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Chapter 9: 9: Ambitions


The system interface materializes in front of me, stark and robotic. Three paths stood in front of me:

Path 1: Refuse the Offer by Gorgon and Escape


Two new epic-grade powers

One random mystical artifact

Failure: Death by decapitation by Gorgon

Path 2: Accept the Offer and Train under Gorgon [ONGOING]


One epic-grade power

Failure: Death by petrification

Path 3: Refuse the Offer and Defeat Gorgon


One legend-grade power

Failure: Death by decapitation

A hidden quest? The unexpected development leaves me intrigued, though I offer no visible reaction. As I ponder the situation, the system provides an explanation without a question on my part.

[A mission developed not by the system but the circumstances of the host is classified as a hidden quest. The quest remains hidden until the host chooses a pathway chosen by the system]

"So I can still choose the other pathways?" while I obviously wasn't going to pick the other paths, I wanted to know the nature of the hidden missions and the options offered.

[The other options can still be triggered; you can still choose to take the other pathways, however they'll disappear after 24 hours if not chosen]

With that I pushed the system to the back of my head.


The days that followed my agreement were filled with intensive training, led by none other than Gorgon himself. Each training session unveiled a new facet of his mastery, revealing a depth I had not anticipated. While I was determined to escape and fulfill my hidden objectives, I couldn't deny the opportunity to learn from a master of the art.

The initial weeks of training focused on the fundamentals, and Gorgon, despite his notorious reputation, proved to be an exceptional teacher. He was patient yet demanding, precise instructions and meticulous attention to detail demonstrating his expertise

Our training occurred in a chamber that resembled an ancient dojo, with its walls adorned with traditional weapons and training equipment. The dimly lit space became our sanctuary, where Gorgon and I delved into the realms of martial arts and combat strategy.

On the initial day, Gorgon's expression was stern yet determined as we prepared to begin. "We'll start with stealth and infiltration," he declared, his voice authoritative. "A warrior must be a master of not only combat but also his surroundings."

Gorgon demonstrated the techniques of silent movement, highlighting the importance of controlling one's breathing, maintaining a low center of gravity, and merging seamlessly into the shadows. His methods transcended the mere physical aspect of combat, focusing on the art of invisibility to the untrained eye.

"Stealth is not about hiding in the shadows," Gorgon explained, his voice a low, captivating rumble. "It's about controlling the environment, becoming one with the darkness, and striking swiftly when the moment arrives."

Amidst the grueling training sessions with Gorgon, I delved deeper into the enigma of my own X-Gene. What I uncovered was a subtle yet profound gift: adaptability. Unlike the flashy powers of some mutants, my ability was a silent force, one that thrived in versatility. My X-Gene gave me the power to acclimate to almost any challenge. For example, if I dedicated myself to a specific skill or endurance, my X-Gene would accelerate the learning curve. While an average person might require weeks or even months to progress, my genetic makeup allowed me to achieve similar levels of expertise in a matter of days. It was as though my very genes were finely tuned to serve as a swift-response system, enabling me to navigate a wide array of challenges and environments with ease. While it didn't gift me with flight or telekinesis, the adaptability bestowed by my X-Gene was an invaluable asset, especially for someone like me, forever striving to surpass limitations and conquer new horizons.

As the days turned into weeks, our training became more demanding and intricate. Gorgon expanded our lessons to encompass a variety of weapons, from traditional katana swords to shurikens and even modern firearms. His meticulous teaching style pushed me to the limits of my abilities, honing my skills to an extraordinary degree.

There were moments when I glimpsed the enigmatic depths of Gorgon's character. He was more than just a ruthless warrior; he was a man of principle and a certain code. It was clear that he had his own set of ethics, even if they differed from the conventional moral standards I upheld.

Gorgon emphasized that true mastery came from understanding both the light and the dark. He believed that to be a force of change in the world, one had to be prepared to navigate the shadows. While his methods were often unorthodox, they were undeniably effective.

In one of our evening sessions, as the dimly lit dojo came alive with the sound of clashing swords, Gorgon shared a moment of insight. "Bruce," he said, his voice measured, "a warrior's path is not merely about defeating an opponent. It's about understanding the world's complexities, adapting to them, and, when necessary, manipulating them to achieve your goals."

