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Chapter 3: Chapter Three: Preparations for Legis

Vulcan went through his usual morning routine—showering, having breakfast, and brushing his teeth—before diving into his daily training. However, upon receiving the unexpected news from Eve about their journey to Legis, he found himself at a loss for words, still lying in bed.

"Legis, huh? I wonder why Eve would want to go there. It's hard to picture someone like Eve going on a vacation. Or maybe she's trying to spite me since I failed the entrance exams for university last year. Tch, I better get up and go ask her,"

Vulcan rose from his bed, stretching his broad shoulders and standing tall at six feet. He changed into his usual attire—a gray shirt with a brown vest or jacket, depending on the weather. Shortly after, he brushed his silky, black, messy hair.

After he tidied himself, Vulcan went downstairs. The murmur of Eve and Vaos voices reached him, though he remained oblivious to the topic of their conversation.

"Eve, there you are... I wanted to ask, but you walked away before I could. What's the deal with Legis? And please, don't tell me Mr. Intimidating Butler over here is joining our little adventure!" Vulcan's said with a touch of humor, eyes widened, his finger pointing at Vaos.

"Hmph, get that filthy finger out of my face before I'm tempted to snap it," Vaos replied with a piercing glare, his stoic demeanor showing no sign of amusement at Vulcan's attempted humor.

"Impolite as ever, I see, Vulcan," Eve remarked with a subtle shake of her head. She then turned her attention to Vaos, her expression softening. "We'll talk later, Vaos," she said, offering a respectful bow as he left.

"Care to explain this soon-to-be road trip, Eve?" Vulcan asked, crossing his arms.

She let out sigh, her gaze fixed on Vulcan. "Yes, I believe I should at least explain the situation. I'm going to assume you're familiar with the World Wide Protection Company and its CEO, Alexander Gear, aren't you?"

"Yeah, who doesn't know about them? The Worldwide Protection Company is always surrounded in controversy, especially Alexander Gear and his shady deals that he's supposedly done," Vulcan nodded.

"Thinking about it now, I should've told you this sooner. For the past month, I've been sensing a large amount of void energy coming from Legis, more precisely, from the headquarters of the Worldwide Protection Company. And with each passing day, it's only been getting worse. Mind you, we're quite a distance away from Legis, and the fact that I can feel the energy from this far makes me believe something is going on over there," Eve explained, running her hand through her golden hair.

Vulcan furrowed his brows, absorbing the information Eve told him. Taking his time to reply, "Void energy from the Worldwide Protection Company in Legis? That sounds pretty serious. What do you think is happening, and why are we getting involved? Don't tell me you want to play hero and we potentially risk ours lives. I'm also going to assume you want to break inside their headquarters, a very secured building mind you, which it probably has security cameras all over the place. Because you merely have a hunch about some void energy."

Eve retorted, a hint of annoyance in her voice. "Don't underestimate me, Vulcan. I have a plan, and my ornament power isn't to be taken lightly. You of all people should know the power of my ornament."

Vulcan sighed, "Look, I'm genuinely concerned here. What you just said is serious, and, well, you don't have any evidence. More importantly, tell me about this plan," his hand moved to rub the back of his head.

Eve nodded in agreement. "You're right; I don't have any evidence, but sometimes intuition and my abilities serve as the best indicators," she leaned casually against a nearby table. "As for my plan, I'll explain it once we arrive at Legis. We won't be going to Legis immediately; we'll be leaving in two days. Going so suddenly would be rather reckless. Anyway, why don't you go pack up everything you need? There's your backpack; just take the things you need. We exactly aren't going for a vacation either," she pointed at his backpack, which was sitting on a chair across from her.

Vulcan sighed, "Alright, I get it. Two days, then. I'll go pack my things," he replied, approaching the chair where his backpack rested.

Vulcan picked up his backpack from the chair, and shortly after he went back into his room, a space filled with the mundane and personal objects of his daily life. He folded his clothes with care, organizing them neatly within his backpack. Once he was done organizing his things, Vulcan set the backpack beside his bed, a symbol of readiness for the journey.

Vulcan finished packing his stuff with a thoughtful sigh, wondering about the mysteries that lay ahead. Asking himself where they will be staying and Eve's intentions upon reaching their destination, leaving Vulcan's mind with unanswered questions.

