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Chapter 2: CHapter 2 | Old Friend


YouTube Title: Tavern Brawl by Neal Acree


As Rhox meandered through the bustling streets of Black Glen, a symphony of sounds enveloped her senses. Laughter, like tinkling bells, danced through the air, intermingling with the rhythmic clanging of hammers against anvils. The resonant thuds of brawls echoed in the distance, a testament to the spirited nature of the town's inhabitants. Each step she took brought her closer to the heart of this vibrant tapestry, where the pulse of life beat with an undeniable fervor. Simultaneously, her ears caught the faint melodies of a distant radio, carrying the echoes of soldiers' voices. These men, seemingly indulging in the illicit pleasures offered by the ladies of the night, could be heard amidst the bustling streets.

"Look alive!" she shouts amid all the noise towards the soldiers.

As the resonant voice of Rhox reached the ears of the soldiers, a palpable tension settled upon them, causing their bodies to stiffen and their senses to heighten. With a knowing glint in her eye, Rhox observed their reaction, a faint chuckle escaping her lips, betraying a hint of amusement. And so, the soldiers, now on high alert, resumed their diligent patrols, their every step infused with a renewed sense of purpose. 

In the wake of the tumultuous event, a Lakvi prostitute emerged from the shadows, her delicate fingers gently encircling Rhox's arm, drawing it closer to the warmth nestled between her bosom.

"Hey, Rhox," the Prostitute murmured, her voice a seductive whisper as she delicately caressed her arms. "Do you desire a night of delight?" Her words, gentle and alluring, danced into Rhox's ears.

With a graceful motion, Rhox delicately extricates her arm from the desperate grasp of the prostitute, her touch as light as a feather. Leaning in close, she leans towards the woman's ear, her voice a mere whisper in the cacophony of the bustling street. "Apologies, my lady awaits my presence in the sanctity of her chambers," she murmurs, her words laden with a sense of duty and devotion. 

In a sudden twist of fate, a figure emerged from the shadows, a colleague of sorts, who bore the unmistakable air of authority. This individual, who appeared to be the overseer of the establishment, swiftly interceded, whisking the beleaguered prostitute away from the scene. With a sense of remorse etched upon their countenance, this enigmatic figure turned their attention towards Rhox, offering a heartfelt apology for the unfortunate turn of events.

"Are you an idiot!? She's Admiral Laxuva's lover!" exclaimed by the manager, the prostitute shrugs and says, "Just shooting my shot, she's hot". Rhox then lends the manager some credits and asks to forgive her worker. "She was just doing her job" Rhox says. The two thanked Rhox and waved goodbye as she walked down the street.

Rhox strolled leisurely down the bustling streets, her keen eyes taking in the sights and sounds of the vibrant city. The air was alive with the hum of activity, the rhythmic footsteps of passersby, and the distant melodies of street musicians. Yet amidst this symphony of urban life, a peculiar commotion caught her attention.

A growing crowd had gathered in the heart of her path, their voices rising in a cacophony of cheers and shouts. Curiosity piqued, Rhox quickened her pace, her lithe figure gracefully navigating through the throng of onlookers. As she drew nearer, the source of their excitement became apparent. There, at the epicenter of the commotion, stood a spectacle that commanded the attention of all who beheld it.

It was a scene of With a heart full of curiosity, she cautiously made her way towards the gathering of people, her eyes drawn to the commotion that unfolded before her. A brawl, fierce and untamed, dominated the center of attention, captivating the onlookers with its raw intensity. Yet, as her gaze wandered to the periphery, a sight caught her attention, diverting her focus from the chaos at hand. There, nestled upon a nearby table, a stack of credits lay in disarray, their presence a tantalizing mystery waiting to be unraveled.

Rhox, with a sly grin on her face, uttered, "Bets, eh?" With a determined stride, she navigated through the bustling throngs of people, her eyes fixed on the epicenter of the commotion. The air crackled with anticipation as she sought a vantage point that would afford her an unobstructed view of the impending clash. 

In the realm of the Black Glen, her name reverberated through the whispers of the townsfolk, bestowing upon her a certain renown. It was this very reputation that granted her a coveted pass, allowing her to witness the impending battle from the vantage point of the front row. As she approached the forefront of the scene, her eyes were met with a spectacle of extraordinary proportions. Two colossal insects, their frames towering above her, engaged in a fierce battle, their limbs serving as their sole weapons. 

