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Chapter 13: The Dromastus Throws a Normal Birthday Party Part 2

In the softly lit playroom, I find my wife surrounded by our giggling twins, a sea of toys scattered around them like colorful confetti. The air is filled with the sweet laughter of innocence. I approach with a smile, my heart warmed by the sight. As I bend down to greet my little ones, I can't help but marvel at the joy they bring to our lives.

With a playful tone, I ask my wife, "Hey love, do you realize our birthdays are just around the corner? The 32nd day of Month End for me and the 1st day of Month An for you. Back to back celebrations."

I rub my hands with a smile like some shifty merchant, "So what do you think about cakes, balloons, and clowns?"

She looks up from the pile of toys, her eyes sparkling with affection for our children. "I was just thinking about that," she says, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "But you know, birthdays for a baron are a bit different here. It's not all about balloons, cakes, and clowns."

My excitement deflates like a balloon losing air. "What do you mean? I thought a celebration was a celebration."

She chuckles, "Oh, my dear baron, your past life's idea of a 'normal' birthday doesn't quite fit in our world. We need something grander, more befitting of our status."

I'm a bit puzzled, "Grand, how?" I mean, I know what she means, but there is this small part of me that just wants to set loose!

She rises, gracefully picking up one of our twins. "Think more along the lines of a regal feast, a gathering of nobles, music, and elegance. I am an imperial princess once; I should know better."

I nod, realizing my perception needs some adjusting. "Right, no clowns then?"

She laughs, "Definitely no clowns. Let's make it a celebration worthy of a baron and baroness. Something that befits your title."

I sit with my wife in the cozy study, contemplating the impending birthdays. "Love," she says, her gaze thoughtful, "you should be inviting the neighboring nobles. A grand celebration with the aristocracy."

I frown, realizing the practical challenges. "But there's only a week left, and even if I send invitations now, it'll take them ages to reach our remote territory. No noble would want to journey this far for a modest celebration."

The weight of potential loneliness settles in, memories of a decade in seclusion haunting me like ghostly echoes from the Tower of Mirage. "I don't want no one attending our birthdays," I admit, a hint of regret coloring my words.

She places a comforting hand on mine, her eyes reflecting understanding.

"Perhaps," I suggest, "we should just invite the people from our own territory. The Dromastus Territory has twelve satellite villages and the city. It might not be a grand affair, but at least it won't be an empty one."

My wife's eyes light up with a spark of inspiration. "What about a Generous Banquet? A feast that welcomes everyone, regardless of their status."

I smile, impressed by her quick thinking. "A Generous Banquet it is, then. As expected of a former princess, always thinking of ways to include everyone."

With that decision, the worry about an empty celebration dissipates. The prospect of a shared feast with the people of our territory brings a renewed sense of excitement to the upcoming birthdays. Yep, I must make this a tradition!

In the bustling courtyard of Dromas Barony, I spot one of the maids and order her to summon Fred. Soon, Fred comes to the courtyard, my trusted officer and number one errand runner. "Fred!" I beckon him over.

He quickly makes his way to me, a look of anticipation in his eyes. "You called, my lord?"

I nod, wasting no time. "Fred, I have a task for you. We're hosting a Generous Banquet for my upcoming birthday and my wife's. I need you to spread the word throughout the Dromas Territory. Make sure everyone knows."

Fred's eyes widen with surprise, a mix of shock and excitement evident on his face. "A Generous Banquet, my lord? That's quite an honor. I'll get right on it!"

I entrust him with the important task, knowing that Fred is not only my officer but also my attendant, capable of handling such responsibilities. "Make sure the news reaches every village, and that the city is prepared to host such event. We want everyone to feel welcome."

He salutes, a proud smile breaking through. "Consider it done, my lord. This will be a celebration to remember!"

With that, Fred hurries off to fulfill his duty, spreading the word of the upcoming Generous Banquet. I watch him go, confident that with his efficiency and dedication, the news will reach every corner of the territory, ensuring a festive atmosphere for our birthdays.

