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Chapter 5: First obstacle

The sun hung high in the sky illuminating a stone route that spanned thousands of kilometers.

'Hmm, was the danger exaggerated?' Liang Lu thought as he walked at a hurried pace on the stone trail.

It had been 4 days since he left the mortal village. He had traveled all this time without encountering any major obstacles.

Everything was too peaceful. Liang Lu was starting to think the rumors of the outside danger were exaggerated to keep the villagers from leaving. Although he thought that he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was going to happen.

'I should be almost there. Once I reach the soul toad sect I should at the bare minimum not have to worry about encountering a demonic gu master that might kill me… hmm? What's that?' Liang Lu slowed down his steps.

Far ahead In the middle of the road stood a big black rock. The rock was about 2 meters tall, 1 meter wide, and had a rectangular shape that was too perfect to be naturally formed.

Liang Lu cautiously looked at his surroundings, readying his bow. He knew the rock was a road sign but he had read too many novels in which bandits took advantage of those who lowered their guard to read the road signs that Liang Lu was unconsciously wary of an ambush.

Being mugged on the streets back on earth also didn't help but raise his cautiousness when he was out of his home.

After making sure no one was near Liang Lu approached the rock.

On it, messages were written in organized sections.

On the top read.

"Soul toad sect 500 li to the north. Beware of soul tongue toads."

Beneath that message, various messages were engraved in downward order.

"Wailing forest 400 li to the west. Beware of soul beasts."

"Toad swamp 600 li to the east. Beware of toad groups."

'Soul tongue toads? Hmm…' Liang Lu thought unsure if that kind of beast was mentioned in the novel.

'Wailing forest in the west, toad swamp in the east, and soul toad sect in the middle of them.' Liang Lu didn't know anything about the soul tongue toads but he started to plan how to deal with them as he might encounter them on his way north to reach the soul toad sect.

'The soul tongue toads based on the name must be some kind of beast that consumes souls so maybe it is a kind of soul path beast?' Liang Lu theorized with the information he had in hand.

Liang Lu didn't have much information about the outside. The only gu master in the mortal village was the village chief who was a rank 1 gu master with d grade aptitude with an easy-to-feed offensive gu worm. Naturally, he never left the mortal village and exploited his authority to live like a king.

As for the soul toad disciples who arrived at the village to collect the yearly tributes, Liang Lu didn't even dare approach them as they were always in a bad mood, he had even heard them mention that the contribution points of that mission were so low that the mission was given as punishment.

'500 li is about 250 kilometers.' Liang Lu calculated. 'I can run 20 kilometers every hour for 10 hours straight but I would be completely exhausted, which is the reason I have only run 8 hours a day to have enough energy to defend myself in case of anything."

Liang Lu was still amazed by his physical capabilities that had reached near peak human levels but he didn't find this weird. In the novel, mortals such as the Mo family servant and the young hunter that Fang Yuan both killed showed similar capabilities.

Liang Lu had not stayed idle since he was born, not only had he been trying to raise his attainment levels but also trained his body diligently.

Working in the fields every single day helped greatly but after that daily task, he learned martial arts from his grandpa and exercised using the knowledge he had from Earth doing squats, pushups, calisthenics, etc.

It was hard and painful but it had paid off although he couldn't build a big physique no matter how hard he tried and looked rather slender and frail after so much work his strength was nothing to scoff at he was confident of beating anyone in a fist fight as long as they didn't use gu worms or he fought against someone like Fang Yuan with hundreds of years of hand to hand combat experience.


Just then his thoughts were interrupted by his grumbling belly.

Liang Lu looked around conveniently near the big rock. Many smaller smooth rocks with the shape of a stool were on the ground. Maybe they were placed there for travelers to rest?

Liang Lu sat down putting his bow beside him and opened his bag made of woven linen that resembled a duffle bag inside there was a half-full bag of dried meat he had packed enough for 10 days but running fast and for so long had increased his appetite other than that there was another bag that had straw inside to give it a uniform shape and disguise the contents that bag contained 10 primeval stones the fee of the sect entrance examination.

The fee was a way to reduce the number of mortals applying for the sects and awaken their apertures as not all mortals would be able to gather so many primeval stones. Even Liang Lu only got those after painstakingly licking the boots of his family and showing genius-level talent.

