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Chapter 37: Chapter(35)

Episode(35): Duke Rant, Problems with another Nation


Elaine felt like her sister was treating her as a child.

She didn't know about the mental brawl that had just concluded in Maria's mind at all..

On the outside Maria showed little to no signs and even if she felt something was wrong Elaine couldn't read minds.

But hearing the protectiveness in Maria's tone, Elaine felt like she was being treated like four year old visiting an amusement park for the first time.

It wasn't like she'd get lost if she let go of her sister's hand so why was she acting like she was a gazelle among a group a leopards?

She couldn't understand. 

Maria was unknowingly misunderstood and Elaine who had no inclination why her sister was acting so strangely pouted and spoke in a displeased tone.

[Aren't you worrying a bit too much sister? I won't follow some stranger handing out candy you know]

Looking at her upset face, Maria felt like her sister was even cuter than ever before.

She didn't even let the displeased tone of her sister register in her mind as she smiled brightly almost even forgetting the rage that burned endlessly in her heart.

If she could, Maria wished that she could lock her sister away forever so she could have her all to herself. This amount of cuteness was something no mortal should have the opportunity to witness at all. 

none but herself.

Suddenly, she looked at the surrounding noblemen that were still surrounding them both.

When the noblemen's eyes caught the crazy look in the Maria's eyes, those that were drinking all spat up their drinks and looked away as if their lives depended on it.

Others turned quickly pretending as if they were checking out the ceiling while those with less balls literally ran for their lives.


Maria snorted.

To think these pest got the chance to witness such a heavenly scene. Maria wanted to rush up to them and gouge their eyes out, but suddenly she felt a shiver down her spine when the words replayed in her head.

'w-what am I thinking? Just when did I become such a crazy sister obsessed fool?!'

She hurriedly shook her head to shake away the tainted thoughts.

Quickly, before she could become an abominable criminal Maria stabilized her thoughts and sighed immediately after.

Truly, her sister was cute but just a tad too cute. She lamented in her heart that she needed to be a bit stricter or else wars might erupt because of this girl.

On the other hand others just thought Maria was a siscon through and through.

Although Elaine was indeed a top tier beauty, she wasn't enough to drive kingdoms mad and lead them straight to war.

But even if this was told directly to her Maria wouldn't change her thoughts. That was because her sister was the most beautiful and that fact would never change!

[Uh, sister. I don't know what's going on but I'm okay on my own]

Elaine said with a sigh. But Maria wasn't ready to listen so she replied sternly.

[I think you're not worrying nearly enough!]

Even if it wasn't just to make sure she wasn't crowded by the noblemen like before, Maria needed to stay by her side at all times.

[You do know about the state of your body, right?]

Elain was pregnant and at the thought that some unknown factor might cause Elaine's stress to build up, Maria expression couldn't help but turn dark.

Concern was etched all over her face when she thought that both Elaine and the baby might be harmed the moment she let her guard down.

Who knew what could happen next, especially in big banquets like these, there were so many unknown factors to consider.

According to the royal physician, the condition of the fetus was completely unknown.

Until the baby started to show signs of being ready to be born, the condition would be completely in the mud.

What made Maria worry when she heard this was because she knew, the royal physician had a skill that allowed him to see the condition of all his patients so the mere fact he couldn't see a thing meant that Maria needed to be on high alert.

Since Maria didn't even know what might trigger some symptom or some illness to suddenly flare up all of a sudden, she had to be a bulldog at the highest of peaks of its alertness.

[At Any rate] 

A sigh escaped her pink lips.

Maria caressed her temples with her slender fingers trying the press away the headache that was about to erupt at any moment.

[We need to have a talk after I greet the houses of several dignitaries regarding a separate matter, it will take a while so it's better to stay close to me okay]

Elaine released a sigh that said 'it can't be helped' and obeyed the words of her elder sister.

They were like mother and daughter, especially because both of them had mothers that didn't really care much about them at all.

She didn't have much struggle before Elaine eventually gave up and followed her sister obediently.

