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Chapter 3: Chapter 1: Helgen

The seer idea is inspired from isekai from hell another skyrim fanfic, since i liked the idea of using mcs extensive knowledge of the story/lore i decided to also make him act like seer.

Feedback is appreciated! (Fr i really need it)

Enjoy! ;)


Chapter 1: Helgen

At that moment, I had no chance of survival in this world. I possessed neither money, family, nor any connections. The dragon's attack had left me with only one logical choice—the people in front of me.

I gazed at the trio, contemplating my dire circumstances. Unbeknownst to me, my face had adopted an indifferent and monotone expression, a stark contrast to my usual demeanor. The sudden change didn't go unnoticed by the others, who gave me puzzled looks.

I didn't need to wonder if these beings were sentient or mere AI constructs; the world had become too vivid and lifelike to be a mere game simulation.

My attention settled on Lokir, and in my most emotionless and cryptic tone, I addressed him, "Don't entertain the thought of fleeing, Lokir of Rorikstead. If you attempt to escape, death is inevitable."

My words hung in the air, leaving Ralof and Ulfric bewildered. It was Lokir who finally broke the silence, his voice trembling with shock and fear. "H-how do you know my name? Or where I'm from?"

As they looked at me with increasing confusion, I continued, "I know your name, just as I know the name of the person sitting next to me… Ulfric Stormcloak, leader of the rebellion and once a Greybeard in training, striving to master the Thu'um."

The group remained dumbfounded, and Ralof stammered in disbelief, "How? How could you possibly know—"

I interrupted him before he could finish his question. "I know many things and have seen many things, Ralof of Riverwood, a member of the Stormcloak rebellion. Our destination is Helgen, a place where you once held fond memories of a girl who prepared mead with juniper berries, a drink you cherished."

"That's absolutely true," Ralof admitted, his emotions ranging from fear to bewilderment, and even disbelief.

The others weren't faring much differently. Only Ulfric seemed to retain his composure.

As I reflected on the success of my bluff, I felt a peculiar sensation, as if something was calling out to me. I brushed it aside for now, focusing on the situation at hand.

"If there's one talent I was born with, it's the ability to fabricate stories to the extreme," I mused silently.

Resuming my indifferent and mysterious demeanor, I outlined my plan to the group. "When we enter Helgen, the Imperials will try to execute us. Convince your fellow prisoners to stall, and I will volunteer to go first. Listen for thunder in the distance. When the moment comes, make a break for the north tower."

Lokir, however, sought clarification. "When what happens?" he inquired with uncertainty.

"It's better if you don't know," I responded sternly. "But whatever you do, don't look up. Just run toward the north tower."

He nodded meekly, and as we approached Helgen, a swirl of negative thoughts overwhelmed me, but amid it all, an odd sense of excitement welled up.

It was strange, standing in this place, so familiar from hours of virtual exploration, a world I had enjoyed on the computer screen, a refuge where I had whiled away countless nights immersing myself in adventures, battles, and an intricately crafted universe. It was a time when worries like these hadn't existed.

Exiting the carriage, I stepped onto the ground and joined the line to await my fate. As my turn approached, I stepped forward, and my name was called by Hadvar.

"Who are you…?" he questioned, inspecting his list.

I attempted to recall my name, but I was met with a sudden message window.

[A portion of your memories has been sealed until the conditions have been met.]

Understanding the implications, I used my character's name. "Kahn Shadowborn."

Hadvar scrutinized me, likely questioning my lineage. I didn't fit the typical profile of a Nord, Imperial, or Breton. Yet, he decided not to comment and instead turned his attention to the woman next to him.

"Captain, he's not on the list. What should we do?" Hadvar asked.

The woman next to him replied with annoyance in her gruff voice, "Damn the list. He goes to the block."

As I walked over to stand beside Ralof, the ominous sound of thunder grew overhead. I glanced at General Tullius, who was antagonizing Ulfric about the murder of the king and his theft of the throne using the Thu'um.

With a loud command, the captain said, "First prisoner."

I stepped forward with an indifferent expression, counting my steps, speed and length to avoid raising suspicion.

