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Chapter 9: Avenging A Lord And Plans Form

(In addition to all the questions I have asked so far, feel free to recommend some jumps for the future, but do try to remember that this story is going for a more esoteric theme rather than just science. But that still does gather a lot of variety from Star Wars(SWTOR To Movies) to Warhammer if you want to be a sadist.)

(Also, be aware that the main character is the type of guy that likes to remain on the move. While he does know when to relax, he has a type of spiritual ADHD where he has to find new things. But what sets him apart from most people who are so jumpy is the fact that he thinks things out most of the time at least.)

Nezan POV:

Taking a walk through London has never felt so dreary, like the world itself is shedding tears, and at any moment, it could just swallow everyone, yet the atmosphere was just that atmosphere with different perspectives. An atmosphere could be anything. 

Maybe it is the fact that I am in a younger body that everything seems so much larger than life, but regardless of my rather depressing musings, I was able to locate the building, and after placing a notice me not charm, I walked between numbers 11 and 13.

Placing my wand on the space between the two buildings, they began to fold outward as if the bricks were being formed piece by piece, and I am not above admitting how amazing it looked. I have been doing that a lot lately, but I believe Harry himself put it very well in one of the movies, "I Love Magic." Walking up to the door, I opened it, and a small hallway revealed itself, and thus, I entered the ancestral home of the Black Family.

Placing a finger on the wall and rubbing my finger on it, the dust is felt due to age and neglect, which makes sense, remembering that only one is still here. Speaking of which, "Kreacher!" I yell out, and with a snapping sound, a small and rather old house elf looks at me with utter hatred in his eyes as he says, "Kreacher does not know you who you are, intruder. Speak your name, or Kreacher will dispose of you like Kreacher has done with the others."

Giving him a hard glare, I state with utter and complete confidence, "I am Harry Potter, Godson of Sirius Black, the only remaining heir to this house who is not dead, in prison, or too far removed by marriage or blood. Regardless of Sirius's familial status, I am still the closest to an heir you have. If not for that reason, I have another."

Kreacher, who was about to snap his fingers, looks at me, and I continue, "I have heard of what happened to Regulus, and I seek to finish what he started. Ending the half-blood Tom Riddle, or Lord Voldemort as he called himself." The news that an heir of Black followed a half-blood sent the house into an agitated state. Remember when I spoke of atmosphere before? This atmosphere was crushing as I heard a woman scream from above.

"Stain on Pureness! No Half Blood Shall Live If My Family Dies!" The shreking gets worse until Kreacher snaps his fingers and curtains fold in front of the shrieking portrait of Walburga Black. The house elf then looks at me and asks, "What do you know of Master Regulus? His fate should be known by no one." 

Giving him a flat stare, I say, "He retrieved a Locket from the lake, and you know this, but I imagine you were unable to destroy the locket, right?" The house elf then bends down and begins to sniffle and cry as he yells, "I am sorry, Master Regulus! Kreacher is useless!" He then tried to bash his head into the wall, as I said while stopping him. "Focus! I need that locket Kreacher I can avenge your master. I just need to see it."

Kreacher then bid me follow. I then followed him, and as we went through the house and after climbing a couple of flights of stairs, we entered a room kept completely pristine with shining green and black lining the room with flags of the Slytherin house and House Black filling the walls and sheets of the bed. 

Kreacher then takes a locket out of the drawer near the bed, and as he held it, I began to hear whispers promising power and immortality, and to that, there was only one response.

"Your Soul Is Mine!" I yelled out, pointing at the locket, and using my soul magic, I tore it away from the locket, preserving Regulus's memory. As the soul screamed in agony, I looked behind me and saw the same cloaked figure, and as he pointed at the soul. It flew to him and was absorbed into his cloak. The figure then stares at me and then disappears after I blink.

Seeing the figure depart, Kreacher looks at me and says, "I bow to the Lord Of House Black, Master Of Death." The elf then got on his knees and bowed with his head to the ground, and I simply said, "Stand up, Kreacher. Your service to this house has been noticed, and your loyalty is appreciated. Any house would be lucky to have you, so stand up as our work is not yet done." Kreacher then stands and looks at me with fire in his eyes as he says, "What must be done, Master Harry?"

Smiling, I say to him, "The being that cursed the locket has more Horcruxes. I have already dealt with one and now two, but there are more, so Kreacher, will you help me end what Regulus Started?" The elf nods his head as he says, "Yes before this Kreacher dies, I will help you. Command me then, what must Kreacher do?" 

Looking towards the House Black Symbol, all I can say is, "I need you to do some reconnaissance for me. Specifically, I need you to find house elves owned by the Malfoy family as well as analyze the wards at the Malfoy Manor as they hold a piece of that monster's soul even if they themselves do not know it."

Kreacher then gives me a bow and teleports away as the house returns to its normal silence, with I myself saying, "Scourgify." After saying this spell, all the mold and dust are wiped away. I then added a reparo spell, which repairs the broken wood and weakened foundations and, after doing so, lights the lanterns in the house. 

After doing so, I went over to the portrait and cast a permanent silencing charm on it, with the power of my magic overpowering the magic, keeping the portrait so loud.

