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Chapter 19: A Small Price For Salvation - Chapter 18

With a swift movement, Venti's bow appeared in his hand, and the playful smirk on his face was replaced by a look of determination.

(Venti) : "I don't know who you are and what you want to do with my Gnosis, but I will stop you," he declared. Standing firm, Venti prepared for whatever was about to come next.

The seriousness of his stance and the resolve in his voice made it clear he wasn't about to let any transgressions slide, whether they were aimed at him or anyone else.

It was a clear warning to back off, and the tension in the air suggested a confrontation was inevitable.

(Itachi) : "It is disappointing, isn't it?" Itachi remarked, a hint of melancholy in his voice.

As he said this, Venti couldn't help but notice the unique appearance of Itachi's eyes: red eyes, adorned with three black dots around the retina

This peculiar sight momentarily puzzled Venti; he wondered how someone's eyes could do that.

But rather than getting caught up in his curiosity, Venti shook off the distraction and tightened his grip on his bow.

He was ready to defend himself, even against someone with such unusual and intimidating eyes.

Suddenly, Venti felt an unexpected touch on his shoulder. To his surprise, it was Itachi's hand!

(Itachi) : "Look how easy it is for me to approach you," Itachi remarked, his voice carrying a hint of amusement.

Venti, momentarily taken aback and feeling a surge of fear, quickly reacted. Utilizing his Anemo power, he propelled himself a few meters back, putting some distance between them.

He was bewildered, trying to figure out how Itachi managed to get behind him so swiftly when he was sure he had been in front just a moment ago.

(Venti) : "Tch!" He quickly drew his bow. He infused the arrow with Anemo energy, launching it at an incredible speed straight towards Itachi.

But then, something strange happened. The arrow just zipped right through him as if he was made of air.

(Itachi) : "Is this the extent of your power? I'm disappointed," Itachi said, his voice calm and almost taunting.

He started to walk slowly towards Venti, each step seemingly measured and deliberate, leaving Venti to wonder what move to make next against an opponent who just shrugged off his attack like it was nothing.

Taking advantage of his Anemo powers, Venti didn't waste any time and started to lift off, flying away from Itachi.

If facing Itachi head-on wasn't an option, then making a strategic retreat was definitely plan B.

After all, living to fight another day and figuring out a strategy to deal with Itachi later seemed like a pretty solid choice to him.

Touching down on the ground a safe distance away from Itachi, Venti let out a relieved sigh.

(Venti) : He was puzzled, talking to himself, "Who was that? Well, at least I got away. I need to fill Gojo in on this." He was already planning his next move, knowing talking to Gojo was the best next step.

Just when Venti thought he had made a clean escape, he suddenly felt a touch on his right shoulder.

(Itachi) : "I have already told you, didn't I? Approaching you is as easy as taking a few steps," Itachi's voice came from right behind him, calm and collected.

Itachi had caught up with him effortlessly, making Venti realize escaping wasn't going to be as straightforward as he had hoped.

Feeling like he was out of options, Venti inched back a few steps, putting some distance between him and Itachi.

(Venti) : "What do you want the Gnosis for?" Venti asked, his curiosity piqued despite the situation.

(Itachi) : "A better place for the world," Itachi replied, his answer wrapped in a serene confidence.

This left Venti scratching his head. The connection between the Gnosis and world peace didn't make immediate sense to him.

How could this artifact, important as it may be, relate to such a grand vision? Venti couldn't help but wonder about the depth of Itachi's plan and what it truly entailed.

With a smirk playing on his lips, Venti couldn't help but challenge Itachi's bold claim.

(Venti) : "And how would you do that exactly? You will never be able to use it," he said, his tone dripping with skepticism.

Venti was clearly not convinced that Itachi had the means—or perhaps even the right—to wield the Gnosis for such a purpose, let alone achieve world peace through it.

Itachi, unfazed by Venti's words, flashed a calm, mysterious smile.

(Itachi) : "Oh, I'm not using it." Suddenly, an ominous dark energy swirled around his right hand.

Quick as a flash and with precision that took even Venti by surprise, Itachi plunged his hand into Venti's chest.

In a fluid motion that seemed almost too easy, he extracted the Anemo Gnosis from Venti.

(Itachi) : "I will simply awaken a beast with it," Itachi stated, his voice laced with a chilling resolve, hinting at plans far beyond ordinary comprehension.

Venti, surprisingly, didn't feel any pain from the extraction. It was more shocking than anything, leaving him more curious than hurt.

(Venti) : "What sort of beast?" He found himself asking, intrigue evident in his voice.

(Itachi) : "A Tailed Beast. Specifically, the 7-Tailed Beast," Itachi answered, his tone was matter-of-fact, betraying no hint of doubt or hesitation in his plans.

