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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Whenever he was alone, which was hardly ever, he used the time he had to accelerate control over his own body. 

He discovered that the monitoring charms that were on him didn't include a charm that let them know if he was awake or not and he used this little boon.

By the time he was five months old, he was able to crawl and by age ten months, he was able to walk a short distance. 

He had wavered on whether or not he should do this but decided in the end that showing precociousness from the beginning could excuse a lot of other things that they might have otherwise considered abnormal.

Apart from training his body, he certainly hadn't forgotten the most important thing in his life. 

The difference between his body and his previous one was too noticeable. He had noticed how different he felt…once you had adjusted for the whole rebirth and unfamiliarity in his new body.

He'd like to say he was intimately aware of his body, certainly in the latter stage of his life, and he'd never felt like this...he knew what he was feeling, sensing was different...this was was as if he had been missing something all his life and he had perceived merely in two dimensions in a three, four dimensional world.

He had spent a lot of time pondering about magic and what he knew of it in his first year of life. 

It must be an inherited trait as the frequency of magicals born to wizarding families nearly almost always resulted in magical children.

This might mean that squibs may well be a result of too closely linked relatives or an inborn defect within bloodlines. It was definitely worth investigating as it would perhaps allow a different narrative to be born and allow closer integration of squibs and muggleborns into magical society if he ever felt like fixing the mess that was the magical world.

If magic was an inherited trait then that meant that from birth magicals must have a connection to magic, weak as it might be at the beginning, along with an inborn magical capacity. 

That meant that even as an infant, he should have magic. This feeling that he was becoming accustomed to must be magic and that meant that he should be able to access it.

It might be out of his reach for now, close enough for his metaphorical fingertips to brush against it, but soon enough he will be able to successfully tap into his magic.

He'd read that the common episodes of accidental magic flared during stressful, emotional circumstances and that most accidental magic happened during primary school range but this was unacceptable to him. He had magic now and it was his obsession.

And so every night he meditated, dedicating himself to grasping his magic and for months on end, he dedicated his entire being to this. It had been difficult, frustrating to clear his mind of all thoughts but he had slowly but surely been able to do it. 

The feeling of more became more and more pronounced when he diverted his attentions inwards seeking for the spark that was within him until he could feel a distinct thrumming underneath his skin.

He could feel this energy that was within him, this supernatural force, circulating through his body like river. It was quiet, almost still but moving in and out from a deep well of power, of energy.

It was clear to him to see that magic was a force, an energy that had the inherent ability to rewrite the laws of nature, capable of altering reality to the whim and will of the individual.

He knew that magic had an intent aspect that children tapped into with emotions but despite being able to sense and feel his magic, he had been unable to rouse it, no matter what he tried.

He played with the animated dragon absentmindedly whilst he thought on how to access his magic as he sat in the living room with his sister, mother and grandmother.

Suddenly a hand reached out and snatched the dragon out of his hand, breaking him of his thoughts. He looked at the offender, Sophia, irritated. The lack of progress regarding his magic was bothering him and it was making him moody.

"Atticus" she sung to him with wide expectant eyes as she wriggled the toy in front of him as if he were a pet.

"Hello Atty, do you want this toy? Come grab it if you can" she giggled and she looked at him with expectant eyes and a hopeful expression.

Mother sighed "Sophia, don't treat your brother like a pet" she said exasperated.

"Mother, I'm not, I'm just playing with him!" she said in a very unconvincing way "Atty can do it, if he can't I'll stop and give it to him, I promise" she chirped as switched her attention at him, expectation clear on her face.

Normally, he'd not care, it was beneath him but the frustrations were getting to him.

He looked at Sophia as dirtily as he could and raised his chubby little hands and made gestures of 'give it to me' to her whilst he babbled her name.

But she remained obstinate and combining with the mood he was in, it had resulted in him having a short fuse.

Before he knew it, his face was set in stone and his anger boiled over all the frustrations he felt, from the stress the day represented, the inability to succeed in his magic, the general idleness and monotonousness of his life so far and he wanted to take the toy out of her hand rather than cave over her demand like he were some kind of performing monkey for her entertainment and his magic responded for the first time with his desires.

At that particular point, he wanted, needed that toy back from her and his magic finally was roused and the toy flew out of Sophia's hands and into his.

