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Chapter 19: 10 Days Training

Me and Asia slept together after i calm her down, but it wasn't enough as she was hell Bent on sleeping together with me. I really worried her a lot huh? I woke up the next day and gently move my body as to not wake her up, i took a quick shower before going to the biggest gym in town.

"Hey, what's the heaviest weighted vest you guys have?" I said to the receptionist, she takes me to the back, in the back was a dozen or so weighted vest for each weight. It ranges from 10kg to 100kg, i was guessing the heaviest they would have was 60 or 65, but they have upto 100? Although it wouldn't have any effect on Koneko or even Kiba, but it would work perfectly for Asia and maybe even Issei.

"Can i buy them? Or at the very least borrow them for the next eleven days. I'l pay upfront of course." The receptionist just think for a moment before she went back to her desk and calling someone. I just wait for a few minutes and a black overly jacked dude came into the gym and looks at me.

"So, your the punk that wants to buy my weighted Vest?" He said, being the same height i stare him down and he also do the same. If anybody were to look at us, it will seems like a brawl are about to commence.

"Yeah, what about it?" I said, not breaking eye contact. It continue like this for a minute before we dab eachother up. "Hahahaha, i like your gut punk. Sure, while i can't allow you to buy'em, i'l let you borrow one each of every weight for 2500$ upfront." He said, dollars? It will be a bit nice if it was yen but i shouldn't complain.

"Cool, i'll borrow them for eleven days, we agree on that?" I said, the dude just nodded and i pay with a card that the system has prepared the day i was Reincanated to this world. I actually don't know about this until i finish buying Asia some clothes with Rias. Makes me feel bad that she had to be the one that pays for Asia's clothes.

"Alright, me and my boys would help you move..." I just tune him out and start lifting the vests my self. It probably from me being ultimate class, but this weight feels nothing. "Aight, see you in eleven days." I said as i see his jaw dropped. Well if you see a person holding 10 weighted Vest I'm sure that would be pretty suprising.

When i get back, i could tell there were a few people inside the house, using [Energy Sense] to feel their energy turns out it is Rias and her peerage. Deactivating my skill, i walk inside and see them relaxing in the living room. "Sup Devils?" I said, everyone turn their head towards my voice and said their greetings.

"Oh, there you are Kuro. Where were you? Asia said you were already gone before she even wakes up." Rias said, so Asia is awake? Good, i took the weighted vests from my inventory and let it drop to the floor, cracking it a bit. But that dosen't matter. "What's this? Weighted vest?" Issei said, i nodded my head to that.

"Yeah, because you can't just train for power but also endurance, and even stamina. Having a massive amount of power would be useless if your as fragile as a glass." I said, i look towards Rias and she nodded her head before teleporting all of us away. We arrived at the foot of a mountain path, i throw the 60kg vest to Issei while helping Asia put on the 10kg vest.

"Endure it as much as you can okay? Don't try to heal yourself." I said as i Pat her head, Asia smile and nodded her head. "I guess you could use this, Kiba." I said as i throw the 100kg vest at him, he manage to catch it but have a bit of a problem holding it up.

"You actually struggled holding that up? Good, wear that everywhere and anywhere, even when your sleeping. That also works for you Issei." I helped him wear the vest and he already show some signs of struggle which is good. Me and Koneko carry most of the bags and we start to walk towards the top.

It take 2 hours for us to reach the top, and up here is a pretty decent size villa. Why would anyone even build a villa on top of a mountain? To be honest, i don't give a shit. I caught Issei a few Times trying to boost himself but that boy forgot that his sacred gear makes a pretty noticeable sound when he boosted.

So i literally knock the boost out of him before letting him continue walking. After reaching the villa, Issei pretty much fainted out of exhaustion right outside the door. Kiba too were a little bit exhausted but what suprised me is Asia, i thought she would also fainted but she didin't. "Good job." I said as i patted her head.

I told them to rest for a bit and i also told Asia to heal Issei before meeting me on the field right behind the villa.


(3rd PoV)

After they rested for a bit, they met Kuro who is just sitting on the middle of the field. "Oh, looks like you Devils are done resting. Now, i want you all to focus on what i'm about to do." Kuro said, he than stand up before extending his hand. "[Mana Shield]" Kuro said as a blue rectangle appears infront of him.

