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Chapter 2: Chapter Two

"Honey, it's your first day at school" Tessa broadcasted upon entering her daughter's room.

She found Belle in an absurd sleeping position before placing the school uniform she brought with her on the standing hanger before going to stand by her bed, clicking her heels.

Her well ironed suit made her looked bossy and a single mum of one.

"Hey sweetie" she spoke gently while caressing her cheeks.

Even at that she didn't bulge.

Poor little baby...always working her ass out.

She sat by the bed's edge as she stretched her hand to take a grasp of the alarm clock on her reading table.

She studied her for a bit while.

Two legs wide open? With opened mouth!

Is that how a girl should sleep!

Oh geez!

She made to press the clock's button but the rooster crow beat her to it.

Tessa glanced at her daughter for any signs of movement but that was a joke for someone like Belle.

"I knew it" She opined pressing the alarm button.

"Grrrrr....grrrrr" the alarm sounded and this time Belle moved her body, although with eyes closed.

Tessa watched as she puts her hand out searching her reading table to stop the alarm.

But Tessa had put it out of reach before hand.

She knew she would try to stop it so she could continue her sleep.

Tessa could see her daughter trying to wake up due to the ceaseless noise from the clock.

She must have noticed the clock was not within her reach.

Soon, Belle opened her eyes, stared at her then at the clock before trying to take it away from her but Tessa was much swifter than her, so she landed back in bed disappointed.

"Why try so hard? Get up" Tessa spoke but Belle wasn't going to have that.

She still had the alarm turned on but she held it up in case her daughter tried anything funny.

"You won't? Her mom quizzed out on her but Belle placed her pillow over her head to lessen the noise.

"Hey! Tessa snapped at her as she lowered the clock to Belle's face making her sit upright in fright.

" Do you want to get to school late on your first day" She screamed to her face as she sighed relentlessly.

She saw the scared expression on Belle's face and adjusted her tone to a calm one.

" You should get prepared for school" she clarified before walking out of the room.

Belle could only look on even after the door was shut after her mother.

Still seated, she stretched out her hands and gave a loud yawn.

She glanced left and saw a uniform that was too beautiful to behold.

"Oh..." She exclaimed surprised though getting off her bed.

" Who owns this pretty uniform? She asked no one in particular as she checked it out.

She noticed a tag on it and she looked into it.

"Alfenso Belle" she reads out what was written on it and stared at it once more.

"My uniform?" she interrogated no one as she kept checking it out.

She took from the standing hanger and went to her mirror as she placed it over her body.

It looked liked it was just made for her.

"Ahhhhh" she screamed startling her mum.

"Is everything okay? She heard her mom say and could sense worry in her mother's voice.

"Yes, don't worry about me" she replied her while she gently placed the uniform on her bed like some egg.

She hugged her self sheepishly.

How could she had forgotten so fast!

"Mum please can you help out in getting my new uniform? It's weekend and I won't have space to leave work during my shift" she said to her mum.

"Of course dear, anything for you " Tessa said as she watched Belle moved towards the door.

"Thank you mum" she said, waved at her and went out.

"Oh you are finally here" Belle said feeling nostalgic towards the clothing.

It made her miss her former school so much that a tear dropped on her cheek.

"Oh goodness, you shouldn't be crying on your first day to school" Belle said to herself as she wiped it off before going to take her bath.

After some minutes, she was done and had her uniform on, Belle sat by the mirror to dry her hair before she noticed the new cologne.

She gently took it and sprayed it on herself.

Her mum at work!

After drying her hair, she went out of the room to the living room looking all pretty as a student.

She met her mom by the cooker.

Tessa turned to look at her daughter and she was proud of what she saw.

"Uhn uhn, look at you all primp up for school, so smart" She commented.

"Thank you mum" Belle blushed and sat at the dining table.

"I know you will make me proud " she affirmed her trust.

"Yes you know that " Belle instigated.

They giggled and Tessa placed her breakfast on the table.

Belle was almost done with stucking the green collard in her mouth when they heard a blaring noise.

Tessa rushed to check what it was from the window.

" Uhn? Your school bus is here." She announced staring out of the window.

" School bus? Belle queried amused as she tried to chew her food properly.

"Yes of course, are you expected to walk there? She faced her squarely.

And then like Belle remembered something, she said to her mother.

"Oh no, I didn't inform my boss that I have to quit my job for a while" she spoke sadly as she chewed slowly on her food.

"I did just that already " Tessa spoke showing her phone to her daughter, his number was in recent and it looked like she just told him that morning.

"What did he do? Belle whispered.

"He shouted for a while and accepted" Tessa responded as she chuckled.

Belle grew speechless as she went to hug her mother.