Gazing at Ulfric, I stated, "It's been an honor to meet you." Then, I shifted my gaze to the priestess and instructed, "Please begin the rights, Priestess."

As she began the ritual, I listened to her prayers. Another crack of thunder sounded, closer this time, shattering parts of the tower above her.

"Now! Make way to the tower!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, pushing my executioner to the ground as I untied myself with the axe.

My heart raced as I surged towards the north tower. The wind howled and carried the echo of my rapid footsteps as the chaos of Helgen unfolded behind me.

Throwing the axe to Ulfric, he helped his fellow stormcloaks untie the knots.

As he untied the other prisoners that were in a disoriented and shocked state,

He yelled at them to follow him, snapping them out of their dazed state.

Our steps synchronized in our dash to escape the impending execution, as the other stormcloaks, Ralof and Lokir followed behind.

"Move! Move!" I shouted, my voice a mix of urgency and resolve. I couldn't afford any hesitation at this juncture.

My instincts and knowledge of the game kicked in. I anticipated the Imperials' confusion and misdirection as they struggled to regain control. This gave us a fleeting advantage as we pushed forward.

The great stone walls of the tower loomed before us. It was a massive, foreboding structure that appeared daunting to climb, but I knew this path. I had scaled these walls countless times before, from the comfort of my gaming chair.

Upon reaching the tower's entrance, the other prisoners started to second-guess our escape. Their nervousness became palpable, and I knew I had to maintain our momentum.

"Don't falter now! Inside the tower, quickly!" I urged them forward, doing my best to exude leadership.

With uncertainty in their eyes, they hesitated for just a moment, but my relentless encouragement and ulfirc's acceptance pushed them into the tower's dimly lit corridor.

We went up the spiraling stone steps, moving further away from the chaos and confusion below. While the world outside was descending into madness, we were slowly but steadily working our way up.

The cavernous tower was eerie, lit only by the occasional sputtering torch. The atmosphere inside was a stark contrast to the turbulent events taking place outside. As we climbed higher, a sense of tension gripped us.

"Wait." I signaled Ralof with my hand as he glanced at me, his eyes searching for guidance.

We paused for a moment on the stairs, when the dragon suddenly broke through the wall at on the top floor, spewing fire every where he looked.

As the dragon left, I signaled them to jump through the hole it made, Lokir heaitated but as he saw everyone else not giving two fucks about it, he followed along.


Once we followed the same route as in the game, we reached the hold, giving us some time to plan ahead.

I could sense Ulfric's curious gaze upon me, questioning my identity.

"My name is Kahn Shadowborn. None of you know who I am, and I don't expect you to. We can talk after all of this is over and we've reached safety. The dragon won't wait for us, so we need to continue forward," I stated with an indifferent and monotone voice.

It was perplexing how calm I remained, considering my usual tendency to panic and my inexperience in chaotic and dangerous situations. I contemplated the odd change in my behavior.

A chime suddenly resounded in my head, and a black window with white transparent text appeared before my eyes.


Character Stats:

Name: Kahn

Age: 16

Race: Human

Title: None

Health: 80/80

Stamina: 100/100

Magicka: Null

Variable Attributes -

Strength: 3 - Strength represents your ability to exert power, affecting the weight you can carry, enabling you to don heavier protective gear and wield heavier weapons. It also has some impact on your constitution.

Dexterity: 5 - Dexterity governs your movement speed, hand-eye coordination, reflexes, and balance. Higher dexterity allows you to dodge, react to, and block attacks, as well as perform acrobatic movements.

Constitution: 4 - Constitution forms the basis for your health, determining how many hits you can withstand, your resistance to ailments, and regeneration to some extent.

Endurance: 4 - Endurance acts as the foundation for your stamina, affecting how much stamina you can exert, your running speed, and your stamina pool.

Non-variable Attributes -

Intelligence: 5 - Intelligence influences your level of concentration, enhancing your ability to focus on tasks, improving logical thinking, and partially increasing your will.

Will: 5 (+3 From Skills) - Will affects your resistance to mental attacks and your recovery speed from psychological debuffs, such as pain and sadness. Higher will allows you to remain composed in dangerous situations, leading to precise execution of your actions.

