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Chapter 41: Chapter 41: The Awakening of Mito's Fury

Nawaki described his encounter with a girl who bore a striking resemblance to the portraits of his Great-Uncle Tobirama. He detailed her characteristics – spiky white hair, red eyes, a strong affinity for water, and the sense of familiarity he experienced when his shadow clone approached her.

"How can that be possible?" Tsunade expressed her skepticism.

"I don't know, but she looks a lot like him," Nawaki replied. "I saved her from some ninjas who tried to... harm her. They called her Hana Senju. Whether it's true or not, I can't say, but it's quite a coincidence."

"What else did you find out?" Tsunade inquired, intrigued by the possibility of a connection to Tobirama Senju.

Nawaki recounted discovering the girl in a laboratory in the Hidden Cloud Village. She had escaped but was weakened from losing a lot of chakra and blood. His shadow clone, having just arrived in the village, witnessed her being chased. Observing her resemblance to Tobirama and hearing her called 'Hana Senju', Nawaki intervened, his shadow clone dispatching the attackers and rescuing the girl, who appeared to be around 15-16 years old.

Nawaki continued, "They planned to use her to breed a child for the village and raise her as a weapon, leveraging her Senju genetics."

"Bastards...!" Tsunade's anger flared at the revelation.

Nawaki's expression turned icy. "I was debating whether to release the Eight Tails in their village, but now... I have no more doubts. I'll do it. Just waiting for the right moment when the Blue B jinchūriki is alone."

"Do it," Tsunade agreed, equally unforgiving. The thought of the Hidden Cloud Village's inhumane actions, capturing a child and raising her as an experimental tool, was abhorrent to her.

Nawaki then decided to send additional shadow clones. "I'm not just going to break the seal. I have another idea, and if it works, things will get interesting."

With that, he created 30 shadow clones. Each adopting a different appearance, they entered Dark Mist mode and dispersed, each with their own mission.

"Bring this girl to the village," Tsunade declared firmly. "Even if she isn't Great-Uncle Tobirama's daughter, she carries the Senju name. If that's true, she has every right to live in the Leaf Village and stay at the Senju Complex."

"I think we should discuss this with Grandma Mito," Nawaki suggested. He wasn't concerned about Mito knowing his activities; she likely had already surmised some of it without needing to ask. Given her powerful sensory abilities, she might even detect his shadow clones entering Dark Mist mode.

"Mhm… Alright, let's talk to her," Tsunade agreed.

They left Nawaki's room and found Mito sitting in a rocking chair, gazing at the moon.

Mito looked at them with a gentle smile, sipping her steaming tea. "Pull up a chair and sit with your grandma for a while."

"Grandma Mito..." Tsunade began, taking a deep breath. "We have something important to discuss."

Mito's smile vanished as she stopped rocking and sat up attentively.

Nawaki took a seat and began to recount the events involving the girl and Danzo's actions, as well as his own plans. Opting for honesty, he chose not to withhold any details.

"This is risky. Are you sure about this?" Mito inquired, still not addressing the topic of Hana Senju.

"I'm prepared," Nawaki assured her, then demonstrated his Dark Mist mode.

As he vanished into the shadows, Mito stood up, surprised. Despite using her sensory abilities, she couldn't detect him. Initially, she thought her grandson was merely training with shadow clones, but this revelation indicated something far more advanced.

Nawaki reemerged from the shadows and asked, "What do you think, Grandma Mito?"

"I couldn't sense your presence until you stepped out of the shadows," Mito admitted, impressed.

Changing the subject, she mentioned Hana Senju. "This girl might indeed be a Senju." Mito recalled the past, remembering when Gin Senju died. "When Gin was killed, her abdomen was cut open. The fetus was only six months old, assumed dead in battle, but perhaps that wasn't the case..."

She regretted not investigating further, but they were at war, with other pressing matters, like retrieving Gin's body.

"I had no idea that happened..." Tsunade remarked, her voice reflecting her young age at the time of the incident.

"They're too cruel!" Nawaki exclaimed, his eyes blazing with anger.

"This is war, Nawaki. Such horrors are, sadly, not uncommon," Mito remarked with a weary sigh. She had seen and witnessed much during her time.

"Grandma, there's more," Nawaki continued. "They also have plans against the Uzumaki."

Nawaki then briefed her on the intelligence gathered by his shadow clones.

Despite his initial reluctance to discuss the hunting dimension, Nawaki decided that sharing this information with Grandma Mito wouldn't pose too much of a problem. He trusted her, knowing she deeply cared about both him and Tsunade, so he deemed it beneficial for her to be aware of these matters.

Nawaki revealed to Mito their knowledge of the plan to unite against Uzushiogakure with the intent to annihilate the Uzumaki clan.

"These bastards!" Mito's anger flared for the first time: "Do they want to die that much?"

Her chair shattered as the ground beneath them began to tremble, cracks forming across the floor. Nawaki was taken aback by her reaction.

Even Tsunade, known for her own formidable strength, was stunned by the intensity of Mito's power. Chains emerged from Mito's back, menacingly dancing in the air.

'No wonder the other villages fear Grandma...' Nawaki realized, awestruck by her overwhelming power.

The Third Hokage, elsewhere in the village, was on high alert. He hadn't seen Mito this furious since the death of Hashirama Senju. Her power caused the entire village to tremble, sending a wave of fear through its ninjas.

