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Chapter 20: Curiosity Injured the Cat - Chapter 19


Mizu's POV

I'm just messing around with an ordinary Katana. Nothing special about it, really, just your average piece of steel.

But, you know, sometimes it's fun to go back to basics. So there I am, tossing the Katana up into the air, watching it spin around before catching it by the handle.

It's kind of like a little game, a way to pass the time and keep the reflexes sharp. No fancy techniques or flashy moves, just me and the blade doing a little dance in the air.

I'm just there, flipping the Katana, when Paimon suddenly pipes up, all angry-like.

(Paimon) : "Hey, don't play with your life! You only have one!" She says. It catches me off guard, not gonna lie.

I mean, here I am, just having a little fun, and there she is, acting like I'm juggling live grenades or something. I can't help but chuckle a bit.

Paimon's always looking out, but sometimes, I think she forgets who she's talking to.

Still, gotta appreciate the concern, even if it's a bit over the top for just tossing a Katana in the air.

So there I am, Katana still in my hand, and Paimon's glaring at me like I've lost my marbles or something.

(Mizu as Gojo) : I can't help but crack a grin. I look straight at her, all cool and collected, and I just let it out, "I am Gojo Satoru, Paimon. Who else could do the same trick as mine other than myself?" I say with a confidence that I know backs up every word.

I mean, come on, it's me, in Gojo Satoru's form we're talking about here. Tricks, fights, whatever it is—I've got it covered.

And Paimon, bless her, she just needs a little reminder sometimes of who she's dealing with.

Suddenly, the Traveler standing up with that look. You know the one - all serious, like she's about to decide the fate of the world in the next five minutes or something.

(Lumine) : She fixes me with those determined eyes and drops the challenge, "Gojo, I would like to spar with you."

I can't help but chuckle lightly. Of all the things she could ask for, she wants to spar with me?

I mean, sure, I'm always up for a bit of fun, and seeing her so geared up for action, how could I say no?

It's not every day someone steps up with that much gusto, especially towards me.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "Alright, let's see what you've got," I think, still with that smirk. I gotta admire her spirit. This is going to be fun.

(Lumine) : "You're going to answer all of my questions if you lose," she declares, and dang, she's not messing around.

Her conditions catch me off guard for a moment, but then again, nothing should surprise me about her anymore.

Her tone, her stance, everything screams determination. She's like a warrior, hell-bent on her mission. Can't help but respect that.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "What if I win?" I can't resist asking. I'm genuinely curious about how she's thought this through, considering she's facing me.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "Then I will simply challenge you over and over until I win." There's a fiery resolve in her eyes, the kind you see in someone who's got everything riding on this.

She wants to find her brother, Aether, that much is crystal clear. And honestly, I get it. The bond between siblings, that drive to protect and find each other, it's something deep.

It tugs at something in me, making me take this even more seriously than I planned. So, as I loosen up, stretching out and getting ready for what's shaping up to be an unforgettable spar, I find myself chuckling.

Here she is, ready to throw down as many times as it takes, all for the sake of her brother. You've gotta admire that level of dedication.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "Alright, let's make this interesting, then," I say, a grin spreading across my face. I'm intrigued now, more than ever.

This spar, it's not just for bragging rights or for fun. It's for something far more important to her, and I'm all in. Let's see where this determination of hers takes us.

So there we were, our little bickering catching the attention of the Watatsumi Island soldiers.

Honestly, I didn't expect it to draw a crowd, but before I knew it, they were tagging along, eager to see where this was headed.

The place they chose for us to settle our bicker was pretty spacious, perfect for a friendly spar.

And get this, even Gorou decided to join the audience. That guy, always curious about the skills of others, his tail wagging back and forth in anticipation.

He seemed genuinely interested, leaning in as if saying, 'I've got to see this.' Can't blame him, though.

The thought of Musashi's friend—me, of all people—being put to the test was probably something you didn't see every day around these parts.

(Gorou) : "Really wonder if Musashi's friend is strong," I overheard Gorou musing to himself, his eyes locked on me with that blend of curiosity and eagerness.

