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Anthony Reborn Anthony Reborn original

Anthony Reborn

Author: BlankRpr

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Anthony Reborn

Born into this world crying Anthony BlackRose lived his early life with curiosity for everything and would often ask questions about the littlest of things to the hardest of questions about the universe and existence itself. He would often wonder why the universe was the way it was and how come the world wasn't like one of the fantasy movies he watched.

Anthony spent most of his time making up fictional stories with his figurines and race cars. The rest was spent with his sister Alice watching movies and listening to music.

As Anthony got older he entered school, he found that it was harder for him then most of the other students as he had difficulty writing, and retaining information from the board. Anthony managed to pass school with just below. Average scores. He got his license in just under a year after finishing school and got a job as a delivery driver. After he left school he didn't really stay in touch with his friends from school and spent most of his time with his sister or working.

At the age of 28 Anthony was on his way back from doing a delivery when a truck smashed into his car from the side, killing him instantly from the impact.

Death was quick but the next thing that happened wasn't, as his brain started to fade and the lights so to speak went off. His mind refused to fade, He found himself in a particular state. Devoid of any senses. He couldn't taste, touch or see anything. But within the void, something extraordinary happened.

As Anthony fought to maintain his consciousness and resist the descent into darkness, he started to feel a surge of energy wash over him. Anthony found himself absorbing information from the universe. The wave of information propelled his mind into an uncharted realm of knowledge.

Information, vast and boundless, flooded his consciousness, expanding his understanding beyond measure.

He absorbed the knowledge about the intricate workings of the cosmos, the mysteries of existence, and the profound interconnectedness of all things.

With each influx of information, Anthony's perception of reality transformed. He gained insights into the nature of time and space, the intricacies of quantum mechanics, and the limitless possibilities that lay hidden within the fabric of existence. He became a witness to everything. He saw the countless different versions of his universe and others. With all this new information he has now, he found himself focusing on his own life and the world he lived on. In this instance, time and space didn't exist or at least not in the way he used to perceive it.

Everything that happened before and after his death was happening at the same time. He could see everything and already new what he was about to do.

Anthonys vision started to turn from complete darkness to a mix of colours until his vision focused. He found himself in a waiting room for new born babies or newborn nursery room. He waited there as he couldn't move from his crib unless he wondered to be poked and probed for sudden getting up and waking about. That would make the national news, he could see the headlines. Baby gets up and starts walking around.

So he laid there for a bit thinking. Anthony thought on how he got here. How he chose a Universe that is exactly the same as the one he came from except in this universe Anthony dies as a baby, which is why he chose to reincarnate or transmigrate to this universe.

In the next couple minutes a nurse comes in and takes Anthony to his mother and father in a room. Anthony's parents are overwhelmed with joy and anticipation, eagerly embrace their newborn baby.

Anthony goes home with his parents the next day, and stays in bed with his mother for a couple of days until she feels better.

Five years had passed since Anthony's rebirth into this new universe, On a sunny day in his backyard, Anthony was engrossed in a playful world of cars and dirt.

With his tiny hands, he carefully sculpted a race track in the soil, carving twists and turns that mirrored the excitement of the races he had seen on television. As he placed his collection of toy cars at the starting line, his eyes sparkled with anticipation.

"Go!" Anthony exclaimed, his voice filled with youthful enthusiasm. Instantly, the cars seemed to come alive, their wheels spinning as if driven by invisible forces. They zoomed around the track, each one vying for victory.

As the race unfolded before him, Anthony's imagination soared. He cheered and laughed as the cars weaved through the dirt, some overtaking others with impressive speed, while a few even collided in thrilling crashes. It was as if his backyard had transformed into a grand racecourse.

With every lap, Anthony's excitement grew. He rooted for his favorite cars, imagining the drivers behind the wheels, each one determined to claim the winner's trophy. The race intensified, and just as the car in first place was about to reach the finish line, the car in second made a daring move, swiftly overtaking and seizing the victory.

Anthony's eyes widened with delight, he loved how the universe would always keep him on his toes. He saw the diver get out of his car and start celebrating.

And just as all the cars came to a halt. In that moment he heard a gasp behind him. It was his one year older sister Alice behind him with her mouth open, she had seen everything, the cars moving on their own and the even the little man that had been celebrating just before disappearing.

Anthony swore that he could see the little man saying "your problem" before disappearing.

Anthony's heart raced as he turned to face his sister, Alice. He could see the mixture of awe and confusion in her eyes. He quickly tried to come up with an explanation, his mind racing to find something that would make sense.

