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Chapter 30: 'A Ring & A Bracelet'

Azrael stared at the veil of light covering him and Eirian in awe. After so many days of trying to use his new body's magical abilities and failing, he lost all hope. 

But now...

"Amazing." He could not help but utter out, his eyes sparkling in delight. With all his fantasy knowledge, he knew well enough that this ability serves as some sort of shield. Since Azrael's mana isn't as strong as any other Celestria or even just a mage in general.

He is limited to only one skill using his magic. He is unable to use multiple offensive and defensive skills like Caspian or, someday, Eirian, but judging by how his ability looks, it's still part of the Celestria family's magical ability which is Celestial Magic.

"Your Highness?" Eirian calls out to him, his tone a bit tense as he turns his head to the side. 

Azrael tore his gaze away from the magical veil to Eirian. "Yes? Is there anything wrong?" He asked, tilting his head a bit to the side. When Azrael looked at him, the black-haired prince's shoulders flinched. 'That's...odd."

"Are you okay, Eirian?" Azrael asked then immediately gasped in realization as he inspected Eirian's body. "Did you get hurt after all? I'm sorry! I never knew about my ability...actually, this is my first time using magic. I don't even know how to turn it off...wait. Gosh. How on earth do I turn this off? Does it just automatically turn off?, does it hurt you? Does my magic hurt you—"

Azrael was rambling on both due to the fear of hurting Eirian unintentionally and also still feeling high from the joy of finally accessing the original Azrael's magical ability. Eirian seemed to recognize this as he held up a hand in front of Azrael to stop him from talking. 

But again, strangely enough, Eirian's face was turning red and he ended up covering half of his face with his free hand. This just confuses Azrael even more. "Eirian...your face is red."

"I know, Your Highness. It' do I put this..."

Eirian seemed to be having a hard time articulating what he wanted to say, his mouth would open and then close, all while he refused to look at Azrael. 

"It's okay, Eirian. Whatever it is, you can tell me." The young prince assured him with a light smile on his face. 'I'm really curious as to what's making him act like this.'

As Azrael awaited Eirian's response, the awkward tension in the air seemed to thicken, wrapping around them like a suffocating shroud. Eirian, usually so composed and eloquent, now struggled to form coherent sentences, his words stumbling out in a disjointed manner.

"I-I'm... I mean, it's not... um..." Eirian stuttered, his cheeks flushed crimson as he attempted to articulate his thoughts.

Before Eirian could finish his sentence, a voice pierced the uneasy silence from behind them, cutting through the awkwardness like a knife through butter. "Watching you two is positively painful," Fraus remarked, his tone dripping with disdain. "And I'm usually one who revels in such situations."

' a bit of a jerk.' Azrael winced at Fraus's words, but then casted an inconspicuous glance at the spirit. "We're so, very sorry for causing you such pain." he replied, his voice tinged with frustration. "We just went through a very stressful situation of almost getting severely injured, or worse, dead. Forgive us for being a little bit disgruntled."

He did not mean to be so sarcastic, even Eirian seemed surprised by how Azrael responded to the spirit. 

Fraus let out an exasperated sigh, his impatience palpable even from a distance. "Apology accepted. Do better next time." he replied, his irritation evident in his tone, but fortunately he didn't understand Azrael's sarcasm. "You've only managed to dispatch two creatures so far, and your time is running out."



'I got so distracted by saving Eirian and being able to use Azrael's magical ability that I almost forgot about the test.'

"The test...right." Azrael turns to Eirian with an awkward smile on his face. "Well, now that we've destroyed two, let's talk about what we know and then plan the rest."

The reminder of their current situation also snapped Eirian out of his embarrassment, his cheeks still tinged with red as he addressed Azrael with a stutter. "Yes—uhm. Before that..."

'Oh? Is Eirian going to tell me what's wrong with him now? I'm getting really concerned.' 

Y-Your Highness, um... you're still, um, hugging me," he mumbled, his words barely audible above the hum of their surroundings. "A-and... you're a bit too close."




