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Chapter 2: Scent In Through The Trees

When my Beta agreed to dinner, I really did want to snap at him. Zion was more than just my most trusted pack member and the pack's Beta; he was my best friend. We grew up together in the royal house. His father was my father's Beta, so it really was no surprise the pair of us were in the same position. The Beta needs to have the trust of the Alpha and the Alpha must feel the loyalty of his Beta. That was just how it goes. Truth was that I knew he meant well, but after living my last few years without a Luna at my side as Alpha, I have given up a full search. The moon goddess obviously had other plans for me, and when She was willing to share those plans, I would be ready. He knew how I felt about the whole search, and yet was still unrelenting to just push things and keep going.

He knew that the annual ball was the last place I wanted to be. Back in my office there were more pressing matters I would have rather attended to, such as new Alphas for a couple of packs and some minor land disputes in others. Of course, this was a good chance at greeting some pack members that rarely had the chance to see the Royals or for us that might not have the time to visit them. 

The one thing I hated the most about my position had to be everyone trying to get on my good side. The mind games and masks they all wore when I was around. As if I was not actually Atlas, but just the King. The man to help disputes, the unmated alpha that needs a Luna. It was all very taxing on regular days. I can only imagine how exhausting it will be during the ball. At least I was promised I could keep my business face and not have to fake a smile at this event.

The annual ball was just another motion to help wolves find their mates that might not be within their own packs. Some go their whole life without one and do well. However, as an Alpha, it was more than just a requirement to find one's mate. The Luna helped strengthen a pack and their Alpha. Even Alpha Dax, who we were visiting, had hopes his son would find his Luna and take over the pack. He lost his Luna seventeen years ago and though he had a strong pack, a Luna was still needed to keep the balance of the members. Alpha Dax had been lucky with having his two sons around, many Alphas were not and soon lost their pack to another leader. Those are the disputes I hated the most. Seeing a once proud Alpha reduced to almost nothing by the loss of their mate and then the shell of a man being removed from all he knew. Most did not live past a year when they lost their position.

As a royal, I was given a little more pressure for the finding of my mate and the Luna for the pack. When the nobles see an Alpha without one, especially at my age and they start to lose respect for that Alpha. Not that we have had any current issues, but we know the talks behind the closed doors that can and have happened. Some of our intel have come back with a few nobles that thought I was unfit just a few weeks back. All over the fact of me not having a mate yet. To me it was insane to think that an Alpha was no good without a Luna by his side. The only packs that I could see suffered, were ones who lost their Luna, never Alphas losing face before they found one. Over the years, I never took any decision lightly and as a good leader, looked towards my people as guidance for what would work best for them in a whole. Many respected me for this type of rule, but many others still had old fashioned thoughts. 

That fact is, that I have truly done well for the pack and the other packs under our rule. The whispers around us have been placed there by the other Royal packs, I am sure. The only other people that would be able to succeed my position if I fail. I equally suspected my uncle in the Royal Crystal Lake pack. Though they are supposed to be neutral, but I know my uncle is upset to be handling the smaller of the packs and territory when my grandfather separated the pack into two for both his sons. Of course, I was always prepared for his silly quirks and mind games.

As it is, I have been impressed at the quickness and care the Ridge Mountain pack handled the sudden early arrival of my pack. They did not seem panicked and even had all accommodations set up for us as requested. His son Jace was polite and well-mannered as expected for a future ruler. The cabins and food supplied were beyond our expectations. The Moon Goddess should bless this pack soon with a Luna; I had hope for them to continue the pack in good form for the future.

As I thought about it, I realized the second son was not there to greet us as would be custom. "Zion, I thought the Alpha here had two sons. Do you know why was the second not there to greet us?" We were settling in the main cabin supplied to us, relaxing on the soft sofa in the main room before dinner. I really enjoyed the set up and hoped they would allow us to use them for future visits. "Is it not rude to not be present to greet us? I know his Luna passed away from the birth, but the pup lived did it not?"

"Yes, he did Atlas. Maybe he was out training with the warriors and scouts? He is the second born and would not be training as a leader. Our intel of the pack did say he was never without guards and is rarely seen. Of course, that did make us wonder if he actually survived." Zion was smiling. It was rare for me to ask so many questions and he knew it. "Why are you interested in the family matters here?"

"My only concern is the lack of respect for him to not greet us." I huffed. Zion knew I always had a curious mind. Our pack did hear more rumours of the hidden son of the Ridge Pack's Alpha, but the intel was never clear if they were even following the right cub. "We need to make sure the packs keep respect, but I am curious of the other son." He was never present at any meetings or gatherings before but was expected to be at this one. It was, in a way, Alpha Dax presenting him to the other packs. My guess was that his father was expecting or hoping he would find his mate as well. "He turns 18 soon, so I assume his father is hoping one of his sons finds a mate during this ball."

