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Chapter 3: Chapter 3 Events in the world

Events in the world


56- 61 Ac

During all this tragedy in Westeros, Essos was also going through a pandemic but not as severe as Westeros. The city of Volantis is one of the free cities of Essos located to the east of Westeros. The southernmost and oldest of the Free Cities, it lies on the southern coast of Essos, where the mighty Rhoyne River meets the Summer Sea. It was founded as a colony of Valyria many centuries ago and is a great port. Volantis remains the center of the slave trade in the Free Cities and maintains sea and land links with Slaver's Bay hundreds of miles to the east. There are five slaves in Volantis for each free man, a ratio surpassing even that of the cities in Slaver's Bay itself. People from Volantis are known as Volantene. Before the conquest of the 7 kingdoms, a young Ageon Targaryen sided against Volantis and their ambitions to rule all of the free cities of Essos during the Century of Blood. Which was a consequence of the remaining free cities offering Ageon gold and uniting against Volantis after they conquered Lys and Myr.

The war ended as expected when facing a dragon such as Balerion the black dread and the combined forces of the United Free Cities with the slave army and fleet of Volantis being destroyed. The city is still a powerful free city but the infighting between the Tiger party which favored war and conquest and the Elephant party which favored trade and peace has stopped Volantis from having a united front on foreign policies, the Volantene

have a ruling party of three Triarchs which is elected from the land-owning populace of Volantis.

During the years of 56-61 Ac


Inside the black walls of Volantis (which only the old blood of Volantis are allowed entry)

(Elephant Triarch)

Triarch Nysseos

This is madness You expect us to go to war once again after our previous defeats no more than 70 years ago. We still have not even recovered our economy, the barbaric Dothraki horse lords from the east are raiding up and down our lands, the slaves are starving and you expect us to go to WAR!!

(Tiger Triarch)

Triarch Horonno.

Are you so cowardly that you can't see that they are laughing at us, us the first daughter of Valryia the beacon of the civilized world? And I'll have you know when the tigers held power we were winning the war before that traitor Aegon and his sisters with their Aegarax-forsaken dragons joined in against us. We even offered to crown the fool are emperor, but he declined and decided to conquer the backwater people of Westeros instead living in their hovels made out of shit and mud. What I'm trying to say is that we have recovered enough to finish what are forebears had started, The Targaryen are too busy being bogged by their Westerosi politics they won't intervene in essos business. I'm warning you now if we don't strike soon it might be too late. Lys, Myr, and Tyrosh are getting closer, and if they unite with the fertile lands of the disputed lands and the shipping lanes of the step-stones nearby they would be unstoppable.

(Second Elephant Triarch)

Triarch Trianna

Fertile disputed lands? If you have not taken notice after the war the disputed lands were in shambles with fields burned, wells poisoned, and sellswords being a destabilizing force in the region, constantly starting up fights, betraying employers, and occasionally trying to set up their own kingdoms. The three whores have enough problems as it is then trying to unite with each other, and do you think Braavos and Pentos would allow them to own those shipping lanes to charge them unreasonable tolls I think not. That's the end of this line of discussion the votes are against you let's move on to more productive use of our time like how should we deal with the Dothraki?

Triarch Horonno Pov

(2 hours later in the home of Triarch Horonno)

A coward and a woman that's what the people of Volantis elected as two of the three leaders of our great city it's disgusting. We were once the greatest of the free cities the first daughter and now Braavosi bankers believe themselves above their betters. I say to my followers and members of the tiger party. While some nodded with shouts of aye's, some looked unconvinced, so I continued. Every policy we come up with to regain our lost prestige is blocked by those two elephant triarchs we need a change and we need it now or the glory of Volantis will forever be lost and that change starts with you, I said pointing at one of them and you, and you and you. We all have a duty fulfill to Volantis, to our forefathers to our children's future. I looked over them once more to see them all nodding their head I smiled and knew I had them. we started discussing what are next steps should be.


Myr is on the fertile "heel" of Essos, where an ancient Valyrian dragonroad on the mainland meets the Sea of Myrth. Some maesters believe that Myrmen are descended from the Rhoynar, as many of the Myrmen share their olive skin and dark hair, but this theory is disputed since Myr was founded by merchant adventurers from the Valyrian Freehold after they conquered a walled Andal town.

Temples and shrines for many gods can be found along the waterfronts and streets. For instance, R'hllor is worshiped at a red temple, and the Moon-Pale Maiden, another deity worshiped by sailors in Myr. Myrish ships have sailed the narrow sea for hundreds of years. People from Myr are known as Myrmen. Myr has a reputation for great craftsmanship and finished goods such as mirrors, lenses, and other glassware produced in the city have no equal a clear pane of good Myrish glass is worth its weight in spices. Myrish textiles are much sought-after products and include intricate lace, finely woven carpets, and beautiful tapestries

During the century of blood,

Myr was occupied by Volantis for two generations after a battle at sea, off the shores myr in the sea of Myrth, it was a battle where both the Lyseni fleet and Myrish fleet were soundly defeated by an admiral of Volantis after which both cities were open to be attacked and occupied after a few more battles on land which Volantis more Profesional slave army defeated the sellswords hired by the two cities to defend themselves. When Volantis overreached and attacked Tyrosh as well, its forces were beaten back and defeated by a coalition that included the Westerosi Storm King Argilac the Arrogant, troops from Pentos and Braavos, as well as massive uprisings in Myr and Lys. Volantis's military power was broken and Myr again became an independent city-state. These alliances, however, soon fell apart

Because of the greed for the fertile lands of disputed lands

Myr is ruled by a conclave of magisters, chosen from amongst the most wealthy and noble men of the city. Fifteen seats represent the Conclave, with the Prince-Admiral as its uncontested head.

During the years of 56-61 Ac

Inside one of the meeting rooms of the conclave building, the 15 members of the conclave were discussing the state of the Myrish state.

(Conclave member)

Magister Aeneas Vashar

we need to discuss the payment for the Dothraki's hordes that are roaming near our borders and how we should divide the burden of payment between us and the people of Myr. I say we invite the leaders in the city and get them drunk and provide them with some of our best bed slaves from Lys to discuss terms.

(Conclave member)

Magister Mercurio Mar Noyne

Why should we go through the trouble to invite these unwashed barbarians in our city? Why not just provide them with the usual tribute and have them go about their business? Mercurio says while drinking his third cup of Myr firewine with the drink running down the side of his mouth and unto his fine silk cloths.

(Conclave member)

Magister Aeneas Vashar

Looks in disgust then smirks before saying,

That's because there is a new leader of that host were you too busy trying to save your failing business or maybe is it because your wife has been cuckolding you with your Dothraki slave to remember what we discussed at the last meeting?

Anyway, I think it's a good idea to invite them in to see if we can send them against the Lyseni sellswords in the south. Also, we should discuss the hiring of The Black Wing I feel Tyrosh are mustering their forces to attack us From the west and capture the town of Ney Sar. All other conclave members agree except Magister Mercurio Mar Noyne who is seething in anger after the insult he has been dealt. Plotting on how to repay it twofold.

Star_Maker4 Star_Maker4

Aegarax one of the gods of old Valyria

- God of all creatures that walk, run, swim, or fly. Creator of the first dragon

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