Danzo, hidden away, felt a surge of fear, mistakenly thinking Mito might have discovered his actions. He dared not even breathe loudly.

An orange chakra cloak enveloped Mito, her eyes mirroring the fierceness of the nine-tailed fox. She seemed poised to leap into action.

"Grandma, calm down!" Nawaki yelled, interrupting her.

Mito turned her terrifying gaze upon Nawaki. Despite his fear, Nawaki managed to maintain his composure.

"Grandma, please listen first," he urged. "I haven't shared my entire plan yet."

"You?" Mito responded coldly. "Little boy, what can you do against a multi-village alliance?"

"Please, just listen to me first and then decide," Nawaki pleaded.

Mito fell silent, taking a moment to compose herself. "I'm listening," she finally said.

Nawaki proceeded to explain his plan. He didn't delve into his ability to hide, focusing instead on how he intended to use it strategically. "I plan to break the seal of all the jinchūriki and let the villages know when it happens. They're bound to go to war over it..."

He detailed the same plan he had previously discussed with Tsunade.

"Grandma Mito, please let me try this approach. If it doesn't work, it won't be too late to act differently. But if you leave now, not only could you lose your life, but the Nine-Tails could be set loose," Nawaki reasoned.

Mito listened thoughtfully, weighing the pros and cons of Nawaki's proposal in silence.

After Nawaki finished outlining his plan, Mito responded thoughtfully, "Your plan has merit, but it needs refinement."

"Oh?" Nawaki was relieved to see her calm down, and even the Nine-Tails chakra cloak had dissipated. "Please share your thoughts on improving my plan, Grandma Mito."

"First, recall your shadow clones," Mito instructed. "Then, I'll create a seal to capture the girl with the Two-Tails. For this to work, you'll need to distract them. The perfect opportunity would be when you release the Eight-Tails. The commotion in the Hidden Cloud Village will create the necessary diversion..."

She elaborated further, "While they're occupied with the Eight-Tails, and working to seal it in the Kohaku no Jōhei – a pot that can seal anything inside it – you'll use the appearance and chakra signature of the Root Anbu. I'll even imbue a shadow clone with a residual chakra signature from Danzo. Once the Eight-Tails is sealed, you can capture the two Bijus."

"When the Hidden Cloud Village realizes 'Danzo' is behind this, they'll come after him to retrieve the Bijus. We'll make Danzo a fugitive before that, and when they fail to find him, we'll eliminate Danzo and make it look like he disappeared without a trace."

Mito discussed Danzo's fate with a nonchalant detachment, viewing him as a mere pawn due to his conspiracies against her grandson and possibly her son.

"I understand your concern about the Hidden Cloud Village's possible retaliation against the Leaf Village, but as long as I'm alive, they won't dare to act," Mito stated confidently.

"Next, release the Six-Tails and Three-Tails' jinchūriki from the Hidden Mist Village and let the Hidden Cloud Village know it's happening due to 'Danzo's' information leak. When the Cloud Village comes after 'Danzo', he'll flee, leading to a clash between the Cloud and Mist villages over the tailed beasts. Regardless of the outcome, mutual hatred will be fostered between the two villages. Then continue to make 'Danzo' break the seals of other Bijus, while the villages that lost theirs track the false trail we create for 'Danzo'."

Tsunade was in awe of Mito's intricate plan. "With all this chaos, the Uzumaki Clan would be forgotten, making it nearly impossible for an alliance to form against them!"

"… Indeed, this approach seems more effective than my initial plan," Nawaki conceded, having previously felt uncertain about the greed of the villages and their potential to fight each other for the Bijus.

He recognized that if the Hidden Cloud Village lost its tailed beasts, they would almost certainly take action, especially knowing that 'Danzo' was behind their liberation.

"This might take some time, but if executed properly, the villages will be preoccupied with issues far greater than the Uzumaki Clan. We also need to be wary of that being that resembles a black plant," Mito added, referencing a mysterious entity she had heard rumors about, which were eventually dismissed due to lack of evidence.

Nawaki and Tsunade nodded in agreement with her assessment.

After a moment of reflection, Nawaki said, "I'll follow your guidance, Grandma Mito. I'll recall my shadow clones, especially since one of them has a Root Anbu sealed in its arm. I can't just dispose of it carelessly."

Mito, now significantly calmer, asked something she hadn't felt the need to before: "Can you get more of that meat from the animals filled with pure energy? I'd like to boost my vitality a bit more."

Her desire to live longer had grown, despite previously feeling content with her long life.

"Yes, I can," Nawaki assured her. "It's something..."

"Say no more," Mito interrupted, respecting his desire for secrecy. "Just bring me some more of that meat. I want to increase my vitality."

Nawaki smiled and agreed enthusiastically: "Yes, Grandma Mito, I'll make sure of it!"

Tsunade, who had remained quiet, then spoke up, "Grandma, could you start teaching me Fūinjutsu? I'm serious about learning now."

She hadn't been keen on learning Fūinjutsu before but now saw its value in supporting Nawaki.

"Of course," Mito replied warmly. "You have the talent for it. With a bit of effort, you'll learn quickly."

With the tension now eased, the atmosphere relaxed.

Kushina, who had been observing from a distance, not daring to approach, was already noticed by them. She couldn't hear their conversation, not because they were speaking softly, but because Mito had created a sound barrier to ensure privacy.

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