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Chapter 6: Chapter 6 : Captain Berek

--===Citadel, corridors===---

[Master Key of Archmaesters: The Citadel grants the Archmaesters their master key, as they are the highest form of scholars. As a part of the Citadel construction, these keys can open all the doors in the Citadel.

As an example, a maester's office can be accessed using his key or one of these master keys. 

Estimated number: 20-40, equivalent to the number of Archmaesters.]


With the master key of an archmaester, it was a piece of cake for me to explore the Citadel. 

[Citadel Map: 68% explored]

I entered the room of Maester Harwin, the guy who fucked up in Braavosi. Well, I am searching for something that I can use. 

The first thing I found were books. No surprise about that. But it's just that the subject of the books is not a Maesters passion- navigation, seafaring, boats, etc.

However, looking at the various parchments containing his notes, I realise he is passionate about the sea, like a lot.


Looking at the fallen journal, I sighed. No wonder the Archmaesters have the Citadel in a tight grip. With these keys, no secrets exist for them. 

Trust me when I say this, no Archmaester is an idiot. They are all veritable geniuses that can hold multiple degrees in any society. Perhaps for that reason, their number is always so small.

In a nutshell, Citadel takes the theme of education and intelligence to an unprecedented peak.

So, with a guilty curiosity, I opened the Journal and read it. The result is my profile on Harwin being updated.

[AI profile: Maester Harwin's update.

Son of Archmaester Harwyn. A maester whose focus is on the seafarer subjects. According to the journal pages, He is afraid of the new experience he had with his fellow sailors. He is fearing backlash and disgust from society for his newfound tendencies. 

Plans: To leave the citadel and travel.]

Wow, the dispute with Lys guy took a new shade for me. Perhaps the exciting rumours of the conflict might be true. Still, I can see that he loves the sea and is genuinely talented in the field. His position as Citadel's representative is not a charity. 

Nepotism, then yes. But not charity. You see, in Westeros, with no clear-cut security of life, loyalty is rare. So, being a Nepo is better than trusting the wrong person. As a result, everyone eligible for a better position or power has a lot of background. 

Meaning, in some twisted way, all the competitors are on the same level. That is the reason I call Harwin a talented guy. It is because he earned the post. 

While the Hidden Room has no usable treasure like gold. Just this key is enough for me to move the influence of Maesters around. 

[TING. Guard patrols about to change.]

Time to escape. 


--===Archmaester room for magic===---

[Processing the Magic Journals. Estimated Time: 1 moon cycle/1 month]

Flipping through the pages, I stumbled upon a mention of a lost ritual called House Founding, lost during the age of heroes. My theory revolved around it being lost in the war between the children and First Men.


Under the light from burning candles, I buried myself in the magic journals from the hidden room of the Citadel.

The more I delved into them, the deeper I sank into the world of dark and forbidden rituals, marking my face with dark circles under my eyes. The proof of exhausted mind and morals.

Being a former surgeon, the unsettling drawings made from the blood of victims didn't faze me much, but a lingering squeamishness is unavoidable. 

Especially the Wold-dog Warg. He wrote his journal with the blood of newborn babies to ensure their resistance against wear and tear of time.

The twisted knowledge I read nowadays had a certain dark vibe, which made me scared to walk around at night.

Especially the 22nd Archmaester's gruesome experiments—dissecting body parts to understand the power of sacrifices in each part. Oddly, the Citadel's understanding of anatomy derived from such creepy practices.

So, I choose to explore the most widely studied magic, which has some level of competency and safety.

Warg magic.

It offered a way to connect with animals without rituals. To establish the connection, three essentials were necessary: the user's robust life force, a powerful mind to control the animal's thoughts, and an animal without prior allegiances.

The book referred to Peremore the Twisted's "entrance enhancement," to be a suitable method to start Warg training. According to this book, the enhancement feels like the mind of a sleeping animal when compared to the real deal.

For enhancing life force, the magic book suggested using sap from a well-known tree in Westeros- a Weirwood tree. You could get the sap after the tree grew for many years or by sacrificing something for it. 

Fortunately, a Weirwood tree stood in front of me, ready to fulfil both conditions.


Even a sip of the sap could open the mind or induce a pseudo-coma. Normally, years of training with the entrance trial were required, but lucky me, I had the AI to wake me up from the trance.

Deciding to get started, I armed myself with tools in the room.

I collected the Weirwood sap using an obsidian glass.

The Valyrian First Man's ritual knife, a relic custom-ordered by the Citadel from Valyria, served its purpose as I cut my palm. Mixing my blood with the sap, I drank the concoction with a toast.


The next moments unfolded in a dreamlike state.

My thoughts meandered from childhood movie memories to temple visits and even the ending of Avengers. 

In this experience, I relived the first day of school—an unexpected memory. Sitting in a vibrant classroom, the aroma of biryani wafting from the lunchbox beside me, the Avengers' iconic theme playing in my mind—it was a nostalgic blend of flavours and sounds, leaving me oddly comforted in this surreal dreamscape.

