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Reincarnated with a Comprehension System in a cultivation world. Reincarnated with a Comprehension System in a cultivation world. original

Reincarnated with a Comprehension System in a cultivation world.

Author: Late_Reaper

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 Reincarnation.

In a realm far beyond our own, there stretched an immense planet named Eldora, so vast that Earth seemed diminutive in comparison. Eldora's expansive lands reached beyond imagination, unveiling uncharted territories and mysteries, enticing daring explorers into a captivating saga of discovery and adventure.

Eldora, a colossal presence dominating the cosmic horizon, epitomized the extraordinary. It wasn't just a place where people practiced cultivation; it was a realm where cultivation interwove itself into the very essence of existence.

Unlike Earth, where cultivation might be secluded in hidden temples, on Eldora, it was a ubiquitous force, an ever-present energy coursing through the air. The very air on Eldora was saturated with the essence of cultivation, resonating from towering mountains to vast plains, creating a harmonious hum as practitioners refined their skills.

Cultivators, defying gravity with masterful ease, soared through the heavens, leaving ethereal trails behind. The skies became a canvas adorned with vibrant hues of energy, a testament to the boundless potential bestowed upon Eldora's inhabitants by the art of cultivation.

In this extraordinary world, cultivators were not mere skill-honers; they were the life force sustaining Eldora's balance. The planet's landscape unfolded as a breathtaking panorama of floating islands, held aloft by the collective prowess of its cultivators.

These floating islands served as sanctuaries where communities flourished, each island harboring a unique ecosystem shaped by the energies harnessed by its inhabitants. Eldora's inhabitants thrived in symbiosis with their surroundings, embodying a harmonious coexistence that resonated across the floating archipelago.

At the core of Eldora's cultivation culture stood the Grand Sects, colossal organizations spanning entire continents. Each sect specialized in distinct aspects of cultivation, whether it was mastering the elements or unraveling the enigmatic secrets hidden within ancient scriptures.

These Grand Sects were not just institutions; they were pillars that upheld the intricate tapestry of Eldora's civilization. Their influence stretched far and wide, shaping the destinies of those who sought the profound knowledge and enlightenment they offered.

As Eldora's inhabitants navigated the celestial currents of cultivation, they didn't merely explore their own capabilities but also contributed to the evolution of the planet itself.

Eldora, with its colossal presence, beckoned explorers into a world where the boundaries of possibility were continually pushed, and the tapestry of existence was woven with threads of limitless potential.

In the revered realms of the Grand Sects, those who soared to the zenith of cultivation held the coveted chance to become part of these esteemed institutions, where their influence would shape the very destiny of Eldora.

Amid the desolate borderlands of Eldora, where resources were scarce and talents a rarity, a third-rate sect fought to survive in the shadows. A modest hut, tucked away in the outskirts of the sect, unexpectedly became a crucible where the fundamental Laws and Daos of the world underwent a mysterious metamorphosis.

Within the confines of this unpretentious dwelling, a solitary cultivator grappled with the enigmatic forces governing Eldora. The air itself crackled with palpable tension as the practitioner delved into the intricacies of cultivation, striving to untangle the distortions afflicting the outer territories of the sect.

The humble surroundings of the hut whispered a tale of humble origins, with worn-out mats and flickering candles casting dancing shadows on the walls.

Here, in this unassuming abode, an aspiring cultivator confronted the challenges of an environment where potential seemed stifled, and the pursuit of enlightenment felt like an elusive dance.

As a rift in space and time tore open, a disembodied soul emerged, irresistibly drawn to the lifeless form resting in the humble hut of the third-rate sect. With ethereal grace, the soul descended, seamlessly merging with the vacant vessel.

In the moment of this metaphysical union, a surge of rejuvenating energy cascaded through the once-lifeless body. Injuries that marred its form were healed with otherworldly precision, leaving no trace of the previous afflictions.

The hut, once a silent witness to the struggles of its former inhabitant, now cradled a being reborn, animated by a fusion of soul and corporeal form.

The air within the hut seemed to shimmer with newfound vitality as the soul, now intertwined with the rejuvenated body, faced the awakening with a profound awareness.

A silent covenant between the soul and its vessel had been forged, and the amalgamation of life and spirit stood as a testament to the mystical forces at play.

A couple of hours later, the once-lifeless body stirred in the humble hut, eyes flickering open with a newfound vitality. Yet, the resurgence of consciousness came at a cost.

A throbbing migraine seized the awakened being as fragmented memories, not her own, surged through her mind. Each memory carried echoes of a life lived before, intertwining with her own existence in an intricate dance of past and present.

The merging of two distinct lives left Elysia grappling with a chaotic influx of thoughts and memories. A blend of the ordinary and the extraordinary painted a tapestry of experiences that felt oddly personal yet foreign.