Unknown to him, Marie had been about to interject as she took in his face when it had changed from annoyance to a remarkable blank face set in concentration that broke when he looked with anger that looked out of place on a baby's face. She looked on and had been left in surprise when the toy had flown into Atticus' hands.

She stared at the scene, as did Anne. Sophia was wide eyed at the display.

He hadn't noticed of course. He had been absorbed at the feat he had just managed to do. 'Finally managed to do some accidental magic' he thought with glee. 

He managed to feel a pull that spiked at the same time as his desire, anger and will when the toy flew in his hands.

'That must have been my magic acting based on my emotions and intent' he thought privately. Now that he has the experience of what his magic acting felt like, he could begin to replicate it in earnest.

While he was lost in his thoughts, his mother snapped out of her stupefaction and stood up and approached him.

"Oh Atticus, did you just do that?" Anne asked with disbelief clear laced in her voice. 

He stopped staring at the toy and looked at Anne with wide eyes and a genuine beaming smile. He dropped his smile slightly as he took in his mother face. 

"Magic mama – toy" he babbled with excitement that was genuine as he waved the toy that was in his hand.

"Mother, is Atty meant to do magic so young" Sophia asked confused and awed. 

"I've never heard accidental magic manifesting so early Sophia" His grandmother Marie exclaimed, disbelief etched on her face.

His mother picked him up and looked at him with pride and inspective eyes "You really are my little miracle aren't you?" she said in a strange but affectionate voice before she kissed him.

He'd have to tone it down for a while, he knew, but he couldn't help but burble happily at the look of pride she gave him. One he felt in equal measure.

After that, the months rolled by and that accident shifted him towards the beginnings of lessons as Ms Florence began to 'teach' him letters and words along with being read more wizarding stories. 

The next year or so past quickly and his relationship with his sister grew substantially.

Sophia had taken his display of magic extraordinary well and tasked herself to teach him about magic and the magical world and would every day spend time with him after her own lessons with the tutors reading out the books she had been assigned.

It soon became, quietly, his favourite activity of the day as it had allowed him books of greater complexity and information than what he had been given and was read to by Ms Florence.

After the incident where he had performed accidental magic, he set about to fully accessing his magic. With all the meditation he had done, he knew that he had been improving his memory and had been able to vividly recall the feeling of how his magic felt when he had summoned the toy towards himself.

For over six months, each morning, he'd sit in a meditative stance, deeply in thought focusing on that feeling, simply getting used to how his magic felt. Slowly each day, he widened his connection his magic. It had become nearly addicting, the soothing thrumming of his magic in his body.

All the meditation he had done had bore impressive results beyond improving his memory; he gained clarity and was able to control his thoughts to a degree that he could focus on a single strand or have his mind absent of all thoughts. With a clear mind during meditation, he believed his sensitivity to magic had increased.

He focused on his magic and opened his eyes and looked at the toy that was in front of me. He focused on how it felt when he summoned that toy that spike in his magic that occurred and willed his magic to bring the toy to him.

The toy flew towards him and hit him in the chest. He couldn't help but smile as it took him over a month a half to get to this stage and succeed.

However, nothing was to last, not even his family. He had grown appreciatively of his family, even fond of them.

He had never experienced parental love and he had received it in spades in his short time in this new life of his. It had come crashing down one morning when word had been received of what had happened in America.

It had been a typical winter's morning in December 1926. He was lounging in a comfortable leather chair in the main living room with a book in his hands, adjacent to where his sister was sitting who had been reading herself.

The house was quieter than normal, Ms Florence took the last few days off visiting and their parents and great grandfather Benedict had been away since this morning before well before dawn.

Dayton was the one who remained at the home. He had been grimfaced and had not answered any of the questions Sophia had but it had been clear that something terrible had happened.

Soon enough, it was nearing evening when their parents and Benedict had returned. Benedict whispered some words to their father and walked away towards the stairs. He watched Benedict go before bringing his attention towards his parents.

He looked at their faces and saw that they were in grief. Sophia left my side and walked up to them in a hurried pace.

"Father, mother, what happened? Why are you sad?" She asked worriedly.

"Oh sweetheart" Mother said and crouched down and hugged Sophia fiercely. Mother proceeded to hold Sophia's had and dragged her towards the couch and father had sat beside him and lifted him on his lap.