It was a mix of pressure and excitement, knowing that eyes were on me, waiting to see if I lived up to the hype or fell flat.

But hey, with an audience like that, including a tail-wagging Gorou, how could I not give it my all? The stage was set, and it was time to show them what I've got.

Standing my ground, I couldn't help but wear my confidence like a cloak, grinning as I declared my prowess.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "Traveller, I will remind you just this once. I AM the strongest sorcerer in Snezhnaya. Though that occupation is unheard of in that nation," I announced, the thrill of the upcoming clash sending a shiver down my spine that had nothing to do with the cold.

The determination in her eyes was unmistakable, and I admired that. Her resolution cut through the frosty air between us sharper than any blade could.

(Lumine) : "And I will save my brother even if it takes me to beat you!" She retorted with a fiery resolve that matched the sudden surge of Electro power enveloping her.

In that moment, she transformed, her figure becoming a blur, enhanced with an astonishing speed as she dashed towards me, her blade ready to strike.

I couldn't help but be impressed. The way she harnessed her Electro power, the sheer velocity—it was like watching a storm come to life right before my eyes.

And here I was, about to face it head-on. My own heart thrummed in anticipation, eager to meet her challenge.

This wasn't just a battle of strength; it was a clash of wills, a testament to what we were both fighting for.

As she closed the distance between us, every sorcerer trick and spell I knew ran through my mind. This was going to be one hell of a fight. And I was ready for it.

The situation was just out of this world. There I was, thinking I've seen it all, but then this happens. Lumine, she's always calm and composed, you know?

The kind of person who walks through a storm and doesn't get wet. Her sword, though, stuck just inches away from me as if an invisible wall was just, "Nope, you ain't passing."

The look on everyone's faces was a picture, but honestly, I wasn't too shocked. It's like, "Okay, magic exists, but this is another level."

And then there's Gorou, poor thing, looking like his mind was blown into a thousand pieces.

His expression was priceless, a mix of confusion, awe, and a "what the heck is happening" vibe.

I mean, I get it. Here you are, in a world of Visions and Elemental powers, and then this guy, Gojo, basically just said "No" to a sword with his invisible, untouchable, "you-can't-touch-me" barrier.

Let's not even get started on how I'm blindfolded. That just adds a layer of mystery and "how does he even do that?" to the whole scenario.

It makes you think, if the Traveler using elemental powers without a Vision is surprising, Gojo's invisible barrier is like a whole new level of mind-blowing.

It's not every day you see something defy the laws of physics—or whatever laws we have here—so blatantly. Gojo's power? Now that's something to talk about.

Sure, let me take a crack at it. So, there I was, everyone's eyes on me, probably thinking I was about to pull some amateur trick out of my hat.

(Mizu as Gojo) : The thing is, though, they had no idea what was coming. "Done? Alright, my turn. Wind Burst," I announced, like it was nothing big. But oh, it was.

The moment the words left my lips, the air around us changed, charged with an unseen energy. Then, boom!

A gust of wind, more like a hurricane than a breeze, erupted from nowhere. It was so intense, so out of the blue, that even the Traveller, who had seen her fair share of oddities and wonders, was caught off guard.

She was literally sent flying, soaring into the sky like a leaf caught in a storm. The look on everyone's faces? Priceless.

They were all totally befuddled, jaws practically hitting the floor.

You could see the gears turning in their heads, trying to figure out how someone like me, notably lacking a Vision, not to mention being blindfolded, could possibly summon such a powerful Anemo ability.

Honestly, I couldn't blame them for their shock. It's not every day you see the impossible made possible.

But there I was, doing exactly that, rewriting the rules of magic right before their eyes. The air eventually settled, and so did the surprise on their faces, but the impression I made?

That was going nowhere. Now, they knew they were dealing with something, or rather someone, entirely out of the ordinary.

Thanks to Amber's wing-glider gift, the Traveller slowly drift down from the skies. But outta nowhere, she flips the script on me.

Instead of just floating down like a feather, she whips out her blade and, using her Anemo powers, rockets straight towards me like a missile. Talk about a change in plans.