"Issei, try shooting that thing with your dragon shot." Kuro said, Issei then begun boosting as a small red ball appears infront of his hand, he then Punch it, sending the energy wave towards the Shield. It create some explosions but the Shield came out unscathed.

"I called that [Mana Shield] the way it works are similar to [Physical Enchantment] but instead of contain the energy within your body, you release your energy and shape it to what ever suits you. It could be a simple rectangle like this one, or could be a dome like what i used to protect Koneko, or even a literal Shield. The more energy you pour into making the Shield, the better its defense capability becomes." Kuro said, he then looks at Koneko before signaling her to come closer.

"Koneko, remember about my promise to teach you martial arts?" Kuro said, Koneko's eyes widen a bit before she nodded. "Hmn, what are you going to teach me?" Koneko asked, Kuro just chuckle before he relax his body and bouncing on his feet while raising his fists "come." He said, Koneko nodded before she uses PE to boost herself and rushed at Kuro.

(A/N: PE is physical Enchantment, i shortened it to that because to be honest, it had become tiring to write Physical Enchantment.)

Koneko went for Kuro's head, but before her fist even come close to Kuro, he had disappear from his place, leaving a purple mist behind. "Behind you." Koneko Heard Kuro's voice, she then turns around only to be Met with a Punch to the face. "Again." Kuro said. Koneko then went for another Punch but just like last time, Kuro had disappear and leaving behind only a purple mist.

"Woah! He just vanish!" Issei said, everyone has been watching on the sideline. They could only see a purple mist appears where Kuro once stand before he appears behind Koneko. After dodging Koneko's attack for a straight minute, kuro starts exerting purple smoke. Koneko just ignores it and went for a body shot but her fist is met with kuro's elbow, before she could even pull her hand back Kuro had follow it up with an uppercut.

Koneko fall to the ground, out of breath but she is smiling. "That... Was... Fucking rad.." Koneko said in between her breaths. "Right? That's the martial art that i'm going to teach you. It utilise mainly speed, so it suits you who already had the strength but lack the speed. The martial arts Are apropriately called [Rush Style] if your wondering." Kuro then looked at Asia, the girl noticing his look start to heal Koneko from a distance.

"Alright, Kiba. I don't really have a lot to teach you because i don't mainly use sword as a way to attack nowdays. But i could teach you how to covers your Blade in energy." Kuro said, on his hand then appears a cracked Katana. Kuro then take a deep breath before covering the Katana with a blue aura, the aura then start to get denser and sharper but before it could get any more stronger, the Katana shatters.

"Well, i guess that's going to happened. But you see it right? Its just like [Flying Slash] but instead of releasing your energy outwards, you covered your Blade with the energy instead. But remember to not overwhelmed your Blade with the energy or its going to shatters like my katana did, although my Katana did already on its last thread but you get what i'm saying." Kuro explain, Kiba nodded and immediatly create a sword and start practicing the technique.

Kuro then looked at Rias and Akeno. "Rias, akeno, i want you two to primarily focused on Mana Shield. Cause I'm sure you two already had plenty of offensive magic, but little to no defensive magic, correct?" Kuro said, the both of them nodded. He then start to tell them in detail on how to use Mana Shield before he goes to Issei.

"Now, you are going to give me 100." Kuro said, Issei's veins popped as he lashes out on Kuro. "Oi! Just another physical exercise?! What about a cool skill like Kiba and both Rias and Akeno?! Or maybe even a martial art like Koneko?! Why when its my turn its just physical exercise?!" He angrily said. Kuro just sigh before he put his hand on Issei's shoulder and push him to the ground.

"I said give me 100." Kuro said, Issei just bergrudingly start doing 100 push up. "I'l teach you a martial art later, your body is just not strong enough Issei." Hearing this, Issei has found a motivation as he start to do his push up faster. "Asia, try to keep your self up while healing those that already exhausted." He said to Asia who nodded before he look at Koneko. "Koneko, come with me." He said as he and Koneko goes to the forest on the other side of the field.

"Now, try to copy the way i move, only after that can you make some adjustment to it to suits you even more." Kuro said as he bounce on his feet and raise his hand, Koneko trying to copy kuro's moves. They all spend day practicing what Kuro tell them to do, only when the sun started to sets would they stopped. They all went back to the villa as to rest for the night.