In the heart of the battlefield, a momentous clash unfolded, a spectacle happening before Rhox's very eyes. Two formidable Valkaryanns, each possessing an indomitable spirit and an unwavering resolve, stood face to face, their eyes locked in a fierce gaze. 

The two Valkaryanns then notice and stare at Rhox before focusing into each other once again. With a loud click of its mandibles the brown colored Valkaryann shouts towards his opponent, "Come on! With the ACE watching, I'll turn you into a pulp!'. Its opponent, a yellow colored Valkaryann replied, "Kekeke! I'll take this chance to embarrass you in front of her!".

In a display of raw, untamed aggression, the two combatants engaged in a fierce exchange of blows. Their fists collided with bone-crushing force, each strike resonating with a symphony of pain. Legs swung out, delivering powerful kicks that sought to incapacitate their adversary. And amidst the chaos, their heads clashed together in a brutal headbutt, a collision of wills that reverberated through the air. 

The battle raged on, a dance As Rhox made her way through the bustling crowd, she was already in the process of departing when her presence caught the attention of the two individuals. With a final glance, Rhox's eyes swept over them, her gaze filled with a mixture of admiration and encouragement. A subtle yet meaningful gesture followed, as she raised her hand, forming a thumbs-up sign. 

The sight of this simple gesture caused the two combatants to break into wide grins, their spirits bolstered by the unspoken affirmation. Fueled by newfound determination, they resumed their fierce clash, their resolve unyielding.

Having departed from the bustling crowd, she ventures forth onto the tranquil street, where the clamor of voices gradually fades into the distance. As she meanders along the path, a gentle breeze whispers through the air, carrying with it a faint, distant call that catches her attention. From the depths of the surrounding darkness, a voice, faint yet resolute, pierced through the silence, uttering a single word that reverberated in the air like a haunting melody. "Rhox!" it called out.

"Over here!" called out a voice, cutting through the bustling crowd. The words hung in the air, beckoning with a sense of urgency. Rhox's keen eyes scanned the surroundings, taking in every detail of the bustling street. The air was thick with the scent of anticipation, as if something extraordinary was about to unfold. Amidst the sea of faces, her gaze landed on an elderly human man, his lab coat billowing behind him like a cape in the wind. There was an urgency in his stride, a determination that caught her attention. Without hesitation, he charged towards her, his eyes locked onto hers, as if he held a secret that only she could unravel.

"Well, Well, Well, if it isn't Mr. Winters" said by Rhox.

"I have been calling you since earlier! You couldn't hear me!" exclaims Winters, gasping for air. Winters then sits on a wheel chair that has been deployed. "Would you please push my wheelchair for me?" Winters asked Rhox. 

Rhox sighed and pushed Winters along the street in response.

"Your brand new arm is finished, exactly as you requested," Winters states as he turns to face Rhox. 

"Perfect, we'll travel to your workshop before I meet Gunn then," Rhox said.

Winters suddenly brightened and exclaimed excitedly, "I almost forgot! I've found new coordinates of a brand new AI that you can collect!". Rhox replied unexcitedly "What? I already have 5 AIs on my ship that do everything my ship currently has".

Winters exclaims, "No, No! This isn't a ship AI, it's a live model combat AI that is designed to be a military weapon!" Winters also adds, "And Corvus is the one manufacturing it!".

Rhox stops for a brief second and asks Winters "You say Corvus? Well, I'm rather weak without my ship, so having a personal killing machine to aid me during infiltrations is a wonderful bonus". Rhox also adds "As long as I can teach It some ship modules, I guess".

Winters with a smile on his face replies, "That's why I'm here Rhox!" while pointing at himself

Rhox then ruffles Winter's long white hair and says, "Yeah Yeah, thank you, smart ass". 

The two then arrive at their target location, Winter's workshop. 

Winters then stands up from his wheelchair and discards it into a mini box and keeps it in his pocket.

"Smells very scientific as always, Winters" Rhox says.

