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Chapter 2: The Story of a Has Been Villainess Part 1

Miyandrel Celeste and I sit across from each other, an ornate table dividing us in the dimly lit room. The morning light spills through the open window, casting a gentle glow on the intricately carved wooden furniture and the tapestries that adorn the stone walls. The air carries the scent of fresh air, blending with the faint flicker of candlelight.

The room, though vast and imposing, feels suffused with an air of anticipation in the morning sunlight. I can't help but wonder what business has brought me to this medieval equivalent of an office, where the affairs of the lord unfold. The high-backed chair I occupy is both comfortable and formidable, echoing the authority that permeates this chamber.

How nice of Miyandrel to let me sit here, while she sits in the guest chair… It is a good distraction, but I am not in any way distracted…

Miyandrel Celeste, adorned in regal attire, gazes at me with a keen intensity as the morning sun paints her face with warmth. She's 27, with hair the color of sun-kissed gold, eyes as deep and elusive as the cerulean sea, and a figure that effortlessly captivates any onlooker.

She doesn't know that she exists within a novel, but I do.

I also know Miyandrel's story of the war crimes she has committed, and how unfair she thinks her life has turned out. The only reason she is pretending to be my cousin, and why she is here in the backwaters territory of my household is because she is on the run and she needs a refuge. I am a side character who has graduated to the epilogue of the story, and that's why I know… There is no way in hell I am gonna get pulled into some trouble.

That's why, with intent, I must get away from her, and most importantly discourage her from what she plans to do with me.

Mia leans in, her voice carrying a subtle, teasing tone. "You're a fascinating creature, Randel."

"I want you out of my Estate," I retort, my tone firm and resolute.

Mia chuckles softly. "You cannot. I've done the paperwork. The people also love me… You sure don't want them to set loose, don't you? That will be troublesome even with someone whose Destiny is as thick as yours." She adds, implicitly flirting, "Get it? Thick?"

I sigh inwardly, knowing Miyandrel's tendency for odd humor. Miyandrel in the novel always has a weird sense of humor. "I don't know this talk about destiny, but I am aware that Fatemancers are well-known schemers, liars, and profiteers. That's why in this time and age, no one ever goes big in doing business in Fortune Telling."

"Ouch…" Mia's tone softens as she seductively poses, her gaze fixed on me in a way that makes it clear she's not ready to give up her pursuit just yet.

Miyandrel, Mia, or whatever… Sigh…

I find myself growing increasingly annoyed by Miyandrel's persistent attempts at seduction. It's as if she's orchestrated everything, even the arrangements from last night, with the intention of getting me into her bed. The guilt gnaws at me because, according to the epilogue of the novel this world is based on, Miyandrel is supposed to remain a virgin. I'm just a side character, and the last thing I want is to be entangled in the romantic escapades of the main cast.

Her alluring gestures and suggestive comments create an uncomfortable tension in the air, and I can't shake the feeling that I'm being dragged into a plotline that isn't mine to explore. As she continues her advances, I resist the temptation, reminding myself that my role in this story is not to play a part in Miyandrel's romantic subplot. "And here I thought the epilogue is the end of it… I forgot the possibility of side stories…" I murmur to myself.

Mia's voice takes on a seductive tone, "I will be obedient… Make me your wife. I will do anything you want." Her eyes flirtatiously meet mine.

"Are you that desperate?" I question, trying to maintain a level-headed demeanor.

"Yes," she admits without hesitation.

"That's very honest of you," I remark, inwardly noting just how desperate she truly is. Almost the rest of the world wants her dead, so I think I understand her, but no! "How can I even help you? I am just some distant baron heir in the boonies."

Mia smirks, a sly smile playing on her lips. "It's because you are the best camouflage I can ask for." She leans in, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "I cannot read your Destiny because it is quite strong, but I saw glimpses… though only glimpses, there is quite a sustainable amount of information. For example, I am aware that you have an insane obsession over normality to the point that it is scary." She adds, awkwardly embarrassed, her admission hanging in the air between us.

In the world of Magnus, where magic saturates every corner and people called Sorcerers command mystical forces at their fingertips, Miyandrel Celeste stands as a top graduate of the prestigious Sorcerer Academy. Her proficiency in wielding magic is renowned, and her name echoes through the corridors of power.

