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82.8% Aeon Enigma

Chapter 130: CHAPTER 129: Yamanashi Showdown, Part 11

As Enishi turned to face his new adversary, a sense of intrigue washed over him, his curiosity piqued by the appearance of this formidable challenger. The man's dark hair framed his face, accentuating the intensity of his striking jade eyes, which seemed to gleam with a fierce determination. At the age of 20, he exuded a quiet confidence, his well-defined physique hinting at the rigorous training regimen he undoubtedly adhered to.

Clad in a snug-fitting black shirt that showcased his muscular form, the man moved with a fluid grace, his every movement calculated and precise. Paired with white track pants and athletic sneakers, his attire spoke of both comfort and practicality, allowing him unrestricted freedom of movement as he dashed towards Enishi with a determined purpose.

With a swift and decisive motion, the man launched a jab towards Enishi's stomach, his attack executed with precision and intent. Enishi, ever vigilant, responded in kind, using his lower right arm and lower left arm to block the blow. Despite Enishi's formidable defense, the force of the man's strike was such that it pushed him back several centimeters, a testament to the raw power and skill possessed by his opponent.

"I wish the attack was a little bit more impactful," the man remarked with a hint of dissatisfaction, his tone betraying a desire for greater challenge and intensity in their confrontation. Enishi, impressed by the man's display of strength and resilience, acknowledged his prowess with a nod of respect.

"You're the first one in this Era to push me back with a blow," Enishi admitted, his voice tinged with a note of admiration. In a world where no one could rival his unmatched prowess, encountering a challenger capable of matching his strength was a rare and exhilarating experience.

Undeterred by the daunting prospect of facing off against Enishi, the man met his gaze with unwavering determination, a steely resolve burning within his jade eyes. When Enishi inquired about his name, the man responded simply with a single word: "Shin (信)."

The name resonated with a sense of power and authority, hinting at the depths of strength and conviction that lay within this enigmatic challenger. As the two warriors stood poised on the brink of battle, the air crackled with anticipation, each moment pregnant with the promise of an epic confrontation that would test the limits of their abilities.

For Enishi, Shin represented more than just another opponent; he was a beacon of challenge and opportunity, a chance to engage in combat with a worthy adversary whose skill and determination matched his own.

As Kaito and Raiden observed the unfolding confrontation between Enishi and the enigmatic Shin, they couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue mingled with uncertainty. Kaito's curiosity prompted him to inquire about Shin's identity, to which Raiden could only offer a shrug of uncertainty, confessing, "I have no idea."

Meanwhile, Shin faced Enishi with a confident smile, his demeanor exuding a quiet determination and readiness for the battle ahead. With a simple declaration to make the fight enjoyable, Shin signaled his readiness to engage in combat with the formidable adversary before him.

Unbeknownst to Shin, the Hollow Vanguard division made a decision to bolster his power, despite their lack of familiarity with him. Utilizing the Life Enes, they channeled their Enes to boost Shin's capabilities, granting him a significant increase in strength. However, Shin anticipated that Enishi would likewise augment his own power in response to the challenge posed by Shin's enhanced abilities.

To Shin's surprise, Enishi eschewed the option of boosting himself and instead opted to engage directly in combat. With ridiculous speed, Enishi dashed towards Shin, launching a flurry of attacks aimed at exploiting any weaknesses in his defenses. Each of Enishi's four arms became a deadly weapon, aiming to strike at Shin from multiple angles simultaneously.

Reacting with razor-sharp reflexes, Shin managed to block the initial onslaught of blows aimed at his face, deflecting them with precision and skill. However, as Enishi continued to press the attack, Shin found himself at a disadvantage due to the sheer number of arms his opponent possessed.

Inwardly acknowledging the challenge posed by Enishi's superior physical capabilities, Shin recognized the need to adapt his strategy to overcome the disadvantage he faced. With only two arms to counter Enishi's four, Shin understood that hand-to-hand combat would prove to be a formidable challenge.

Despite the odds stacked against him, Shin remained undaunted, his resolve unwavering as he sought to find a way to turn the tide of battle in his favor. With each exchange of blows, the clash between Enishi and Shin intensified, the outcome hanging in the balance as they danced on the razor's edge of combat.

As Enishi's powerful blow connected with Shin's face, the force of the impact caused Shin to bend slightly backward, his expression briefly contorting with the force of the strike. However, Shin wasted no time in recovering, swiftly straightening himself and retaliating with a swift counterattack aimed at Enishi.

Anticipating Shin's maneuver, Enishi moved to intercept him, aiming to seize his opponent by the face and gain the upper hand in the exchange. Yet, Shin's agility proved to be a formidable obstacle as he deftly evaded Enishi's attempt to grab him, instead opting to execute a sweeping motion in an attempt to knock Enishi off balance and into the air.

Enishi, however, was not so easily taken off guard. With razor-sharp reflexes, he countered Shin's maneuver with a well-placed kick to the face, momentarily staggering his opponent and thwarting his attempt to unbalance him. As Shin recoiled from the blow, he managed to retaliate with a swift kick of his own, aimed at Enishi's stomach before swiftly retreating to create some distance between them.

Despite the intensity of their exchange, both combatants wore smiles, a testament to the thrill of battle that coursed through their veins. Enishi acknowledged Shin's skill with a nod of respect, remarking, "You're not bad..."

In turn, Shin reciprocated the sentiment, affirming, "Neither are you."

With a shared understanding of each other's prowess, Enishi and Shin wasted no time in renewing their assault, dashing toward each other with unbridled determination. Their fists collided with explosive force, sending shockwaves rippling outward and pushing everything in the vicinity back with tremendous force.

Kaito and Raiden, mere spectators to the clash between Enishi and Shin, found themselves pushed back by the sheer power of the shockwaves unleashed by Enishi and Shin's clash. As they struggled to maintain their footing, Kaito couldn't help but express his disbelief at the sheer magnitude of the battle unfolding before them.

"This is ridiculous," Kaito muttered, his voice tinged with a mixture of awe and apprehension, as he and Raiden braced themselves for the continuing onslaught.

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