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Chapter 2: Sygna Blackwood

The Eden Continent, steeped in ancient traditions and mysticism, is a sprawling landmass that stretches across diverse landscapes, from lush forests to towering mountains. Its inhabitants, a myriad of cultures and civilizations, share a common thread in their fervent worship of a pantheon consisting of seven Virtue Gods and seven Deadly Sins Gods. The Virtues, embodiments of righteousness and moral excellence, are revered as benevolent deities guiding the people toward a virtuous existence. In contrast, the Deadly Sins Gods, representing the darker facets of human nature, are feared and propitiated to ward off malevolent influences. This intricate belief system has shaped the societal norms, customs, and governance of the continent, fostering a delicate balance between the pursuit of virtue and the temptation of sin. The tension between these opposing forces adds a layer of complexity to the Eden Continent, where divine allegiances and moral dilemmas play a pivotal role in the lives of its inhabitants.

Nestled within the Eden Continent is the captivating Luxuria Kingdom, a land immersed in an atmosphere of enchantment and sensuality. The kingdom fervently worships the Goddess of Lust, and this devotion is evident in every facet of Luxuria's existence. Architectural marvels adorned with intricate carvings and murals depicting the seductive allure of their patron goddess grace the landscape. The citizens of Luxuria engage in vibrant festivals, celebrating the divine embodiment of desire through elaborate dances, intoxicating perfumes, and sumptuous feasts.

The Luxuria Kingdom carries a controversial reputation that extends beyond its borders. The kingdom's ill repute stems from the perceived licentious nature of its deity, which has cast a shadow on the character of its people. The inhabitants of the Luxuria Kingdom are infamous for embracing a loose lifestyle, and their magic, aptly named Harmony magic, adds another layer to the controversy. This unique magical practice is intertwined with intimate relations, as practitioners draw strength and power from the intensity of sexual encounters. The bold and unapologetic use of Harmony magic has contributed to the kingdom's notoriety, making Luxuria a subject of judgment in the broader world.

Within the confines of the Luxuria Kingdom, the Blackwood family stood as a formidable force, holding the esteemed rank of Duke. Renowned as one of the kingdom's pillars, the Blackwoods had earned their prominence through unwavering dedication and valor, particularly during times of war when they successfully defended the kingdom. The Blackwood family possessed a unique and potent ability known as the Black Flame, derived from an exclusive black mana that coursed through the veins of their bloodline. This rare and formidable power distinguished them from others within the kingdom, solidifying their position as the kingdom's protectors.

However, unsettling news has circulated through the kingdom. Approximately one year ago, a significant event occurred – the only son of the Blackwood family was struck by lightning.


A young man awakens, stretching his limbs languidly and relishing the feel of the soft bed beneath him. He slowly blinks his eyes open, taking in the unfamiliar room around him. It is a luxurious room, the walls covered with delicately carved wood panels and the floors strewn with plush rugs. Sunlight streams in through a large window, bathing the room in a warm glow. The young man sits up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Where am I?"

As the last remnants of slumber leave him, he recalls that he was having hot sex with the wife of the Tang clan head. He was enjoying it immensely, but then suddenly his head started to feel dizzy. It turns out that the Tang clan Head was putting very potent poison in his wife's womb, after 7 hours of sex, his body started to convulse, his mouth started to show a green foam and the last thing he saw was a panicked Tang clan head's wife crying trying to wake him up while saying she didn't know. It seems she also didn't know that her body contained such an insidious poison.

Back to the present. The young man looked at his reflection in the mirror. He was surprised to see that he was now a young man, his previously middle-aged face replaced by a more youthful appearance. His hair was jet black, his eyes a piercing dark black. Even though his features were refined, they also had a masculine edge to them. He was a handsome man.

"No way"

The young man touches his face in disbelief. It's a really familiar face. A face he used to have before he reincarnated into a cultivation world.

"I'm back?"

He couldn't believe it. He was back. Back in his previous life body. His name is Sygna Blackwood, the young master of the esteemed Blackwood Family,

He couldn't help but laugh. After a few moments, the young man takes a deep breath, his mind racing. The last memory he has as Sygna Blackwood was being struck by thunder when he was practicing in the forest and it was painful as hell. He remembers the lightning burning him inside out and then he loses consciousness. When he woke up he found himself in the body of a slave of a perverted dual-cultivation sect. In that world, he slowly worked on his cultivation to release his status as a slave, he built his way up to finally become the sect master of the dual cultivation sect. He's known as Sex Demon where no woman can resist his technique. To think he died from a poison of the Tang clan during sex.

"Who would have thought that old man with shrimp dick would plant poison in his own wife's womb" 

"What a fucking lunatic"

He really doesn't want to get cucked that bad, is he?

Suddenly, a maidservant opened the door, her eyes widening in shock at the sight of Sygna finally emerging from his prolonged unconscious state. 

"Young master! You're awake?" she exclaimed, a mix of relief and surprise evident in her voice.

As the maid's exclamation echoed through the room, Sygna's mind began to piece together the fragments of his memory. Struggling to recall, he focused on the familiar features of the maid. Finally, recognition dawned on him. 