I, too, was once a student at the same academy, but the allure of magical prowess quickly lost its charm for me. I dropped out swiftly, unwilling to be drawn into the convoluted plotlines that seemed to define the lives of those around me. My reluctance to embrace the magical destiny— the transmigration— is quite evident for all to see.

Top of Form

I also went to the same Academy, but I quickly dropped out after I realized what was happening— I really didn't want to get involved in the plot! In a sense, Miyandrel is right that I have an obsession with normality.

I lean forward, my tone cold and calculated. "Camouflage? Me? Elaborate," I demand, suppressing any hint of warmth in my words. Emulating Randel's demeanor is essential, even if it makes me come across as abrasive—an unfortunate but necessary resemblance to my own tendencies.

Mia, slightly taken aback by my coldness, gathers herself and responds, her voice tinged with melancholy. "My ambition of coming here in the boonies is to fade into obscurity," she admits. "It seems that our goals align somehow. You wish to lead a normal life, detached from the conflicts of the world. But conflict will always follow you," she observes keenly, her eyes assessing.

I narrow my eyes at Mia, wary of the tempting offer she presents. "What partnership do you have in mind?" I press, my skepticism cutting through the air.

Mia, wearing a conspiratorial grin, begins to outline her proposal. "I can see that you are strong through my Fate Eyes, strong as me even. Thus, I can acknowledge you as my equal," she says, her words carrying a certain weight. "I can do a lot of things for you. Besides warming your bed, I can also serve as your decoy, your tool. When trouble comes your way, I will stand in the spotlight to deal with it while you remain behind the scenes. You will never be disturbed living your normal life. If it really comes to the worst-case scenario, you can just flee for yourself and leave me."

My skepticism deepens at the seemingly generous offer. "And how do you become obscure when you stand in the spotlight? And your offer sounds too good to be true… You are begging me to freeload off your hard work."

Mia dismisses my concerns with a casual wave of her hand. "Well, it is your house," she says nonchalantly. "Though I have dealt with the paperwork and bribed the correct people, it is still your house."

"Why not just kill me?" I pose the question, a hint of challenge in my voice, ready to confront the darker possibilities that might lurk beneath Mia's proposal.

She's momentarily speechless, caught off guard by the bluntness of my inquiry. "That didn't cross your mind. Wow, unexpected," I note, a wry smile playing on my lips. "Or… Hmmm… Let me guess, you simulated the future using your Fate Magic, and there are many instances where you come out 'losing' from meeting me."

Mia's silence confirms my suspicion, and I continue, revealing my own plans. "I will be honest, I don't mind leaving you the Estate. For a fact, I am planning to just move on, find a village, and start farming."

She pleads with me not to leave. "No, don't go away… I will be losing lots… Do you know how merchants think, right? When they get five gold pieces instead of ten, they will think they lost five gold pieces, instead of being satisfied with just five… You leaving will have the same results for me."

I frown, my skepticism deepening. "What do you want me for, exactly?"

Mia drops a bombshell, her words hanging in the air. "I want to bear your child!"

My frustration boils over, and I respond with unfiltered honesty. "You are thirsty, lady! I don't want to get involved with you in any way, so fuck no, I don't want you to bear my child. I want a normal wife!"

Mia, undeterred, insists, "I can be normal!"

"You are not convincing," I retort, my patience waning.

"We are going to create a Hero-Class offspring!" she declares with enthusiasm.

"Fuuuck… You used prophecy magic to see how you could produce a powerful offspring. You monstrous freaky ambitious bitch!" My filter is off, and my real persona begins to surface. "You are a villainess through and through… That's why you are here, right? To ambush me? Fuck nuts. I don't even know you on a personal level! You stalker pervert!"

Mia vehemently denies the accusation, but I'm not buying it. "I am not a stalker!" she protests.

"Sure, that's what a stalker would say," I scoff, the tension in the room escalating as the true nature of our interaction becomes increasingly clear.

The revelation hits me like a bolt of lightning – Mia's intention is to bear my child, not for the sake of a normal family but with the ambition of creating a Hero-Class offspring. The theory, well-known in sorcerer circles, suggests that the union of two uniquely powerful sorcerers can produce a child with illogical, monstrous abilities, a Hero-Class. It's the kind of legacy that leaves an indelible mark on history.

