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Chapter 11: Zasshu Brought a Gift

(Vanze POV)

In the lush forest, I move swiftly, utilizing Soru to make my way home after spending some time reviewing my status in the woods.

'It's almost dawn; today is Robin's turn to cook dinner. Compared to the black dish she made three years ago, it's definitely more edible now.' Yeah, recalling that particular time when my stomach was under attack from her food. I thought she was adding Ryuo to it.

[ Ding! ]

'Hmm...? Another quest? Didn't we agree to postpone that one, Seele?' Why is the system giving me a notification again? I've already seen that.

[ It's a new one, Vanze. I think you really need to check on it ASAP. ]

'Huh? A new one? I don't think something happened today.' I don't recall doing anything that could trigger a quest.

'Show me, Seele.'

Let's see... Hmm!? Nani!?

[ Ding!

Quest: Invasion

A ship full of scum is docking near the beach on this island. They even dared to capture your partner. Teach those Zasshu a lesson they'll never forget in this life while saving your partner.


Management Sub-System Unlocked

Time limit: 1 hour ]

'What the heck just happened!? Someone is docking on this island? But how?' We're in the calm belt...

'You know what, it doesn't matter. They dared to kidnap Robin from me, hehehe. Even God cannot save them now.' I speed up my running pace, activating both KG and Kenbunshoku haki.

I don't care about the rewards; time is ticking, and they can leave at any moment. I vanish using Soru and head toward the beach.

I hope she's fine...

(3rd POV)

On the beach, not far from the forest, a ship can be seen docking. On the ship's deck, a figure approaches a man standing near the mast, observing the crew.

"Boss! We're done patching up the ship," the man informs the muscular figure called Boss Borg.

"Good, prepare everything. We leave in ten," Boss Borg replies.

"Alright, Boss Borg," the man says, relaying the orders to the rest of the crew. The crew, consisting of only 15 people, starts moving hurriedly, eager to escape the calm belt as soon as possible.

Suddenly, one crew member preparing the main sail spots figures running through the air toward their ship.

"Incoming!" he shouts to alert the others, but it's too late. The figures land on the ship with great force, causing a crack in the deck.


"What is it!? What just happened?" Borg says, watching as mysterious figures step out from the damaged deck.

"13, 14... 15... Huh, only fifteen Zasshu, but they dared to do something to my companion... Heh," one of the figures murmurs, scanning the ship's crew with a smirk.

"You!? Where did you come from!? Who are y..." Borg couldn't finish his questions as he senses something terrifying.


"Shut up, you MONGREL!!!" An aura erupts from the figure, causing crew members to pass out, except for Borg, who resists the boy's aura.

"You...! You have Haoshoku haki! How is someone like you here!? Who are you, kid!?" Borg looks terrified after resisting the boy's Haoshoku haki.

"Did you kidnap my partner?" The boy ignores Borg's questions, instead posing one of his own with an expressionless face.

"What do you me... So, you're with the new girl!?" Borg slowly realizes how he ended up in this situation, staring at the boy with hatred.

"Ping! Pong! Congrats, you are right, and you will get death as the reward," the boy says, clapping his hands. Borg charges toward the boy.

"Argh! I don't care anymore! I will not let you ruin my business!" Borg transforms into a brown bear, attempting to tackle the boy.

"Hm? A Zoan? Too bad it's only a normal one. I don't have much time to deal with your bullshit. So..." The boy stops Borg's attack with a Busoshoku haki-infused hand and vanishes from in front of him.

"What!? Another haki? You're still a boy..." The boy suddenly appears behind him, readying both of his arms coated with Busoshoku haki.

"Begone... Rokuogan!" He smashes both of his fists into Borg's Zoan form.


Borg is sent flying, breaking the ship's main mast, and he lands not far from it.

"Hmph, mongrel." The boy turns around, heading toward the cabin without a giving a second glance at his supposed opponent.

Meanwhile, a few minutes before the chaos on the deck started...

In a dark room inside one of the cells, a black-haired girl talks to the other girl. She seems to have given up hope of escaping their captors.

"Robin, it looks like you are wrong. Your friend is not coming, and we will be stuck in here until they sell us for slavery," the black-haired girl says with a resigned tone.

"He will, just wait a little bit more, Hancock," Robin tries to reassure Hancock that her friend will definitely come.

"You really trust him that muc... Boom...!" Before Hancock could finish her words, the whole ship shakes, as if something has hit it hard.

"What was that!? What is happening outside?" Hancock panics because of the sudden tremor they just felt.

