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Chapter 9: Become Debauched!

9: Become Debauched!

(Eeeh, I'm deciding by myself that every Sunday would be a break for me. So no chapter for tomorrow)


[And so my journey ended.]

[And now yours has begun.]


Relief was evident in his voice.

The word burden couldn't cover what this past reincarnation of me had been carrying.

He had practically bet everything on this.

And now the torch had been passed onto me.

No, the torch had always been with me. I just never realized its presence until now.


I didn't know what to say.

I wasn't excited or afraid.

I was just dumbfounded by the sheer scale of everything.

Without knowing a thing, I had already entered the 'big boy game'.

[You're worrying too much. Like I said before, I had asked for quite a few conveniences in my deal with the 'Great Will'. One of them was the optimum place for you to grow.]


[You can consider this world as a cradle for yourself. It is relatively safe and its Causality has been tuned by the 'Great Will' to always favor you, within reason that is.]

'Was my family in this life also 'tuned-up' for me?' I asked with a bit of apprehension and nervousness.

[No, the 'Great Will' just selected the best place for you to be born according to your future needs. Your 'Atlas' family coinencedentally fits the bill just right.]

'*Phew*, thank god, haha, you almost got me in the first half… Don't get me wrong, I really like my new family, but why did this 'Great Will' reincarnate me in such a debauched one?'

[Do you remember the part of assimilating with your past reincarnations' memories and the failsafes?]


[I only know a few details about how the 'Great Will' incorporated those failsafes but being debauched and making as many wives as possible is one of them.]

[Observing your previous actions, I don't really need to tell you this but let me still emphasize it.]

[Arthur Maxwell von Atlas, in this life you need to become as debauched as possible. Make love with whoever you want. Take as many wives as you can.]

[All your wives will serve as an Anchor for you to keep your sanity and be yourself even after these memories start assimilating with you.]

[So become the Symbol of Debauchery, for both of our sakes.]

'Hehehe! I like the sound of that!'

[Don't get cocky.]

[For your own sake, let me advise you to only make wives out of those who have the potential to become Gods. Only Gods live infinite lives unless they are killed by an external force.]

[You and I are both of the same origin. I know your nature like an open book. You won't ever consider your wives as mere Anchors for your own purpose. You don't want your lovers to die out on you, now do you?]

[The 'Great Will' has spent alot of our hard earned 'Causality' into birthing women that have potential to become Gods. Both in your current world Ravia, and the Universe you reside in. Don't let it go to waste.]

[As a failsafe, I had requested the 'Great Will' to assimilate the least intelligent and influential reincarnations first but NEVER EVER underestimate these memories. A single slip up might cost you your sanity or even sense of self.]

[According to my deal with the 'Great Will', their lives were as miserable as it can be, it will break you up if you don't take it seriously. The only two saving graces for you are that the assimilation process will only start when the 'Great Will' sees that you are ready, and that none of those lives would most probably have a successful love life or lasting relations, just like your past reincarnation;'Toby Star'.]

I felt like shots were being fired at me, but I chose to swallow the bitter pill and not speak up. Everything he says would be of great help to me.

[You need to strengthen your mind to the limit. The last memory you'll assimilate with will be of me, a God, a Mid-Level God. No God's experience and memories will leave you unscathed, no matter how weak they are, so prepare yourself. You will be clashing head-on with the forbidden 'Path of Seers' and its corrosive nature in the future.]

'Hey! Hey! Hey! Wait up! You sound like you're making a closing speech!'

[ . . . . ]

[I'm not… there are a few more things that you need to know.]

'Uh… alright… please continue…'

I was quite embarrassed.

Maybe solving one mystery made me think that I'm some sort of deduction maestro or some shit.

[Anyway, since you already know the truth, I wiil be making some minor changes to the System. I have enough authority to do that.]

[The 'System Points' will be abolished from now on and the whole 'Store' will be free. These 'System Points' were essentially just incentives for you to work harder. But now that you know the gravity of things, I believe you won't squander this chance.]

'Does that mean I can get anything I want from the store?!'

[Only the things that you have unlocked and are apporiate for your level. Abusing the Store too much would make your foundation weaker. Try your best to not buy much from the Store, too. It costs the System the 'Causality' we had accumulated in our reserves, in return for making our reincarnations miserable.]

[Having more 'Causality' in the future never hurts.]

'What is this 'Causality', anyway?'

[It's a long topic. It is inevitable for you get to know about it in the future, so don't waste your time on a redundant topic.]

'Then at least tell me what's up with this 'Seed of a Universe' that you mentioned. Is it in me right now?'

[I don't really have much of an idea either. That 'Seed' and anything related to it is completely under the jurisdiction of the 'Great Will'.]

[But I do know of two things.]

[Firstly, your 'Supreme Physique' has something to do with it. Perhaps that Physique is a requirement to assimilate the 'Seed'.]

[As for the second one, I'll leave that for you to discover. You had made my Lora and Lana cry, I need to give you some punishment.]

