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Chapter 29: Crow Summoning!

Following a brief meditation session, I finally succumbed to sleep.

The next day unfolded much like the previous one. I awoke to the familiar routine – training, academy classes, and more training. This time, however, I wasn't taking any chances. I meticulously activated every trap and seal within the Uchiha compound, ensuring an impenetrable fortress.

As night descended, a sudden intrusion interrupted my peaceful slumber. Denka's frantic meow shattered the silence, announcing Yugao-san's urgent summons. Stepping out into the cool night air, I was met with a the Anbu's face mask.

"Apologies for the disruption." Yugao began, her voice laced with concern. "The village is on high alert. I've been instructed to remain by your side until the situation calms down."

I raised an eyebrow, a flicker of suspicion crossing my features. "High alert? What's the cause?"

Yugao shook her head, frustration evident in her eyes. "They haven't divulged any details. My orders are simply to stay vigilant until things return to normal."

I, ever stoic, accepted her presence with a curt nod. "Very well. So, you will station yourself outside my window?"

With a murmured acknowledgment, Yugao disappeared into the shadows. Retreating to my room, I found Kurobane lounging languidly on my bed.

"Lord Sasuke," she announced, her voice laced with a hint of mischief, "I delivered the scroll as instructed. And I believe I overheard whispers about… Itachi Uchiha, nya!"

My gaze sharpened with a flicker of interest. "Itachi? What did you hear?" I inquired, a hint of urgency creeping into my voice.

Kurobane recounted the whispers she'd gleaned – rumors of Itachi Uchiha's presence within the village, specifically targeting a particular Anbu division.

My expression remained stoic, though a flicker of something unreadable passed through my eyes. "Dismissed." I muttered, my voice betraying none of my emotions.

Kurobane vanished in a puff of smoke, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Danzo's attack had prompted Itachi's retaliation. A dark thought surfaced in my mind – could I feign death and use it to manipulate Itachi? Would Itachi burn the whole Konoha? It was a tempting proposition, a morbid experiment I wasn't eager to pursue in reality. Mixed emotions swirled within me. After all, I am Sasuke Uchiha, reborn with the memories of my past life. After thinking about it for a while, I started laughing. I laughed very hard. It was a sound rarely heard, one that startled the watchful cats and Anbu outside his room. They rushed inside to see what happened because the have never hear me laughing. Actually, no one has even see me laughing except my family... and Shisui... and Izumi... and some clan members... and Hinata... and... Yea that's all. And no one else. ...Ok, maybe Indra, if he knows what happens in his every reincarnation's life.

"I'm alright." I reassured them, wiping a tear from the corner of my eye. Exhaustion finally overtook me, and I drifted off to sleep.

The following days saw a gradual return to normalcy. The village was no longer on high alert, and a sense of calm settled once more. Finally, Sunday arrived, offering me the perfect opportunity to test my theory. Success would simplify my plans considerably.

My objective: gaining the summoning contract of crows.

From what I know, either Shisui give him that or when he jumped from a mountain after listening to Orochimaru and was in deep thinking, a crow take him out of is thinking and after that Itachi slow the speed of falling with a kunai. Since Itachi was in a life and death situation and Crow represents death, it's possible he made a connection with them after that.

If accessing cousin Shisui's house to find a summoning contract failed, I was prepared to replicate Itachi's experience. The worst-case scenario would involve waiting until after the Third Hokage's death, when the opportunity to acquire the contract from Itachi arose.

Shisui's house proved fruitless in its search for the crow summoning contract. After a thorough inspection, including utilizing my Sharingan to uncover any hidden compartments, I found nothing. I meticulously cleaned the mess and set off towards the designated cliff, a determined glint in my eyes.

However, the Uchiha cousin's abode wasn't entirely devoid of rewards. Tucked away in a cleverly concealed stash, I stumbled upon notes detailing Shisui's unique Body-Flicker Technique. Recognizing its potential value, I carefully stored the notes within my personal seal, vowing to delve deeper into them later. With my Sharingan, I copied the contents, confident that dedicated practice within the next six months would allow me to grasp the basics. Further refinement through experience would undoubtedly elevate my mastery to a level rivaling Shisui's, but that hinged on achieving a three-tomoe Sharingan. Until then, its application in high-level battles remained out of reach.

Reaching the cliff, I surveyed the scene with a practiced eye. I meticulously estimated the depth, pinpointing the precise moment I'd need to slow my descent and ensure a safe landing. With a deep breath, I walked to the edge, my gaze fixed on the dizzying drop below. Steeling my nerves, I took a final leap, entrusting myself to the unforgiving air.

Just as I began my plummet, a strong hand clamped onto my arm, halting my descent mid-air. I whirled around to find Yugao looming behind me, her expression hidden behind the mask.

"Alright, that's it." she declared, her voice laced with exasperation. "Therapy is definitely on the table. Jumping off a cliff? Seriously? What about all that rigorous training you put yourself through?"

I scrambled for an explanation, my voice betraying a hint of panic. "Wait! It wasn't suicide, Yugao-san! It was part of my training!"