Zion laughed at me. "That could be. Also, I am curious of the second born as well boss. The rumours around him vary and we have little intel to go on. I am not happy with the lack of information. It could be dangerous but seeing the behaviour of both the Alpha and the Alpha to be, I highly doubt it. We will meet him at dinner, I am sure. Alpha Dax knows the honour we give by dining with his family tonight. He has never disappointed us before."

Standing up from my spot I started walking towards the door. "I need to run before dealing with all the stuffy manners at dinner. Leave the guards behind. Just you and me like old times. We will only be gone for a few minutes at most." I was already walking out the door. "Just to be clear, I am only going for the food, because you forced me to dinner by agreeing. As for the ball, you can do all the talking." I heard him laughing behind me. It was just like him to be this way. "You laugh and yet, you are just as without a mate as I! Maybe you should look for your own and let others be."

The Alpha here did well in the location of our cabins. It was far enough from the main pack house to give us privacy, but also not so deep in the territory that we were at risk from attacks by the rogues. The Ridge Mountain pack built us five respectable cabins. One for my Beta and I to share along with a few of my person guards. Then the other four for guards and other pack members soon to arrive. They were all nice timber frame buildings with great open designs. Open south facing windows and nice large doors, if one had to enter in wolf form.

I never brought many royal pack members to the ball, as the noble wolves tend to look down on other packs and would rather mate with a noble over a mate given by the Goddess. Which I feel is part of a huge problem needing worked on. The Moon Goddess does not pick our mates for bloodline as the Royals seem to crave, but for who will complete us. Most of the pack members we brought here are from the smaller packs in our care without a pair and lower in rank. They are overjoyed with the chance and I hope some really find their mate at this ball.

As we walked a little deeper in the lush forest, steps silent on the moss-covered pathway, I caught a sweet scent in the wind. I could tell the scent was not old, so earlier today. Since we are the first to arrive, it would have to be a member of Ridge Mountain pack. It was a lone scent, a single wolf, and my wolf started going crazy. I would describe my wolf as usually very reserved and somewhat temperamental. He had a small streak like me who liked to play but usually it was held back from any but Zion when we ran. However, my usually reserved wolf was howling in my head, so excited he could not get a single word out. He wanted me to change and let him take over and now.

"Zion, I thought we were told that no wolves go out here. The patrols are further out, and this area would be wolf free." I really struggled to keep my wolf calm. The scent of strawberries and mint was stronger as we walked further in, and it made things much harder to deal with. This was not going to work. It soon became painful, and I grimaced trying to hold back the change.

"Yes. I do smell that a wolf was here in the last hour though. They may not have been told that this area is restricted yet. We did just arrive forty-five minutes ago. Though, with how prepared Alpha Dax was, it would seem unlikely." Zion was watching me close. "You look a tad dangerous right now boss."

I stopped walking to prevent me tracking the scent. "Hmmm." There was only one reason my wolf behaved this way towards this fragrance. Completely unsure of this fact and excited at the same time I finally spoke up. "I believe my mate is around here. Or was."

Zion grinned just as I expected he would. "I knew this was a good idea! That's great boss!" He could almost be seen jumping for joy with this news.

I turned to him. "It might not be currently. The wolf in me is already demanded the finding and claiming of my mate." Without a doubt I would be more protective and possessive of my mate than any other Alpha. As a Royal, we had a stronger desire to have what was ours and protect them from others. "I fear we should just prepare for dinner. If we go for the run, I doubt I will be able to control my wolf from hunting my mate down."

"Yes boss!" Zion was still grinning ear to ear as we walked back to the cabins.

"Stop smiling." Though I tried to toss a serious look at him, I knew I was smiling as well. Looks like the Moon Goddess blessed me after all. Now I wondered what they looked like. The scent, though strong to my nose gave me no picture of who they were. Slowly I started to get excited to meet them. Would I have to wait until the ball, or would I be able to stumble across them before it? 

Then I wondered more about them. The Moon Goddess was never one to match wrong, but I sure hoped it was not a pack member looking for a high ranked Alpha, those types drive me nuts. You see them in the Royal packs all the time. The she wolves battling for position on who gets the honours on greeting me first. Even at local pack balls it could be an outright fight if one thinks they hold the highest regard. I sighed and thought about it. I have met many in my lifetime and none were good enough according to the Moon Goddess so it would not be one like that. All I knew is I wanted to find them and complete the bonding as soon as possible.

Zurgy Zurgy

Chapter 2 done and now we know a little more about Alpha Atlas. Still more to discover! Hope you like the story so far!

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