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Chapter 3: Hospital

Olivia and her beloved Frank were supposed to be able to come with five hundred thousand dollars within five months, but suddenly there was no Frank and Olivia shouldered a debt of five hundred thousand dollars alone.

Even in a thousand years, Olivia would have never imagined Frank to be so callous.

What an asshole…

Olivia bit her lip as a tear found it's way down her cheek.

Olivia wiped her eye immediately. She had gone through many things in life and she had learned not to cry over the years.

But now, all the years of self teaching seemed to go to waste because she could certainly not hold back the hot tears that couldn't wait to stream her face.

Olivia picked her purse and walked out of King's dinner.

At the exit, Her phone beeped and she picked it up.

She saw a video and she tapped it.

Oh my goodness! Is that Joe!?

Olivia could not believe that the battered and beaten boy that was in that video was her seventeen year old brother.

In the video, Joe was surrounded by five men who were smoking. One of the men brought out a gun and pointed it at the camera. He then changed it's focus to joe's head.

Joe was kneeling and blood was flowing out of his mouth.

No! No! No!

Olivia muttered exasperated as her hands shook endlessly.


The man pulled the trigger. But the bullet wasn't shot.

The man laughed at the camera, putting a set of brown teeth on display.

The man spoke sluggishly like a drunk. He was lucky, there was no bullet. But would such luck repeat itself next time?

The man laughed again and turned off the camera.

Olivia slowly returned her phone back to her purse as her hands shook vigorously.

She suddenly remembered the message Joe sent her when she was in the cab.

I guess it was really urgent after all.

Olivia trudged into the rain absent minded.

Olivia wasn't sure if she was crying or if it was the rain that had gotten into her eyes. But she knew that Liquid was streaming off her eyes.


Oh my…what happened to you!?

Evelyn was instantly alarmed the moment she saw a wet and crying Olivia enter the house.

Olivia had left her house excited and buzzing with life. But now, she was as cold as ice and she looked uninterested in life or whatever she had to face next.

He doesn't need me anymore…

Olivia muttered bed suddenly bawling loudly and wailing like a child.

She didn't know the exact reason she was crying. Whether it was because of Joe, Her giant debt, her lost relationship, the wasted five years of her life or the painful rejection by her boyfriend. Olivia didn't know, All she knew was that she was crying, probably crying for the sad turn her life had taken in the last ten years.

I suppose you've heard about Joe? Evelyn asked when Olivia calmed a little.

Olivia's eyes suddenly looked sharp and petrified. Where is he? Did they kidnap him!?

Joe was her little brother and the only family she had left. She had no knowledge of her extended family and they didn't bother to come for her or her brother. She had been the only one for him all this time and slowly, over the years, a very strong feeling to protect him had developed in her.

But now, his life was in grave danger and she couldn't do anything about it.

Relax. Evelyn rubbed Olivia's palm gently. He wasn't kidnapped But he is terribly injured.

Olivia suddenly stood up. Where is he right now?

Evelyn sighed. A thousand lives hospital.

Olivia immediately dashed out. A thousand lives was not too far from her house. She could get there in ten minutes. She changed into a slim dress that clung tightly to her body. But she didn't seem to notice this in her extreme distress.

Joe, please be safe. Olivia murmured as she walked into an alley, hoping to take a short course to the hospital.

Hey there, pretty. What's up?

Hearing this voice and the manner which this person spoke, Olivia knew she was in trouble.

This was definitely a street urchin.

Olivia hurried her steps. Please…I'm in a hurry, maybe later.

The street urchin tried to grope her. Yeah, I'm in a hurry too, In a hurry to rip that dress off your back.

As he spoke, he kicked his lips In a disgusting manner.

Olivia took a few irritated steps backwards and away from this dirty and uncultured hooligan.

The street urchin looked a bit upset. Hey, don't try to get away from me, I don't bite.

The street urchin flashed a dirty smile that almost made Olivia puke.

As he spoke, He brought his mouth close to Olivia's face and Olivia shrank back in horror.

She instinctively slapped his face. You smell!

Olivia tried to run but the street urchin grabbed her and pulled her back.

You wench! How dare you hit me!?

He raised his hand to slap Olivia.

Olivia saw the palm and her hand skipped a beat. Her main fear didn't lie with the damage the slap would cause to her, But with the dirtiness and odour that followed the hand about.

A second later, And Olivia had closed her eyes and waiting for the slap to color her pretty face red.

olivia opened her eyes only to see a tall figure in front of her, holding the Street urchin's hand and stopping him from slapping her.

W..who the f*ck are you!? The street urchin bellowed angrily.

He was also slightly scared and i showed in his voice. He picked Olivia because she was in an alley and no one could see her. But now, someone had come to her rescue and that meant that something had changed

The street urchin shouted maniacally at the tall young man wh only kneed his stomach in reply.

The hooligan groaned and hell knelt down in pain.

The young man towered over the kneeling hooligan. You're pretty disgusting, picking on ladies like that.

The young man kicked his head and he passed out immediately.

The young man turned to Olivia. Hi, I'm scott.

Olivia forced a smile. I'm olivia.

Scott noticed her countenance and he judged that she was in some kind of distress. You seem to be in a hurry, Do you mid if I tag along?

Olivia shrugged. If you wish to, then I don't mind.

Olivia suddenly wondered why she didn't take a taxi.

But in reality, Olivia really minded a lot. Scott was a total stranger and she certainly didnt need a stranger following her to the hospital to meet her brother.

What if I'm going to somewhere far from here? Olivia asked scott as they walked through the alley.

Scott smiled. You aren't going far though, You are not dressed like someone who's crossing the distance.

Olivia's attention went to her clothes and she felt embarrassed. Olivia's mind was clouded with thoughts of Joe so she didn't say anything more as she walked.

They got to the Hospital shortly. Olivia spoke to the first person that looked like she could answer her question.

I'm looking for Joe Neron, He was brought here a few hours ago.

The nurse smiled. Just a minute. She immediately checked a list that was lying on the counter.

In a few seconds, She refocused on Scott and Olivia.

He's in private ward six. As she spoke, She showed directions to her listeners.

Olivia turned to move but she bumped into someone.

Oh...He followed me, That's right.

Olivia had totally forgotten about the presence of Scott.

Olivia had an apologetic look on her face. I'm really sorry, It just skipped my mind that you were here.

scott smiled. It's okay, I understand. Let's go see...Your brother, I assume?

Olivia nodded her answer.

Scott walked forward. Olivia smiled. What a gentleman...

Olivia's thoughts stopped at that. She was in no mood to further them. If she forced herself to keep thinkig about him, She would only end up irritating herself.

This place's empty...

The empty room scared Olivia.

Was Joe dead? So he was moved out of his room?

Without even confirmig her fears, Olivia was about to start crying when Scott grabbed her hand.

Olivia raised up her head slowly to meet the gaze of Scott. Stay calm, Crying would only do more harm than good. besides, No one said you brother is missing.

Olivia quicly wiped her eyes. She didn't know what had come over her today. In the past, No matter what happened, Olivia would never cry. But today, She had aready cried more than she had cried in the past three years.

Olivia found herself obeying Scott and she followed him out of the hospital room.

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