1 primeval stone was equal to 3 months of food for a family of 5 a mortal that worked as a servant for a gu master would at most earn a fifth of a primeval stone each month and such pay was extremely generous for such mortal gathering 10 primeval stones would take 50 months without accounting for expenses such as food, clothing, dwelling, etc.

Although the sect system could gather more talents due to the members not being limited by bloodlines.

The creator of the sect system primordial origin immortal venerable had long mentioned that the sect system wasn't perfect.

Not only could the higher-ups give preferential treatment to a disciple and the family of the disciple could support them but gu masters didn't want to lose their high status much less have to fear the vengeance of a former mortal that had a grudge against them for that reason the entrance examination fee was put into place.

'If I keep my current speed I should be able to reach the soul toad sect in about 2 days even if I take longer the soul toad sect entrance examinations will still be open for another month if the information I have is correct.' Liang Lu thought as he ate the thin slices of dried meat.

They were made of boar that he had hunted with his grandpa. The dried meat wasn't like the dried meat of earth, no, the dried meat of the Gu world, or more specifically the one made by mortals, wasn't made to enjoy but to preserve food.

The taste was too salty, the texture hard and chewy like rubber, and dried the mouth. Usually, mortals would boil the dried meat to be easier and more desirable to eat but Liang Lu didn't have that luxury as he was on the move.

'Damn, my water is almost gone.' Liang Lu inwardly cursed after he quenched his thirst there were only a few remaining drops of water in his gourd.

'There is a running stream about 50 kilometers behind me. Should I refill my bottle there or should I risk it and keep going? If I don't get enough water I might as well die of dehydration.' Liang Lu thought he remembered that the stream kept going to the west. Maybe if he moved in that direction he might encounter the stream but he might encounter soul beasts and he wasn't sure if physical attacks could even hurt them, much less be able to defend against them.

Just as Liang Lu was considering his options he had a sudden thought 'Wait, I have traveled so far without encountering other humans. Maybe my village wasn't popular but I have passed so many routes that lead to other places that by statistics I should have encountered someone else at least once by now.'

Soon more thoughts entered his mind alerting him 'Why are smaller stones surrounding the road sign? I passed through other road signs and no such stones were surrounding it. Wait, why am I even eating? I just ate an hour ago in my hourly 5-minute break and I usually eat every 3 hours."

Soon an answer came to his mind.

"Something is wrong maybe… no, it can't be they are rare but… a wisdom path gu master! A demonic wisdom path gu master!!'

Liang Lu hurriedly jumped from his seat grabbing his bow and arrow and frantically looking around. If he ran away he might be a sitting duck as the gu master might have a long-range gu worm.

"Damn it Yan'er, why did you have to stare at him like a lecherous man looking at a prostitute?" Hidden in a bush a rank 2 female gu master with a malnourished body and a bony middle-aged face scolded herself.

Yan Wei was originally a mortal girl who had become a gu master after obtaining the inheritance of a lone gu master at the age of 15.

Although her aptitude was mediocre being d grade she had managed to advance to rank 2 initial stage thanks to the help of the third watch Gu that tripled her primeval essence recovery rate at the expense of her lifespan being consumed three times as fast.

Although she tried to join a medium-sized sect she was denied due to her low aptitude and after learning she had a complete wisdom path inheritance they tried to take it from her but she managed to escape killing a few rank 1 disciples of the sect in the progress and soon after the sect placed a capture warrant with a reward of 4000 primeval stones on her head forcing her to avoid settlements as she was an easy target for anyone rank 2 and above that wanted to make quick cash.

After many difficulties, she ended up in her current state being famished and almost all her gu worms died of hunger as she couldn't find the food to feed them.

Her wisdom path inheritance was rich. It had refinement recipes of wisdom path gu that started from rank 1 all the way to rank 5 but the gu worms sucked in all aspects only excelling in support. Quickening thoughts, slowing thoughts, and sending distracting thoughts.

Originally the inheritance had a set of rank 2 gu worms that covered all aspects but only 2 gu worms remained, hunger instinct gu that made the target feel hungry, and self harm gu that made the target hurt itself.

"I'm just a hunter that got lost. I just have food for 4 days remaining. If I invaded your territory I'm sorry I will immediately leave if you let me. Just don't attack me from the back." Liang Lu lied as he looked around, his face not showing fear but being wary and preparing to attack if an attack was sent.

Yan Wei was cautious, she still wasn't sure if self harm gu could work on the beautiful hunter if the target had strong willpower it wouldn't have any effect only if the target was weak-minded or mentally exhausted could it truly work.