Azrael's eyes widened in realization, a flush creeping up his cheeks as he quickly jumped back, his movements almost comically exaggerated in his haste to create distance between them. "S-Sorry, Eirian," he stammered out, his voice barely above a whisper as embarrassment flooded his features.

He hadn't realized that he even hugged Eirian since he was so hell-bent on saving him earlier, and the whole time up until now he was still hugging him. 

He was hugging his favorite character.

'That is so cliché!'

Eirian's face flushed an even deeper shade of red at Azrael's apology, his gaze averted as he awkwardly scratched his temple. "It's... fine, Your Highness," he muttered, his voice barely audible as he avoided Azrael's gaze.

An awkward silence settled between them, heavy with unspoken words and unresolved tension. Azrael cleared his throat, attempting to dispel the discomfort that lingered in the air. "Then, shall we continue looking?" he suggested, his tone strained but determined.

'We really need to keep moving.'

Eirian nodded in agreement, relief mingling with embarrassment as he turned his attention back to their surroundings. "Yeah..." he murmured, his voice barely audible as they both gathered themselves and their thoughts. 

"Finally." The young prince could hear Fraus say but he chose to ignore the spirit as he glanced at Eirian then towards the ninety-eight remaining crystallized creatures. 

"Here's what I've noticed, but before that...are your arms still getting covered in webs?" Azrael asked as he flickered his eyes towards Eirian's arms that were now fully covered in spider webs. The sight of it made Azrael shiver a tiny bit. 

Eirian's gaze also went to his arms then shook his head. "It stopped now."

"Great. Well, I actually have a theory of sorts, though it won't help us look for the crystal. It could, however, help us destroy the creatures that would give us minimal damage or consequences, much like the webs on your arms, compared to others." When Azrael said 'others' he points to the poisonous quills that almost penetrated their skins. 

"Oh? What is your theory?" By now, Eirian's face was completely back to normal, as if what happened earlier had been forgotten. Well, he still seemed a bit tense, but he was acting like his usual self again. 

"Earlier, the creature you destroyed was a spider-butterfly crossbreed thing...right?"


Yes. Azrael was sure it was that. So, if that's the case then his theory is very much correct. The young prince twirled a strand of his hair around his fingers as he nodded. "The one I destroyed was a mix between a porcupine and a snake."

As soon as Azrael mentioned that, Eirian's eyes widened a bit as he looked at the webs on his arms and then the quills on the ground. "What your saying is—"

"What you're thinking is correct, Eirian." Azrael smiles lightly since he knew Eirian would understand it immediately. "All the consequences are related to what the creatures are, or at the very least, something related to them. You destroyed a spider-butterfly, you got covered with webs. I destroyed the porcupine-snake, we almost got hit by poisonous quills."

Eirian briefly looked surprised, his eyes widening ever so slightly before he composed himself and responded, "You are... quite perceptive, Your Highness."

Azrael couldn't help but smile at the compliment, feeling a sense of pride swell within him. Eirian rarely offered praise so directly, and the acknowledgment felt rewarding. However, Azrael decided to have a bit of fun and tease his favorite character.

"Did you assume I wouldn't know anything because I'm an imperial prince?" he teased, a playful glint in his eyes.

Eirian's expression shifted to one of slight panic, his words stumbling out in a rush. "No, your highness— that's not... that was not my intention—"

Azrael giggled softly, cutting him off mid-sentence. "I was joking, Eirian. Don't worry," he reassured, his smile warm and genuine.

Relief washed over Eirian's features as he exhaled audibly, the tension in his shoulders visibly easing. He glanced at Azrael, who was still giggling, with an unreadable expression accompanying his gaze.

But then, Azrael noticed Eirian staring at him, his expression somewhat intense. "Do I have something on my face?" he asked, a hint of self-consciousness creeping into his tone.

Eirian seemed flustered for a moment, his cheeks tinted pink as he passively brushed off Azrael's question. "N-no, Your Highness. I was just... lost in thought," he mumbled, averting his gaze.

'How odd. His face is red again. Are the webs on his arms affecting him after all?'