As the clash of identities reverberated in her consciousness, it played out like a dissonant symphony, echoing the intricate fusion of soul and body. Seated on the edge of her bed, Elysia massaged her temples with a sigh, trying to make sense of the intricate dance of past and present within her.

"So, my name in this world is Elysia Netherthorn, and I was reincarnated in a cultivation world. How cliché is this?" she mused, her voice carrying a mixture of wry amusement and introspection.

With fluid grace, she stood up and went to fetch a glass of water, the contemplative expression lingering on her features as she sipped the cool liquid. In a hushed tone, she pondered, "That's strange, why am I so calm despite the life-changing situation I am in?"

Even as questions swirled in her mind, a calm demeanor persisted. A blue screen materialized before her, bearing the message, 'Congratulations to the host for successfully traversing to another world.' Elysia arched an eyebrow, calmly reaching out to touch the screen. "Are you responsible for this?" she asked with a curious tilt to her voice.

An enigmatic response echoed within her consciousness, 'Yes, the host had died in your original world, and I brought you here.'

Settling back on her bed, Elysia maintained her thoughtful gaze. "So, are you the reason why I am so calm?"

The response resonated through her mind, 'It's a side effect from traversing through space and time. Your soul has been bathed in cosmic energy, which in turn improved your mind's processing speed and comprehensive abilities, among other things.'

Elysia nodded thoughtfully, her curiosity aroused. "What can you do?"

'I can help the host to cultivate or practice your techniques automatically. The host will be able to accelerate the speed or do multiple things at once in the future,' conveyed the mysterious force.

'All the host needs to do is select what you want to learn, and the host will automatically start learning and improving it. The condition is that the host must know the technique or touch an object that contains the technique if the host doesn't know it,' explained the enigmatic force.

Elysia resumed her seat on the bed, fingers gently massaging her temples as she delved into the fragments of memories that now composed her existence in this unfamiliar life.

In the recesses of her mind, she uncovered the poignant tale of her origins—an orphan raised within the confines of the sect. The threads of her past wove from the struggles of parents who, as outer disciples, met their fate on a mission shortly after her birth.

Elysia's eyes, once clouded by fragmented recollections, now held a glimmer of understanding. Her parents, devoted practitioners navigating the precarious outer territories of Eldora, had perished in the line of duty. Their journey had been cut short just months after welcoming Elysia into the world.

This wasn't an unusual occurrence, as many disciples faced similar fates, leaving their children behind. Fortunately, the sect took in these orphaned children, nurturing them within its walls. The bond formed between these children and the sect was deep-rooted, born out of shared hardships and a sense of loyalty.

The original Elysia, who had borne the same name before this rebirth, met an untimely end at the tender age of twelve. Her demise was attributed to an unrelenting pursuit of training, coupled with hidden injuries silently taking their toll over the passing years.

As Elysia processed these revelations, a mix of emotions played across her face, from sorrow for the fate of her parents to a newfound connection with the sect that had raised her. She realized that her existence in this world carried a weight of history, shaped by the sacrifices of those who came before her.

Elysia Netherthorn possessed deep black eyes, complemented by a cascade of black hair. Her toned physique spoke volumes about the dedication she poured into her training and cultivation, a testament to her hard work in the realm of Eldora's cultivation.

In the pursuit of mastery, Elysia, despite her youth, fell prey to the unintended consequences of overtraining. At the tender age of twelve, the innocence that should have defined her years was eclipsed by the weight of a chosen path, a journey that ultimately led to an untimely farewell.

Beneath the surface of her seemingly robust form, hidden injuries whispered silently, weaving threads that bore the toll of a commitment surpassing the limits of her fledgling existence. Her demise, obscured by the shadows of Eldora, remained a quiet departure, a somber reminder of the delicate balance between ambition and life's fragility in the world of cultivation.

The third-rate sect where Elysia found herself was simply known as the "Serenity Peak Sect." Once a prominent institution of great repute thousands of years ago, it had gradually dwindled to the point where it barely clung to its status as a third-rate sect.

In the remnants of the Serenity Peak Sect, Elysia remained unaware of the circumstances that led to its decline over millennia. The faded glory and untold history of the sect lingered in obscurity, and Elysia, engrossed in her personal cultivation journey, held little curiosity to unveil the mysteries shrouding its past.

Amidst the shadows cast by its faded grandeur, the Serenity Peak Sect retained a relic of its glorious days—the cultivation technique known as the "Immortal Heart Sutra." This ancient and revered technique stood as a solitary link to the heights the sect once reached in Eldora's cultivation history, a tangible reminder of its bygone prowess.

Late_Reaper Late_Reaper

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