Aware of this theory, I recoil at the realization that Mia has used her formidable powers in prophecy magic to peer into the future, attempting to engineer the birth of a child with extraordinary potential. It's a manipulative move, one that bypasses the randomness of such occurrences, and it dawns on me that Miyandrel is capable of stalking me through time. The thought is both embarrassing and undeniably creepy.

Basically what Mia did is to peer through time and check a future where she produces a powerful offspring… That requires insane hard work! I cannot believe it!

Mia insists, "I can be normal!"

"Your scheming ain't normal, miss! You crazy psycho!" I retort, frustration and anger bubbling to the surface.

"Yeah, I admit it, I used prophecy magic, and I have ambitions, but fuck you!" she snaps back defiantly.

"Yeah, fuck me! I am going!" I declare, standing up with the intention of storming off, frustration propelling me forward.

"You can't!" Mia protests, her tone desperate.

"Of course I can! I am freaking free, bitch!" I exclaim, flipping her the bird as I assert my independence.

Mia, however, drops a bombshell. "You abusive bastard! I am already pregnant!" She stands up, her cheeks flushed with anger and tears streaming down her face, a volatile mix of emotions filling the room. The revelation freezes me in my tracks, the weight of the situation hitting me with an unexpected force.

What the fuck!? The revelation hangs in the air like an ominous storm cloud—Mia is pregnant. We did it only one time, and she's pregnant! The weight of the situation crashes over me, and I curse the effects of that one night of drunken folly. If only I weren't intoxicated, and if only I had been more cautious. I hate being drunk, fuuuck!

My mind races, contemplating my options. If I were a villain, a true monster, I might opt for an abortion. But I'm not that heartless, and the thought of taking such a drastic step repulses me. How about I leave now? I can abandon her, and sever ties, but I know 'Destiny' will screw me sideways if I did that. The concept of destiny, time, and the divines is not foreign to me—I am a Phantomancer, dealing in illusions and powered by the ethereal substance of 'Thoughts'. I may not be as diverse as time-dabbling sorcerers, but I possess a unique knowledge of the intricacies of fate.

My paranoia of getting involved in the 'story' is so strong that I dipped into the magic of stories. It's a complicated affair, but apparently, 'Tropes' hold a mystical nature that forces people in a certain direction of their destiny. I have prolonged my destiny as much as possible, and it is quickly firing back at me the instance I left my tower. Damn, I just wanted to return to civilization!

I don't know exactly what my 'Destiny' is, but as a 'Transmigrator,' an ominous awareness gnaws at the edges of my consciousness. Something out there is waiting to pounce on me—a character development, more tropes, and conflicts, undoubtedly. I don't want to get involved in a 'story,' and I want to be real. Only by being normal can I be real.

Since transmigrating into this world, something in my mind broke. The idea of living within a novel, being a mere puppet in someone else's narrative, has always filled me with a deep-seated hatred. I am a nihilist, a pessimist, and a total conspiracy whackjob. How do I deal with this mess I've found myself in? I got Miyandrel pregnant! Ugh…

It leaves me no choice. I have to Minato Namikaze my way out of this—sever ties by dying, disappear, play dead for the rest of my life. I just hope there is no Great Ninja War or its equivalent waiting for me in the future.

I approach Miyandrel with an air of arrogance, my gaze locked with hers. "I have decided," I declare, my tone firm. "I will allow you to be my wife. You and the child… I will allow both of you in my life. I will die protecting you both until I die…" The declaration hangs in the air, a commitment uttered with a sense of duty. "Do you understand?"

The woman in front of me, Mia, meekly nods.

My mind, however, is already racing with plans to play dead for the next following years (after dying of course to a miserable battle), perhaps even returning to my tower. Selfish as it may be, the desire for a normal life still tugs at the edges of my consciousness. "You better make good work on your end, because I still want a normal wife, and a normal life," I add, my selfishness laid bare. It's a proclamation that serves my interests, and in this convoluted world of magic and destiny, I'm determined to grasp onto whatever shreds of normality I can salvage.

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