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60.5% Aeon Enigma

Chapter 95: CHAPTER 94: Shrouded Realms

In the chaotic aftermath of the gruesome discovery in the department's restroom, terror and panic gripped the remaining employees as they attempted to flee the scene of horror. But little did they know, their attempts to escape would only lead them further into the clutches of the malevolent spiritual being lurking in the shadows.

As the survivors frantically made their way towards the exit, their hearts pounding with fear, they were met with a horrifying sight: the spectral entity, invisible to their eyes, darting forward with lethal precision, its unseen form a blur of malevolent energy.

In the blink of an eye, heads were torn from bodies with savage efficiency, leaving behind a trail of carnage and death. The unfortunate witnesses could only watch in horror as their colleagues fell to the ground, their lifeless bodies crumpling to the floor in a grotesque display of violence.

With terror gripping their hearts, the survivors scrambled to escape the nightmare unfolding before them, their frantic footsteps echoing through the empty corridors as they sought refuge from the unseen terror stalking their every move.

But their attempts to flee were in vain, for the spiritual being was always one step ahead, its malevolent presence haunting their every move. As they reached the exit, hope blossomed within their hearts, only to be dashed by the sight of the entity standing in their path, a harbinger of death and destruction.

With a swift and brutal motion, the spiritual being struck, its ethereal form piercing through the flesh of an unfortunate individual with chilling precision. Blood sprayed as the victim's liver was torn from his abdomen, leaving behind a gaping wound that oozed with crimson fluid.

But the horror was far from over, as the entity's hand delved deeper, piercing through the chest cavity of its victim with ruthless efficiency. With a sickening squelch, it seized hold of the beating heart within, wrenching it from its rightful place with a cruel twist of its spectral fingers.

As the lifeblood drained from his body, the unfortunate victim gasped for air, his chest heaving with the effort as he fought to cling to life. But it was a futile struggle, for the grip of death was already upon him, and with one final cough of blood, he succumbed to the darkness, his life snuffed out in an instant of unimaginable horror.

As the helicopter carrying Ren, Aria, and Kaito soared through the skies above the Kiso Mountains, Nagano Prefecture, a palpable tension hung in the air, mirrored by the silence that enveloped the occupants within. Each lost in their own thoughts, they contemplated the uncertain future that awaited them at their destination.

Ren, the enigmatic figure at the helm of their journey, remained lost in his own thoughts, his mind drifting to matters unrelated to the task at hand. In front of him, Aria gazed out of the window, her thoughts a mystery to those around her. And beside her, Kaito grappled with his own inner turmoil, his mind consumed by thoughts of Aria and the impending conflict with Enishi.

As the helicopter continued its journey, cutting through the crisp mountain air, Ren finally broke the silence with a question that hung in the air like a heavy fog. "Do you want me to use the Void Enes to teleport us there?" he asked, his voice cutting through the silence like a knife.

Kaito, grateful for the opportunity to expedite their journey, wasted no time in expressing his approval. "I'd appreciate it, if you did," he replied, his voice tinged with relief.

Ren nodded in response, his decision made. With a flick of his wrist, he summoned the power of the Void Enes, channeling its otherworldly energy to bend space and time to his will. In an instant, the world around them blurred and twisted, the familiar sensation of teleportation washing over them like a wave.

When the world steadied once more, they found themselves standing in the helipad outside the hidden training grounds nestled within the heart of Mt. Tashiro. The sudden transition left them momentarily disoriented, their senses reeling from the abrupt change in scenery.

The pilot, equally bewildered by the sudden shift in location, wasted no time in seeking clarification. "Am I on break now?" he inquired, his confusion evident in his voice.

Ren offered a reassuring nod, confirming the pilot's suspicions. "For the time being, yes," he replied, his tone calm and collected despite the chaos unfolding around them.

With that, the pilot departed, leaving Ren, Aria, and Kaito alone in the shadow of the mountain. As they surveyed their surroundings, a sense of anticipation washed over them, mingling with the uncertainty that hung in the air like a shroud.

As Ren, Aria, and Kaito entered the gate leading into the training grounds nestled within the mountainous terrain of Mt. Tashiro, they were greeted by the sight of a massive hall stretching out before them. The air crackled with anticipation as they took in their surroundings, the weight of their impending training settling over them like a heavy cloak.

In the distance, a towering gate beckoned with its imposing presence, its thick white walls emblazoned with the words "Special Training Grounds." Ren, ever the enigmatic figure, wasted no time in issuing instructions to his companions. "Aria, head inside there first," he directed, his voice carrying with it an air of authority. "The training won't start until I say so. I'll inform you beforehand, though."

Aria nodded in acknowledgment, her expression betraying no hint of emotion as she set off towards the designated area. However, before she could reach her destination, Ren's voice cut through the air once more, a sudden change in plans altering their course. "Actually, go to the normal training grounds for the time being," he instructed, his words causing Aria to pause in her tracks.

Without a word, Aria complied, her movements fluid and decisive as she redirected her path towards the standard training area. Meanwhile, Kaito watched on, his confusion evident in the furrow of his brow as he sought to make sense of Ren's actions.

Ren, seemingly unfazed by the uncertainty swirling around them, took charge of the situation with characteristic calmness. Pulling out his phone, he dialed a number and spoke briefly before ending the call. Turning his attention back to Kaito, he spoke with a tone of resolve. "I'll train Kaito and Aria," he declared, his words leaving no room for argument as he asserted his authority.

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