Even though she really wanted to go to the hero's side, she knew that as long as Maria made up her mind then there was no way she would let Elaine go.

Maria nodded in satisfaction.

Subconsciously, she glanced at the hero victoriously wanting to see him in defeat, but what she saw when she looked over made her want to vomit blood.

Women from the other noble houses had crowded around him and they were like maggots fighting over the last bits of flesh.

Renji even seemed to have completely forgotten that Elaine was in the banquet and his gaze only focused on flirting with the women before him.

'Scum bastard'

Maria was so enraged she wanted to go thrash the guy right now!

Seeing such a garbage excuse for a human being surviving on this earth, ah her pure sister really ended up with the worst of them all!

Clenching her fists tightly now was all she could do and it made her extremely mad. 

Why him!?

It could have been anyone else so why him!

She clenched her teeth so hard her pearly whites seemed about to shatter under the pressure.

However strangely enough, Maria then gleamed a broad grin on her face. To others who didn't know the outside story this smile was extremely alluring.

However Karen who stood far away and saw this scene nearly spat her wine in fear and consternation. 

'This princess, what was she cooking up now?'

As for Maria, she was starting to hope that Renji would neglect Elaine more.

Ignore her and show her you don't even care. Be a prick as much as you like!

To her, the more he acted like this the better it was. This way, if Elaine really were in love and saw this side of Renji there was no way Elaine wouldn't be enraged

Although Elaine didn't seem to mind polygamy, she also didn't like a loose man so to her, him acting like this was just great!

Surely, Elaine would soon come to an understanding of this man's character even without her help.


Maria laughed ominously. She felt like a genius!

To her, Renji was a parasite that wanted to weasel into the royal lineage but on her watch such a thing would never happen!

On the other side, feeling a gaze on him, Renji glanced up only to notice that Maria was looking at him.

Thinking she was finally infatuated with his heroic aura and charm, he winked and flashed a smile that had the women around him glaring enviously at the princess.

This made Maria feel the urge to vomit.

This guy was so pretentious and full of himself that it was nothing short of disgusting.

'Even if you're a hero, the likes of garbage like you is unwelcome!'

She was even more determined now that ever never to let this guy have her sister. Such human garbage needed to discarded rather than embraced.

After that, she quickly changed into a princess-like expression in order to be a good role model for her sister, and walked up to the first person she saw. 

Duke Rant of the Rant Duchy.

This was the current patriarch of the Rant house well known in the trading industry as a big player.

It wasn't only in the Empire but all of the Araia Star continent.

When one heard the name of Rant trading they could easily name a few business firms in their local area.

That was how widespread the Rant family prestige was.

Originally they were just a mere count family without much of an outstanding role in the empire.

Aside from being great merchants and taking up small business ventures that were mainly successful, the name rant a few years before now wasn't so well known.

Even so, their great business acumen caused all the other noble 'greats' to seek this family in order to get them on their sides.

Even the former king tried to bait them into the royal camp as well.

Nonetheless, the Rant family constantly denied the advances of the other families.

No matter what power or fame or prestige was promised to them, joining one side to become the enemies of another side seemed nothing but a huge risk.

On one side they would gain benefits but even with the protection of the party they joined, what's to say they wouldn't suffer causalities just by joining?

The rant patriarch at the time was sure, the very moment they joined a group the other group would target them.

They didn't have the power to defend themselves and worse was that they weren't a family that had a region close to either of the parties.

So they were sure that even if something happened, no side could send reinforcements to back them up in time before they were all lying in a puddle of blood.

In that case, why join a side?

They would rather stay neutral than offend another party for another.

However this didn't make things better for them at all.

Rather it put them on a thin rope, one mistake and they would fall. They had to constantly look over their shoulders and check their movements.

The filthy game of politics caused the pressure to build up and they needed to make a decision sooner or later.

If they didn't both parties wouldn't hesitate to attack them at the same time just for this fact alone.

Akemi_Kyoshi Akemi_Kyoshi

Author here again! It's been a while folks but I'm back! Now, support support and support me well!

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