Abruptly, the AI's reminder pierced through the whimsical dreamscape

[Warg training]

[Warg training]. 

Reality hit hard, and I retched up my dinner as I returned to the room. 



The almost burnt candle suggested an entire hour had passed, though, for me, it felt like a fleeting second. 

Surprise struck again—

[Data process completed].

 The sap has sped up the information processing, a welcome positive.

Now, I needed to wait for the toxins of the sap to leave my body—a moon cycle, according to the journals.


"Fucking magic. I don't think the moon cycle duration is a coincidence." 

Fuck magic. Especially the westerosi version.

--===One fine day, Maester Bracken's room/office===--

Life went on in this flow for me until an unexpected announcement from the teacher broke my daily rhythm. "Pack your belongings. We are going to Braavos."


Apparently, we were tasked with sorting out the stuck negotiations. Me, being the owner of the business in question, was important for these talks to complete rapidly. 

"Then why was I not sent before?"

The teacher sarcastically said, "Back then, this task was a free benefit. Now, it is a pain in the ass to deal with." 

And to make things even more helpful, the teacher once helped a big Braavosi family, like nobles in Westeros. Now, they were going to be our go-betweens in the upcoming talks.

The teacher looked me in the eye while trying to convey his conviction with the hand on my shoulder, "In time, with your talent, you will reach the same influence, drowning in favours and friends in every corner of the world. You forging a link at such a young age shows your talent, but you must study hard to fulfill it."

I could see him trying to motivate me into hard work, which was uncharacteristic of him. It took a few seconds for me to realize the reason after hearing the rest of the speech.

He is instructing me to use my time wisely and do not become lazy because of my new status. Especially in childish games with other kids.

Sure, I played, but not as much as he thinks. He noticed my disappearance into the room, but attributed it to playing.

"Now prepare for the journey,....."





Good thing for me. The teacher said we were bringing along Walder and Smallfoot. Good thing for me. The teacher said we would bring along Walder and Smallfoot, so at least I won't be bored during the trip. Teacher Hoster is thoughtful like that.

But, beneath all the excitement, there's the weight of my secrets on my heart- my former life, the room, and even my ambitious nature.

It is so selfish when compared to the pure friendship of Walder and Smallfoot.

I won't share those details, particularly regarding my past life. I am selfish.

Thankfully, this journey isn't just about talking business for me. The main reason for my excitement is the tradition of the Braavosi Sea Lords concerning their private zoo.

Sea Lords have the biggest collection of animals you can imagine. Their private zoo is like a VIP club, only open to special guests and they even give away unique animals as gifts to important friends of Braavos. So, you can understand my excitement.

While I don't think the Re-quills have the potential to be luxury goods, it is at least worth the gift, even if the Iron Bank is getting a mere 10%.

Yes, the 5% shares became 10%.

The incident involving Harwin gave them an advantage in the negotiations. Well, the Braavosi know what to do with the lemons handed to them. They squeeze like they mean it. The one who must pay is the weaker party—ME.

I lost more shares.


The Citadel will always want its share. Even If the situation is Harwin's fault, who might be the son of an Archmaester, the price is on me.

Grumbling about the unfairness of the situation, I asked the teacher whether it was worth it.

Teacher Bracken chuckled and patted my head with a smile. "Archmaester Harwlyin will repay us. Trust me, his favor will make up for the lost shares."

Unlike those main characters who act without thinking, I trust my teacher enough not to poke too much into it.

The teacher treats me like a son, and he is comfortable enough with me to take a bath together. It was our first birth together that I saw the torture marks on his body and his castrated pelvis. He gave me a small smile and requested some time.

That sad smile told me enough about his past and, more importantly, his feelings about me.

[Lorence behavioural study: The loved ones usually receive the details of the trauma experienced by the victim.]

Funny enough, shared baths are a thing in the Reach and the Riverlands. However, bathing isn't common because of the Faith's belief.

As we set off for Braavos, I couldn't help but think about the chance of finding a potential warg partner among the exotic creatures in the Sea Lords' zoo.

---====Ship: A Sailing Bitch, Captain Berek.===---



I was heaving over the boat with Smallfoot, while Walder watched with amusement.

So, there I was, standing on this big wooden boat, feeling all kinds of things. Excitement, yeah, but also a bit of 'What am I doing here?'. The boat was rocking like a whore from the brothel, and the salty smell was everywhere.

Fuck, I already got the Sailor's mouth from them. I guess when you keep listening to curses every day; you speak curses.


The captain, Berek, a weathered man with a beard matching his auburn hair that had probably seen more than I could imagine. Especially considering the prosthetic leg and the large amount of scars.



He strolled over and gave me a friendly smack on the back. "First time on the seas, huh?"

The crew behind him burst into laughter at his double meaning and gave a few whistles and catcalls. "No worries, we won't let any krakens get ya!"