It was weird but it felt like he became alive as soon as he discussed Lora and Lana. His previously monotone voice having some inflections to them.

'Hey! You know that it wasn't intentional!'

[Your reasons don't matter to me, just deal with it.]


I didn't argue more, I kinda deserved it. He seemed really stubborn too.

[The other change in the System will be that an official communication channel for Lora and Lana will be created. The two had been contacting you through visions everytime they could. From their attitudes I can safely assume that they have already made up their minds about you.]

[From now on they can contact you even while you are awake. It won't cost you your mental power like the previous visions, so properly apologize to them as soon as you wake up.]

'You don't need to tell me that, I was already gonna do it.'

[You don't understand, in order for the 'Communication Channel' to tether with them, you need to make contact with them first.]

Alright, alright, I'll do it. By the way, now that I know the truth, why don't you tell them to just come down to Ravia.'

[That is impossible. You don't even have a cultivation yet and now you want to make direct contact with two Goddesses. You can't even stand upright in front of their Avatars at your level.]

'Then how did you contact them when you initially met them?'

[Just like they are contacting you right now, but I was even more careful. I only let them hear my voice in those visions and send them resources from far away when they had little to no cultivation. The level of contact only gradually increased as they got more powerful. So don't play the victim here.]

[Also, knowing the girls, they probably want you to meet their real selves rather than just their Avatars. Your only choice is to get stronger. Don't keep them waiting for long.]

'Yeah, yeah, I know…'

[And adore them as much as you can, you can't fathom how long they have waited for you, for Us.]

[I don't care if you love them like a father, like I did, or be intimate with them like they wanted, but you ARE obligated to love them, after all the sacrifices they have made for us.]

He souneded like a nosy father-in-law right now.

'Again, you don't need to tell that, I adore them a lot, and don't plan on stopping that in the future. Calm your tits down a bit.'

[*Sigh* Alright… You already know what you needed to know for now, so this will be the end of our contact.]

'Hey! Will we be able to contact each other again?'

[Hopefully, not. I will only contact you if there is an emergency or if you ever mess up while assimilating memories. Now go this is farewell.]

I started to feel a force dragging me, just like before.

'Hey! At least tell me your name!'

[It doesn't matter, I am just a shadow. You are now Arthur, that's all that matters. Live your own life and don't let the past get you. Now go.]

I didn't even have time to reply.

My vision blacked out and I was forced to go to sleep.


My consciousness came back after a long sleep but I was still feeling quite tired.

The contact with him had probably sucked a lot of energy from me.

'What an asshole… just like me…'

I didn't open my eyes nor make any movements.

Mom had become quite observant of me these days, she would know the moment I'm awake if I'm not too careful.

I still had something very important to do.

'System, open stats'

[Name: Arthur Maxwell von Atlas

Race: Supreme

Status: Fatigued

Age: 0

HP: 200 → 350

MP: 450

Cultivation: N/A

System Skills: [Fertility Control]

Passive Skills: [Supreme Physique] [Linguist Lv.1]

Active Skills: N/A






[Contacts] ]

My HP had increased automatically as my body got bigger, and now there was no stat showing my 'System Points'.

But these menial things weren't the reason why I opened the stat panel.

I looked at the last option on the panel and opened it.



[Lana] ]

I contacted them both at the same time.

[Does the host want to make a group chat?]


[Does the host want to proceed with an [Audio Call] or [Audio-Visual Call]?]


[Please wait a moment.]

[Establishing Communication Channels with Contacts: [Lora] and [Lana]]

[Tethering in process]

[Permanent Communication Channels established!]

[Proceeding to make contact]

My vision was suddenly filled with white.


Somewhere in Arthur's Universe.

Two impossibly gorgeous women were sitting on a couch while hugging each other.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

Quiet sniffles could be heard occasionally. Their mood was quite somber.

Suddenly a System Panel showed up in front of their eyes.

[[Arthur Maxwell von Atlas] has established a Communication Channel with you!]

[[Arthur Maxwell von Atlas] requests for an [Audio-Visual Call]]

[Do you accept?]

[Yes!] X2

They didn't even question how it was all happening and directly accepted it.


[Arthur!] X2

'I'm here, I'm here … don't worry… I won't be going anywhere this time.'

[Hik! Arthur! *Sob* *Sob*] X2

'Both of you… please don't cry… just because of a bastard like me. I have hurt both of you a lot… I don't even know how to apologize for it…'

I hated myself seeing them whimper like this. I had failed to grasp just how fragile they were when it came to me. They had waited for eons for me, just for me to tear them apart with my sharp questions.

[Lora: Hik! Hik! What are you talking about?! *Sniff* What apology?! Don't treat us like strangers!!!]

[Lana: Yeah! *Sniff* Anyone would've done that in your position! *Sniff* *Sniff*]

'He' predicted their nature on point.

Even with such a debacle from my side, they still don't want the blame to be on me…

I needed to do something about it ASAP.