"Are you Milet?" he murmured

"Yes Young Master, it's me Milet." 

A sense of familiarity washed over him. The realization added another layer of connection to the present moment, as the pieces of his consciousness fell into place.

Sygna, still grappling with the rekindled awareness of his surroundings, turned his attention to Milet. 

"How long have I been unconscious?" he inquired.

"After the event when you were struck by thunder, you've been in a coma for an entire year." 


Sygna's eyes widened with shock, processing Milet's words. More than 300 years had passed in the cultivation world, but in this world, it was only a year.

Milet could barely contain her excitement. 

"Young Master, I'll go inform the Duke of your awakening."

Without waiting for Sygna's reply, the maid turned and left the room.

Left alone in the bedroom, Sygna felt the reality of the situation sink in. It was surreal to be back in this world.

After a while, the door to the bedroom swung open and Sygna's father, Drake Blackwood, the Duke of Blackwood, stepped into the room. The duke had a tall and imposing figure, with broad shoulders and sharp features. His dark eyes were framed by a pair of thick eyebrows, and his long black hair was pulled back into a ponytail. He wore a well-cut suit made of fine fabric, the emblem of the Blackwood family embroidered onto the chest.

Seeing the duke enter the room, Sygna's emotions ran wild. Seeing his father whom he hadn't seen for a long time. After all, in the cultivation world, he's reincarnated into the body of a slave who doesn't have any parents.


Sygna greeted the duke with a deep bow.

The duke strode across the room, his footsteps heavy, and came to a stop in front of his son. The two men stared at each other in silence for a moment.

Finally, the duke spoke, his voice gruff.

"My son, it's good to see you are finally awake. We were all worried sick about you."

The duke's eyes were brimming with emotion. He reached out and clasped Sygna's shoulder, giving it a firm squeeze.

Sygna felt a lump form in his throat. He struggled to find the words to respond, overcome with a torrent of conflicting feelings.

"I... I'm sorry, father," Sygna managed to say.

The duke waved his hand dismissively.

"There's nothing to be sorry about, my son. You were struck by lightning and survived. That's a miracle in itself."

The duke smiled, his eyes glistening with tears.

"We're just glad to have you back, Sygna."

A comfortable silence fell between the two. They embraced each other, reveling in the moment.

"So, how do you feel, my son?" the duke inquired.

"I feel fine, Father. My body is a little weak, but I'm sure I'll regain my strength with time."

"That's good to hear. We'll have the physician come and take a look at you soon."

Sygna nodded, grateful for his father's concern.

"You should eat something first," the duke suggested. 

"Milet, please bring the young master some food."

"Right away, Lord Duke."

Milet bowed and hurriedly exited the room, leaving the duke and Sygna alone.

The duke gestured to a chair.

"Why don't you sit down, my son? Let's have a talk."

"Of course, Father."

After a while, an old physician arrived to examine Sygna's body. The physician's surprise was palpable upon discovering that Sygna's physical condition was not only stable but had remarkably improved over the past year. In fact, he was in a better state than he had been before.

Sygna had previously suffered from a condition known as a narrow mana vein, resulting in a bottleneck that impeded the flow of mana from his Mana Core. This condition had posed a significant obstacle to Sygna's use of magic. However, to the physician's astonishment, the mana vein was now notably wider, signifying an unexpected and unprecedented positive change in Sygna's health.

The old physician, examining the medical records and comparing them with Sygna's current state, couldn't contain his amazement.

Turning to the Duke of Blackwood, he exclaimed, "Your Grace, I can hardly believe what I'm seeing. Young Master Sygna's mana vein, which was previously severely constricted, has undergone a remarkable transformation. It's now significantly wider than before, and his overall health has improved tremendously."

The Duke, standing beside Sygna's bed, widens his eyes. "Explain it more!"

The old physician, carefully choosing his words, responded, "Your Grace, it's a rarity in the medical field. Such a sudden and positive change is unprecedented. I suspect that the lightning incident from a year ago might have triggered some sort of regenerative process. It's almost as if the conditions that plagued Young Master Sygna have miraculously resolved themselves."

The Duke's gaze shifted from the physician to Sygna, a complex mix of relief and bewilderment etched across his face. "Is he fit to resume his magical training then?"

The old physician, still trying to comprehend the inexplicable change, nodded cautiously. 

"From a medical standpoint, there's no reason to hold him back. It appears that he is not only fit but potentially might become a genius"


The Duke, overcome with a mixture of disbelief and joy, erupted into hearty laughter, a sound that filled the room with a sense of relief and gratitude. 

"Ah, the goddess has truly blessed the Blackwood family," he exclaimed, the laughter carrying the weight of both amusement and profound appreciation for the inexplicable turn of events. 

At that moment, the Duke couldn't help but acknowledge the mysterious ways in which fate and divine forces seemed to be working in favor of the Blackwood lineage. 

The old physician, observing the unfolding scene with a measured demeanor, intervened, "Young Master Sygna just needs some rest. Waking up from a coma can be quite taxing on the body. It's important to allow him time to recuperate."