"Thanks so much mum" she said and released her.

Belle gulped down her food and drank water.

"Thank you mum for the meal, it's delicious" she stood up and packed her school bag before walking towards the door.

"Thanks for the cologne and paying for my transportation, love you" she threw her a kiss and went out.

Tessa smiled and watched from their window as the bus zoomed away from her sight.

Of course she had paid for the school bus fee, she didn't want her daughter to feel out of everything that goes on in the school.

Moreover, she doesn't want her daughter to be bullied by the rich kids because she could not afford the fee for school bus.


The school bus entered the school automatic gate as soon as it opened.

Before the gate opened, the new comers all stared out of the window looking at their new school.

The building has many storeys that can't be counted and it was painted in baby pink, with different flowers surrounding it to add glamour to it.

The view was arresting as the tainted windows shone bright in the sunlight as it stood in the middle of the city.

Let it not come as a surprise that only students on scholarship took the bus.

Instead, the rich kids came down from their different cars.

Even their chaffeurs were out to hold the door for them.

Porsche seemed to be the trend.

Only few others brought in Lamborghini.

This school was suffocating with luxury.

They didn't feel bothered at the people who came in school bus.

Belle couldn't stop feeding her eyes with things she was seeing.

She was going to survive in there no matter what.

The other new comers went to their various classes while Belle also moved but she still want to see things.

So while in the hallway, she walked gently noticing everything but then she began hearing murmurings.

🗣️ She's on scholarship

👥 Oh yeah it looked like.

🗣️ By their steps we shall know them.

And they burst out laughing. Belle was fast to hasten her steps to avoid anymore embarrassment from them.

🗣️ "Oh gosh who polluted my air!!" some girl said and she sprayed perfume across Belle's face.

She laughed and left the spot but Belle could only look on.

This school was something else in the inside.

Just when she finally found her class, she made to rush in but a girl and her cohort passed and pushed to the ground.

🗣️ "Sorry " they said with no remorse.

Surprisingly that action made the people around roared in laughter.

It has been confirmed.

She knew that there were going to be bullies in the school.

Belle stood up and dusted herself before walking into her class.

"Woah here comes the newbie" a guy with blonde hair said immediately; causing the whole class to stare at her as she entered but Belle didn't mind him as she tried to find herself a seat.

They must have gossiped about her.

"Look at those damn fresh laps" another guy butted in naughtily.

Belle closed her eyes in a bit and opened it.

Keep calm girl it's not yet time to show off" she said to herself.

She wondered why a teacher wasn't in, teaching.

She expected it to be the same as she had, heard in stories; of a newbie resuming school to see that lectures was on.

Alas, it was the vice versa here.

"She's pretty though, I can get many likes on my Instagram" another said videoing her.

Most of them seemed to be busy with their tabs.

She was even overwhelmed to bring her own out as she settled on the seat in the middle of the second row.

The class was partitioned in three columns with five rows in each.

"Class welcome the face of emerald class" a short girl standing behind Belle's seat said hitting the desk as others cheered her.

Of course she knew that the statement was for her, she need not confirm.

Belle turned to look at her.

She had a mouth that was too big for her, complimented with fat lips.

This girl was a joke.

"Hey Pinocchio" Belle shouted referring to the girl, who blinked continuously at her.

The class immediately went still as the night.

"Name's Ella" she whispered while glancing away.

"Yeah! Bella or Ella, either ways. You. Don't. Have.To.advertise. me.

Goodness me, I'm not a new product in the market" Belle began.

"I don't need your advertisement cause I won't pay" she howled out at the girl who kept blinking as it got everyone laughing.

"I didn't know she was a pro in ranting out on people" Ella whispered as she went back to her seat.

"Feisty, uhn? Someone whispered.

Belle faced her front and was welcomed by different pairs of eyes, they looked at her like she was some alien.

They were the girls who pushed her outside the classroom.

"Who do you think you are, uhn? Stephanie, the tallest of the gang asked rhetorically chewing hard at her bubble gum.

"Some poor poo on scholarship " the taller one answered, twisting her curls with a finger.

The class was still silent.

Belle opened her mouth to speak but the tall girl beat her to it.

"I just can't wrap my head on what your parents do for a living" She spoke with sarcasm and they laughed.

Belle boiled at every of their statement but still wanted them to finish up.

She looked at them from head to toe, they were students who defied the rules and regulations of the school.

"I'm the proprietor's daughter, I would like if you don't mess with me" Stephanie uttered proudly whilst twisting her mouth.

Belle sucked in air and parroted "oh is that so? No wonder" while she bobbed her head.

"The effrontery" Stephanie cussed annoyingly.