Azrael furrowed his brow slightly, puzzled by Eirian's reaction, but he decided not to dwell on it for too long. "Right, well, let's focus on the task at hand," he said, changing the subject. "Now that we know what we know, we should prioritize destroying creatures whose characteristics are less harmful."

Eirian nodded in agreement, grateful for the shift in conversation. "Agreed, Your Highness. Let us proceed cautiously to avoid any...further complications," he said, his tone more composed now. 

"Oi. Stupid human, not that I am concerned, because truly, I am not." Fraus, who Azrael almost forgot was behind them, suddenly spoke, making the two look at him. Azrael wondered why the spirit had a scowl on his face. 

Fraus saw their confused expression then rolled his eyes and pointed at Azrael. "You, pink-haired foolish human, your Celestial magic is still going on. I can tell that your mana is weak, and if you do not stop that...I believe you already know what happens. We spirits hate humans but we do not wish to be burdened with a human dying in our territory."

"You say that after you created a creature with poisonous quills that could potentially kill us?" Azrael could not help but remark, though he knew Fraus was right. Unlike other Celestrias, Azrael's body and mana was weak. 

Realistically, he would not be able to use his magical abilities for a long time. Add to that, this was his first time actually using magic ever. 

Azrael could feel himself getting tired. He didn't even notice that the veil was still up until Fraus pointed it out, he just assumed it would disappear on its own but apparently it does not. He felt a pang of worry gnawing at him as he realized he had no idea how to stop his magical ability.

Unlike when he and Caspian were training, where their focus was on activating their magical abilities, stopping it was never a part of their routine. Azrael had simply assumed it would fade away on its own or that he would figure it out somehow.

'It's fantasy logic. New awakened powers either go away on their own or the person suddenly knows how to use it...but none of those things are happening for me now.'

He ran a hand through his hair, trying to appear composed despite the lingering uncertainty. "I am absolutely fine," he announced, mustering a confident smile. As much as he was tired and worried, there was no way for him to learn how to properly use his magic now.

After all, Eirian also had no idea how to use his or even a clue that he had magic. All he knew, or assumed, was that he was cursed with darkness. 

'...and Fraus isn't even an option.'

"We still need this veil to protect us in case we miscalculate and get another lethal consequence." Azrael placed his hands on his waist, surveying the creatures surrounding them. "We still have a long way to go, so I suggest we go now."

Eirian regarded him with a neutral expression, a hint of concern flickering in his eyes. "Are you sure you're alright, Your Highness?" he asked, his tone gentle yet probing.

Azrael nodded without meeting Eirian's gaze, fearing that his facade would crumble under the weight of his worries. "Yup! We're running out of time. Let's go," he replied, his voice tinged with forced cheerfulness.

Reluctantly, Eirian nodded in response. "Okay," he murmured, his gaze lingering on Azrael for a moment longer before turning his attention back to the task at hand.

Fraus, who had been observing the exchange with thinly veiled irritation, rolled his eyes and crossed his arms against his chest. He didn't bother to speak further, but Azrael could sense the spirit's disapproval lingering in the air.

Despite his fatigue and lingering doubts, Azrael shook himself free from his thoughts. He couldn't afford to dwell on his uncertainties now. His magical veil may be draining, but it was also their best defense against the dangers lurking in the forest.

'With this, I can also protect Eirian. It's the least I can do for him right now.'

With a newfound resolve, Azrael convinced himself that the veil would also serve to protect Eirian from any surprise dangers they might encounter. It was the least he could do to keep his companion safe.

Taking a deep breath, Azrael squared his shoulders and gestured for Eirian to follow. "Let's continue," he said, his voice firm with determination.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Azrael already knew what death felt like. 

Of course, he knew. 

Zak died. He died already. 

Sure, he still did not really understand the whole ordeal. All he knew was he had a heart attack and then he's now suddenly an imperial prince who is supposed to die in four weeks. 

He barely solved any of the mysteries, and his current adventure is just the start of a long, painful journey. 

But right now....right at this very second. 