Winters then shrugged and continued on to say that it is due to him being a man of science. With a graceful stride, Winters retreated into the depths of his inner office, a sanctuary hidden from the prying eyes of the outside world. The air within was heavy with anticipation, as if secrets whispered through the very walls. In the dim light, Winters' gaze fell upon a metal case, its surface gleaming with an enigmatic allure. With a steady hand, he reached out and delicately lifted the case, as if cradling a precious artifact.

"The arm?" Rhox asks.

Winters responds with a smile and opens the case towards Rhox, "The arm indeed".

With a sense of intrigue, Rhox delicately grasps the synthetic arm, its metallic surface glimmering with a captivating blend of silver and gold hues. The arm, though compact in its design, exudes an air of elegance and sophistication. Rhox's keen eyes carefully examine every intricate detail, marveling at the craftsmanship that went into its creation. The arm's frame, surprisingly lightweight, hints at the ingenuity and precision of its engineering.

"Care to explain to me its features?" Rhox said towards Winters.

 Winters then nods and starts to explain the arm's features to Rhox.

"This baby right here is a state of the art combat gauntlet used in all sorts of situations, made by yours truly of course!" Winters said with a grin on his face. Rhox then claps slowly while maintaining a rather neutral expression. 

Winters then turns the arm and presses a button, revealing a tiny compartment system of some kind. "This right here is where you put these canisters," Winters then holds out some sort of round container.. "Of course you can put various things inside these canisters, Bombs? check! chemicals? check! anything!" Winters added.

"OK, then what happens if I run out of these "canisters" when I'm at the field?" Rhox wonders.

Winters responds, "Well you got to improvise my friend!" and goes on to say, "Technically you can launch anything with it's jet propelled launcher system, but due to the force it creates, bombs and the sorts almost immediately explode, that's why canisters are needed!". Winters then pulls out a list of names and says, "Or you can buy from me and these sellers" 

Rhox examines the paper, whistles, and adds, "You've got some black-market goons here." 

"Gotta make some money through connections somehow, right?" says Winters, adding, "Surely Laxuva has "a lot" of connections since she herself is a black market leader and a infamous data broker". 

Rhox replies, "You sell your stuff to the Doctrina market? I thought they only sell blueprints?" 

Winters then nods and says, "I told Laxuva it was for you, so she's probably selling it to her entire market now." Rhox then chuckles and says, "Flattering"

"Moving on, let's talk about its various modes, the blade, the gun, the shield, and the Taser," Winters says as he flips the arm again and shows Rhox the proper buttons. Rhox gestures and nods for Winters to continue. 

As per Winters' elucidation and exhibition, upon activating a series of enigmatic buttons, the arm undergoes a mesmerizing metamorphosis, materializing an ethereal blade of pulsating energy, an impregnable shield of otherworldly design, a relentless fully automated cannon capable of unleashing a barrage of destruction, and an immensely potent disruptor that harnesses the power to transmit an astonishing three million volts of electrifying force.

In the words of Winters, the energy blade, a marvel of technological prowess, derives its formidable power from the very essence of a dreadnaught's reactor. This source of energy, untainted and refined to its utmost purity, possesses the extraordinary ability to effortlessly cleave through even the most unyielding of surfaces.

Atop the arm, a diminutive cannon stood, its presence commanding attention. This remarkable contraption, known as the full auto cannon, possessed the ability to unleash a torrent of destruction. Its purpose, however, extended beyond mere firepower, for it offered the wearer a choice between two devastating ammunition types: the piercing rounds, capable of penetrating even the most fortified defenses, and the scorching plasma rounds, which could reduce adversaries to naught but smoldering remnants. Such power rested in the hands of the wearer, allowing them to tailor their approach to the ever-shifting tides of battle. 

Advancing further, behold the extraordinary disruptor that materializes from the very core of the arm, an awe-inspiring weapon of immense potency. Its capabilities transcend the boundaries of conventional comprehension, for it possesses the ability to induce disarray and disable engines or any mechanical contrivances that dare to oppose its might. Winters, the harbinger of this knowledge, imparts that Rhox can harness the disruptor's unfathomable potential to potentially disorient or extinguish the life force of adversaries, contingent upon the resilience of their species to the overwhelming shockwaves it unleashes.

