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Chapter 11: Big Surprise, wasn't it?

In the midst of my exhilarating flight, a sudden notification disrupted the soaring experience.

[Mana is at its lowest point]

My source of Mana diminished, causing the flames that allowed me to fly to vanish abruptly. Panic set in as I plummeted from the sky, the ground rushing up to meet me at an alarming speed.

As fear gripped me, an unexpected boon emerged. Another notification appeared.

[You have successfully learned the skill : The All Knowing]

A mysterious male voice identified itself as Daiki, claiming to be The All Knowing. Before I could fully comprehend the situation, Daiki spoke in my mind, "Hello, Tatsuya Ryota, I am Daiki. The All Knowing. I have seen that you have finally reached out to me."

I shouted, "Don't you see I'm dying here?!?!"

Daiki calmly responded, "I see. When you are about to hit the ground, use your skill 'Trident Strike' with your scythe, combined with ice manipulation. That should create enough force to subtract the falling damage at its minimum. You have to time it correctly. I will tell you when to use it."

Falling rapidly, the moment approached. Daiki's voice echoed, "Now." Following his guidance, I cast ice spikes to the ground, then executed a Trident Strike with my scythe, generating a force that countered the impact. Miraculously, the combination slowed my descent, resulting in a controlled landing that spared me from severe injury – a mere 500 HP lost.

As I lay on the ground, gratitude filled me, and I thanked Daiki for his timely advice. He assured me, "Your welcome. I will be here 24/7 to serve you. If you need my assistance, don't hesitate to call my name." Rising from the ground, I couldn't help but chuckle at the world's persistent interventions, seemingly conspiring to keep me alive.

Eager to test my newfound capabilities, I decided to explore the extent of my speed on land. Placing my scythe on my back, I assumed a ninja-like running position. Seeking guidance from Daiki on the most efficient running method, I sprinted through the landscape, surpassing trees and mountains.

Although I was faster than before, I would say in still slower than Aria, by like 5 or 7 times.

Eventually, I stumbled upon another village, smaller than mine but fortified with a protective wooden wall. Entering through a grand gate, I sensed a larger population of around 150 people while mine had 77. The village, a microcosm of life in this magical realm, presented an opportunity to forge new connections and explore uncharted territories.

As I entered the village, the guards, sensing my expansive aura, since my mana had increased, my aura was covering half of the village, the guards greeted me with a mixture of respect and caution. Requesting an audience with the chief, they escorted me to the heart of the village. However, upon reaching the chief's residence, a surprise awaited me. The chief attempted to stab me from behind, but with newfound reflexes, I effortlessly dodged the attack, breaking his lance in the process. Calmly, I asserted, "I don't want to fight; I came here to talk."

As tensions eased, the chief, named Kaiyo, apologized for his hostile approach. Seated now, I laid out my proposition. "I'm here to propose taking some of your builders and workers. I will pay to hire them, providing free housing, food, and sending resources weekly if you confirm our alliance and accept this deal."

Intrigued, Kaiyo inquired, "How many people do you want?" I responded, "25 builders and 25 workers." Confirming my commitment to send resources weekly, Kaiyo agreed to the alliance. He outlined the terms: "It will be 25 gold coins for both the workers and builders." Accepting the terms, I handed over the gold coins, and we proceeded to organize the departure of the selected individuals.

While Kaiyo finalized the selection, I sought guidance from Daiki on the logistics of the journey. "How can we reach my village from here at the earliest? If we walk, how much time would it take?" Daiki promptly responded, "Four hours to walk 11 kilometers." Satisfied with the efficient travel time, I prepared for the upcoming collaboration, envisioning how this partnership could benefit both villages.

Before our departure, Daiki advised, "Leave a portion of your mana in this village; it will be useful later." Following his instruction, I concentrated on solidifying my mana, shaping it into a tangible form that I then placed in the palm of my hand. With a flick, I discreetly left this ethereal gift at the heart of the village. As we set out, Daiki's guidance became a source of assurance and newfound skills.

During our journey, I led the group of 50 individuals, ensuring their safety as we made our way to my village. The camaraderie that formed within the diverse group added a sense of unity to our venture. When we reached a river, a natural pause prompted everyone to refresh themselves with a quick bath. The sense of rejuvenation filled the air as we resumed our journey.

However, our progress was abruptly halted when a contingent of guards, emanating an aura of authority, surrounded us. Ten royal guards, unmistakably affiliated with the kingdom of Misao, confronted us. With a stern tone, I inquired, "Is there something I can help you with?" Internally, a sense of foreboding crept in as I acknowledged, "This doesn't look good."