It was clear that Itachi had something significant in mind, a scheme that involved using the powerful power of a Tailed Beast for purposes only he could fathom.

Venti was genuinely puzzled. Having lived for over two thousand years, he thought he had encountered, or at least heard of, every imaginable creature or entity.

(Venti) : "I have lived for over two thousand years. How come that I didn't know of this?" He asked, his curiosity piqued even more.

(Itachi) : His response was simple, almost dismissive. "You simply didn't know," he said. There was no judgment or surprise in his voice; it was an acceptance of the fact that no matter how long one lived, there could always be new things to learn, new secrets to uncover.

(Venti) : Being curious as ever, couldn't help but to probe deeper. "Are you alone in this seemingly impossible goal of yours?" He asked, trying to piece together what Itachi was really up to.

Itachi, however, wasn't keen on divulging more than he had to. With a teasing, almost evil smile, he threw back an answer that only makes Venti confused.

(Itachi) : "You asked way too much, bard. Let me tell you this... Did you know that you haven't even walked a single step from where we met?" This cryptic comment threw Venti off.

Venti was stumped. What did Itachi mean by that? Venti was sure he had been moving, escaped from Itachi, engaging in this conversation somewhere far where they met.

(Venti) : Puzzled, pressed for an explanation. "What do you mean by that?" He asked, confusion evident in his voice.

(Itachi) : With a hint of mischief, he revealed, "You see, we have been at the Windrise tree the whole time. You didn't move from where you stand." His words hung in the air, causing Venti to blink a few times in disbelief.

When the realization finally settled in, Venti was stunned to find himself still under the familiar canopy of the Windrise tree.

How could this be? Questions raced through his mind. What kind of magic or trick had Itachi used? The surprise and confusion were almost too much for even an Archon like him to process.

(Venti) : Still grappling with disbelief, he managed to sputter out, "What did you do?" The shock was evident in his voice.

As an Archon, Venti had seen and performed countless wonders, but whatever Itachi had just done, it was beyond him.

(Itachi) : He only offered a cryptic smile in response. "I don't think I have to answer that question. My job here is done," he said, his voice calm.

In the next moment, he vanished, transforming into a flurry of crows that scattered into the sky, leaving no trace behind except for the lingering surprise on Venti's face.

Venti stood there, alone under the Windrise tree, trying to make sense of what had just happened.

Itachi's ability to manipulate his perception without him noticing was unsettling, to say the least.

Despite being a deity himself, what Itachi achieved was something Venti couldn't even begin to fathom.

The encounter left him with more questions than answers, pondering the extent of Itachi's mysterious powers.

Venti let out a low whistle, still rubbing his forehead as he tried to shake off the lingering bewilderment.

(Venti) : "I hope nobody has to confront that man. He's really mysterious," he muttered under his breath.

The feeling of unease that hung over him was hard to shake off. Itachi's visit had left a profound impact, sparking a curiosity mixed with caution.

Venti couldn't help but wonder about the depths of Itachi's abilities and the extent of the secrets he holds.

Yet, as he glanced around the serene landscape of Windrise, he couldn't help but feel a tad relieved that Itachi had disappeared as swiftly as he had appeared.


Byakuya found himself strolling along the shore, soaking in the tranquility that the serene waters offered.

The gentle sound of the waves lapping against the shore brought a sense of calm over him.

As he walked, Neuvillette and Furina kept pace, their presence adding to the peaceful atmosphere.

With a thoughtful look in his eyes, Byakuya turned to his companions, breaking the comfortable silence.

(Byakuya) : "Neuvillette and Lady Furina, would you believe that the world holds secrets?" He asked, a hint of curiosity lacing his words. The world was vast, its corners filled with mysteries waiting to be uncovered.

The idea that untold stories and hidden truths lay just beyond their grasp seemed not only plausible but likely.

(Neuvillette) : Curiosity sparked in Neuvillette's eyes as he turned to Byakuya, "What kind of secrets do you reckon the world's keeping from us?" He inquired, the question hanging between them like an intriguing puzzle waiting to be solved.

Byakuya paused for a moment, letting Neuvillette's question sink in. He gazed out at the horizon, where the sea met the sky in a line so fine it was hard to tell where one ended and the other began.

(Byakuya) : "Well," he started, turning back to Neuvillette with a thoughtful expression. "I imagine secrets of ancient civilizations lost to time," he began, his voice tinged with a hint of wonder, "or hidden realms that exist just beyond our sight, governed by laws unknown to our own, and maybe even powers or knowledge that we can hardly imagine." His voice was tinged with a sense of wonder, reflecting the endless possibilities that their world could be concealing.