Issei tried to get his vest off but Kuro stops him. "Didin't i say to leave it on for this 10 days?" Kuro said as he grasp Issei's wrist. "Yo-you were actually... Serious about that.." Issei said, Kuro nodded as he release Issei's wrist. Issei just drop to the floor, whining why he is being tortured like this. The others just laugh it off.

After that, Kuro helped Asia take her vests off, seeing that Issei was about to complain but he decide against it as he sees Kuro's eyes looking at him. After helping Asia, kuro then walked to the kitchen and see Akeno had start preparing some ingredients. "Oh, my. Kuro-kun? What are you doing here? Food is not ready yet." Akeno said, Kuro just chuckle before he helps Akeno preparing the ingredients.

"I was just about to cook something for the others when i already found you here. Didin't you want to rest? I could feel that you exhausted almost all of your energy. I could Cook if you were worrying about that." Kuro said, Akeno just giggle as she cuts the onions. "Fufufufu, i guess its already become a habit of mine to prepare dinner." Akeno said, Kuro just raise his eyebrow before shrugging his shoulder.

Kuro and Akeno had some small talk here and there as they prepared dinner, 30 minutes later, dinner is ready. After eating dinner, everyone decide to sleep for the night, except Kuro who goes to the dungeon after everybody is sleeping. Kuro stay inside the dungeon for 3 or 4 hours real time, trying to increase his template percentage.

At early dawn, everybody are woken up by the sound of Kuro screaming. "WAKE UP MAGGOTS! ITS TIME FOR TRAINING!!" Its 4:30 am, So it was a bit hard for them to stay awake this early. Kuro gathers them on the field, almost all of them still half asleep. Seeing that, Kuro cut his left palm with [Mana Blade]. The blood that drop from his palm start to form a Golem.

"[Blood Golem] this is a Golem Made from my own blood, seeing that almost all of you are still half asleep, why don't i give you some adrenaline to stay awake? While they aren't are strong as me they are still almost equal to a high class devil." Kuro said before his blood golems start attacking Rias and the others.

At first they tried their own attacks, but they could only deal a small amount of damage to the Golem so they start to use team work to destroy it. Koneko distract it with the help of Kiba and Issei, while Rias and Akeno charges their magic and Asia is at the back, ready to heal anyone if they get injured.

With the combination of Rias and Akeno's attack, they manage to destroy the blood Golem. Kuro gives them a round of applause at the result of their teamwork. "Great, i don't actually think that all of you would be able to destroy it. Now, let's continue our training." Kuro said, they continue to train on the days to come, fighting kuro's blood Golem every single dawn.

On day six, Kuro finally think that Issei is strong enough to learn a martial arts to go toe to toe with someone. As the others continue their training, he brought Koneko and also issei to the forest. "Alright, watch me closely Issei." Kuro said, he then cracked his neck and knuckles before raising his fists. "Come." Kuro said, Issei then rushed at Issei as he begins to boost himself with his sacred gear.

Issei landed a punch on Kuro's face but he dosen't flinch and send a headbutt to Issei's face, making Issei retreat to get some distance. Kuro rushed at Issei, wildly yet efficiently swing his arms and combine it with some kicks. Issei could only defend before his body get boosted enough to start his counter attack.

He then went for another Punch to the face, but Kuro tilt his head, dodges it as Issei face gets hit by Kuro's right hook. Issei's body somehow gets paralyze for a second as he drops to the ground. "This martial art is called [Brawler Style]. Its an all around martial arts, unlike [Rush Style] that mainly utilise speed. As you could infinitly boost your self as long as your body could handle it, i thought this style would suits you best." Kuro said, Issei just listen as he takes a few deep breaths.

"I'm going to teach you this alongside Koneko with rush, you could also make some adjustment to it as you like so that the style would suits you more. Now, the two of you, come at me." Kuro said, Koneko bounce on her feet while raising her fist, Issei just smirked before cracking his knuckle. Now the two start their training for their styles.

On the next day, Kuro had some idea that could work with Rias PoD as Issei and Koneko were resting he walks to Rias who is training her energy control and also on mana Shield. "Hey Rias, have you ever thought to contain a person inside a ball Made of your power of destruction?" Kuro asked Rias, Rias just shake her head.