"He's here." Robin suddenly smiles after realizing it was Vanze who's causing the ship to shake.

"He? Did you mean your friends caused that?" Hancock asks curiously.

"Yes, from what I've already analyzed from this ship, there is no strong person capable of doing that here." Yes, Robin doesn't think the boss she saw earlier is capable of it.

"Let's hope you are ri... Boom...!" Another sound like something just broke can be heard from the outside.

"It looks like he is done." Robin predicts the situation on the deck and says it calmly to Hancock.

"Did you use haki to sense what happened outside?" Hancock looks at Robin suspiciously.

"Yes, did you also have haki? I can only use Kenbunshoku haki after taking a rest a few moments ago." Robin explains her situation, she just regained some of her stamina back.

"Um, but my haki is not as strong as yours, who can even sense what is happening outside." Hancock feels genuinely surprised to find a girl who looks like the same age as her already using haki more proficiently.

In the Amazon Lily, she considers herself as the most powerful from her generation after all. She also has a qualification of a king or, in other words, it's called Haoshoku haki. So her pride is slightly taking a hit knowing Robin is a little better than her.

But what Hancock doesn't know is that Robin also got to this point because she wants to catch up to a monster which is Vanze. She always pushes herself more, so that's why Robin is currently stronger than Hancock.

"Sensing what's happening outside is already my limit. My stamina couldn't keep up with my haki consumption." What she said is not wrong; Robin's current flaw is her stamina.

"Sigh... Your current mastery in Kenbunshoku haki can even put it in a rank with some of the Kuja pirates crew." Hancock just sighs at how oblivious Robin is.

Robin's current view of power is only focused on Vanze, so she always thinks that she is still weak in this sea. But in reality, most people in the Four Sea are not even her match.

"You are from a Kuja tribe that resides on Amazon Lily, right? I read about your tribe in a book. The book says there is no man on your island, is it correct?" Robin suddenly lets her inner geek out after hearing what Hancock says.

"Yes...? Why suddenly talk about it?" Hancock looks at Robin feeling confused about why she asks about whether there is a man or not on her island.

"Well, Vanze is a guy and a handsome one at that. So, I hope you don't feel surprised when you see him later." Vanze is indeed growing up, becoming more handsome and manly as a guy. It can be attributed to his race as a high human.

"I already saw a lot of guys when those people managed to capture me. So I doubt he is like what you said." Hancock feels unconvinced about Vanze, even though she is also curious after hearing so much about him from Robin.

"You can't compare those scum with him. He is a good guy even though he has a naughty side sometimes." Robin keeps talking about Vanze and their life on the island to the curious Hancock, unaware of how much time has already passed. But someone who is also in the same room as them can only keep listening to the girls' gossip.

Ten minutes later, the door is kicked open by someone, and they can hear a loud shout coming from there.

"Robin-chan...! I'm coming to save you...!

(Vanze POV)

"Robin-chan...! I'm coming to save you...!"

I shout loudly, making sure my arrival is heard. Before coming here, I searched another room and found the keys for the handcuffs and some tools made of sea stone. Hehe, don't mind me if I do.

Anyway, as I walk towards the prison room, I notice many empty cells. Perhaps she's in the deeper part of the room. I keep walking until I finally see her talking with another girl.

'Wait, there is someone here besides her? Who is th...' After seeing the other girl's face, I am stunned.

'How!? How can she be here!? Boa Hancock!!!'

I can't believe this is happening. Why is she here? If this ship is a slave trader, then why is it only her here? Where are her other two sisters? And how is this ship sailing through the calm belt in the first place?

'Is it possible that this is an alternate universe? Did old Xen send me to this AU, or is my entire existence changing a lot of things here?' I am very confused about the situation now.

[It looks more like an alternate universe in my opinion. If it is, then you don't need to think too much about it; something is bound to be different.]

"Vanze, you've finally arrived," Robin calls out to me.

'Sigh... Maybe... Let's just focus on rescuing them first.'

"Haha, of course. Sorry for making you wait, Robin." I open the cell door using the keys that I found before. I step in and start unlocking their handcuffs.

"And this lady, let me help you unlock it." Yep, just act like I don't know anything about her. Finally, both of the girls' arms are free.

"Thank you, Vanze," says Robin while moving her arms around after being freed.

"Um... Thank you..." Hancock says, avoiding eye contact with me.