Azrael felt like he was about to die. 

"I—cough—can't take it anymore." The young prince breathed out as he collapsed to the ground while clutching his chest. He and Eirian have been destroying creatures for over forty-five minutes, most of the sand in the hour glass is gone, and the 'dire consequences' of the creatures he destroyed made things worse for him. 

Azrael figured out that the more potentially dangerous things came in contact with the veil covering him, the more he felt exhausted, and most of the creatures he destroyed either sprayed him with something or attempted to hit him. 

One would think he'd feel much better knowing he avoided such things, he almost wished he just took it all instead. 

He tried so hard to get rid of the veil by doing the opposite of what Caspian taught him, which to him, was comical considering they dedicated a week just for Azrael to use the veil that he now wants to disappear. 

"I believe we should take a break." Eirian, who was cleaning himself from all the muck, slime, and other disgusting things that he got hit with, spoke as he sat beside the young prince. He took out his canteen and drank from it while casting concerned glances to Azrael. 

Azrael wanted to respond, he wanted to say that they should continue because they are running out of time, but Fraus decided to be the one who speaks. 

"Do you not see the time, Foolish Human? The sand is almost gone. Can you really afford to stop now?" Fraus asked with a cheeky grin on his face, obviously enjoying the sight before him. Azrael turned his head to look at the spirit and glared at him. 

'Are we sure he's actually a spirit or a fucking demon?'

Once more, Azrael tried to speak but this time it was Eirian who spoke over him. "We've already destroyed most of the creatures, even the ones that could potentially be harmful. As you can see, only the dangerous ones are left. We can afford to take a short break."

Fraus's smile grew in a way that's quite menacing in Azrael's opinion. The spirit, for the first time since they spoke, stopped flying and gently put himself on the ground. He walked in front of Eirian and Azrael with an air of superiority, his hands clasped behind his back.

As he bent down to their level, a chilling smile spread across his face, revealing sharp fangs that sent a shiver down Azrael's spine. 'I'm really starting to think he's some sort of demon.'

"Indeed, only just a few, but did you foolish humans not take into consideration that this imperial prince can barely manage, and the consequences of destroying the remaining creatures can be quite...deadly," Fraus remarked, his voice dripping with disdain as he stared down at them.

Azrael scowled, frustration bubbling up inside him at the spirit's condescending tone. Despite his exhaustion, he refused to let Fraus or Eirian see him falter. 'I need to act dignified. No matter how much I want to just cuss him out...Eirian knows Azrael as an imperial prince.'

'I need to get it together before I say something I'll regret.' But before he could gather his thoughts and respond, Eirian spoke up, surprising Azrael with his sudden assertiveness.

"We have destroyed seventy-three creatures, and still nothing. We are not even sure what we're looking for. It would help if you tell us exactly what the crystal looks like," Eirian stated firmly, his gaze unwavering as he locked eyes with Fraus.

'I'm not sure if it's because he's away from the very place that treats him differently, but Eirian has been acting differently from how he is supposed to be before he knew the truth about the prophecy...also, he has a point.'

Fraus shrugged nonchalantly, seemingly unfazed by Eirian's boldness. "And this is why I know you are foolish. I never said you could not ask me what the crystal looked like," he replied, gesturing to the crystals adorning his clothes. They gleamed brightly, illuminating the darkness with their radiant glow.


"It looks like this," Fraus continued, his tone almost mocking as he presented the crystals to them. Azrael studied them closely, noting their small size but undeniable brilliance. They seemed to pulse with energy, casting an ethereal light that danced across Fraus's form.

'I thought those things on his clothes were just light, but now that he's showing them to us up close I can see that they really are crystals.'

"Right." Azrael could hear Eirian mutter beside him and when he heard some shuffling, he turned his head to see Eirian standing up while he put his canteen of water back inside his own satchel. 

When the young prince started to feel a bit better, and managed to catch his breath. He finally was able to speak, but his voice was shaky and weak. "Eirian...what are you doing?" 