Spirit: Null - Spirit enhances your absorption rate, acceptance level, and control over magic, also known as magicka. However, due to the Trait: [Transmigrator], you have no innate magicka.

Skills: Analysis Lv.1

Shouts: None


[Transmigrator] - You are an outsider, a traveler from a different world entirely. You have no innate magicka (-null), but you learn more quickly (+5% learning speed).

[Shadowborn] - You find peace and solitude in the shadows and have a strong connection with them. Shadows are as much a part of you as you are of them. Current Bond: 0.98%, ???


Staring at the status window displaying my abilities, we heard the voices of Imperials coming from the room across from us.

Ulfric gestured for everyone to hide behind the walls, snapping me out of my daze.

We waited until the barred door opened, and we ambushed the outnumbered Imperials.

As the skirmish began, one of them advanced on me, swinging his sword. I dodged his attacks, staying at a safe distance to observe his fighting stance. Then, suddenly, a flood of information coursed through my mind.

[The innate skill, Analysis.Lv1, has been activated.]

My perception of the world turned gray, my emotions numbed, and my reasoning abilities sharpened considerably. I couldn't fully comprehend what was happening, but there was no time for that.

The Imperial lunged at me with his sword, moving faster than before. His sword aimed at my chest. As the blade neared, I stepped back and pivoted, catching his arm and twisting it at an unusual angle, forcing him to release the sword. I grabbed the hilt of the falling sword and thrust it into his neck, all of my movements fluid and precise, as if I was executing a pre-arranged sequence.

His lifeless body fell to the ground.

I glanced around to find that the battle had already concluded.

[Analysis.Lv1 has been deactivated.]

And then…

I vomited on the ground in realization at what I had done. I didn't regret it, but taking a human life after being thrust into this unfamiliar world, without warning or preparation, felt nauseating. I had lived a secluded life, and this act was a shock to my system.

The unsettling part was how I had effortlessly analyzed the man's movements, postures, and predicted his actions with remarkable precision, as if I were orchestrating a carefully choreographed performance. I wasn't supposed to be capable of such things.

I needed answers.

contemplating on the information that had been transferred to my mind, I focused on my only skill that was displayed in the status window: 'Analysis.'


[Analysis.Lv1] - Innate ability: Obscures the emotions of the user while enhancing logical and rational thinking at an increased speed, focusing on a specific task ahead. It allows the user to analyze, predict, and plan different combat scenarios without being burdened by negative emotions. This skill consumes 1 stamina every second and permanently boosts Will by +3.

Restriction: only activates during combat or near-death situations.


My realization left me drained, the information was too much too handle but I needed to press on.

We cleared the area and continued down the stairs using the key obtained from the captain's corpse. The dim, candlelit corridor led us to an old wooden door—the kind I vividly remembered from hours of gameplay.

We entered, defeated the Imperials inside, supplied ourselves with potions and pressed forward.

As we faced various challenges, including more Imperial soldiers, I participated in combat without the help of my newfound 'ability'.

I only struck when I felt it was a feasible move, after all, I wasn't a trained soldier like the Stormcloaks or the imperials here, but I was good at being overly cautious and grasping opportunities.

We fought valiantly, but many Stormcloaks met brutal ends.

The stench of blood became increasingly nauseating.

We encountered oversized spiders, but I was able to help the group by sharing my 'seer' knowledge and revealing the spots where these creatures were likely to appear. My in-game experience came in handy, confirming that some of my knowledge could be applied for tactical preparation in real-life battles.

Finally, after we managed to defeat the spiders, we advanced to the last section of this cavern. We dealt with a bear using our bows, overwhelming it with our numbers.

As we continued forward, we eventually reached the exit of the cave.

"Hopefully, everything goes well from here," I thought, knowing that escaping the cave was only the beginning of my journey.

Chapter end.


Thanks forr sticking to the end, next chapter will be different i promise, hopefully i didnt make any mistakes in a bad way haha 😅

Thank you for reading, See you later (╯°□°)╯


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