"Food drop your food and you may leave! No, drop the whole bag and you may leave!" Hearing the mention of food Yan Wei couldn't resist, she put up a tough front, deciding to gamble. If she didn't eat she would die of hunger if the hunter shot her she would also die the only difference was that the former would be slower and much more painful than the arrow.

"If you want food I can give it to you but I can't give you the whole bag!" Liang Lu found it weird that even after being discovered the female gu master remained hidden in the bushes but he still tried to negotiate he would fight or run away if there was no choice if he lost the primeval stones his plans would be delayed and he would be fucked.

Hearing Liang Lu's words, Yan Wei roared like a wild dog "You dare to negotiate?! You should be thankful that I showed you mercy. I'm a rank 4 soul path gu master drop your bag and scram before I kill you torture your soul and then eat it!"

Although Yan Wei's screams sounded intimidating her words instantly told Liang Lu that she was bullshitting if she was a rank 4 gu master she would not hide in the bushes or even negotiate she would just go and take what she wanted the other thing that gave her away was her supposed cultivation level.

This was the central continent where the righteous path was extremely dominating even though they allowed mortal demonic gu masters to operate to train their disciples they only allowed the incompetent or the weak and the female demonic gu master showed she was competent by planning and waiting for the right moment to strike and someone with such mentality would not be allowed to operate if she was a rank 4 gu master as she would be too dangerous for their disciples.

Liang Lu decided to test the waters he took some steps back slowly making some distance away.

"Wait, what are you doing!?" Yan Wei nervously screamed her voice momentarily lost her intimidating aura and was replaced by anxiousness. "Stop this instant or I will attack!"

Liang Lu pretended to not hear and kept walking away.

"Wait no I-I… I will allow you to take your bag, just leave your food here!" Yan Wei stuttered for a moment her voice had lowered by a notch and her tone was slightly pleading.

Seeing that Liang Lu still ignored her she spoke again.

"Half please at least leave me half!"


"No please I… I…" Yan Wei hesitated for a moment she was starving and her chances of survival were slim after thinking further she thought it was her fortune to meet the young hunter if she met a gu master instead they would be overbearing and maybe even capture her without saying a word to then cash her in for a quick buck.

Maybe she could cooperate with him if they cooperated her chances of survival would increase as for Liang Lu trying to take advantage of her that didn't even pass through her mind right now she was unpleasant to look at and she was biased due to Liang Lu's beautiful appearance he didn't look like a bad guy from her perspective.

"I have a complete wisdom path inheritance. Help me get back to full health and I will share it with you!"

"What's that?" Liang Lu halted his steps and looked back with a look of confusion but inwardly he was excited even if it was a mortal inheritance if it was real and was complete it wouldn't even be sold in Treasure Yellow Heaven.

"I..." Yan Wei paused for a moment unsure what to say, she had been on the run since the moment she revealed she had a complete wisdom path inheritance, and she thought everyone knew what she was talking about.

But after thinking further she realized it would be weird if a mortal who looked to have just reached the age to attend an awakening ceremony to know what wisdom path was in the first place.

"It is something extremely valuable, it is something you can't get no matter how many primeval stones you have."

Liang Lu still looked at her with a look of confusion seeing that Yan Wei kept talking trying to convince him.

If Liang Lu had to make a comparison it was like a modern man trying to explain the value of gold to an uncivilized tribe that didn't know what technology was and still made their own clothes, hunted their own food, grew their own food, etc.

After many minutes of Yan Wei trying to explain the value of a wisdom path inheritance, Liang Lu stopped her and said.

"My mother has taught me to always help those in need but she also told me to be wary of strangers. So tell me how do I know you won't backstab me when I reach my hand out to you? How do I know I can trust you?"

Hearing Liang Lu, Yan Wei was quiet. There was no way she could prove she was honest even if she showed all the gu worms she had. How could Liang Lu know if she wasn't hiding more?

Before she could speak Liang Lu continued "I don't even know your name. How do you expect me to trust you without even knowing the most basic information of the other?"

"Yan Wei! My name is Yan Wei!"

Liang Lu looked surprised and a slight feeling of familiarity showed on his face as if he had almost completely lowered his guard at the sight of an old friend.

"What a curious world my name is Wei Yan." Liang Lu smiled slightly, his voice relaxing and soothing like a cascade as he spoke in a gentle tone.