Fraus stepped aside, a knowing smirk playing on his lips as he observed the unfolding scene. Eirian sighed softly, his gaze shifting from Azrael to the remaining creatures that lurked in the shadows. There were still twenty-seven of them left, their forms ominous and foreboding.

"You are exhausted, Your Highness," Eirian remarked, his voice gentle yet firm as he began to stride purposefully towards the creatures. Despite the danger they posed, there was a determined glint in his eyes, a silent resolve that spoke volumes.

'Wait...don't tell me he's—'

Azrael watched in dismay as Eirian moved forward, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and apprehension. He attempted to stand, to protest, but his body betrayed him, sending him crashing back to the ground with a painful thud. The veil of light that enveloped him seemed to sap what little strength he had left, leaving him feeling drained and helpless.

"Your mana is so weak that your magic is trying to look for any other energy source to be able to keep going," Fraus remarked with a hint of amusement, his tone dripping with sarcasm. Azrael gritted his teeth, ignoring the spirit's taunts as he focused his attention on Eirian.

The black-haired prince showed no signs of faltering as he neared the creatures, his every step measured and deliberate. Azrael's heart clenched with worry, knowing full well the dangers that awaited Eirian if he were to face the creatures alone. The two-headed snake, the hybrid of bear and lion, and the other monstrous abominations were not to be trifled with.

"Eirian, stop. Just wait for me, I am fine," Azrael pleaded, his voice strained with effort as he struggled to push himself up from the ground. He winced at the raspiness of his own voice, the realization sinking in that he was in no condition to stop Eirian from what he was planning to do.

But Eirian seemed determined to press on, his gaze unwavering. Azrael brought him into this, he had allowed Eirian to be part of this, and if anything were to happen that would be Azrael's fault. He wanted to prove himself to Eirian, but in the end it was the protagonist who was facing everything on his own. 

"Eirian, please," Azrael implored, his voice barely above a whisper as he reached out a trembling hand towards him. 

"Time is almost up, Your Highness. We've gotten this far and you are unable to move." Eirian spoke without any emotion whatsoever. Azrael could not see his expression because his back was facing him, so he didn't know how the protagonist actually felt. 

Eirian's shoulders moved as he took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come. "Eirian," Azrael whispered, knowing full well the determination that burned within the protagonist's heart. He knew that once Eirian had his mind set on something, nothing could sway him, not even the fear of danger or the burden of responsibility.

Azrael's heart sank as he watched Eirian press forward, his resolve unyielding despite the peril that lay ahead. He knew he had made a grave mistake, allowing Eirian to join him on this perilous journey without fully considering the consequences. If anything were to happen to him now, the blame would fall squarely on Azrael's shoulders, and Eirian would bear the brunt of the consequences.

The realization weighed heavily on Azrael, filling him with a sense of dread and guilt. He had dragged Eirian into this dangerous quest, and now he was powerless to protect him.

But just as Azrael's doubts threatened to consume him, Eirian turned his head slightly, his face stoic as usual but with a hint of warmth in his eyes. "If it's any consolation, Your Highness," Eirian said, his voice calm yet reassuring, "I do believe in your intentions now."

Azrael's eyes widened in surprise, his chest tightening with emotion. Despite his exhaustion and uncertainty, Eirian's words brought all sorts of emotions inside him. 'Does he seriously mean that?'

Before Azrael could respond, Fraus interjected with a groan of annoyance. "I was just jesting when I said the effects of destroying the remaining creatures are deadly. Stop with the dramatics, you will not die," the spirit remarked, his tone laced with irritation.

Azrael shot Fraus a glare, his frustration bubbling to the surface. He couldn't believe the spirit would toy with them like this, but then again he already somewhat knew the spirit would avoid getting them killed based on his earlier statements. "What? I am the Spirit of Deception and Control," Fraus explained casually. "Do you know how boring it would be if I did not do any deceiving or controlling?"

'Yeah. All he's been doing since the beginning is deceiving and—Hold on.' Azrael's eyes widened as he recalled Fraus's cryptic instructions for their test.

"Find a crystal."