"Did you see that, Alice?" Anthony asked, his voice filled with excitement and a hint of uncertainty.

Alice nodded slowly, her eyes still wide with amazement. "I... I can't believe what I just witnessed. How did those cars move on their own? And who was that little man?"

Anthony took a deep breath, his mind working furiously to find the right thing to say, he hadn't planned on telling his sister this early into his life. He decided to tell the truth.

"Oh that was a bit of magic and my imagination" Anthony finally said.

Alice's eyes widened even further, her curiosity piqued. "You mean, magic is real?, not just in movies like dad said".

Anthony nodded like an old wise man. "Yes, Alice, Magic is real but not many believes it's real and even if they do, they don't know how to use it".

"And you know how to use it". She said.

"Yes". He said.

"How". She said.

Anthony took a deep breath, preparing himself to reveal the truth to his sister.

Alice, what if i told you this wasn't my first life Anthony began, his voice filled with seriousness. He told her about his previous life and how when he died he refused to fade away into the void and then he started absorbing information from the universe, how he gained knowledge about the cosmos, existence, and even magic. He decided to leave out the bit about him feeling like he was everything and everything was him.

"So magic is really real" she said.

Anthony nodded. "Yes. I've learned how to use it, and I want to teach you too."

Alice's excitement grew, but she also felt a sense of responsibility. "But Anthony, if magic is real, shouldn't we share it with the world? Imagine the possibilities!"

Anthony smiled, understanding his sister's eagerness. "I agree, Alice, but we have to be careful. Magic is a powerful force, and not everyone will use it responsibly. We need to keep it a secret for now, until we can ensure that it won't be misused."

Alice nodded, understanding the importance of their secret. "I promise, Anthony. I won't tell anyone about our magic."

With that promise made, Anthony began teaching Alice the basics of magic. They spent hours practicing magic, honing their abilities, and exploring the limitless possibilities that magic offered.

As the years went by, Anthony used his "magic" to enhance his own appearance, making himself more attractive. But really its just about understanding the universe and how it works , once you know, its not really magic but more just an ability like talking.

He also made himself superhuman, with enhanced strength, speed, and agility. His family's financial struggles became a thing of the past when he used his powers to ensure they won the lottery, gaining over a hundred million dollars.

Anthony had fun using his powers for his own gain, but he also recognized the responsibility that came with his abilities. He entered school and used his powers to achieve perfect scores in all his classes. Girls tried to ask him out, but he rejected them, knowing that his focus needed to be on his mission to share magic with the world.

When Anthony turned 18, he finished school and started his own company. Using his knowledge and magic, he released groundbreaking medicines, advanced technology, and innovative products that revolutionized various industries.

One day, Anthony stood before a crowd, his sister Alice by his side. He used his powers to showcase the existence of magic, performing incredible feats that left the audience in awe. He made objects levitate, conjured fire from thin air, and even transformed a simple flower into a magical tree.

In his speech, Anthony emphasized the importance of using magic responsibly and for the betterment of humanity. He announced the creation of a school dedicated to teaching magic, where individuals could learn to harness their abilities and contribute to a world filled with wonder and possibilities.

The crowd erupted in applause, and Anthony knew that his mission was just beginning. With Alice by his side, they embarked on a journey to share the knowledge and power of magic with those who were willing to learn.

20 years later.

The classroom was filled with eager students, their eyes shining with anticipation as they waited for Anthony to begin the lesson. Anthony stood at the front of the room, a confident smile on his face, ready to share his knowledge and passion for magic.

"Good morning, everyone," Anthony greeted, his voice filled with warmth and excitement. "Today, we're going to dive into the fundamentals of magic and how to harness its power. But before we begin, I want you all to remember that magic is not just about performing tricks or gaining personal gain. It's about understanding the universe and using our abilities to make a positive impact on the world around us."

The students nodded, their attention fully focused on Anthony's words. They were eager to learn, to unlock the secrets of the universe and tap into their own potential.

"Now, let's start with something simple," Anthony said, raising his hand. A small blue flame appeared in his palm, dancing and flickering with life. "Fire is one of the most basic elements we can manipulate. It represents passion, transformation, and energy. To control fire, you must first connect with its essence."

He walked around the room, stopping at each student's desk, guiding them through the process. "Close your eyes and take a deep breath," Anthony instructed. "Feel the energy within you, the spark that ignites your own passion. Visualize that energy flowing through your body, gathering in your hand."

The students followed his instructions, their faces scrunched in concentration. Slowly, flames began to appear in their palms, each one unique in size and intensity.

