leaving trails of destruction in their wake. The barrier, a testament to Altharion's unwavering mastery, held against the onslaught but not without strain. The cracks etched upon the barrier mirrored the fragile equilibrium between creation and obliteration.

The dance exacted its toll on both contenders. Enishi, the architect of chaos, bore minuscule bruises – transient marks etched upon his form. However, the resonance of his essence healed these wounds with instantaneous precision, a testament to the resilience inherent in his adversary.

Enishi, cognizant of the fragility exposed in Shibuya's protective barrier, recognized the need for reinforcement. Mumbling incantations that resonated with the very fabric of reality, he directed his ethereal energy towards mending the fractures. The barrier responded, repairing itself under the influence of Enishi's command. Though not entirely restored, the barrier toughened, fortified by the interplay of cosmic forces.

As Shibuya quivered under the duet, the cityscape bore witness to the ebb and flow of energies that transcended mortal comprehension. The struggle unfolded, leaving behind a tapestry of destruction and resilience as Enishi and Altharion continued their clash, locked in a dance that defied the boundaries of the known universe.

Within the arena of Shibuya's shattered landscape, the banter between Altharion and Enishi became a symphony of ethereal exchanges. Altharion, having weathered the storm of Abyssal Novas, laced his words with a touch of sarcasm, "I thought you'd scale this fight up." The echoes of his voice reverberated through the ruins of Shibuya, punctuating the tension that hung in the air.

Enishi, the enigmatic architect of chaos, responded with a smirk that mirrored the unpredictable currents. "Do you truly want to reach even higher scales?" His words, laden with ambiguity, hinted at the boundless potential yet untapped in their confrontation.

The cosmic ballet shifted as Altharion, embracing the offensive, sought to disrupt the cosmic equilibrium. However, Enishi, with a smile that transcended mortal comprehension, seemingly materialized in front of his ethereal adversary before the eye could perceive. The celestial dance unfolded with astounding speed as Enishi executed a precise jab, a convergence of upper and lower right arms striking with ethereal precision. Altharion, barely managing to shield his chest and stomach, felt the impact resonate through his form.

Sent hurtling through Shibuya, Altharion defied the gravitational forces that sought to bind him to the ground. His ethereal form halted in mid-air, suspended by the otherworldly forces that coursed through him. Drawing a breath that echoed with resilience, Altharion surveyed his celestial surroundings, seeking the elusive visage of Enishi.

Yet, Enishi, the ethereal phantom, had vanished from Altharion's immediate perception. Shibuya remained silent, disrupted only by the fractured echoes of their clash. Altharion turned, his ethereal senses attuned to the shifting currents of the battleground. Suddenly, from the shadows, Enishi emerged, a figure bathed in the ephemeral glow of otherworldly prowess.

With an impressive display of celestial agility, Enishi executed a side kick aimed at Altharion's stomach. The ethereal force behind the kick propelled Altharion through the cosmic void, leaving traces of celestial energy in his wake. As Altharion crashed against the distant remnants of Shibuya, bruises adorned his celestial form, testimony to the cosmic impact he endured.

Enishi, standing amidst the celestial ruins, commended Altharion's swift recognition. "You noticed me quite quickly. I'm impressed you're keeping up." The words, spoken with a hint of celestial respect, underscored the dance of ethereal prowess that unfolded between these cosmic entities. The celestial battleground continued to bear witness to their ethereal clash, a dance that transcended the confines of mortal comprehension.

Altharion's thoughts resonated in Shibuya, dissecting the enigma that was Enishi. Amidst the celestial clash, he pondered the augmentation of Enishi's power—strength heightened and speed elevated to realms beyond comprehension. A riddle unfolded as Altharion questioned whether Enishi traversed distances or simply materialized instantaneously, perhaps at infinite speeds that transcended conventional understanding.

Enishi, ever the enigmatic force, stood behind Altharion, his ethereal presence defying the boundaries of mortal perception. Altharion, sensing him, swiftly turned and retreated, only to be met by Enishi's cryptic observations. "You're interesting," Enishi remarked, acknowledging the intricacies of Altharion's thoughts. "I know what you're thinking and how bizarre I may appear to you."

As the celestial dance continued, Altharion engaged in a verbal exchange with Enishi. Enishi, tapping into the annals of forgotten history, spoke of the Heian Era—a bygone era veiled in myth and relegated to the dusty pages of ancient tales. Altharion, grasping the fleeting threads of time, questioned the relevance of an age lost to antiquity. "More than a thousand years have passed since the Heian Era. Why would people care about evil forces and malevolent spirits that once ruled the land?"

Enishi, with the weight of forgotten epochs in his words, revealed a resolve that transcended temporal boundaries. "Is that so? I will then just help Haruka with his plan and continue doing what I did back then." The resonance of his declaration echoed through Shibuya, a testament to the enduring echoes of a forgotten epoch.

Altharion, standing firm within the cosmic turmoil, declared the impending clash that would determine the course of their confrontation. "You'll need to defeat our forces in order to do so!" The challenge hung in the air, a declaration of defiance against the resurgence of ancient malevolence.

Enishi, with a smirk that mirrored the enigma he embodied, responded with a succinct proclamation. "This is simple." The words, laced with confidence, resonated through the battleground, setting the stage for a clash that transcended mortal comprehension.

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