He looked up at his father and his father simply looked down at him with a saddened expression but he could see a glimmer of anger mixed in his eyes. Markus was not a man who was overly expressive but today it seemed like it had broken a piece from him.

Mother sighed and grabbed everyone's attention.

Anne POV

Anne looked at Sophia sadly. Out of all of them, Sophia had adored her grandmother the most. She had spent most of her time with her when she wasn't studying or with Atticus and had a lot of fun with her.

Marie was a sweet character but she had retained her Scottish fire all these years and whenever she was with Sophia, it had come out in force. It wasn't unfamiliar to hear Sophia's giggling and laughter during midday ringing through the manor and seeing Marie grin unrepentantly at Sam when he would chastise her for whatever she did or said.

Sam had a soft spot for Sophia, just like he did with his daughter and had more often than not acquiesced to her. Anne closed her eyes and sighed deeply. She opened her eyes and grabbed Sophia's hands and looked at her sadly.

She would be breaking Sophia's heart, she knew, when she told Sophia of the news of what had happened to her grandparents.

"It's about grandmother and grandfather. As you know, they were in America for the past week visiting your aunt and cousins along with visiting a few other relatives." She said. Sophia's eyes had widened.

"Are Sara and Odette OK? Aunt Christa? I was meant to see them not to long from now" Sophia quick fired.

Anne shook her head "No, they are fine. No, something has happened with your grandparents. Sophia, I'm sorry to say they died" Anne said gently.

Sophia's mouth dropped before closing and her face twisted a little and she began to sob. Anne moved quickly and enveloped her with a hug.

Sophia began to cry deeply into her mother's shoulder, soaking it with her tears. It took more than a few minutes for Sophia to regain a measure of composure.

She wiped her face with her sleeve and she looked up at her mother with reddened eyes "What happened" she half demanded with a small voice as she looked down at the floor, so unlike the confident bubbly girl she was.

"Your grandfather needed to visit MACUSA for reasons related to our house since we are a Founding house in America." She sighed.

"Unfortunately, it was very bad timing and bad luck because Grindelwald was there" Sophia gasped and held her hand to her mouth. "Why was he there?" Sophia asked with a little bit of tremble in her voice.

The talk of Grindelwald was something that was ever present in their household, Grindelwald had been busy in the last decade and it seemed like it was ramping up, as evidenced at what happened in America.

Anne and Markus did not censure their conversations around their children as they believed the more informed they were, the better, even if they were so young.

Of course they would not talk about the more sensitive things but generally they talked freely around their children.

Anne broke away from her stray thoughts. "We do not know. We had not been informed as for the reason he was there but he had a direct role in what had happened. There was an Obscurial, a very powerful one that had gotten loose and had very nearly destroyed the statue of secrecy" she said trailing as she looked away.

To think that an Obscurial of such power existed...Anne internally shuddered at the thought. Obscurials were rare. Exceedingly so in this have missed out on a child of such potential, ruined by muggles...

"What's an obscurial?" Sophia asked confusedly. Anne snapped her head back to her daughter and replied "An Obscurial is a witch or wizard who has repressed his or her magic resulting in a dark parasitical thing called obscurus developing" Anne said sadly.

Sophia was shocked at the thought "why would their repress their magic?"

Anne sighed. She did not want to tell her but she would find out eventually "It would develop if a child is abused physically, mentally or both. The child begins to repress their magic, either because they resent it or they are under the impression that it's a bad thing and that's how an obscurial is made. An Obscurial is something that is completely out of control and it is exceedingly dangerous" Anne finished sadly.

Sophia looked down "Is that why grandma and grandpa died?" she asked quietly.

"Yes, Grindelwald released the Obscurial into New York and it had created havoc. It destroyed many buildings during its rampage and the MACUSA building was amongst the buildings that were damaged. It was a huge breach of the statute and your grandparents decided to aid the Aurors and ministry officials in dealing with the Obscurial. Unfortunately, Grindelwald wasn't alone." She sighed and grief, anger and resignation were apparent on her face

"His followers were in the city, waiting on his call and they had answered." She closed her eyes "A battle erupted in the middle of the city and it was vicious. Dozens of people are dead, both his fanatics and Aurors. And among them were Sam and Marie." She opened her eyes and tears began to fall down and she smiled sadly

"It seems like your grandfather managed to save the president of MACUSA before being stricken down and your grandmother enraged took down the one who killed him but soon she followed in death" she said sadly as she wiped her eyes with a handkerchief that popped into existence.