"I will make a few creatures appear in front of you. A creature present will have a crystal inside him, all you have to do is find a crystal."

'I thought it was a mistake. He kept saying the same thing...'

Fraus repeatedly told them to find crystal, not the crystal specifically inside one of the creatures. Azrael did not want to think much of his grammar because, well, he was a spirit. He did not even think such things as grammar would exist in the spirit world. 

or...he could just be overthinking it. 

After all, he was exhausted. His mind might be finding a silver-lining to avoid Eirian from hurting himself. 

'But...' Balling his hands into firsts as he prepared himself to stand up. 'It's worth a shot!'

"Wait, Eirian!" he suddenly shouted, mustering all the strength he had left to make his voice heard. With a trembling hand, he pointed towards Fraus's clothes, where the crystals gleamed brightly.

"Your Highness?"

Eirian flinched at Azrael's sudden outburst, turning to look at him with concern etched on his features. Azrael fought through the dizziness and fatigue, his vision blurring at the edges as he struggled to convey his revelation. "I found it," he gasped, his voice barely above a whisper. "You don't have to destroy the remaining creatures... because I found it."

" you mean, Your Highness?" Eirian slowly turned to look at Azrael, and when he realized that the young prince was struggling to get up, he immediately went to his side to help him. 

Azrael blinked in surprise as he felt Eirian's hand extended towards him. He hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to interpret the gesture, but ultimately decided to accept it. Gingerly, he placed his own hand in Eirian's, feeling a strange warmth spread through him at the contact.

With Eirian's support, Azrael managed to pull himself up, though he stumbled slightly upon standing. Eirian's grip tightened around him, steadying him and preventing him from falling. Azrael mumbled a quiet "thank you" to Eirian, feeling a blush creep onto his cheeks at the realization of their closeness. Eirian simply hummed in response, his expression unreadable as he awaited Azrael's explanation.

Straightening himself out, Azrael turned his attention towards Fraus, who watched the scene unfold with a mixture of amusement and curiosity. Despite his exhaustion, Azrael felt a surge of determination coursing through him as he approached the spirit, Eirian following closely behind.

Once they were within arm's reach of Fraus, Azrael met the spirit's gaze with a steely resolve. "You seem upset, foolish human," Fraus remarked with a smirk, seemingly unfazed by Azrael's earlier outburst.

"Upset doesn't even begin to cover it," Azrael muttered under his breath, his frustration palpable as he reached out to pluck one of the crystals from Fraus's clothes. Eirian gasped beside him, clearly taken aback by Azrael's bold actions, but Fraus remained eerily composed, his grin widening ever so slightly.

"Your Highness, what are you doing?" Eirian asked, his voice laced with confusion and concern.

Azrael ignored Eirian's question for a moment, his attention fully focused on the crystal he held in his hand. "I can't believe it took me this long to realize it," he murmured to himself, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Realize what?" Eirian pressed, his curiosity piqued by Azrael's cryptic remark.

"Do you remember the instructions Fraus gave us earlier?" Eirian slowly nods his head and then spoke. 

"Yes. To find the crystal."

Azrael shook his head, his gaze never leaving the crystal in his hand. "Fraus said we should find a crystal, not the crystal," he explained, a newfound confidence resonating in his voice. Eirian furrowed his brow in confusion, clearly struggling to comprehend Azrael's revelation, but as realization dawned upon him, his eyes widened in understanding.

"If I am correct, then here," Azrael continued, holding out the crystal he had taken from Fraus. "This is crystal."

'This should do it.'

The spirit regarded him with a bemused expression, his eyes boring into Azrael's with an intensity that made the young prince squirm uncomfortably under his gaze.

For a moment, there was silence as Fraus simply stared at the crystal in Azrael's outstretched hand. The tension in the air was palpable, and Azrael couldn't help but feel a sense of unease creeping over him. Had he made a mistake? Did he just embarrass himself? 

'Say something.'


Finally, Fraus had let out a sound, it was a singular sound that made both Azrael and Eirian tense up. 