Neuvillette could only nodded, clearly intrigued by the answer. The idea had a certain allure, sparking a shared curiosity among the group.

(Neuvillette) : "And what if we could uncover one of those secrets?" Neuvillette asked, the idea clearly igniting his curiosity.

(Furina) : She jumped into the conversation quickly, stressing the need for caution. "Some secrets," she pointed out, "might be hidden for good reasons. The responsibility of holding such knowledge could be huge! And it's just not worth it if we're putting our lives at risk, right?" She was obviously wary about uncovering the world's secrets, mainly because the secrets she was hiding herself.

However, Byakuya, considering the possibility, simply nodded in agreement to her point.

Byakuya leaned into the conversation with a sense of resolve. Despite Furina's cautionary words, he wasn't easily dampened by words.

(Byakuya) : "That's true, Lady Furina," he acknowledged, not dismissing her concerns outright. Yet, there was a spark of determination in his eyes, a clear indication that he wasn't deterred. "But I'm an adventurer," he stated, almost as if that alone was a strong counterargument to any concerns.

Furina and Neuvillette were tied up with their own complex issues, but Byakuya was different. He was free to chase the whispers of the unknown.

(Byakuya) : "I will try my best to uncover any secrets within Fontaine," Byakuya declared with confidence. "If there's any, we might have the chance to glimpse into the past, no?" He mused, suggesting that the secrets buried might offer them a window into the world's untold stories.

The idea of peeling back layers of the unknown to reveal the history beneath was an enticing one, and Byakuya was fully prepared to embark on that quest, ready to accept whatever repercussions might come from disturbing the secrets that lay dormant.

Furina was freaking out. The thought of Byakuya discovering her secrets had her heart racing.

Those secrets could dismantle everything she had built, brick by painstaking brick.

But when Byakuya made his point, it was like he was holding a royal flush while she was stuck with a handful of jokers.

(Furina) : She had no choice but to agree. So, with a voice that trembled more than she liked to admit, she said, "Y-yes, I agree! But be sure to do it slowly! After all, slowly and surely, right?" She hoped her words would buy her some time, enough to maybe figure a way out of this mess.

(Neuvillette) : Suddenly, they noticed two figures approaching. Neuvillette didn't hesitate, "Lady Furina, get behind me," he said, stance ready.

These weren't just any adversaries; they were Fatui Harbingers.

The frontline aggressor, known as The Knave, made her intentions clear without a hint of subtlety.

(Arlecchino) : "If I am not able to take you forcefully alone, I'll simply bring someone together." His confidence was as unsettling as his appearance.

The second figure, stepping into the light with a demeanor dripping with intrigue, captured their attention.

A crow-like mask obscured his face, wild blue hair framed it, and a pristine white suit cloaked his form, painting him as the quintessential, sinister mysterious villain.

(???) : "Oh, so this is the person that you were talking about? He looks interesting," he commented, his voice laced with a dangerous curiosity.

This was the type of trouble Furina had hoped to avoid, yet here it was, laid bare before her.

Neuvillette's protective stance spoke volumes of his loyalty, but against two Harbingers, what was their next move going to be?

Byakuya was clearly amused by the person who wears the crow-like mask.

(Byakuya) : "Oh, so it's you, Dottore. It's been a while. You don't know me, but I know you very well," he said, a smirk playing on his lips.

Dottore, taken aback, furrowed his brows in annoyance. The situation was unusual, to say the least.

(Dottore) : "What? How do you know about me? Who are you?" he asked, the irritation in his voice barely concealed.

He didn't like being clueless, especially about someone who claimed to know him so well.

(Byakuya) : "My name is Kuchiki Byakuya. Remember that well," Byakuya introduced himself, his voice calm but carrying an unmistakable edge.

Without further ado, he smoothly pulled out his katana, the motion smooth and practiced. It was clear in that moment that Byakuya wasn't just for show; he meant business.

The air between them felt charged, as if the room had suddenly grown smaller. Dottore, for his part, looked like he'd just been handed a puzzle without all the pieces, his curiosity piqued but undoubtedly on edge with the turn the conversation had taken.

(Dottore) : Clearly unimpressed by Byakuya's introduction, had his own card to play. "I don't know who you are, but I've come prepared," he declared with a confidence that seemed to fill the space around them.

With a flick of his wrist, he pulled out a small red crystal, holding it up between them like a shield or a weapon—or maybe a bit of both.

(Dottore) : His gaze locked on Byakuya, he added, "You and your flower petals will burn," his words dripping with a confidence that suggested he believed he had the upper hand in this unexpected confrontation.

MochiGreenTea MochiGreenTea

A sudden chapter?! Let's gooo!!! Just a small surprise for y'all.

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