As I parried his attacks, I considered his words. The man who had once been my captor had become a paradox, a mentor with layers of wisdom to share.

The training sessions also took us to unconventional locations. We explored subterranean tunnels, scaled treacherous cliffs, and even practiced underwater combat in a hidden cavern pool. Gorgon's goal was to teach me that adaptability was the key to survival. In his view, a great warrior could thrive in any environment.

Though every day was physically exhausting, I could feel myself growing stronger, faster, and more skilled. It was as if I was shedding the limitations that had held me back for so long, transforming into something more.

But underlying it all was a persistent sense of vigilance. I couldn't shake the notion that Gorgon had a greater purpose in mind, and that the true nature of my training was yet to be unveiled. As the weeks turned into months, I couldn't help but wonder what awaited me beyond the dojo's walls.

The weeks turned into months, and the training evolved beyond mere physical conditioning. Gorgon's lessons ventured into the realms of strategy, psychology, and manipulation. He emphasized that being a formidable warrior required more than just combat skills; it demanded a deep understanding of the human psyche and the ability to exploit it when necessary.

He began, "To be truly effective, you must know not only your own strengths but also your opponent's weaknesses. This understanding is the key to victory."

Our training sessions took on a new dimension. We began to study not only martial arts but also the art of deception and persuasion. Gorgon taught me to read people's intentions through their body language and subtle cues, a skill I found to be unsettlingly useful.

The dimly lit dojo transformed into a hub of learning, filled with scrolls and ancient texts that held the secrets of power and influence. Gorgon explained that the true warrior knew when to use force and when to employ subtler methods to achieve his goals.

My mentor's lessons didn't just encompass the art of manipulation; they also extended to psychological resilience. He pushed me to the limits of my mental and emotional endurance, emphasizing that a warrior had to be unshakable in the face of adversity.

One memorable training exercise was to remain submerged in icy water for hours. Gorgon watched as I battled the numbing cold, pushing my body and mind to their breaking points. The purpose, he explained, was to master self-control and remain focused in extreme situations.

Despite the challenging nature of the training, I couldn't help but admire Gorgon's dedication to his craft. He was a man who had embraced darkness as a source of strength, and he was determined to instill the same in me. As the training went his subtle mental attacks had never stopped coming all suggestions about invoking loyalty towards him. Due to this I had started acting more subservient towards him. This had deeply pleased as he started taking a more fatherly role accepting me as his own.

It was a stark reminder that I was treading a perilous path. While my training was shaping me into a formidable warrior, I couldn't help but wonder if I was inadvertently becoming something else entirely. Gorgon had honed my abilities, but his true intentions remained veiled.

Soon the revelations of his involvement with a secret organisation came affront namely -The Hand. The revelation of Gorgon's connection to the Hand came in fragmented whispers, much like the ancient scrolls that filled our dojo. It began with cryptic tales of a secretive society rooted in the shadows of history, an organization that thrived on secrecy, manipulation, and a thirst for power.

Gorgon, with his mysterious air, alluded to his high-ranking position within this hidden group. The Hand, he explained, was a web of intrigue that spanned the globe, wielding influence from the darkest corners to the highest echelons of power.

"The Hand's ultimate seat of power has been vacant since the demise of its previous leader," Gorgon revealed one evening, his voice tinged with longing and ambition. "And now, the organization teeters on the precipice of internal strife. Many covet that coveted position, and the Hand stands on the brink of chaos."

It was a chilling realization. The Hand, as described by Gorgon, was not just an organization; it was a world-altering force lurking in the shadows, poised to seize control and reshape nations. And while Gorgon hadn't exactly expressed his desire to claim the seat of the leader. The mere notion that Gorgon aspired to claim that seat for himself sent shivers down my spine.

As he continued to reveal the Hand's secrets, I couldn't help but recognize the gravity of his ambitions. Gorgon was a man with designs on power, and his alliance with me seemed far from altruistic. While the true extent of my mentor's plans remained hidden, one thing was certain: I was being prepared for his eventual takeover of the hand. Having me the "presumed" harbinger of change according to the prophet under him he'd be unstoppable.


[Author note: I would like to clarify that I do not intend to make the story too system-centric, as I believe it will take the fun out of the story eventually. So as the story progresses, the involvement of the system will decrease.]

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