She hated that a girl could disrespect her in the whole class.

A newbie for that!

Everyone she knows feared her, well except for two guys and this...girl.

"Eish...this little piece of..." The taller girl cursed as she points her finger up and down at Belle.

How can they allow these girls dye their hair?

Belle turned around and saw that it was only the girls that had their hair


After looking back at them, she sighed exhausted.

"Hey!I don't take shit from anyone, can't you see the sign that I'm bad blaring from my eyes" the tall girl spoke using her finger to push Belle, thereby making her hair cover a part of her face.

"Oops! " Ella exclaimed when her mathematical set dropped down causing the class attention to shift to her; she then bent to pick it, unfortunately the moment didn't favor her as the eraser rolled to where the tall girl was taunting Belle.

Hesitantly, she went close to pick it up but got shouted at.

"Hey! Snail" the tall girl snapped and Ella looked up while squatting as she begged with pity in her eyes.


Belle eyes widened and she almost burst out laughing.

So she was not the only one who named her.

"Go get us some sausage, two with sauce and the other without sauce" she commanded.

"Two with sauce, one without sauce" Ella repeated and went out of the class.

Belle couldn't believe her ears, they treated their mate like an errand girl.

How insolent!

The level of inhumanity shown made her speechless.

Ella walked in again surprising everyone, they thought she could prove stubborn but she shocked them anyway.

"Uhn, you forgot to give me money" she started.

"And so? Stephanie was who answered her and she stood baffled.

The three girls then walked to her, held her tightly in place before probing her.

"What do you think you should do in this type of situation? The tall girl pried but when she didn't answer them, they shouted at her.

"You pay!!" They chorused to her face and she jerked in fright.

Ella gulped hard and freed herself from their grips.

From the way she moved away from them made them think she wanted to start a fight, so they positioned themselves in case she begins the attack.

But her next step stunned everyone.

"I'm sorry" she muttered while bowing for them " and I now understand why I shouldn't have come back in the first place" she concurred, rose up and trekked out of the classroom.

Her act made everyone pity her with the three girls excluded.

"Oh before we forget" Stephanie spoke up as they came back to face Belle.

"You must have thought you escaped us, right? She asked and let out a small laugh.

"Alfenso Belle " the tall girl mentioned as she got a hold of her badge.

"Who are your parents? What do they do ? The taller girl chipped in.

Belle only looked at them like a moron.

"You can't talk? The tall girl dared her.

"Wait"Stephanie halted her girls.

"Why don't we search for her name on Google to check who she is? She requested and it thrilled them, they gingered her to go ahead with the idea.

"Alfenso Belle" Stephanie typed into her phone.

"Ahhhhh " they burst out laughing.

"Not found" she said and brought the phone to Belle's face.

"I don't think Google knows you exist" the taller girl opined and they chortled away.

"Poor girl " Stephanie mentioned earlier.

This was it!

This chicken had broke the last straw on the camel's back.

Belle made to retaliate but she got pinned down by the next line of rubbish that came out of the tall girl's mouth.

"Your dad must have f*cked a rich c*nt to be able to cater for you and your mother"She said amid the exclamation of the class.

"Her mother might be doing that as well, tell her not do it too much so that a b*st*rd won't get to stay at your little home" Stephanie referred lastly to Belle.


Belle thinks she can't take it any longer as she banged her palms on her desk.

"How dare you people bring in my parents in this matter? She yelled at them in anger.

It caused the students to begin their gossips and murmurings.

"Oh who stirred the little tiger awake? Stephanie queried looking all pleased at the change of expression that tainted Belle's face.

Belle banged the desk again and it startled everyone thereby making everywhere calm.

"You,you and you" she began pointing fingers at each of them, without them expecting it, she dragged them close by their ties.

The way she hold onto them made them red and they began choking.

"Don't you dare bring in my parents ever again, understood? She inquired as she shaked them.

"Yes, we heard you" Stephanie spoke and it caused the class to laugh.

It made them embarrassed.

She let them go but they landed on the floor causing them to groan in pain.

"Shu!!! Belle exclaimed and they ran out of the class.

The whole class applauded her for her boldness but they also made her know that she was still in some sort of trouble.

She might have won today but not next time.

"Good morning class" a male teacher walked in as soon as the girls departed.

"Good morning sir" the students replied.


After a while the bell rang and the students filed up to the cafeteria.

"You should join me, just saying" Ella whispered to her when she saw Belle was going to join the rich kids table, after she served her food.

"Why can't I? Belle asked her.

"They might bully you big time" she replied her.

Belle looked around them and saw the girls, they were with so many boys.

She sighed, she shouldn't get wounded on her first day; so she went to join her.

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