'No! It was all my fault and you both aren't gonna make any excuses for me this time! I owe you both a proper apology!'

[*Hik!* *Sniff* *Sniff*] X2

They both quieted down and whimpers by themselves.

Maybe I was a bit too harsh with my tone…

But what could I do? I was a criminal in my past life and had always been in toxic relationships. Properly lulling someone was the last thing I knew how to do…

'*Sigh*I'm sorry, I was too harsh right now… And I'm sorry for what I have put both of you through… Until now, I didn't even know what you both had been going through and bashed you with all those scading questions…'

[Lana: *Sniff* No, it's not your fault. You were ignorant of the situation. WE made you ignorant of the situation.]

[Lora: Mhm…]

'*Sigh* You dummies…'

Their natures couldn't change with just one sentence… we were back to square one.

'Look, first of all it wasn't your fault. I don't want to hear that type of argument ever again, got it?'

[Lora: But-]

'No buts! This wasn't a question!'

The Goddesses jolted and then meekly nodded.

They were like kids in front of me…

'Good. Secondly, even if I was curious, I could've asked you both in a more graceful manner. I already knew that both of you were touchy about this matter but still proceeded with my questions. Please don't make excuses for me, point me out when I'm in the wrong. It was my fault that I made both of you cry and I'm deeply sorry for that.'

Lora and Lana were quiet for a few minutes. I let them have their time.

[Lora: *Sniff* Alright… we'll accept your apology…]

[Lana: Mhm…]

They knew that I was just as stubborn as them. Things would never proceed if they didn't accept my apology.

'Hehe! Good! If only I could hug my cute and cuddly goddesses.'

[Hehe…] x2

They shyly giggled.

At least they were slowly getting back to their normal chirpy selves.

'Thirdly, it wasn't just me who was ignorant, you both were just as ignorant too. We had all been duped.'

[Huh???] X2

I had already decided to tell them the truth verbatim as soon as I had heard it. They didn't deserve to be left out. 'His' sacrifice also didn't deserve to be forgotten.

'*Sigh* Listen up closely… I met 'Him' or at least the shadow of him. 'He' told me the truth about what really happened back then.'

Both of them stood in attention, they knew exactly who I was talking about.

And so the truth started to unravel before them.

They were bawling their eyes out by the end of it.

I could only try my best to console them…





[Lora: *Sniff* Lana! I told you that something was up with him after his progression!]

[Lana: I-I…]

'Stop it both of you… Even if you found out about it, you couldn't have done anything. Even the 'Great Will of the Multiverse' termed it as an 'experiment' rather than a 'solution'.'

The last thing I wanted to see was a Goddess-Level cat fight.

Thankfully, my admonition worked and they realized their error.

'Besides, everything worked fine, at the very least I have all of my emotions intact now. Now the question is if you like this 'new me' or not?~'

I tried to uplift the mood a bit by asking the last question teasingly.

[No!!! We love you!!!] X2

'Hooo~ Why's that?~'

[Lana: E-Even at baby stage, you look almost exactly the same as 'Him', just shy of hair and eye color…]

Lana replied shyly.

[Lora: A-And even if you are far more perverted than 'Him', you both have very similar personalities… honestly, we like this debauched you more…]

Lora added, her last sentence was barely a murmur.

'Hehe~ You can expect more debauchery from me from now on~ 'He' explicitly told be to be as debauched as possible~ My Lovely Goddesses, count your days~ You won't be able to escape my hands and dick~'

[Lana: Hehe~ Bring it on~ You'll have to face our eons worth of accumulated lust~]

[Lora: Yeah~ Our pussies just might break you cock in half~ You are underestimating how thirsty we are to get fucked~]

Give an inch, take a mile…

A virgin would blush at their debauched dirty talk…

Just Perfect.

We continued to talk for a while.

I was curious about the name of my original reincarnation but since they never said it, I didn't ask either.

I packed one can of worms after so much work. I didn't want to spill another one.

After some time the Perverted Goddesses notified me about my mom getting worried about my long 'sleep'.

So we converted the call to audio-only for now.

My mommy dearest was also quite hungry for attention, wasn't she?


*Yes, that's the target*

*Commence Operation*

A valiant special force agent hung up the call.

He didn't delay even a second and went to infiltrate his target's house.

He passed through all kinds of obstacles and finally reached the vault.

He carefully unlocked it.

Low and behold, stacks upon stacks of Power Stones caught his sight.

He carefully transferred all the Power Stones into his bag and came out of the vault.

But luck wasn't on his side.

Teams of bodyguards surrounded him.


Dense smoke came out of nowhere and obscured everyone's vision.

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

In panic, shots started to fire from everywhere.

As for the valiant agent in question.

He was sitting on a rooftop, leaning against the bag of Power Stones and smoking a ciggie.

If he didn't want to get caught, no one could catch him…

Debauched_God Debauched_God

This is the last No Wankie... I think...

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