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Chapter 9: Chapter Eight: Bye, Mister Monkey

I stretched and yawned. I felt like I'd slept for days, but the moon was still barely up. Lady Yuki told me I wasn't in a rush, so I took my time with everything – bathing, dressing. Time was weird here, like it stretched to fit your needs. I was late to get started, but somehow, I was still early.

Also, my clothes looked incredible. Like, they actually looked purple again, and smelled good. I guess one the servants had fixed them up.

Each piece was a canvas of deep purples, the chest boasting an embroidered white bush clover, intricate and delicate. The midsection was all subtle stripes, and around my waist was a utility belt, looking tough and ready for anything. My three swords, useless as ever, rested at my hip, like a very awkward weight.

The ensemble was completed with combat-ready gloves and boots, all contributing to a modern, tactical military aesthetic. I imagined that when they were new, they must had been quite the wonder. Now they were a bit awkward-looking, emended here and there, but hey they were my awkward clothes. I passed a hand through them, a smile spreading across my face. Them it went away - my standards have really went down, huh?

Stepping out of my room, I paused, suddenly aware that I had no idea where I was going. That's when a little monkey, dressed fancier than any creature had a right to be, dropped from the ceiling, landing with a soft thud. I stared at him, his suit and tie absurdly formal. What a strange, strange world I found myself in.

"Can you guide me to dinner?"

The little monkey met my words with a frown but said nothing, instead he simply went on walking – I decided to follow him, because… why not? Really.

In the dining room, Monkey King Enma, Lady Yuki, and Lord Momo were already seated, their royal demeanor undisturbed by the lack of food. The moment I entered, it was as if an invisible signal had been given. Servants poured in, bringing with them dishes that filled the room with mouth-watering aromas. A place had been set for me right beside King Enma, a spot of honor I hadn't expected. I thanked the monkey with a nod and took my seat, trying to hide my eagerness for the feast before us. My smile might have been polite and proper for the company, but honestly, it was all for the food.

After the first course was served, King Enma decided to explain to me the locations of the safe-houses through out all of the Hokage Province And all the provisions that were being packed in my things. I nodded and chewed though out his lecture.

As the meal concluded, the ladies escorted me to my things, while King Enma simply wished me luck and disappeared through a window, as if vanishing into the night was the most natural thing in the world.

"Bye," I murmured, half-wondering if he could hear me, half-knowing it didn't matter.

They saw me to my things then to the outside, on the little garden where they had found me this morning. Fuck, it had been only this morning?

"Before you leave," Lady Yuki said, her voice gentle yet firm, "we have something for you."

I shifted the weight of my overstuffed backpack, feeling its burden on my shoulders. "You've already done so much – the food, the clothes..."

But Lady Yuki brushed off my thanks like it was just a fly buzzing around. "Necessities," she said with a gentle yet dismissive wave. "You're growing, and you need more than just the basics. Momo and I… we wanted to give you something… special." Her hand reached out, revealing a small white paper, delicately adorned with a daisy. "This is a seal of life, crafted by our grandfather. When your heart grows heavy with worry for your injured friend, look at this, and let it be a beacon of hope for her survival."

I took the paper, feeling its fragility under my calloused fingers. "Oh. Thanks," I murmured, carefully sliding it into my front pocket. "Is there… anything I can do in return?"

Her smile was kind. "Your company has been a gift in itself. Besides, we are all shinobi of Konoha. Just promise to visit if you're ever back this way. And remember, these roads aren't safe. The enemy... It hide in the shadows."

A chuckle escaped my lips. "I'll be cautious. Don't worry"

"Just head north," Lady Momo said, her voice floating from the garden. "North will guide you home."

So, I set off, waving goodbye to the sisters who faded into the night. But barely five minutes down the road, the well-trodden path transformed into something wild and unrecognizable. Confusion furrowed my brow as I glanced back, only to find the road, the sisters, the entire village had vanished, swallowed by the night as if they had never been.

"Fuck," I whispered to no one. "Just me now, huh?"

Well, time to go on - pulling the backpack closer, I pressed onward.

Evil_Monologue Evil_Monologue

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