I'm there, gearing up to hit back with my own trick, when she pulls another fast one on me. Before I can blink, she summoned a Geo construct right beneath my feet.

Next thing I know, I'm getting a free elevator ride a few meters into the air, courtesy of the Traveller.

And there she is, looking up at me with that 'gotcha' smirk, making it crystal clear I've been "outplayed."

(Lumine) : "You aren't learning anything, do you?" She throws at me, and honestly, at that moment, I couldn't even argue.

Caught off guard and hanging several feet off the ground, I had to admit it was quite the move.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "You know, I give it a 1/10 for your strategy, Traveller. It isn't even worth my time. Wind Burst!" And just like that, I flipped the table on her. Instead of taking the defensive, I channeled a bit of my own surprise - a wind burst, right from above.

One moment she's up there, all smug and confident, and the next, she's meeting the ground a lot sooner and harder than she'd planned.

It was one of those moments that you just wish you could freeze and frame. Me standing there, barely suppressing my grin, and her, sprawled on the ground, looking up with that dazed expression.

It's not that I enjoy seeing her take a tumble, but come on, after that grand show of hers, she had it coming.

Besides, it's all in good fun between us. Brings out the best in our little skirmishes, if you ask me.

She was down, but oh, not out. With a groan and a stagger, she got back on her feet. Injured? Yeah, maybe. But this is the Traveller of Worlds we're talking about.

A burst of wind to her? Probably feels like a pat on the back.

(Mizu as Gojo) : I couldn't help but throw a comment her way as she brushed off the dirt, "You have a lot of stamina, don't you?"

The way she looked at me, man, it was like she was plotting a dozen different revenges all at once.

And yet, there was that spark. You know, the one that says, 'Nice move, but you'll need more than that.' It's one of those things I admire about her.

No matter how hard the fall, she's back up, ready for the next round. It keeps things interesting, to say the least.

(Lumine) : She was all fired up, determination practically radiating off her. "My brother.. I will absolutely save him!" She declared, and you could tell she meant every word of it.

Then she did something cool, not that I'd ever tell her to her face. She combined Electro to ramp up her speed and Anemo to push her even further.

To anyone else, she would've looked like a blur, a streak of determination zipping through.

But me? Thanks to the Rikugan, her impressive burst of speed was, well, not so impressive.

It was like watching a snail mosey on by, leisurely and unhurried. I could've brewed a cup of coffee in the time it took her to pass by.

Don't get me wrong, it's a neat trick she pulled. But with Rikugan that can see everything in a 1 minute strecth, everything slows down.

It's like having a cheat code for real life, making her super speed seem super slow.

Still, gotta give credit where credit's due. She's out there, pushing her limits, all for her brother.

Kinda makes me feel like I should be doing something more productive than watching their adventure.

I couldn't help but feel a mix of admiration and pity for the Traveller. She had guts, showing off her strength and determination like that.

But, here's the thing- she was going head-to-head with me.

So, there I was, standing opposite them, and I couldn't help but let a bit of respect color my voice.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "Be proud, Traveller. You're strong." I acknowledged her strength because it was the right thing to do. But then came the reality check. "Unfortunately, you are against me, the strongest sorcerer." It was time to show them what that really meant. Without any more suspense, I raised my right hand.

This was it. The moment to unveil my ace, the move that had taken down nobody but has the lethality of 100%.

(Mizu as Gojo) : My voice, steady and firm, carried the weight of my power as I declared, "Domain Expansion: Unlimited Void." The words were more than just a spell; they were a declaration of my strength and a testament to the gap between us.

I wasn't just playing around. This was my domain, where my power wasn't just evident—it was absolute.

I watched the Traveller, caught in the grip of my Unlimited Void.

We were inside the Limitless now, a sprawling, infinite expanse that looked a whole lot like the universe itself with its distant galaxies, sprawling black holes, and constellations painted across the backdrop of nothingness.

It's a sight that never gets old, but this wasn't a sightseeing trip.

As soon as we entered, I knew she was overwhelmed. The sheer volume of raw, unfiltered information flooding her mind had rendered her completely immobile.