"I want to return to my home. If you help me I promise I will repay you. My mother is a herbalist. If you are injured she can heal your wounds." Liang Lu lowered his bow and put the arrow back on his arrow quiver located on his back.

Seeing this Yan Wei subconsciously lowered her guard getting out of the bush she was hiding in. She thought 'If Wei Yan wanted to hurt me he would have done so by shooting in the direction of my voice.'

"Alright I can't move far distances but I'm not a burden I have 2 gu worms. The first is called hunger instinct gu and the other is called self harm gu." Yan Wei struggled to even take a step forward feeling pain all over her body.

"Do you want me to carry you?" Liang Lu seemed to take pity on her after seeing her condition.

He put down his bag and arrow quiver placing it standing. "You can climb on my back but you need to carry my things."

"Alright, can I have some of your fo-" Before she could even finish the sentence Yan Wei took a step back in fright.

Liang Lu moved at lightning speed in only a second he quickly grabbed an arrow and pulled the bow string aiming at Yan Wei.

"Self harm gu!" Yan Wei frantically called out her only offensive Gu trying to defend herself but it was too late.

She only saw an arrow flying towards the middle of her eyebrows before she was pushed and ended up seeing the beautiful blue sky one last time.

Yan Wei was dead.

"I'm sorry but I'm rushing against time if I had taken you with me you would have slowed me down and you might even try to backstab me." Liang Lu apologized as he rationalized his actions he knew killing her was the best course of action that would eliminate variables but even when knowing his heart couldn't stop beating and his breathing quickening.

He had killed plenty of insects in both worlds and even animals to eat since he came to this world but this was the first time he killed a human.

Unknowingly he froze in place processing what he had just done but he quickly slapped himself awake.

"Idiot, do you think Spectral Soul will bat an eye when he kills and eats you?! Do you think Fang Yuan would give a fuck?! No one will give a fuck about killing you they will even dissect you to learn more about otherworldly demons!" Liang Lu inwardly scolded himself.

After 3 minutes he finally regained his cool.

"That was dangerous. What if I had frozen in place when I was fighting a group? I need to get used to killing others I need… if I must… I…" Liang Lu paused for a moment strengthening his resolve "I need to kill mortals to get used to killing if I must I need to torture them to get used to being ruthless."

Next Liang Lu turned his gaze at Yan Wei's body wanting to loot her corpse but he was cautious he didn't know if she had survived. Fearing a suicidal attack he grabbed another arrow pulled the bowstring and aimed for her head shooting the next moment.

The arrow pierced her head, blood poured out and the blood of the other wound splashed out on the surroundings tainting her clothes.

"Seems I will have to abandon her clothes." Liang Lu thought as he hurried searching her body the fresh blood would soon attract beasts.

Knowing that mortals and gu masters used to hide valuable things in their bosoms Liang Lu stripped open her robe sure enough there was a small bag of 5 primeval stones and food for her gu worms.

Other than that there weren't many valuables she carried. A small wrinkled book, probably her diary, a worn-out dagger filled with cracks on the verge of breaking, a big book with extremely thin yet tough sheets that were filled with words to the brim, and what Liang Lu considered the most valuable, a full gourd of water that was bigger than his.

"It seems it's my lucky day. I will be able to keep traveling." Liang Lu calculated that he would be able to reach the soul toad sect without needing to stop for water.

Next, he placed his hand on her belly he focused thinking about searching her aperture and taking her gu worms but nothing happened. He tried again picturing an aperture but again nothing happened.

"Sigh, I guess it was too much to ask. In the novel, it wasn't mentioned if a mortal could inspect a gu master's aperture. To inspect her aperture I need to be a gu master. Too bad I'm still a mortal." Liang Lu was ready to leave but suddenly stopped remembering the time Fang Yuan harvested the apertures of gu masters to refine the second aperture immortal gu he had an idea.

"Maybe…" Liang Lu grabbed his dagger, planning to cut open her stomach.

"Sorry, but I need to do this. I already killed you, not getting the most benefits out of you would be a waste and a disrespect to your sacrifice." Liang Lu thought of treating Yan Wei like how he treated the animals he killed to eat by making the most out of their bodies as a sign of respect.

"Well, here I go it is now or never if I take too long a beast might come here…" Liang Lu sighed "To think that I would dissect a human like how I would dissect a hunted animal."

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