It's not my fault for asking. Considering dragons fly and burn down armies, I thought it was a good question to ask.

 Truth be told, I did not know how they were steering this thing. In fact, I couldn't help but ask while looking at the darkness because of the setting sun, "How the hell are you navigating in this darkness?"

Captain Berek became my guide in all things boat-related while staring into the night sky. "See those stars up there? That's the only truth on the sea."

The waves below were like a lullaby, and the crew, seeing me wide-eyed, gave me these knowing smiles.


"First time at sea can be dizzying,"

To which I gave a nervous laugh. "Yeah, no kidding."

"The sea can turn faster than a woman bleeding in her time of the month. Once, when I was a cabin boy, I went to take a shit. Back in a candle time, but the sea turned from this into a bitch that swallowed everything up to hundreds of meters. If not for the northern star, the sea would have us in her belly."

Despite his crude description, I got what he was telling me. The climate changes on the sea rapidly, and stars can be the only thing counted on to navigate. Not even the coastline on which we're hugging can guarantee safety.

Without compass, it is tough to travel in deep seas, except if you are iron born. Apparently, those guys just know which direction to go. No matter the time and place, they can navigate the seas and oceans.

Being the only organised deep sea sailors, they terrorize the oceans and plunder the ships with ease.

A sailor played with Smallfoot by putting him on his shoulders. " Look at these massive cliffs and rocky shores along the coast. The sea keeps reminding those rocks every day. She is big, and they are tiny bitches. "

"What's bitches?"


Despite the crude description, it is quite the accurate way to describe the entrance to Shipbreaker Bay and the dangerous waves in it.



I heard the various sounds of sails moving and growing, changing the ship's direction to the coast. Smart to dock before entering the bay. Better not test the graveyard of ships by docking in it. 

The captain invited me to steer the ship, telling me to feel the sea. Seems like the custom Re-quill I had gifted worked like a charm since it resulted in a private lesson of sorts. 

I grabbed the wheel, feeling like a pirate or something. The captain shared stories of wild storms and far-off lands, making me feel like I was in a movie.

Captain Berek, as if reading my mind, said, "Respect the sea, and it will not fuck you." 

Night fell just as we docked at a sandy beach.


The sky turned into this starry masterpiece. The crew kept doing their star dance. Jokes flew around, and everyone had these cool nicknames from their adventures.

But, as the night went on, tiredness hit me like a ton of bricks.

"It is hard to stay on one's feet after the first time."

"She has a way of sucking out the strength."

"But, You just can't get enough of her."

The crew, seeing me struggle, teased me about it being my first night at sea or they just shared their experience about the whore they had. Sailors can't seem to talk without swearing.

The teacher Bracken, being all-wise, said, "Rest will come, son. The sea takes care of its tired travellers."

Deep saying, Teacher. 

I crawled into my bunk because I wanted that rest, and the gentle rocking of the boat worked like a lullaby. Dreams of stars and laughter filled my head, making my first night on this big ocean boat a splendid memory.


[Navigation between Oldtown and Braavos, an excerpt from Captain Berek's Journal:

Departing from Oldtown, a major port in the Reach, the ship would head northeast, hugging the coastlines. Along the way, it would pass the Stormlands and the Crownlands, navigating through the Blackwater Bay and the Shipbreaker Bay.

Continuing northward, the ship would approach the eastern coast of Westeros, passing Dragonstone and the Storm's End. The journey then takes the ship through the Stepstones, a chain of islands in the narrow sea. Sailing further northeast, the ship would finally reach the Free City of Pentos, one of the Nine Free Cities.

From Pentos, the ship would continue its journey northward along the coast, passing the cities of Lorath, Norvos, and Qohor. Finally, after navigating through the northern waters of the narrow sea, the ship would reach its destination: the bustling city of Braavos.

This maritime route offers a scenic voyage, with the ship hugging the coastlines, passing through various regions, and encountering the diverse cultures of the Free Cities along the way. It's a journey that combines both the challenges and beauty of the narrow sea, making it a memorable maritime adventure.]


[The designs and shapes of the links change with the sub-subjects.

Maester Link materials-Subject.

The different metals and their symbolic meanings are:

- Black iron: signifying ravenry, animal husbandry, animal health

- Brass: Craftmanship, Art, Music, etc 

- bronze: signifying astronomy or astrology

- Copper: signifying history

- Electrum: yellow gold, signifying the study of money and accounts, or sums and numbers

- Red-rusted gold: signifying the study of money and accounts, or sums and numbers

- Iron: signifying WarCraft

- Lead: signifying seafaring, navigation, cartography

- Pewter: Construction, Industry

- Platinum: Governance, Laws and related officialdom

- Silver: signifying medicine, healing, and the functions of the body

- Steel: Metallurgy, Smithing, and related

- Tin: Logistics, Management, Transport and related.

- Valyrian steel: signifying the higher mysteries]

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