Azrael and Eirian glanced at each other, their expressions a mixture of confusion and unease as they watched Fraus dissolve into fits of laughter. The spirit's hysterical outburst sent chills down their spines, leaving them both on edge as they awaited an explanation. 'I don't he laughing because I was correct or is it because I'm wrong?'

Fraus's laughter echoed through the clearing, reverberating off the trees and filling the air with an eerie sense of foreboding. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he continued to chuckle uncontrollably, his amusement seemingly boundless.

'Should I say something? This is taking too long. I'm getting anxious.'

Before Azrael could voice his concerns, Eirian spoke up, his tone hesitant yet determined. "Your Highness, look...the creatures are disappearing."


Azrael turned around, his heart pounding with anticipation as he surveyed the clearing. To his astonishment, he found Eirian's words to be true. The crystallized creatures were indeed turning to dust, their forms crumbling away before their very eyes. The darkness that had enveloped the forest began to dissipate, revealing the enchanting beauty that lay hidden beneath.

"It's the Aurora Glades. We're back in the Aurora Glades."

Which only meant one thing.

Azrael's breath caught in his throat as he took in the scene before him, his mind reeling with disbelief. He had been right. His theory had been correct all along.

"Well done, humans," Fraus remarked, his laughter finally subsiding as he hovered towards Azrael and Eirian. "I wholeheartedly did not expect that you would ever figure it out. I want to be disappointed, but this is truly marvelous."

Azrael felt a surge of pride swell within him at Fraus's words, a sense of accomplishment washing over him. He exchanged a triumphant grin with Eirian, their eyes alight with newfound confidence.

"We...passed?" Eirian asked, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Fraus nodded, a smirk playing on his lips. "Indeed. Congratulations. I have met countless foolish humans in my years of existence, and none have ever passed my test."

"Then that means you can grant us anything we want." Azrael asks, though he already knew the answer to that question. 

"Of course. I may be a spirit of deception, but I do not go back on my word." Fraus tilts his head a bit. "Besides, both of you are quite interesting. I already know what you desire, but before that—" 

Fraus snapped his fingers, and a beam of light appeared below both Eirian and Azrael. Startled, they jumped slightly away from each other. Azrael turned to Eirian, noticing the dirt, slime, and other remnants of their battle disappearing from his clothes and body. Simultaneously, Azrael felt the magical veil surrounding him begin to fade, and his body gradually started to feel better.

"There. And finally," Fraus remarked, his tone casual as he flicked his wrist effortlessly.

Azrael's attention was drawn to his left ring finger, which started to feel strange. He gasped as he checked his hand, witnessing his ring finger glowing with an ethereal light.

"W-What?" Azrael exclaimed, bewildered by the sudden phenomenon.

Eirian, too, seemed puzzled as he inspected his right wrist, which was also emitting a soft glow.

"What is this?" Eirian inquired, his voice tinged with wonder.

Fraus shrugged nonchalantly. "I am giving you what you came for," he answered, his gaze fixed on Azrael and Eirian.

With another flick of his wrist, a ring materialized on Fraus's finger, glowing with an otherworldly light. It was a perfect fit for him, adorned with a gold band intricately designed with thorn-like patterns and a sparkling pink gem nestled in the center.

"A ring? I have a ring?" Azrael asked, his confusion evident. The situation seemed far removed from their initial expectations of obtaining a spiritual weapon, and Azrael couldn't fathom why both he and Eirian were receiving such gifts.

"I have... a bracelet," Eirian stated, equally astonished. Azrael inspected the bracelet adorning Eirian's wrist, noting its resemblance to the crystals on Fraus's clothes. It was a gold bracelet adorned with white gems, emitting a soft glow that mirrored the radiance of the crystals.

"This does not make any sense, Fraus. You already knew what we came for..." Azrael began, his voice trailing off as he attempted to comprehend the situation.

"Indeed. You are here for a spiritual weapon," Fraus replied matter-of-factly, his gaze unwavering. "That's what I provided you."


─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Academy Olympiad concept photo: Azrael

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