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Jean just stood there staring at his retreating form in a daze, she wondered what was going through his head. One minute he was breaking up with her and the next he was hugging her. she didn't know what to make of it, she felt complicated right now, he was complicated.

"Miss jean" the chauffeur called to her "let me walk you home, it's getting cold"

She turned to him and finally had a better looked at him, the chauffeur was a man in his mid 20's he wore a black long coat over a black hoodie and black ripped jeans, he had on black leather gloves, black sneakers and a black face cap. He wasn't dressed like a chauffeur and was definitely not giving off the aura of a one instead he gave off the aura of a paid assassin, if he wasn't with Scott she would have mistaken him for one


"Ah- y-yes"

She walked past him out of the alley and on to the noisy street that led to her apartment while the chauffeur trailed behind her.


Scott followed the sent he picked up from the shadow figures he saw at the alley to an open deserted neighborhood. The neighborhood looked old and abandoned, the houses were worn down by rain and sun, the walls were covered in moss and the yards were over grown, it looked like nobody had lived here for years

Scott took in his surrounding as this was where the scent stopped, he knew this was a trap which was funny to him because if anything they were the ones who were trapped, he wasn't the next heir to the throne of Dragonor by passing his older siblings nor was he rumored to be the devil incarnate for nothing. He was twenty-five years old and in the supernatural realm that was an infants age. But he has accomplished more in the short time he's walked the realms than any of those old fools who'd walked it for thousands. He was a prodigy a force to be reckoned with

"sigh....are you going to come out or do you want to keep playing hide and seek" Scott said loud enough for whatever was hiding in the shadows to hear him. Just then the lights from the two remaining lamp post in the area suddenly went out and he could hear hissing in the background and then the creatures slowly came out of hiding, the creatures had a humanoid figures but with a tail protruding out from their behinds they had dark green reptilian scale all over their bodies and yellowish slit eyes, they had spikes protruding from the back of their necks down to the end of their prehensile tail they were KANIBAS

"seriously. A kaniba, Of every creature out there they sent me the lore's lap dogs" the kanibas hissed as a response to Scott's taunt .Scott was disappointed to say the least he needed something to vent on after his fight with jean. The kaniba was a lizard like shape shifter creatures created by a mutation in lycanthropy. They were creatures of vengeance who always seek out a master to do their bidding hence why he called them the lore's lap dogs.

They were at least five kanibas in total which didn't make sense because the kanibas weren't pack creatures, it was only one kaniba per master. they were very territorial creatures they wouldn't share a master. "Who sent you?" Scott asked He didn't expect an answer considering they couldn't talk in their beast forms only follow orders, he would have considered beating them back to their human forms and then interrogate them but the thing was they wouldn't even remember they were shifters in the first place. Kanibas were confused creatures as they don't know who or what they were which gave them a weakness, their own reflection, pathetic if you ask him

"Are your masters such cowards that they couldn't face me themselves, pathetic" Scott spat out with a sneer. His words seemed to trigger the kanibas as they launched at him. He wasn't fazed instead he took a battle stance and drew out his sharp claws

When the first kaniba got to him he immediately grabbed it by the neck and dug his sharp talons into its throat and placing his other hand on its face he held its head in place while he ripped out the throat of the kaniba and it became limb immediately "one down four more to go" Scott said dropping the dead kaniba to side. The remaining four kanibas on seeing one of their kind dead came at him with even more vigor "yes come at me with everything you've got"

Scott had a crazy twinkle in his eyes when they started attacking him vehemently from all sides. A kaniba came at him swinging it's claws at his face and stomach he skillfully dodged the attack then swiftly turned and gave it a back kick on its gut sending the kaniba flying and crashing into one of the old buildings, two kanibas came at him on either sides trying to use their tails to strike him down, he quickly dodge their attack then grabbed each by its tail and then swung them towards each other, letting their bodies collided with so much force their spine broke, Scott smirked when he heard the sounds of their bones cracking but that wouldn't kill them. Kanibas had a fast regeneration that was even better than most shifters they also had venomous claws and prehensile tails that could cause paralysis. He was just playing with these kanibas using them as a way to relieve himself after a stressful day. On seeing the opening the fourth kaniba quickly launched at him, Scott sensed it on time and quickly step to the side avoiding it from pinning him to the ground, the kaniba crashed to the ground so hard debris rose in the air but it quickly recovered and went for second attack, it swung it's tail at Scott and Scott took a step back trying to avoid it but it still managed to tear through his long black coat and grazed his left arm with the pointy tip of it's prehensile tail, the kaniba quickly drew back waiting for its venom to kick in. Scott could see the smug look that appeared on the creatures thick scaly face. He lifted his left arm to looked at his coat and saw a tear on the sleeve about six inches long and the area around there revealed his skin and he saw the cut mark which had already began to heal and within two seconds his skin was as good as new, " sigh...… this was my favorite coat, Guess This is what I get for thinking we could have some fun" he dropped his hand and looked back up at the kaniba who was still waiting for its venom to kick in, by then the two kanibas that he had smashed into each other and the other one he had kicked into the building had recovered and were now circling him "well now playtime is over"

Scott attacked the kaniba that had grazed him first, he grabbed it by the neck and then punched it several times on the face till its face was disfigured he placed his hand on the it's head and said "and to answer your unspoken question, your venom doesn't work on me" and then he ripped the kaniba's head off its body. Blood gushed out staining his face and coat "tsk! So Messy" he threw the head and body in different directions

He turned to the other three kanibas and asked "who's next" the three remaining kanibas launched at him at once, clawing, kicking, swinging their tails at him but he dodge everything skillfully and retaliate with his own attacks which they couldn't dodge because he was too fast, he tackled a kaniba to the floor and then stepped on its tail ruthlessly and with so much force he severed the tail from it's root, the tail began to twitch, and the kaniba screeched, its agonizing cries echoed in the dark starless night, Scott soon put an end to its misery by crushing its skull with the sole of his shoe the kaniba died but the tail was still twitching.

The remaining two kanibas came at him with even more vigor. He grabbed one of them by the head and smashed it so hard to the concrete ground it caused debris to up into the air and left a dent around the area its head was slammed into Scott then swiftly stuck his hand into its chest and crushed its heart. He turned just in time to punch the other kaniba that wanted to attack him from behind, the punch sent it flying into one of the abandoned buildings Scott followed it into the building and before it could lunch at him again he punched it again sending it flying through the wall and into another building he went after it and then punched it again sending flying into another building he followed the kaniba into the building again but before he punched it this time Scott placed his left hand on the its shoulder keeping it in place then he began to punch it with his other hand. once, twice, seven times, he continued to punch it so many times before he drew his fist back and punched it one last time with so much force his fist went into its chest and knocked the kaniba's heart out through its back. Scott pulled out his bloody hand from the kaniba's chest and finally removed his left hand from it's shoulder letting it fall. Scott stood there for a while among the debris of the building. His hair disheveled with some coming to hover above his eyes he was waiting for his ride. Not long after he heard sound of a car engine from the distance that was heading his way.

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