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Chapter 39: Chapter 39: That Soft Sensation Is…

In her dream, Tsunade found herself with her arms around Nawaki's neck, leaning in for a kiss. The softness of his lips was noticeable as she gently brushed and moistened them with hers. Nawaki reciprocated her kisses, his left hand tracing the contours of her body.

Lost in the moment, Tsunade continued kissing Nawaki, their lips parting and tongues intertwining. The kiss grew passionate, both of them exploring each other's mouths, when suddenly...


Tsunade, having fallen off the bed, looked around with a mix of confusion and realization.

She had been having another vivid dream about Nawaki.

'I must be going crazy...!' she thought to herself, feeling a sense of alarm at the intensity of her dreams.

Her feelings were becoming increasingly difficult to manage.

'Nawaki...' As she closed her eyes, an image of his smiling face appeared in her mind. The mere thought of his smile made her heart race.



Nawaki returned to the Senju Clan compound accompanied by Mikoto, Hikari, and Kushina.

On this day, Hikari had joined them, showing a keen interest in training as well.

Although her strength gains from consuming rabbit and sheep meat were modest, they were still significant considering her age and previous power level. She now possessed the physical prowess and pure energy typical of an Elite Chunin ninja.

Previously, Hikari's abilities were comparable to an average Chunin kunoichi, but her lack of combat experience was a drawback. A Chuunin with more experience could have had an advantage over her.

However, with her newfound strength, even without additional training, Hikari could potentially hold her own in a fight against an Elite Chunin.

Experience, or the lack thereof, can be crucial in ninja combat, as ninjas often rely on stealth and cunning rather than direct confrontation.

The Root Anbu that Nawaki had encountered didn't display much tactical ingenuity, mainly because their strategies were ineffective against him and Tsunade. They had tried various methods, including genjutsu, taijutsu, and ninjutsu, but failed in all aspects.

Their use of ninja tools and different types of explosive tags proved futile as well, as Nawaki and Tsunade continued their offensive despite these tactics.

Nawaki's mastery of the divine art of wind granted him an advantage in terms of speed.

Hikari, lacking the miraculous divine arts that Nawaki acquired in the hunting dimension, understood the importance of gaining experience. Training with Nawaki and the others would be immensely beneficial for her, particularly because Nawaki could simulate a wide array of ninja combat scenarios.

This diverse approach to training also broadened the scope of how Nawaki trained with Kushina and Mikoto. It wasn't sufficient for them to only adapt to fighting against him.

To this end, Nawaki had his shadow clones mimic various ninja types and techniques, allowing for a more comprehensive training experience. With his proficiency in almost every elemental style – Water, Fire, Lightning, Earth, Wind, Yang, and Yin – Nawaki could replicate a vast array of techniques.

The only abilities he lacked were Kekkei Genkai. Although he theorized he might be able to replicate them if he understood the principles behind them, he hadn't yet had the opportunity or particularly sought it out. His divine arts were in some ways superior to Kekkei Genkai, so he didn't feel a pressing need to pursue them.

After changing into more suitable attire for physical activity, they all proceeded to the training ground to begin their session with Nawaki's shadow clones.



In the evening, Nawaki invited the girls to dinner at his place before they all headed home.

There was still plenty of sheep meat left, and Nawaki thought it would be beneficial for them to eat more, potentially aiding in their strength development.

Once they had finished their meal, Nawaki made sure they used the bathroom before escorting them home.

Mikoto was the first to be dropped off. After saying goodbye to her, Nawaki accompanied Hikari to her house.

"Hikari, you'll come to celebrate my birthday on the 9th, right?" Nawaki inquired as they approached the entrance of the Hyuuga Clan's residence.

"Yes, I'd love to," Hikari responded, her head lowered slightly as she blushed.

"So, see you in the morning~" Nawaki said warmly, then did something unexpected as he neared Hikari.

As Hikari sensed Nawaki's presence closer, she felt a soft touch against her right cheek. The gentle sensation caught her off guard.

Before her mind could fully process the moment, Nawaki had already stepped back, leaving her to remember the softness that had just brushed her cheek.

Her face and neck flushed a deep red, and she felt lightheaded, almost on the verge of fainting. She touched her right cheek in disbelief, trying to grasp what had just occurred.

'Did I go too far?' Nawaki wondered, observing her reaction.

But then he saw her dazed yet happy smile, and he couldn't help but smile himself before departing.



Nawaki's shadow clone, nearing the Hidden Cloud Village, bore a seal concealed beneath the sleeve of its shirt.

This clone had assumed the appearance of one of the Root Anbu members previously sealed into a scroll.

With a cold, indifferent gaze, the clone was firmly focused on its objective for infiltrating the village.

Activating Dark Mist mode, it accelerated its pace, moving swiftly towards its destination.

If everything went according to plan, the clone was expected to arrive at the Hidden Cloud Village in just a few hours, well before the break of dawn.



After returning home, Nawaki entered his room to find Tsunade waiting for him. Tsunade's expression conveyed worry as she spoke: "Nawaki, she's from the Hyuuga clan. You could end up getting hurt, considering their tradition of not marrying outside the clan, especially with her talent..."

Though she hadn't witnessed anything, Tsunade's keen sense of smell detected Hikari's light fragrance on Nawaki. She surmised that something might have transpired between them.

Nawaki hesitated briefly before responding to Tsunade with a reassuring smile. "Mhm, don't worry. If everything goes according to my plan, none of that will matter."

Tsunade, accustomed to Nawaki's confident demeanor, chose not to press further.

She was aware of Nawaki's ambition to revive the Senju Clan. As the last male heir bearing the Senju name, he bore the responsibility of continuing the lineage.

However, Tsunade noticed a pattern in Nawaki's interactions. He didn't seek out other girls merely for their abilities but seemed to have genuine affection for them. This seemed particularly true in the cases of Hikari and Mikoto, where mutual affection was evident.

Many talented and beautiful kunoichi resided in the village, yet Nawaki seemed indifferent to them.

"As long as you're conscious of the risks, that's fine by me," Tsunade replied, deciding not to dwell on the matter any further.

Though Nawaki didn't elaborate, Tsunade had her suspicions about what he was planning.

"I'm off," Nawaki announced cheerfully, "With my strength slightly increased, I think I can create up to 500 shadow clones today."

"500 shadow clones…" Tsunade mused, recognizing that such a number was indicative of a chakra level comparable to some bijus.

Nawaki then lay down on his bed, and shortly after, he found himself at the portal where he could select which map to enter in the hunting dimension.

He opted for the second map.

Upon arriving at the familiar terrain, Nawaki immediately summoned 500 shadow clones. This time, he was determined to exert his full effort, aiming to collect as many orbs as possible.

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