Yugao raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Don't even try the excuse route." she countered. "I know your routine. Today wasn't a training day. But let's say I entertain this… 'training' theory. What kind of training involves hurling yourself off a cliff?!"

I braced himself, knowing I had to be convincing. "I need a Crow Summoning Contract." I explained. "The path to acquiring it involves a near-death experience. We have to face a life-or-death situation and forge a connection with a crow, since they are associated with death."

Yugao's eyes narrowed, unconvinced. "...And I'm supposed to believe that?"

I met her gaze, a flicker of desperation crossing my features. "Well… yes?" I offered unconvincingly.

Silence stretched between them, broken only by the wind whistling past their ears. Finally, Yugao let out a defeated sigh. "Fine." she conceded. "But on one condition. You jump, and I'll be down there to catch you if things go south."

"Do you realize the potential consequences of failure?" she pressed, a hint of amusement battling with her concern.

"Fear of heights, maybe?" I offered sheepishly.

Yugao's lips twitched in a rare smile. "A shinobi with a fear of heights? And that of Uchiha Clan?! Now that would be both ironic and amusing." she muttered.

With a resigned nod, she positioned herself at the base of the cliff, ready to intercept me in case of a misstep. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and took the plunge. As I plummeted, I let my mind wander, mimicking the introspective state Itachi had entered during his own brush with death. However, I got so lost in thought that I completely forgot the crucial point for slowing his descent. The safe zone passed in a blur, leaving me coming dangerously close to a real impact point with the ground. A powerful gust of air swept past me, followed by the distinctive caw of a crow. Startled back to reality, I found myself cradled in the powerful talons of a large crow. I hastily summoned a kunai, using it to slow my fall further. My landing was far from graceful, but the combined efforts of the crow and my kunai softened the blow significantly. I lay there on the ground, momentarily stunned, as a murder of crows gathered around me, some even alighting on my unconscious form.

Yugao, who had discreetly taken cover in the trees, witnessed the entire scene with wide eyes. Realizing these were likely the crow summons I sought, she remained hidden, wary of provoking an attack.

Regaining consciousness, I found myself surrounded by the crows, a sense of connection thrumming through me – an echo of the bond I shared with the cats. It was a success. The crows presented the contract, which I signed with a flourish. This alliance promised numerous advantages, the most notable being the lack of blood required for summoning. After a brief farewell to my new avian companions, I set off towards my next objective – a weapon.

My steps led me to the Fuma Clan District, a renowned hub for weaponry. Here, I found Zero, the clan head.

"Ah, Sasuke," Zero boomed, a jovial smile spreading across his face. "What brings you here, boy?"

"Greetings, Zero-san." I replied with a respectful nod. "I understand your clan crafts an impressive array of weapons."

"Indeed." Zero confirmed, puffing out his chest with pride. "We have something for every occasion. You could easily find a top-notch weapon at any of our shops."

"Actually," I interjected, "I'm looking for something a little more… specialized. Have you heard of the Gunbai?"

Zero's grin broadened. "The Uchiha clan's ceremonial fan? Of course! Passed down through generations of clan heads."

"Precisely." I continued. "I'm interested in a similar weapon, but in the form of a katana."

Zero's smile faltered slightly. "Sasuke, that's… a tall order. Creating a weapon replicating the Gunbai's properties is a herculean task, let alone shaping it as a katana."

Undeterred, I pressed on. "Not entirely impossible, though. The Gunbai is crafted from a unique spirit tree, used specifically for ritualistic instruments. If we can obtain wood from that tree, the foundation would be laid."

Zero stroked his chin thoughtfully. "You have a point. This spirit tree was last seen in the Land of Ancestors. Assuming it still exists, procuring the wood is just the first step. We'd also need chakra metals from the Land of Iron and the Uchiha clan's ritualistic process. And even then, finding craftsmen capable of such a feat wouldn't be easy."

A determined glint flickered in my eyes. "I'll locate the ritual method. In the meantime, could you start the search for the spirit tree wood and the necessary metals?"

Zero chuckled. "Easier said than done, but your connections with the other clan heads will certainly smooth things over. Very well, Sasuke. We'll do our part.

I bowed respectfully. "Thank You."

Thank me after you have gotten the weapon." he said with a wink. "Word travels fast, boy. Glad you're safe after that… incident."

I offered a curt nod, my expression unreadable. "I'll be sure to." With that, I took my leave, returning home to resume my usual routine.

The relentless march of time continued. Making the Lightning jutsu decent took me a dedicated month – a stark contrast to the original Sasuke, who with the Sharingan's aid, had accelerated his growth in speed, stamina, strength, and even learned Chidori in a mere two weeks. Undeterred, I pressed on. My next target: Earth Style.

I adopted the planned regime for it, relentlessly practicing the jutsu until it became second nature. The process was arduous, consuming nearly four grueling months. Finally satisfied with my Earth Style proficiency, I turned my focus to fire, intent on achieving complete mastery. This pursuit demanded six months of unwavering dedication, pushing me to the limits of my potential. And now there is no need for the signs to perform fire style and only Tiger hand sign is needed in some cases.

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