The leader of the guards spoke assertively, "You guys are trespassing into the lands of the Kingdom of Misao." The weight of their words hung in the air, prompting a tense atmosphere. As the unexpected encounter unfolded, I pondered the implications of this confrontation and how it might shape the course of our journey.

The guard in charge stated, "We will take you to the Kingdom for trespass." I responded, "What if I refuse?" He asserted, "We will take you there, whether you agree or not." Gripping my scythe, I challenged them, saying, "You are welcome to try and take me there!"

Tension hung in the air as the standoff began. The guards prepared for the impending clash, and I readied my scythe, poised for confrontation. The air crackled with intensity as the clash of wills unfolded.

As the battle started, the impending clash was halted abruptly as Daiki's urgent warning resonated, signaling the approach of a high mana figure. A sinister aura enveloped the scene, foreboding the arrival of a formidable individual. With a dramatic entrance, a man emerged, possessing striking features—red spiky hair, sunglasses, and a height of around 180cm. His attire, a white short-sleeved shirt paired with black pants, clashed with the terrifying aura he exuded.

As the guards trembled, one whispered the chilling truth, "The Third Demon Lord, Eto Tratarossa." Panic ensued among the guards, attempting a futile escape that was abruptly halted. With swift precision, Eto effortlessly cleaved through them, leaving a haunting image of guards severed in half. The abrupt brutality was a testament to Eto's fearsome reputation.

Turning his gaze towards me, Eto's demeanor shifted unexpectedly. Fear gnawed at me as he approached, but before I could react, he embraced me. Gratitude and tears filled his eyes as he expressed relief at my presence in this world.

Eto unraveled a shocking revelation—he had orchestrated my summoning, responding to my cries from another world. He claimed to be the puppeteer behind the elevator incident, an act of mercy to liberate me from suffering. According to him, Demon Lords could sacrifice souls to summon beings from different worlds, and I was his chosen one due to my perceived potential.

Caught in a whirlwind of confusion and fear, Eto's emotional attachment intensified as he referred to me as his lord. The unexpected proposal of forming a pact hung in the air, leaving me grappling with the magnitude of this revelation.

"I was the one who summon you to this world Tatsuya, you are the One who rules this world, I know for a fact. That means you are my lord!"

Eto kept hugging me. He was like a dog not gonna lie. He was too attached to me. "I'm still confused, what do you mean summoned me?" Eto got up and said "I heard your crying in the other world, you said you wanted to leave and enjoy life right? Well, I was the one who made that elevator fall and end your suffering. And then I summoned you here."

Eto kept saying "Us, Demon Lords, we can sacrifice souls for another being from another world to be summoned here. I did exactly that and summoned you here. I can see your potential, and how strong you can become. So for that, I will follow you, but before that. We need to form a pact!"

The journey had evolved into a complex web of alliances and unforeseen destinies, and the path ahead seemed fraught with uncertainty.

Eto's overwhelming aura, initially an oppressive force, revealed the extent of his power, blanketing nearly 20 kilometers. It felt like a malevolent shroud, reminiscent of the depths of hell itself. Sensing my unease, Eto, with a knowing smile, decided to alleviate the tension by retracting his aura.

The transformation was staggering; from an ominous, infernal presence, he became indistinguishable from a regular person. Yet, even without the suffocating aura, the air around Eto still carried an underlying sense of foreboding.

Attempting to gauge the threat, Eto inquired about the accompanying group of workers. With a hint of menace, he asked, "Who are all these 50 people? Want me to kill them for you, Lord?" Reacting swiftly, I insisted, "NO NO NO! THEY ARE WORKERS FOR ME AND MY VILLAGE!!" Eto relented, sparing them but issued a chilling warning to the builders about the consequences if they harmed me.

Preparing to journey to my village, I informed Eto of our imminent departure. Without hesitation, he agreed, showcasing a teleportation ability. We found ourselves instantly transported to my village. Baffled, I questioned Eto, "How did you know where my village was?" His cryptic response, "I've been next to you the entire time, Lord," deepened the enigma.

Now in the heart of my village, the looming prospect of forming a pact with Eto unfolded. Kneeling before me, Eto pledged, "Oh Lord, may I follow you until my last breath." Initiating the pact, we spoke in unison, "I accept you as my fellow follower." A red sphere enveloped Eto, leaving him seemingly unchanged. Curious, I asked why, to which Eto clarified, "Because being a Demon Lord is the max race you can be." The pact bound us in ways beyond my comprehension, and the unfolding narrative seemed to have etched a profound chapter into the destiny of this mysterious world.

GloryLife GloryLife

I hope you enjoy reading this, Love and Peace. Don't forget to wait for my new chapters, read them all! Haha!

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