"What you mean by that Kuro?" She asked, Kuro then told Rias to make a large ball of PoD that she still can control. After she is done making that, Kuro cut his left palm and create a blood Golem. "Try firing the ball at the Golem, but don't let the ball explode. Try to contain the blood Golem inside the ball." Rias nodded and she do just that, the blood Golem lasted for 30 second before it completely turned into dust.

Kuro and Rias then looked at each other. "Do you thinking what i'm thinking?" Kuro said, Rias stare at him for a bit before nodding her head. "Yeah... With this, we could tackle Riser's immortality!" She said excitedly. "that's true, but remember that unlike the blood Golem, he wouldn't just stand around waiting for you to charge that up, so had either one of the others distract him while you charge your ball of PoD or take him by Suprise." Kuro said, Rias take kuro's advice as she nodded her head.

Kuro smile before he went back to train Issei and Koneko. At day ten, nobody are training. Kuro told them so, he tells them to just relax for the last day and recover. Everyone just relaxing around or they would have a group meeting to discuss some strategy, it was a relaxing day for both Kuro and the Devils.

Everyone Made some really significant progress, this is especially true for Asia, Koneko, and Issei. Rias and Akeno had basically Made [Mana Shield] become their own skill, they even had their own variations of it. Akeno manage to covers her mana Shield with lightning, the same also happened to Rias with her mana Shield being covered in PoD. Rias also could now control a ball of PoD on a bit more bigger scale.

Asia too at first could only handle 10kg of the weighted vest, she now could handle upto 50kg weighted vest. Her stamina also improves massively compared to her previous Stamina.

At night when everyone was about to go to sleep, Kuro allowed both Issei and Kiba to take their weighted vest off, when they take the weighted vest from their body, they could feel their body is as light as a feather. "Woah, its like gravity just cease to exist. My body feels so light." Issei said, Kiba also pretty much said the same. "It was worth it wearing that for a whole ten days right?" Kuro said, the both of them nodded.

After all of that, they went to sleep and Kuro goes into a dungeon again. He stayed for a good 5 hours real time before he appears back to the real world, after Ten days his template increases to 65%. But Kuro could tell that the higher the percentage get, the harder it is to increase it. He then went to the balcony for a nice breath of fresh air, but there, he sees Rias sitting on the railing, leaning against one of the pilars and stare at the moon.


(Kuro's PoV)

"Rias? What are doing here?" She turns towards me when she Heard my voice. Why is she on the balcony? "Kuro... I... I just couldn't asleep." She said, is she nervous?

"Nervous about Tomorrow? You'll win Rias, after what I've seen this past Ten days, i could tell how much every single one of you have grown. Heck, I'm so sure that even Issei would be able to handle all of Riser's pawn by himself." Like seriously, that muthafucka's ability to learn things is absurd.

"... Really? That's good to know... I'm scared kuro... I'm scared that even with all of this, Riser's immortality would still prove to be too much fo us to handle...." She said, if your feeling afraid what was the point of that training!? I just sigh before i walk closer to her and lean against the railing.

"There's no point to be scared Rias. If your still scared, what's the point of training then? What's the point of you trying to control that ball of PoD to counter Riser's immortality for? Just trust Yourself and your friends Will ya? I'm sure that you lot would be able to handle Riser and all of his peerage." What i said is true, i truly believe that. We look at each other for a second before she let out a small giggle and sighing.

"Yeah... I guess your right. I should believe in myself and the others." She said, now there is the Rias that i know. I turned back to stare at the moon, it was a full moon and it was pretty. "Kuro... Thank you... For helping me." Rias said, i turn towards her but even before i could say something, i could feel her hand around my face as i see her coming closer.

'don't tell me!!??' She kissed me... Why?! I was left speechless as i don't do nothing other then cupping her face as i bring her closer, we kiss for a few second before we seperate. Rias's cheek are slowly turning red as she stared at me. "....That is a reward.." she said before leaving me alone at the balcony...

This is the second time a girl kiss me on their own Accord... The first is Sona which is my fiancee so its understandable, but Rias?! Shouldn't she like Issei?.... WTF is going on?.... How am i gonna tell this to Sona?...












TheCursedMortal TheCursedMortal

Hi Nineteenth chapter here! kuro is all out on training Rias and her peerage! the Minato template also has rise to 65%, i wonder what would happened if it reach 100? well for now, we don't know. and finally the relationship between Rias and Kuro had start to change! i wonder how Sona would feel about that.

Aight, Peace.


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