As I sit in my study, penning invitations to the villages for the Generous Banquet, Mia enters the room with a purposeful stride. My wife's presence signals an urgency that draws my attention away from the parchment.

"Husband," she begins, her expression carrying a mix of concern and responsibility, "there's a matter regarding the budget for the Generous Banquet."

I pause, my quill hovering above the paper. "What is it, Mia?"

She takes a deep breath, her eyes meeting mine. "The funds allocated may not be sufficient to feed the entire population of the Dromas Barony. Hosting such a grand celebration for the villages might lead us perilously close to financial strain."

I lean back, contemplating the predicament. A birthday party on the verge of bankruptcy is far from the celebration I envisioned. "What are our options, oh my dear smart and all powerful wife?"

She thinks for a moment before responding, "We could scale back the festivities, reduce the guest list, or make adjustments to the menu. However, even with these measures, a significant compromise would be necessary to avoid financial ruin."

I furrow my brows, determined not to let the Generous Banquet falter. "We can't let this celebration fail. Find a way to make it work, Mia. Be creative, but ensure we stay within our means."

"I am not all powerful… even with magic, I am severely limited! I just gave birth, so give me some slack…" Mia complains rather vocally. There is no helping that then.

With the ink drying on the invitations, I decide that the Generous Banquet must proceed, no matter the financial constraints.

"Mia," I declare, determination coloring my voice, "we will find a way to make this celebration happen. The Generous Banquet proceeds as planned."

Her eyes light up with a mixture of relief and resolve. "Very well, Ran. I'll make the necessary arrangements to ensure it's a memorable event for everyone."

As Mia sets off to carry out the preparations, I finish writing the letter and turn my attention to Fred who just arrived after an errand. "Fred, take this letter and travel to each of the 12 villages. Read it aloud to the people and let them know they are invited to the Generous Banquet."

He nods, taking the letter with a salute. "Consider it done, milord. I'll spread the word far and wide."

As Fred departs on his mission, I focus my energy on sorcery. I cast <Phantom Step>, swiftly reaching the roof of my mansion. From this vantage point, I extend the boundaries of my magical abilities, enlarging the <Phantom Barrier> that once covered my mansion to now envelop the entire Dromas City.

The city transforms into my Sorcery Domain, a realm where illusions can manifest endlessly. As the <Phantom Barrier> stretches across the streets and buildings, I sense the mystical energy weaving through every corner of the city. It's a display of power that sets the stage for the grand celebration to come.

With the Generous Banquet invitations sent and my Sorcery Domain established, I await the arrival of the villages and the festivities that will unfold under the illusionary enchantment of the Dromas City.

The much-anticipated day has arrived, and the gates of the Dromas Barony territory swing open at the early hour of six o'clock in the morning. As the villagers enter, they are greeted by the guards who offer them ice-cold, delicious, bubbling, and fizzling soft drinks – a refreshing surprise that immediately piques their interest.

The villagers, initially doubtful, exchange glances but accept the drinks graciously. As they step further into the territory, they are met with a sight beyond their expectations. Families scattered across the open spaces, each feasting as if it were a lord's banquet. The air is filled with the aroma of mouth-watering dishes, and the pathways are lined with tables groaning under the weight of sumptuous meals.

Every villager walking through the territory is awestruck by the abundance before them. Food overflows from tables, and the generosity of the Generous Banquet becomes evident. The doubts that lingered in their minds dissipate, replaced by wide-eyed wonder at the lavish spread laid out before them. The celebration has begun, and the people of the Dromas Barony are treated to a feast that exceeds their wildest expectations.

Seated in our ornate thrones inside the mansion, my wife and I await the arrival of the village elder leading his folk. Our twin babies, their eyes wide with curiosity, look around from their cribs, absorbing the spectacle unfolding before them.