Smiling to myself as I essentially created a sort of safe house as well as staging ground, I began to ward the place to high heaven with notice me not, various charms and curses that would make Grindlewald blush. But I digress, and after safe proofing the house, I sat on the chair and took all of this in for a moment. Breathing in and out, I took out the wand I got from the jump chain and gripped it in my right hand.

The feeling of power at the tip of my finger is almost euphoric as if simply being with me makes me feel invincible, but as quickly as it appears, I shake it off, knowing that power is a drug and it takes a lot not to fall to it. Improving and learning is an amazing feeling, but being lost in your own strength only makes things worse.

I would know that, after all. After what happened.

Taking another breath, I pulled out the book on Apparition, as being able to essentially teleport would be amazing, even if it is limited to only a country at the maximum level. As such, I read the book from Ricbert, and as the hours passed by and I read further, I decided to stop and leave the home as it was now 4:30 pm, and I needed to walk back to the Leaky Cauldron. After applying the makeup again, I began the trek back with the weather looking as gloomy as before.

Reaching the bar, I stood along the sidewalk. Mammoth's car rolled up, and I got in with the man, asking in a mocking tone, "So, did you find what you were looking for, freak?" I looked at him through the glass he set up as a barrier and said, "Yes, I did, but I assume you don't care, do you?" The comment caused him to glare at me, but he kept driving. I then looked at Priscilla and said, "It's us against the world, my friend." Priscilla, taking the food I gave her, looked at me and simply put her head against my hand, comforting me.

Smiling, I enjoyed the ride back, simply petting my new friend, and hey, it's a start. The ride lasted a while as the traffic was rather bad during the later hours, and as I waited, I tried to reinforce my Occlemency barriers while looking into other drivers' eyes, trying to read their surface thoughts. Always improving and moving was my mantra, so I did that for the duration of the ride.

Soon enough, we arrived back at the house, and Vernon pulled into the driveway. After opening the door, he walked inside, and I walked inside as well and upstairs into the spare room, which they "gave me," I then proceeded to put my trunk into the closet in a way where I could enter it. So I laid it down, and with my handbag, I walked into the trunk, which felt like going into a cellar from outside.

After walking down some stairs into the trunk, I walked into a small room that had a desk and various shelves and drawers. I then took out the handbag and placed all the books into the various drawers but kept the books on Legilimency and Occulemency as well as Apparition on the table.

I then sat on the wooden chair that was inside the trunk and continued reading through the books. I thanked the stars that I now had a perfect memory thanks to my mind of the jumper perk, and so I read on with the book containing helpful tips for learning the art of teleportation from portkeys to floo powder. 

I'm not going to test my luck just yet, as I do not want to risk cutting off pieces of my body by attempting to teleport with an unprepared mind. I tell you what, though, with all this preparation, it reminds me of the times I used to take before I went on various trips across the globe, as it was always the planning and the preparations that took the most time.

But I still have a year before I head to Hogwarts, and while I will probably only stay for a year or two in order to deal with the diadem and the book. However, I will most likely have to deal with the latter by either stealing it or somehow getting the vanishing cabinet into Malfoy Manor. 

In regards to the soul piece in my soul space, I plan to absorb the memories and destroy the soul within because each Horcrux was created at the time when a murder took place, and at that time, a copy of all of Voldemort's memories and experiences was made like a backup USB drive.

And since the Horcrux inside of me was created when the dark lord was at its strongest and most powerful, it shall pay dividends once I finally deal with it. In terms of dealing with the candy enthusiast, I will most likely keep the ring inside the shack, and when he goes to investigate it, he will die of the curse. While I would feel bad doing this to the original Dumbledore, I specifically took the drawbacks that made him a stupid, evil mastermind.

The evidence itself was mounting based on accounts from some of the ghosts I could also talk to. People did see Dumbledore as a figure to be respected but not trusted. 

No one really trusted him as much as they do in the original books or movies. It's funny as it reminds me of how Guildroy Lockhart's reputation was during the original Chamber of Secrets movie. An entire life made of lies, which, to be honest, is not a life truly worth living.

Reputation is temporary knowledge is forever, as well as the memories made by seeking it. And I am not simply talking about books or esoteric lore but simply experiencing new places, new cultures, and especially their foods and legends. 

In terms of the Weasley family, since I took the evil Weasley drawback as well, I will most likely avoid the boys as they are simply Associates of Dumbledore and have not really committed any crimes and are only really guilty of taking bribes from the man.

But thankfully this also takes away any guilt I feel for robbing that girl Ginny of her husband. As if the Weasleys were made out as bad in the drawback as they are in real life, no one would want to deal with him. Let them languish in poverty. I still do not understand how Wizards can be poor when they can create essentially pocket dimensions.

All a family needs for a living space is a single trunk, and while I understand the need to own land, they can simply take it away from Muggles by paying for the land legitimately. Then, simply getting a job with either the mundane or magical government. But I am not like most families in the Wizarding World, so while I may judge them, I will probably not be able to truly understand their circumstances.

As I keep reading the books, Priscilla whom I let out of the cage, is flying around the trunk, which is actually quite spacious as there are a dozen rooms about the size of the one I am in, which provides her ample room to fly around and while I'll let her fly around outside I do have to be careful as I do not want her dying on me as the original Hedwig did. 

But such thoughts are for the future, and after reading through a decent amount of the book on Apparition, I head over to the bed that is in the trunk and lie down, satisfied for completing all of my objectives today.

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