She looked at Sophia and sadly smiled "It seems as if your grandmother couldn't be separated from your grandfather too long." She said solemny

Sophia began to tear up again and looked up at her mother and moved to hug her. Anne met her halfway and consoled her rubbing her back.

Atticus POV

He listened raptly to the explanation.

The talks in the family had gone on for another hour before he was taken to his room. He lied there, unable to sleep. 

He was unsure whether he loved his grandparents. He was fond of them but he was unsure if he knew what love was. He cared more about his grandmother than he did his grandfather.

She was lovely and genuinely had shown care for him. But they were his. 

They belonged to him. 

And Grindelwald had taken them away from him, from the rest of his family.

He paused at that train of thought. Did that mean he loved his grandmother?

He frowned, he did not know. His fucked up childhood still had an effect on him in his new life. He sighed and became more determined to master magic as quickly as he could.


The funeral was held six days later. It was a cold, frigid morning, with dark and grey clouds overcast perfectly encapsulating the mood. The site where they would be buried was a site where over generations of Sayres were burned. It was reserved for only the Sayre family and it held meaning.

The turnout for the funeral was much larger than he had thought would come though he shouldn't have been surprised. Samuel Sayre was the Lord of the House, an incredibly influential man, powerful too before his death.

The entire family arrived. The cousins, aunt, uncle and great uncle were among the crowd.

He hadn't been allowed to see the body up close, not that he had expected it. He could however see how it was arranged. Their bodies were situated on a single pyre, preparations being made to burn the bodies.

He supposed it made sense. You wouldn't want their bodies to be desecrated or used against you.

This had been his first true loss. In either lives. He closed his eyes and turned away. He was being held by his mother.

Soon enough the service had begin. A number of people stepped up to speak on behalf of them, some of them he recognised the family names of. A Bones, a Avery, a Black and a Abbott.

His father had been the one to cast the Incendio first. Then it had been his great grandfather, followed by his brother, his cousins and lastly his mother for she married into the Sayre family.

Thick black smoke dominated the scene which had been contained as a ward directed the flames high up in the sky.

The fire had continued for hours until the ashes were collected and placed inside an urn which would later be interned in the family mausoleum.


In the years since the death of his grandparents a large shadow had been cast on the family. The home had felt less warm without the presence of his grandmother. Sophia had been deeply affected by her absence.

In truth, he had been feeling her absence as well. She was far more unorthodox than he had expected a pureblood matriarch to be.

In time, Sophia more and more returned to her former self but she had lost a part of her innocence. While she was still the energetic girl of time's past, there was still an element of sadness within her. She would eventually get over her grief, she was young enough to achieve it, Atticus thought to himself.

His father on the other hand had taken the loss deeply. He had grown more distant and had taken on the duties of expected of him and kept up with his work at the Ministry which had left him very little time for his family.

The only one who had more or less remained the same was their mother who had helped keep the bond of family.

The presence of fewer people in the Manor had allowed him the space he needed and wanted to increase his academic progress. He had never been denied access to the family library and he had taken full advantage of it.

Once he had hit the age of four, he'd been given a loaded academic schedule which had suited him just fine. When the family had noticed his intellect and interest in learning, he had been actively encouraged in his academic endeavours and they had been pleased the progress he had been making.

He had been glad for it as he had been limited to certain sections of the library. His schedule had included languages which Ms Florence had taken to teach him. He had been instructed in French, Latin and German.

Luckily he had never learnt any of these languages in his previous life so his progress had been slower than his progress in understanding the basics of magic.

One of the things he had been noticing was that his mind had been more capable than he remembered having. He had always been intelligent but now he was able to make deductions far faster.

He had inklings that the brain that he now possessed was of a higher scale than he previously had which only pleased him more. Perhaps magic also had an influence. He had always valued his mind the most in his previous life which had been the reason he had refused the surgery in the first place.