'What's wrong with this Hancock? Am I ugly in her eyes that she won't make eye contact?' I, as a high human, feel insulted. I'm a handsome guy with purple eyes and greyish white hair, surpassing even Gojo himself.

"Vanze, this is my friend Hancock. She was also captured by those people not long ago." Woah, already on friendly terms? Women...

"Nice to meet you, Hancock." Yeah, this Hancock is weird. She only keeps her head low after giving me a nod. Did Robin say something bad about me that makes her act this way? Hmm, women love to gossip after all.

"Vanze, could you also unlock the shackles for that person?"

'Hmm? There is someone else besides them in here. Let's see...' I keep walking toward the other cell to get a better look, but I'm even more shocked to see this person.

All of his limbs are shackled to the wall, his eyes and mouth are also shut. But with big black wings, white hair, and even a little fire flickering on his back, I'll be damned if I don't know this race.

A lunarian...

A lunarian who is still very much alive, besides King, is now being chained right in front of me.

'Seele, now I'm convinced this world is an AU.'

"Let me help you get out, big guy." Huh... How can this guy be captured? With those people's strength, it's an impossible task.

I unlock his shackles one by one until he's finally free. But he drops down to his knees, looking very weak, and his fire in the back is also dimming after that.

"Dude, are you okay?" I ask him, but he just gives me a nod. Either he is too weak to answer or he's just that rude...

"Alright, let's go out and head back home. You guys can tell me what is happening after we arrive there." Yep, let's get out of this awful place. Oh, also, don't mind me taking the sea stone handcuffs.

"Okay, by the way, what happened to those scum above? Did you kill all of them?" As we walk out toward the deck, Robin asks about the situation with those people.

"No, I killed the one they called boss. The rest are still asleep for now after I released my Haoshoku Haki on them. I left them alive so that you can relieve your pent-up emotions on them." It will be Robin's first kill if we don't count the animals she used to fight.

"You... You also have Haoshoku Haki?" Hancock suddenly looks at me with a shocked expression on her face. Damn, she is pretty. Did she already eat the Mero-Mero no Mi that causes this visual effect on her?

"Fufu, I told you he is a powerful guy, Hancock." Robin giggles when she sees Hancock's reaction, and I just nod in response to Hancock's question.

After a short walk, we finally get out from the cabin, and the guys behind me can see a broken mast with a lot of people passing out on the deck floor.

"See? Feel free if you guys want to do the honor." I gesture to them to deal with the scum that's still alive. Let's see who will pull the trigger first.

"Hancock, you were also captured by them, so feel free if you want to kill the culprit." Robin asks Hancock first. Well, it looks like Hancock has been captured by them for a few days from the look on her face. The hatred is just overflowing now.

"Tsk, I don't see the one who is responsible for capturing me. Maybe he is already dead, trying to escape from the Kuja pirates." Hancock said after looking around for the one she hates the most. She seems like she doesn't even care about the rest.

"So... How about you, big guy?" I turn my head toward the lunarian. Now that I see him more clearly, he is indeed very tall. I'm already 160cm this year, but this dude is reaching 2m and looks a little bit older than me from his face.

He just shakes his head and continues to stare at me with his eyes. 'Please, stop it. Your race is cool, but I'm not into guys.'

[Haha, maybe he's into you, brother.]

'You naughty little shit, believe me or not, I will spank your ass if I can do it. I, as a brother, need to educate his sister well.'

[Heh, in your dreams, you perv.]

"Well, if no one is going to do it, let me do it. Treinta Fleur: Clutch." Suddenly, Robin uses her power to kill them. She sprouts thirty arms around their necks and then snaps them so hard, even the sound could be heard very clearly.

"That was fast and clean..." I say while observing Robin's current mood after she's done that. It looks like she is fine. Good.

"I'm not like someone who is always stabbing and punching the opponents until they die." She stares at me while saying that.

"Now that I've seen it, your Devil Fruit power is so convenient, Robin." Hancock says after seeing Robin's power.

"Your Devil Fruit is more powerful compared to mine, Hancock, especially toward men." Oi... Oi... Why are you looking at me like that, Robin?

"Alright, ladies, enough of the gossip for now. Please leave this ship because I will set it on fire. You too, big guy." Let's finish this quickly. They start walking off from the ship and heading toward my home with Robin as the guide.

I want to go home, and I also want to check the reward for this quest; it's something about the system if I remember it correctly. Hehe, I can't wait.



(Note: Dear readers, please leave a review about this fanfic, so I can learn how to make the story better along the way later with all your advice. Thankyou.)

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