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Chapter 61: Dread


My entire body shook as the sound of bark being torn apart echoed through the air.

Slowly turning my gaze down to the source of the sound, my heart skipped a beat.

"You have to be kidding me..."

I uttered under my breath.

Just a few meters below me, monsters were tearing apart the trunk of the tree I was perched on. Their claws and teeth ripped through the bark with a terrifying ease.

Looking at them up close, I couldn't help but feel dread creep over me.

From the looks of it, the tree would only keep me safe for a few more minutes at best.

'I shouldn't have relaxed...'

Gritting my teeth, I forced my body to move.

The wounds on my leg and arms throbbed greatly, however, a deep sense of dread made the pain seem almost insignificant.

If I stayed in my current position, I would die.


Putting my injured leg in front of me, I stifled a yelp of pain as I slowly pushed myself up from the tree branch.

Each agonizing step was fueled by the growing awareness of the splintering wood beneath me.

I inched closer to the next tree, a spindly sapling that barely reached my waist. It wouldn't hold for long, but it was a chance.

Just as I reached out to grab a low branch for support, the monsters below noticed my movement. With a surge of primal rage, they tore into the sapling with renewed frenzy.

The entire tree shook violently, throwing me off balance. I clung desperately, my hand barely scraping the bark as I dangled precariously over the gnashing jaws.

'Damn it...'

Heart hammering against my ribs, I scrambled back onto the branch I'd just abandoned. It wouldn't last much longer, but the momentary respite allowed me to catch my breath.

This wasn't working.

Panic bubbled up, but I forced it down.

There had to be another way.

Drawing a shaky breath, I gritted my teeth and repeated the process. Agony lanced through my body with every movement, but with each desperate scramble, a strange sensation spread through my wounds.

A tingling warmth, a slow mending. By the third attempt, the tremors in my leg had lessened considerably. The pain, though dull, was no longer debilitating.


This time, when I reached the next tree, a thicker oak with sturdy branches, my grip was firm. Relief washed over me as I hoisted myself onto a sturdy limb, finally out of immediate reach of the monsters.

Looking back at the splintered remains of the first two trees, I couldn't help but let out a shuddering breath. It had been a close call, but I'd survived.

My eyes automatically narrowed and I cast a wary glance at the creatures still snapping hungrily below me.

"I will kill you..."

Hissing under my breath, I cursed them with an eerie grin spreading across my face.

However, as if in response to my words, something sharp hit me from behind.

The force behind it was so strong that it tore through my entire body, entering from the back and exiting through the front.


A mouthful of blood erupted from my mouth as I slowly looked down to see a wickedly glinting beak protruding from my chest.

For a moment, I simply stared at the thing in disbelief, however, it didn't take long as the creature began to twist and wrench its beak, causing excruciating pain to radiate through my body.


Like a madman I tried to reach its main body, to tear it away, but the creature was situated behind me, out of my reach.

As the last ditch effort, I gave up hope of reaching the monster and gripped the beak jammed into my chest with both hands.


The sound of breaking bones echoed through the air as I twisted it to the side, using every ounce of strength and adrenaline-fueled desperation to snap the beak off.

As soon as I did, I felt as if the current of electricity rushed through the monster's body.

It began to trash around like a wounded animal, screeching in pain and fury.

However, I didn't let go...

"You are going to die..."

Holding onto the broken beak that was still piercing through my chest, I spat out.

We continued to wrestle in such fashion for a few more moments until finally, the creature got tired and I managed to lay my hands upon it.

It was a disgusting abomination with pelican-like beak and razor-sharp talons.

I twisted its neck.


Then came the hard part.

Using all my remaining strength, I pried the beak out of my chest, feeling a surge of searing pain as it tore through flesh and tendons.

I could feel blood gathering in my mouth but I knew that if I didn't remove it, the wound wouldn't heal.

"Hah... I'm spent."

Gazing down at the monsters that were already trying to take down my tree, I sighed.

My body was beginning to decline, one of my lungs was nearly collapsing under the weight of the injury, my Mana was almost depleted and my vision was growing blurry.

Normal awakeners would have already died from such injuries.

I didn't even notice as my consciousness slowly slipped away, and darkness enveloped me.

I couldn't even feel as my body slowly veered to the side and I fell from the tree, descending into the waiting abyss of teeth and claws below.

Well, at least I wouldn't have to worry about the pain anymore.

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