"Well looking at the bright side, at least I won't have to go through Vaos grueling training. Finally, I can get a moment of rest, I'll just watch some videos on my phone until Eve calls me again." Vulcan took out his phone to pass the time.

Eve made her way to Eliza's room, the distance of which spared her a lengthy stroll through the mansion's halls. This allowed her to save time as she prepared for their upcoming journey.

Eve approached Eliza's door and gently knocked, the tone in her voice polite. "Hello, Eliza, may I come in?"

The door immediately opens as Eve knocks on it, "Of course, Eve! There's no need to ask!" Eliza smiles softly with a glow in her eyes as she takes Eve's hands and leads her into the room. The warmth in Eliza's expression reflecting the close bond the two sisters share.

"Now what does my cute sister want to talk about? Wait, is this about us going to Legis? I already know about that, see?" Eliza pointed at her small suitcase, her room adorned with vibrant colors and a cozy atmosphere.

"Huh, how did you know, I didn't even tell you yet, Eliza," Eve said, perplexed, as she twirled a strand of hair around her finger.

"Hehe, I guess someone like you forgets as well, Eve. Did you forget I'm a beastkin? All my five senses are more sensitive than yours. Especially my hearing, I practically hear everything that goes on in this castle. Even if I didn't, I can easily read your expression, Eve. You're practically an open book, but don't worry. That's what makes you so cute. Besides we're family we sisters share a special connection." Eliza hugged Eve tightly, her ocelot ears twitching playfully.

Eve's blushed lightly as Eliza pulled her into the hug, "W-Well, good. I guess I don't have to waste time waiting for you to pack up. Anyway, I have to book a hotel, so we have somewhere to stay in Legis."

"There's no need to worry, Eve. I've already taken care of it. Look, I've already booked the rooms for us and Vulcan." Eliza confidently presented her phone, displaying the hotel reservation details.

"F-Fine, I get it, Eliza," Eve blushed slightly, giving in with a smile, "you win. I'll stay here for a little longer so you can keep hugging me..."

"Hehe, don't you remember you used to beg me and Vaos for hugs when you were younger. Especially when there was a thunderstorm, you were such a crybaby."

"Hnngg, please don't bring up the past Eliza..." Eve blushed more brightly.

Eliza released Eve from the hug, teasingly sparing her from further embarrassment. "That's my cute sister. But more importantly, why don't we go eat something?" Eliza suggested, leading the way.

"First, let me message Vulcan. He has to start his training for the day with Vaos," Eve sent Vulcan a text as she followed Eliza.

In the kitchen, Eliza quickly prepared a simple ham sandwich, not particularly picky about her food. On the contrary, Eve, despised vegetables and only preferred desserts.

Vaos, is there no more ice cream?" Eve asked, as she looked into the freezer.

"Little Eve, I don't think ice cream is an appropriate breakfast meal? Maybe I could make you some eggs—" Vaos spoke but was quickly interrupted.

"On second thought, why don't you go train with Vulcan. I'll make myself some pancakes with lots of syrup,"

"Y-Yes, Little Eve..." Vaos promptly left.

"Geez, Eve, how don't you gain any weight?" Eliza said as she saw Eve pouring a pool of syrup onto pancakes.

"The calories are sent into a black hole," Eve smirked.

Vaos strolled through the extensive hallways of the mansion, the echoes of his footsteps accompanying him. He eventually reached the courtyard, where Vulcan stood, patiently waiting.

Upon seeing Vulcan, the imposing caretaker's gaze intensified, a sharp and penetrating glare that seemed to convey this will be another intense sparring session.

"Hmph, at least you didn't keep me waiting, you damn punk. I thought I was going to have to drag you out of your room," Vaos grunted.

Vulcan sighed, "You're one scary butler, you know that, right?" He brought his hand to the back of his head.

Vaos began to crack his neck and knuckles, a warning in his tone as he said, "I hope you're ready, Vulcan. You should know I'll never go easy on you."

Vulcan muttered to himself, "And here I thought I would've had a peaceful lazy day, but I guess I was too hopeful. Well, I better get this over with..."

Vulcan clenched the hilt of his sword, the metal cool against his palm, as he hesitantly unsheathed it. Preparing himself for the intense sparring session with Vaos...

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