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Chapter 3: Family

"Motherfucker!!" my inner Samuel was unleashed due to the pain this bloody system caused me.

The pain in my head lasted for a few minutes but it definitely felt like hours to me and by the end of this torture I was covered in sweat. Still I should be thankful that I did not blackout this time. Painful memories aside, pun intended, the information I got was truly worth the self-harm.

Surprisingly the manual was actually helpful. The system I got was really just a demo with only 5 functions, a very simple A.I, data storage, data analysis, information search and information upload. I was already an acquaintance with the artificial retard and the other functions basically store data through my senses, analyze said data, quickly search for information and upload that information in my brain.

I cannot become a genius overnight by reading books and acquiring skills. The system has many limitations on memory and processing. It takes time to analyze and upload data in the brain. It is faster than normal but still within the realm of possibility and without uploading the data to the brain it's just a very portable and convenient computer.

'Still it was better than nothing.' This was the only way I could comfort myself because who wouldn't want an OP system?

The manual also contained some basic information about this world. Apparently this was a parallel world with slight differences, nothing major meaning that I don't have to deal with stuff like narcissistic heroes and stupid villains. Also I was the only transmigrated individual in this world.

'Thank admin for small mercies and a moment of silence for my other compatriots who might have to deal with those problems in other worlds.' I got a small dose of happiness thinking about their miseries. I know I am a douchebag, sue me.

Now let's deal with the elephant in the room namely Alexander Stone's memories. Alexander was a very complicated man.

'Nah, Who am I kidding? He was an asshole through an through.' He was born in a rich and unexpectedly loving family but as soon as his mother died to cancer he degenerated into the worst kind of scum. It wasn't because of trauma or something, his mother just kept him on a tight leach which his father couldn't do due to his busy schedule.

He was involved in all kinds of scandals from fighting to drugs you name it and he had it on records. I am actually surprised that Cyrus didn't arrange for a car accident for this little shit. He didn't let go of a single chance to bring shame to his family and you don't do that to family.

'Now I have to deal with all the mess this guy caused. I am having migraine just thinking about it.'

"Hey you fucking admin, how is this a perk of transmigration? This is clearly a death sentence." I shouted at the top of my lungs to let out all my frustrations.

A knock on the door was what brought me out of my self-misery.

"Come in." I answered on reflex but then I panicked thinning that Cyrus was back. I quickly composed myself and prepared to face what's coming.

"Sir, everyone is waiting for you at the dinner table." I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard the voice. It was our housekeeper Mr. Alfred Pennyworth and no, he does not work at Wayne manner.

"I will be down there shortly." I replied and quickly went into the bathroom. I washed the blood from my face, changed my clothes and made my way to the dinner table.

'Let's get this over with.' I was thinking of different excuses to get away with the situation but this fucker had already used all the excuses I could think of.

I made my way to the dinner table where Cyrus was waiting with his two other sons Benjamin and Jonathan. The atmosphere at the dinner table was extremely solemn.

I sat down at the end of the table waiting for the food to be served. I realized that I was extremely hungry because I haven't eaten anything since last night and breakfast was settled with the slaps Cyrus fed me. So food was more important than figuring out the solutions for Alexander's daddy issues.

I was about to take the first bite of my food when Cyrus's voice interrupted me mid-bite.

"Don't you have anything to say?"

'Of course, he couldn't wait till I had my dinner.' I looked at the fork and reluctantly put it down.

"I am sorry father. I know I committed some mistakes and I realize that I was never a good son but can you give me another chance to rectify my mistakes. I promise that I will change myself into a better person."

There was once again silence in the room as everyone was looking at me with eyes open. I guess they were expecting some excuses and arguments but I am better than that. I knew that Alexander has already tried all of that so I decided to throw a curveball. It's totally not because I was afraid of another beating from Cyrus, not at all.

"Alex are you listening to yourself? It's not the first time you have made a mess and you expect us to believe you once again. Based on what?" Jonathan jumped into the discussion out of nowhere.

"Based on the fact that I am apologizing. Doesn't this mean that I am trying to change myself." Jonathan never got along with Alexander so I was expecting that.

"It could be your new trick to get away from this and in no time you will be back to your old self."

"I know Jonny that you don't like me but everyone has a right to second chances." I sounded so hurt and disappointed that even I was starting to believe myself. I never knew that I had such a talent in acting.

"Your act is impressive Alex but I can see you smirking at nailing down the performance." Jonathan looked at me dead in the eye and said in a bland tone.

'I was so close at losing control and killing this damn bastard. He ruined my Oscar worthy performance.'

"If you are trying to get on my nerves Jonny then you are succeeding spectacularly." If I let this bastard continue then he will create a disaster for me.

"Ok you two don't start a fight here. Alex, Jonny's concerns are valid and Jonny you need to stop baiting Alex into a fight." Benjamin the eldest brother stepped in before we could start a verbal fight. Ben is the most ideal son and brother anyone could ask for. He is always trying to protect Alex and he is half the reason Alex was so spoiled. However right now he is my angel.

"You know I am so disappointed in you that I was considering disowning you." Cyrus suddenly spoke and dropped a bomb.

To be honest I was not too much concerned about this in fact I felt a little relieved. At this moment I realized that I was under too much pressure due my sudden transmigration in this mess. I was a self-made man in my previous life so I can figure something out for this life too and I also don't have to deal with my sudden family. Sure not being rich sucks but it may be the best outcome for me.

"Father I think…" Benjamin tried to speak on my behalf but Cyrus stopped him mid-sentence with a hand gesture.

"After your mother's death I was not able to give you the care that she gave you so I always felt that somehow it was my fault that you turned out this way." Cyrus continued speaking oblivious to my enlightenment moment.

"Father I can understand your feelings but it was not your fault but mine. If you want to disown me I will accept your decision." Since I was already enlightened I decided to get disowned and live a normal life. I was already feeling light but maybe it was due to hunger.

Cyrus stopped talking and kept looking me in the eyes as if trying to read my thoughts.


'But, but what?' I have a bad feeling.

"Your earlier statement of second chances got me thinking that maybe I was being too harsh on you and you really deserve a second chance."

'Huh! My performance really got through him?' I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Since you want a second chance I will give it to you and you have to prove that my decision today was a correct one." Cyrus stopped talking and took out his chequebook, wrote a cheque and handed me that cheque.

While I was looking bewildered at the cheque of 10 million Cyrus handed to me, Cyrus' voice forcefully brought me back to the reality.

"This 10 million will be considered a loan which I have given to you with a repayment period of three years and you can choose a small company under my name which will also be transferred to your name. You must move out of this mansion, live on your own and earn your own money." Cyrus spoke so much at once but I was still stuck on the loan repayment time of three years.

"In these three years do not expect any kind of help from either me or your brothers. You will be all on your own. You can think about your decision and give me an answer tomorrow and if you don't take this chance then you will face the lawsuit of the assault by without my or Trident Group's help, all by yourself." When he stopped talking, I realized that I had no other choice. He got me good and I was helpless. If I don't take his offer I have to go to jail.

"...…I will give you an answer tomorrow." I replied in a low defeated voice and turned my attention back to the plate. The food looked appetizing but I was not able to enjoy it properly because of my low mood.

I ate my dinner in complete silence and went back to my room. I lay in my bed and started thinking about my options and before I know it I slipped into the dreamland.

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