The family library was vast, it being easily the largest room in the manor and he spent the majority of each day cooped poring and obsessively absorb every book and tome he could get his hands on. Anyone on any given day could easily find him settling into the comfortable leather chair that he had marked as his own.

The library was segregated into four sections; a general quarter that consisted of major branches of magic, even those that were not acceptable in Wizarding Britain, a mastery quarter that held tomes and journals that were mostly deeper investigations in a wider range of branches of magic that aided individuals in grasping magic on a mastery level and obscure branches of magic that were heavily frowned upon but not quite illegal, a family quarter that was explicit and tied into blood magic that prevented anyone unsanctioned from entering and lastly the Lords' and Heir' quarter.

He'd been told by his great grandfather that he will be allowed to enter that quarter when he reaches the age of thirteen and that it was related to the family magic.

Most of the books that he spent reading during this time in his life were rooted in magical theory. He wanted to have a deep grounding into the fundamental nature of magic and so had spent much of his time pouring over the mass of tomes that were freely available.

One of the books that greatly aided him was Magical Theory: Pillars of Magic by M. Crafton which had given him the grounding he needed in magical theory. The book had described four fundamental pillars of magic; intent, will power, imagination and magical power.

It further expounded on the notion that magic had no light or dark inclination and that it simply was but that it had a form of sentience, that magic wasn't intelligent but that it had understanding of the conscious and subconscious intent of the individual that is driven by the emotional reaction.

An example to the necessity of magic needing to know the intent of the individual is for example the inability of creating binding oaths without the individual intending to do so.

The pillars are not separate columns but interwoven, intrinsically linked pillars. The majority of branches of magic require combinations of the four but some require more of one or two of the pillars than the others.

An example of this is transfiguration. Transfiguration depended greatly more on willpower and creativity once your intent was clearly defined.

The success of your transfiguration henceforth would depend on your magical power as it is one of the most power intensive branches of magic. Subjects and objects have a natural state of being; there's a minimal amount of power required to bring objects from a state of natural being, in a state of rest, into the transfigured state, animated or not.

Transfiguration masters were able to gage the required magical power for each transfiguration or conjuration resulting in little magic being lost. Not only that, the creativity and will power necessary to transition so quickly from one state to another, with many multiple transfigurations had me excited as it was a goal to reach.

He suspected that he didn't lack in magical power at all and that magical power is something that can be increased naturally (though he intended to perform rituals to boost his magic).

As he absorbed as much as he could from the book, there was a certain section within the book that had stuck with him.

From first year until fifth or sixth year of magical school, children are taught wand movements and incantations. The first steps into magic are purposely led to be simple. 'Do the wand movements and say the words correctly and you will produce your results'. This results in the students using intent, willpower and magical power but no creativity to get results.

It spoke of incantations and wand movements having a purpose of making the child believe that what they are doing is possible and as they are progressed until the later years of magical schooling with better grounding in magical theory, the better students will begin to understand that wand movements and incantations are crutches until they have the belief and understanding of magic and in their magic.

The wand movements were symbols representing the effect of the magic they were casting, drilling in their heads a representative gesture of what they wanted to happen, willed to happen.

It made sense as children would have preconceived notions of what is possible and these beliefs would hamper them. Ultimately, the book went on to explain how it was the educator's responsibility to develop the children's belief system.

The thing that aggravated him was why certain Latin or bastardised Latin words held power. Was it because during spell creation those Latin words were given power by the individual and their magic? Or was it something more?

He had found some explanations regarding it...about how a connection of the meaning and effect of the words is formed to the magic, similar to the symbolism of the wand movements.

But what he didn't understand was the nature of the magic being the same that was being cast by different individuals.

A Protego, a Stupify, would have the same characteristics from one individual to another, down to the very colour of the magic.

What did that mean?

He understood that intent of the magic being cast would result in similar effects but why was it all so similar? Of course there were elements of power to consider but what made magic so...standard in this way?

When you consider spell creation, the formulaic way of finding Latin or approximations of Latin words along with wand movements was something that was strange in itself.

Were the movements and words binding magic to act in a certain that remains imprinted on the super organism, the force, magic was? He would have to look into wand movements to see what they were.

He had no doubt it would these were things that he would resolve. He had begun to compile a preliminary list of things to do before he joined the war or left Hogwarts. His pre Hogwarts list were so far

1. Get up to fifth year knowledge of Transfiguration, Charms, Ancient Runes, Arithmancy and DADA and if possible Potions as well.