"That's basically it!" exclaimed by Winters as he smiled towards Rhox with gleaming eyes

Rhox marveled at the myriad of advanced functionalities that adorned the cutting-edge technology before her, a stark contrast to the outdated limb she currently possessed. Within the depths of her consciousness, she harbored an unwavering resolve to surrender a substantial sum in exchange for the acquisition of the cutting-edge appendage.

"I'll take it, Winters," Rhox says, adding, "How much is it?"

In a striking contrast, Winters, with a resolute determination, made the audacious choice to bestow it upon Rhox without any cost, asserting that this seemingly trivial sacrifice was but a mere token of gratitude for the preservation of his very existence...a payment for saving his life.

"You using my creations is enough for me to be happy, Rhox" stated by Winters as he smiles towards Rhox

Rhox had long harbored a lingering suspicion that Winters possessed a benevolent nature, albeit one that had never been fully revealed. However, the depths of his generosity were far beyond what Rhox had ever dared to imagine. For Winters had bestowed upon her a cutting-edge weapon, meticulously crafted with Rhox's unique abilities in mind. 

In the wake of these events, Rhox found herself overwhelmed with gratitude towards Winters, the valiant hero who had come to her aid. Deeply moved by his selflessness and unwavering courage, she resolved to express her appreciation in a most extraordinary manner. With a heart brimming with sincerity, Rhox made the momentous decision to bestow upon Winters her very own synthetic arm, a prized possession that had become an integral part of her being.

"I-I Can have t-this!?" exclaimed by Winters

Rhox nodded and says, "Yeah you can keep it"

In a flurry of unrestrained jubilation, Winters leapt about the room, his heart brimming with uncontainable excitement. The gift bestowed upon him by Rhox, a remarkable synthetic arm, had ignited a fire within his soul. With unbridled enthusiasm, he let out a resounding cry of pure delight, his voice echoing through the air, a testament to the profound joy that coursed through his veins. 

In a moment of heartfelt vulnerability, Winters confided in Rhox, expressing the profound significance that the arm of his saviour held for him. Such was the depth of his gratitude that he resolved to proudly exhibit this cherished relic within the confines of his office, a constant reminder of the debt he owed to his rescuer. 

Rhox, a figure of stoic composure, couldn't help but release a soft chuckle as her eyes fell upon the exuberant display of Winters, who was leaping about with unbridled delight.

In a gesture of gratitude, Winters bestowed upon Rhox a remarkable trinket, a bracelet device of mysterious origins. With a voice filled with intrigue, Winters revealed the bracelet's extraordinary ability - to transform into an impenetrable energy shield, a bastion of protection, when it detects its wearer hovering on the precipice of dangerous situations.

"Keep it on every time, It'll prove useful in the future" stated by Winters 

With a surge of gratitude pulsating through her veins, Rhox embraced Winters in a tender, heartfelt hug. The air crackled with an otherworldly energy as she accepted the futuristic marvel that was the new synth arm. With a seamless fusion of man and machine, Rhox ceremoniously affixed the cybernetic limb to her own, its sleek design blending seamlessly with her organic form.

The sleek, futuristic synth arm seamlessly melds with Rhox's shoulders, emitting a series of mesmerizing clicks before springing to life. With a precision that borders on otherworldly, it delicately administers a potent concoction of advanced chemicals directly into Rhox's neural pathways. 

Winters unveiled the enigmatic truth behind these ethereal substances, referred to as "NeuroXitons," which possess the extraordinary ability to establish a profound connection between the mind and the cutting-edge device. This unprecedented fusion enables an unparalleled level of synchronicity, granting an intimate and instantaneous interface with the synthetic appendage's every motion.

With a triumphant smile, she deftly manipulated the cybernetic limb, marveling at its seamless integration with Rhox's neural network. The once-ominous hum had ceased, replaced by a harmonious synchrony between man and machine. It possessed a level of responsiveness akin to that of a genuine biological limb, in stark contrast to her previous synthetic appendage that would sporadically fail to respond. After a brief interlude of scrutinizing the synthetic appendage, Rhox, with a heart heavy with anticipation, ultimately bids adieu to Winters.

With a contented smile gracing her lips, Rhox bid farewell to Winter's workshop. The air was crisp and invigorating as she ventured forth on her leisurely stroll.

"All right, time to meet Captain Mandibles!" exclaimed by Rhox on her way to the Admiral Quarters

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