As the elder and his group enter, their eyes widen in awe at the sight of the banquet laid out before them. The tables groan under the weight of delicious-looking food, a spread fit… not just for any noble… but for royalty!

The village elder, his face a mix of reverence and humility, steps forward. "My Lord, we come with no tribute this time. The harvest has not been kind to us."

I smile, gesturing for him to approach. "It's quite alright. The Generous Banquet is meant to be a celebration for all. You need not bring tribute."

He bows slightly, relief evident in his eyes. "Thank you, Milord. In place of tribute, I offer my granddaughter to work for your house."

I consider his offer for a moment. "If she chooses to work for us, she will be treated with respect and receive fair wages. You have my word."

The village elder expresses gratitude, and I extend my generosity further. "Here, take this as well." I hand him a small pouch containing 'pocket money' for each villager. "Consider it a token of appreciation for joining us in the celebration."

I repeat the gesture as each villager approaches, ensuring they all receive a share. "This is for you and your community. Enjoy the festivities, and let this be a joyful occasion for all."

As the villagers disperse, their pockets a little heavier, I reflect on the fact that the money is the only tangible gift I'm providing. The bountiful feast and the illusions that fill the territory are a demonstration to the magic that creates an atmosphere of abundance.

The lively chatter of villagers fills the air inside my mansion, punctuated by exclamations of delight as they savor the delicious spread laid out before them. I observe discreetly, a sense of satisfaction washing over me as the illusion of culinary abundance works its magic.

Amidst the joyous ambiance, my wife leans in and whispers, "The food looks amazing, and they seem to be enjoying it thoroughly. Well done, my lord."

I smile, acknowledging her compliment. "Thank you, dear. I made sure to create a realistic illusion of satiety as well. We wouldn't want them to discover my sorcery, would we?"

She chuckles softly, nodding in agreement. "Indeed, it's best to keep our magical abilities as per… our agreement. But I must say, you've managed to showcase your skills without anyone suspecting a thing."

As the villagers relish slices of watermelon, indulge in ice cream, and marvel at a chocolate fountain, I can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment.

"I guess practicing magic in front of our subjects isn't so bad," I remark with a wry smile. "As long as they're happy and unaware of the sorcery at play."

My wife nods, sharing my sentiment. "Agreed."

After all, magic is for all— it is the belief that my wife has taken to heart as a 'character' from the novel. So I understand her in a sense.

As the day unfolds, more villagers, merchants, and outsiders flock to my territory, drawn by the revelry of the Generous Banquet. Laughter and lively conversations fill the air as people from various walks of life join the celebration.

Gifts of all kinds are presented to me—from the villagers who have come bearing local produce to the outsiders bringing unique treasures from distant lands. I graciously accept each offering, appreciating the spirit of generosity that permeates the occasion.

While I only distribute pocket money to my subjects, I welcome the outsiders with open arms, emphasizing the generosity that defines this celebration. The feast extends beyond my expectations, continuing not just for one day but spilling into the next.

In the midst of the festivities, Mia and I mark our 28th birthdays, surrounded by the joyous atmosphere we've cultivated. It's a party to remember, filled with merriment, lively conversations, and the freedom to let loose.

As the last echoes of celebration fade away, I reflect on the happiness shared during these days. The idea solidifies in my mind—this is not a one-time affair. With a sense of conviction, I declare, "Every birthday henceforth will be celebrated with a Generous Banquet!"

The decision is met with cheers and applause, affirming that the tradition will endure, bringing joy and camaraderie to the Dromas Barony year after year. The Generous Banquet, a celebration that transcends boundaries and welcomes all, becomes a cherished tradition in the heart of our vibrant territory.

Alfir Alfir

Sorry for the late update, here is a double chapter for today. I just want to add, their will be a lot of slice of life chapters following this chapter. The next action sequence chapter is chapter 19, and the MC is going to do something very drastic soon from their.

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