Not a muscle twitched, not a whisper escaped. It was a powerful testament to the might of Unlimited Void, one of my strongest abilities.

Observing her struggle, I couldn't help but feel a mix of admiration and a peculiar kind of regret.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "Traveller," I said, my voice cutting through the silent vastness of the Limitless, "you did great. Really, you did. To push me to the point where I had to resort to this... It's more than most can say. It takes a lot to make me use Unlimited Void, one of my most formidable powers."

Seeing her like this, caught in an endless flood of information, immobilized amid the expanse of what might as well be outer space, made for a bittersweet victory.

Yes, I had stopped her, but at what cost? The sight of her, so full of fight and determination just moments before, now unable to even twitch in the face of the vast knowledge encasing her, was a stark reminder of the power I wielded.

But this was the nature of our confrontation. For all her strength, the unlimited void was a reminder of the gap between us, a gap that's impossible to bridge.

"Good evening, Traveller. I reckon you caught some decent sleep, huh?" I couldn't help but ask, watching her stir awake.

The whole time she was out, I just leaned against the wall, keeping an eye on things.

And there, right beside her, was Paimon, snoozing away without a care in the world.

It's funny, I thought, how peaceful they looked in that moment, a stark contrast to the endless adventures and mysteries we often find ourselves tangled in.

She slowly adjusted to waking up, blinking away the remnants of sleep, and for a moment, I wondered how much of our conversation she'd remember.

After all, promising to spill every detail about her brother was no small thing, and I meant it.

Every detail mattered, every clue was a piece of the puzzle she was so desperately trying to solve.

But first, she had to rest, had to be at her best to take in everything that was about to come her way.

I knew it wouldn't be easy for her, for us, but starting with honesty seemed like the right foot to start on.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "Feel better?" I asked, genuinely hoping the rest did her good. If a little nap was what it took to gear up for what was next, then so be it.

(Lumine) : "Yes, I feel better," she acknowledged, clearly puzzled as she gave a tentative nod. Then, as if remembering something crucial, her eyes widened. "Wait, my injuries... They're healed?" It was evident she expected to find bruises, maybe even wounds, but found none.

I couldn't help but let a small, somewhat prideful smile slip through.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "I am the strongest sorcerer ever, Traveler. Healing you is very simple for me." It was a matter-of-fact statement, and honestly, it felt good to say it.

Healing might be just a small part of what I could do, but seeing her realization and relief made it all the more satisfying.

(Lumine) : "Gojo, I lost. Is it really okay for you to tell me about my brother when I don't deserve it?" I could totally get where she was coming from.

It's one of those moments where you kinda see the weight of everything piling up on someone's shoulders, and they're just looking for some way to make sense of it all.

I understood her feeling of not deserving it, but in my eyes, it wasn't about deserving or not. It was more about what needed to be done, and what was right.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "Hey, it's all good, Traveler," I leaned in, trying to ease the tension she felt from the loss. "Yeah, the battle didn't go your way, but that doesn't mean you don't deserve to know about your brother. Honestly, it's about time I filled you in on him anyway." Shrugging lightly, I made sure she understood that this wasn't charity; it was the right thing to do.

(Mizu as Gojo) : I paused for a moment, collecting my thoughts. "Just a heads up, though. My knowledge about your brother isn't exactly encyclopedia-level. I know bits and pieces—snippets really—so manage your expectations, alright?" It was important she understood that. I wasn't withholding; I genuinely only had fragments of information about her brother.

Despite the seriousness of the topic, I couldn't help but approach it with my usual laid-back manner.

This was heavy stuff, sure, but stressing over it wouldn't help her—or me, for that matter.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "But firstly, do you know anything about Akatsuki, Espada, Gotei 13, and Wandenreich?" I was genuinely curious about her response.

MochiGreenTea MochiGreenTea

"Another chapter in jest a few days?! Ayo?! Author is cooking?!"

No, I'm just sad that nobody plays Grand Archive in my area. Nihahahaha! ʕ>ᴥ<ʔ But I'm okay though!

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