2. Get familiarised with rituals and perhaps if possible undergo a few of them once it has been verified that it would not damage him

3. Expand wandless capabilities with the aim of being at least capable of casting a shield and stunning spell

4. Decent proficiency in Legillimency and more importantly Occlumency

5. Familiarising with the political landscape

6. Gain understanding of Blood Magic, Soul Magic, Alchemy and other esoteric forms of magic in preparation for later exploration

He knew that he was setting himself a hefty schedule and he no doubt that he would have difficulty achieving those all in the time he had but he would no less attempt it.

His long term plans were simple.

1. Gain a very long extended life or immortality if possible through ethical means (He did not want to face magical backlash)

2. Build a massive portable home filled with every single species of magical creatures, magical plants and more. (He had the image of Asgard in his mind.)

3. Become unparalleled in magic, both in power and in understanding.

4. Find and publish new findings of magic. Become known as a great in magical research and publishing

5. Build commercial institutions in both muggle and magical world using the knowledge he had of both worlds and of the future with the aim of propelling both societies in the way he wanted – for the magical to close the gap with the muggles – and for the muggles to grow dependent on his companies and to monitor them (he had intentions to ensure when the world entered the digital stage, the companies he had were capable of filtering anything related to magic)

6. Find a way to absorb information from scientists of every branch of science and technology. Perhaps do the same with expert wizards and witches.

7. Create an institution of magic and science inviting children from age 6 (Figure out how the Hogwarts book of students works)

8. Develop space capabilities. See if magic was a universal force which if it was, it meant everything was possible.

9. If theory of magic is universal, explore feasibility of Venus being terraformed and it becoming the home of the magical world – on his conditions.

He had a number of ideas of how to achieve an extended life or perhaps even immortality. Becoming the Master of Death was not included here.

There had been neither a verification of it meaning immortality nor even a hint of veracity of actually becoming the Master of Death.

It seems exceedingly unlikely that three items were capable of binding Death to a mortal, binding a universal aspect to a mortal. He did not dismiss the feasibility of Death having a aspect, a form that represented Death, after all, here he was reborn in a world that had been previously fiction to him.

No, chances are Death as an aspect existed and the Hallows united could be an even bigger trap than the stone and the wand.

He would not leave them lying around however. He fully intended on gathering the Stone and the Wand but he would not use either until he understood fully what they meant.

No, master of Death did not feature in his ideas of how to gain immortality or extended life...No, they resolved on rituals.

The few things he was able to read up on it had inspired him. Nothing was impossible for magic, once understanding, power, capability, intent and the will existed. And rituals were the perfect vehicle to execute his desires.

There were many magical creatures that had extended lives; Basilisks for example had a lifespan of at least a thousand years. Phoenixes were immortal. He had an understanding what caused aging in humans and mammals.

He had the obsessive thought of the feasibility of creating rituals that capitalised on sacrificing one or both of these creatures to gain immortality or extended life.

He had no doubt that he would spend a lot of time trying to figure out a way to balance the ritual so that he would gain the benefits of extended life or immortality.

Another one of his ideas had been regarding horcruxes. He had no intention of creating any, for it was a violation of the soul and the soul, his soul, was something that was utterly totally priceless to him.

But he wanted to understand the mechanism of creating one. He wanted to understand the process of binding a soul to another object or living thing. The separation of the soul from the body...would it be possible to bind his soul to his body? After all, the killing curse from what he could understand revolved around the removal of the bonds of the soul and the body.

It does not destroy the soul, it does not damage the soul of the victim, and it simply removes it. He could perhaps create rituals that do as he intended, create an indestructible bond between body and soul (and mind perhaps) that only he could affect, negating the killing curse.

He would of course do this after he had undergone rituals that made his body capable of healing of anything and everything.

He wanted to also explore what happened to soul after death in this universe. Whether for example the astral plane was real...If it was real, he could utilise this among his different forms of immortality.

Binding the advantages he had put his body through onto his soul. His magic, his enhanced healing, his immortality of the body, all of it engraved on his soul so that he if he chose to reincarnate his new body would have the same advantages.