"Excellent," Anthony praised, his eyes gleaming with pride. "Now, focus on controlling the flame. Feel its warmth, its power. Picture it growing or shrinking at your command."

The students experimented, their flames responding to their thoughts and intentions. Some managed to make their flames dance and twirl, while others struggled to maintain control. But Anthony encouraged them all, reminding them that practice and patience were key.

As the class progressed, Anthony introduced them to various aspects of magic - manipulating water, shaping objects with telekinesis, and even delving into the mysteries of time manipulation. He taught them the importance of ethics and responsibility, emphasizing that their powers should always be used for the greater good.

The classroom buzzed with excitement and wonder as the students discovered their own potential. They shared their experiences, exchanged tips, and supported each other in their journey of mastering magic.

At the end of the class Anthony told the students this. "Remember, magic is not just about the power and abilities we possess," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "It's about the connections we make, the impact we have on others, and the responsibility we carry. Together, we can create a world where magic and humanity coexist harmoniously."

The students nodded, their eyes filled with determination and a newfound sense of purpose. They were ready to embrace their abilities, to use magic as a force for good, just as Anthony had taught them.

And as the class ended, Anthony knew that he had fulfilled part of his mission. He had ignited a spark within each student, a spark that would continue to grow and illuminate the world with the wonders of magic.

A couple months later.

Anthony walked through the bustling streets of the city, his senses heightened by his connection to the universe. He had spent years spreading the knowledge of magic, building a school, and empowering others to use their abilities responsibly. But today, he sensed a disturbance, a dark energy that called out to him.

As he followed the trail, Anthony found himself in a dimly lit alleyway. There, he saw a figure, cloaked in shadows, manipulating the very fabric of reality with dark magic. It was one of his former students, Ethan, whom he had once taught the wonders of magic and the importance of using it for good.

"Ethan," Anthony called out, his voice firm yet filled with concern. "What are you doing? This isn't the path we discussed."

Ethan turned, his eyes gleaming with a twisted determination. "Anthony," he sneered, his voice laced with bitterness. "You always preached about using magic responsibly, for the betterment of humanity. But what good has it done? Look at the world, filled with corruption and suffering. Magic is power, and I will use it to reshape this world in my image."

Anthony's heart sank, realizing the depth of Ethan's misguided intentions. He had failed to instill the true essence of magic within him, the understanding that power should be wielded with compassion and empathy.

"Ethan, you're losing yourself," Anthony pleaded, stepping closer. "There is a balance to magic, a harmony that must be maintained. You can't force your will upon others, it will only lead to destruction."

Ethan laughed, a cold, hollow sound that echoed through the alley. "You were always too weak, Anthony. Too afraid to embrace the true potential of magic. But I have no such fear. I will show you the true extent of my power."

With a wave of his hand, Ethan conjured a torrent of dark energy, hurling it towards Anthony. But Anthony, drawing upon his connection to the universe, effortlessly deflected the attack, his eyes glowing with determination.

"I won't let you harm others, Ethan," Anthony declared, his voice filled with resolve. "I will stop you, even if it means using my own power against you."

The two former student and teacher engaged in a fierce battle, their magic clashing and illuminating the alleyway. Anthony fought with a mix of defensive maneuvers and calculated strikes, aiming to disarm Ethan without causing permanent harm.

As the battle raged on, Anthony's words echoed in Ethan's mind, memories of their time together, the lessons they had shared. Doubt began to creep into Ethan's heart, his resolve wavering.

Finally, Anthony seized the opportunity, disarming Ethan and pinning him against the wall. He looked into Ethan's eyes, his gaze filled with compassion and understanding.

"Ethan, you still have a chance to make things right," Anthony said, his voice gentle yet firm. "You have the power to change, to use your abilities for good. Embrace the true essence of magic, and together, we can make a difference."

Ethan's eyes flickered with uncertainty, his anger slowly dissipating. He nodded, a mix of regret and hope etched on his face.

"Thank you, Anthony," Ethan whispered, his voice filled with remorse. "I lost my way, but I'm ready to find it again. Teach me, guide me back to the path of light."

Anthony smiled, a glimmer of pride shining in his eyes. He extended his hand, helping Ethan up from the ground.

"Welcome back, Ethan," Anthony said, his voice filled with warmth. "Together, we will heal the wounds caused by your actions and use our magic to bring about positive change."

And as they walked out of the alleyway, Anthony knew that his mission to spread the knowledge of magic and guide others towards a better future was far from over.

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