The Duke, acknowledging the physician's advice, turned to Sygna with a paternal concern. "You heard the doctor, Sygna. Lay on your bed for today. Rest is crucial for your recovery."

"Yes Father"

The Duke nodded, then left the room, leaving Sygna and Milet alone.

"Milet, thank you for all your help. But I want to rest for a bit."

"Understood, Young Master"

With a graceful bow, Milet excused herself.

Alone in his room, Sygna took a moment to assess his rejuvenated body. The once burdensome narrow mana vein, a source of considerable frustration, was now a thing of the past. Beyond the physical recovery, he now has 300 years of knowledge acquired during his time in the cultivation world. With newfound awareness and a revitalized physique, Sygna decided to test his magical abilities.

Focusing his concentration, Sygna channeled mana into his hand. A low hum resonated in the room as a mysterious energy began to coalesce. Gradually, wisps of black flame danced around his fingertips, emanating an otherworldly aura. Sygna marveled at the manifestation of this unique magic, a power exclusive to those with pure Blackwood blood.

"It's that easy?" he whispered in awe, his voice barely audible over the crackling sound of the black flame. The room seemed to pulse with the magical energy that now coursed through Sygna's veins.

Sygna extended his hand, and the black flame responded to his command, shaping itself into intricate patterns. The mesmerizing display echoed with a subtle sizzling sound, akin to the rustling of leaves in a gentle breeze. Sygna couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement.

He used to struggle so much just to summon a candle-sized black flame. Now the black flame is under his complete control, opening doors to possibilities he had never imagined.

But an intriguing anomaly lingered within Sygna's revitalized body. Among the mana veins that now flowed seamlessly, one stood out—larger than the rest, the one leading to his dick. 

"Umm... why?" he mused aloud, contemplating the origin of this distinct mana vein. 

'Could it be because I had pursued the dual cultivation dao to its pinnacle in the cultivation world?'

Considerations of the dual cultivation dao flooded Sygna's thoughts. A mana vein of such significant size leading to his lower body hinted at a profound efficiency in the realm of dual cultivation. The implications were clear; the heightened capacity of this mana vein means that, in the practice of dual cultivation, the exchange and refinement of Yang Qi and Yin Qi would be much more efficient. As Sygna grappled with this revelation, the possibilities of this newfound aspect of his cultivation journey began to unfold, promising untapped potential and uncharted territories he might not even achieve during his time in the cultivation world.

But currently, Sygna found himself with a relatively very low mana pool, placing him at the level of a rank 1 magician, a position considered below the norm for a noble mage of his age, who would typically have attained the status of a rank 3 magician. 

However, Sygna viewed this situation with optimism. Armed with the knowledge gained from his dual cultivation practices in the other world, he recognized that increasing his mana pool would be a faster and more efficient process compared to conventional methods.

Being situated in the Luxuria Kingdom, where people worship the goddess of lust, proved an unexpected advantage for Sygna. Here, many practitioners engaged in Harmony Magic, a magical technique considered an inferior version of the dual cultivation method he had mastered in the cultivation world. Recognizing the parallels between the two practices, Sygna saw the Luxuria Kingdom as an ideal environment to grow his power.

Sygna, seeking to stabilize his revitalized body, began a meditation session as the gentle hum of mana enveloped the room. The tranquility of the moment unfolded until, almost imperceptibly, the day transitioned into the hush of night. A soft knock disrupted the serenity, and a familiar voice punctuated the stillness.

"Young master, I'm bringing you dinner." her voice resonated through the door.

Sygna acknowledged her with a calm "Come in," and Milet entered the room, the gentle swish of the door marking her arrival. In her hands, she balanced a tray adorned with a spread of carefully prepared dinner. The aroma of the nourishing meal wafted through the air, a comforting symphony of scents.

"Ah, Milet, what do we have here?" Sygna inquired, his voice carrying a hint of curiosity.

Milet responded with a warm smile, "It's a selection of healthy dishes, as per the physician's recommendations. You need proper nourishment after waking up from a coma."

Sygna, appreciating the effort, nodded in gratitude. As Milet arranged the dinner on a nearby table, a gentle clink of utensils met the room's ambiance. The tray settled with a soft thud, and the duo engaged in a brief exchange.

"And where is the lord Duke tonight?" Sygna inquired, his curiosity lingering in the air.

Milet, her expression thoughtful, relayed the information. "He's occupied with urgent matters, young master. Unfortunately, he won't be able to join you for dinner."

The news was met with understanding from Sygna, who continued his meal in solitude. The room, once filled with the meditative hum of mana, now resonated with the subtle sounds of dining, punctuated by occasional sips and bites.

After savoring the nourishing meal, Sygna found himself content. Milet with no expression began to gather the dishes once he had finished. The clink of porcelain against porcelain echoed in the room as she meticulously collected the remnants of the evening meal. As Milet prepared to leave the room, Sygna spoke, 


The command carried a tone of urgency, prompting Milet to pause and remain within the room.

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