He hoped that he would be able to come up with a set of rituals that made his survival all but guaranteed before he left Hogwarts. There were many things that he would have to learn in order to achieve this goal. One of them would be the understanding of the human body.

He had some knowledge of the intricacies of the inner workings of the human body but not enough to be truly helpful. He would have to lift the knowledge from doctors when he was capable enough in Legillimency.

Creating a home like Asgard was something that truly excited him. Scamander was able to have a portable home that was filled with different climates and was huge. Expansion charms and runes were definitely on his list to learn.

In any case, he fully intended to create a marvel of a home. He had been some wizarding stories of people who created truly magical locations but he had found nothing on the kind of creation he was thinking of doing.

Creating a place like Asgard would perhaps be more difficult than extended life.

He would need to be at the very least as capable as Rune Masters, Charms Masters, Transfiguration Masters, Herbology Masters, have Master level of understanding when it comes to metallurgy, forging and he most likely would need the same level of proficiency in Alchemy.

And he would not be able to do it without dedicating years, mostly likely decades to the project, cutting into the time of other projects.

It would a daunting prospect but one he fully intended on carrying out. He already had ideas on how to cut time on the project.

It revolved around House Elves and Golems. He had found out from Tweenie that House Elves could be bought from the ministry and that the House Elves they had numbered at the very least 60 to 90. It boggled his mind that there were so many House Elves available.

He fully intended to purchase them all when he had the capital. The Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets would be the prime source of income as he did not want to alert his family to what he was doing. He read that Goblins desired rare meats and what could be rarer than a thousand year old Basilisk?

In any case, House Elves would serve as a major source of labour – and in truth, he also wanted to deprive purebloods of elves for them to mistreat, they were the perfect beings, loyal, kind and powerful.

It boggled his mind that they did not see the potential – though he would also see if they were capable of learning what he wanted them to learn. Tweenie had explained to him what Elf magic was, after much prodding and gentle coaxing, and though they wanted a bond with a family, or a highly magical place such as Hogwarts, they had their own magic.

The elves grew in strength and were fed magic from the source if they were bonded but they were capable of surviving without but it would lessen their strength as much of their strength is derived from serving.

He saw no reason for the elves to be incapable of drawing runes or similar things that would only need him to activate it. If he managed to find out how to create mithril, he might well instruct his elves to do it.

Golems were something that he intended to research. His manor had a number of them which were defensive in nature. he saw no real difference between them and a computer program.

He was well versed in coding so he should be able to enchant complicated actions into the golems. In addition, he wanted to figure out how portraits worked as it would give him the possibility to create artificial intelligence.

With the prospect of magic, he was leery of creating one as there could be many things that could go wrong. Creating an AI technologically would have been something that would have given him pause, never mind creating a magical one.

He would not do so unless the AI were fully shackled and bound to his will and incapable of committing treasonous actions or even thinking treasonous things.

The AI, if it panned out, would be extremely useful in managing the many things he would want to do and would be capable of researching things that he had no time for.

Managing his muggle businesses and keeping the statue of secrecy intact would have been one of the many things he would utilise it for.

Just like with creating an Asgard, exploring the possibility of space was something he was excited for. He wanted to know if magic existed as a universal force and he intended to do so by measuring the amount of magic that was present in vacuum and on the moon.

He had a theory that magic was stronger where there was life but magic was still ever present everywhere. If that was correct, then he could very well find a way to harness magic on a massive scale. It would allow for so many different applications, one of them being the terraforming of Venus.

While Venus was a Hell world in every sense of the world, it was close in size to Earth, something like 0.9 something percent in mass. It was the reason why he preferred Venus to Mars as it would not affect the bodies of animals and humans the way Mars would.

Plus it had an atmosphere that could support life. Of course, while Venus' atmosphere is toxic, with magic, it should be possible to transmute the atmosphere of Venus to Earth composition.

Converting toxic gases into air...oxygen and nitrogen...perhaps even also water...he thought that it was something achievable. The philosopher's stone was capable of transmuting material into gold, why should a stone or device not be capable of doing it on a gas?

He would need to meet with Flamel once he verified things pertaining to space. In the HP Universe, the Flamels had decided to die, supposedly, after the stone was destroyed.

He had reasonable confidence that they would not consider dying if he told them of the possibility of transforming a world in the scale that he was thinking of.

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