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Chapter 48: Chapter 48: Moonlit Reflections: Tsunade and Nawaki

Mikoto's and Hikari's parents were present at the ninja school to pick them up on their graduation day.

Tsunade and Mito also came to the ceremony. They brought Hana along, as they didn't want to leave her alone at the Senju Clan, especially since she hadn't yet grown comfortable with the officials there.

"Nawaki, Kushina, congratulations," Tsunade said, smiling warmly.

"Thanks, Sis," Nawaki replied, appreciative.

"Thank you, Tsunade-sama," Kushina said, her tone respectful amidst the gathering of people.

Mito's presence, along with the unfamiliarity of Hana, drew the attention of many adults there. The vibe Hana emitted seemed familiar to them, resulting in curious glances directed towards their group.

Feeling the weight of these stares, Hana moved to hide behind Nawaki, gripping his jacket. She clearly was uncomfortable with the attention.

"Don't worry, they won't hurt you," Nawaki reassured her softly. "They're just curious about you. Besides, our group naturally attracts attention."

While Hana seemed to understand, her insecurity was evident. She emerged from behind Nawaki but continued to cling tightly to his arm. Her stoic facade couldn't hide the trembling that betrayed her fear of being the focus of so many strangers.

Tsunade then approached Hikari, Mikoto, and their parents.

"I would like to invite you to celebrate their graduation. We're hosting a feast at our clan. Would you like to join us?" Tsunade proposed.

After a moment's contemplation, they accepted the invitation.

Pleased, Tsunade led the way as they all headed back to the Senju Clan to continue the celebration.



As the Senju Clan gathered to celebrate the graduation of Nawaki, Hikari, Kushina, and Mikoto, Nawaki took the opportunity to check on his farm, accompanied by Tsunade.

Tsunade observed that the seedlings, which were just planted, had already begun to grow. "This is incredible," she remarked. "I can feel the energy from these growing seedlings. In less than a week, we might see significant results."

"Yes, the growth is quite rapid," Nawaki agreed, feeling immensely satisfied with the swift progress.

"Look at this," Tsunade said, performing hand seals. Soon, a tree emerged from the soil, standing one meter tall and 50 centimeters wide. It seemed more like a demonstration of her newly acquired Wood Style technique than an attempt to impress.

"That's amazing, Sis!" Nawaki exclaimed, embracing her. "I'm so happy for you~"

"Thanks," Tsunade replied, her smile turning into a laugh. Her Wood Style had a distinctive green hue, reminiscent of a divine art she had developed on her own.

They spent a few more minutes at the farm before returning to the celebration.

"Nawaki, thank you for always looking after our daughter," Mikoto's father said warmly, placing his hands on Mikoto's shoulders.

Nawaki responded earnestly, "There's no need to thank me. I'll always take good care of her as long as I'm allowed to be by her side."

Mikoto blushed at his words, giggling happily and covering her mouth. Her mother laughed as well, her eyes sparkling as she looked at Nawaki. "I'm glad to know my daughter is in good hands~"

Hikari's parents expressed similar sentiments, albeit with some indirect suggestions, causing Nawaki's eyes to light up. He assured them, "I'll take good care of her."

Hikari, typically shy, blushed even more deeply in the presence of her parents.

When the meal was served, everyone was impressed by the taste of the meat. Nawaki, however, was cautious not to use too much, and the maids prepared the meal using only rabbit meat.



At night, Nawaki, who was asleep, woke up after visiting the Hunting Dimension.

In the depths of Nawaki's room, there was a window, and near it, a chair.

On the chair sat a person.

Nawaki heard the sound of water in a glass as someone poured a clear liquid into it. Bathed in moonlight, this person enjoyed the view outside.


Breathing became slow and lazy, then slightly accelerated.

Flushed cheeks. Legs, slender yet thick in ideal proportion, seemed crafted from milk, reflecting the moonlight.

That person was Tsunade.

She wore a simple cotton kimono. Her limbs peeked out from the garment, and her long blonde hair cascaded down her back, swaying in the wind. Her skin was flawless.

Watching her, Nawaki felt as though he was spying on a young woman enjoying herself. This taboo sensation was heightened by the fact that he was male and she was his sister.

Nawaki was captivated, unable to tear his gaze away.

Tsunade's pupils sparkled. Her vacant gaze floated in the air. She moaned softly and sweetly, her helpless eyes lazily meeting Nawaki's.


Tsunade didn't appear surprised or scared by Nawaki's gaze. Instead, her expression suggested, "You saw it, didn't you?" She smiled gently and then chuckled softly. A mischievous and playful look crossed her face as she extended a slender finger from her left hand.

"Come on," Tsunade beckoned. Nawaki felt as if hypnotized.

While Nawaki pondered, his body had already decided for him. His doubts and hesitations vanished instantly. It was natural for him to feel this way.

He approached Tsunade.

The way Tsunade bathed in the moonlight while holding a slightly wobbly glass made her look as if she had stepped out of a photograph.

Tsunade turned to face Nawaki.

Normally, she wouldn't offer, but today she did, presenting him with a glass.

"Are you feeling well, Sis?" Nawaki inquired as he accepted the cup, which Tsunade then filled halfway.

Tsunade lightly bit her lip and glanced at Nawaki, then turned back to the window.

"One night, I received the news of our parents' deaths."

Nawaki frowned. His memories were vague; he only learned of his parents' death on a hot morning in August...

'Don't tell me it was the 12th of August?' Nawaki harbored a terrible premonition.

"Yes, it's probably what you're thinking," Tsunade sighed heavily. "Exactly 10 years ago, on August 12th, our parents died in an ambush."

"An ambush again?" Nawaki's frown deepened.

"Yes, again," Tsunade murmured, "Now that I think about it, it might have been a well-planned conspiracy, someone must have been behind it..."

That someone was likely Danzo, or perhaps even the Third Hokage, but Tsunade didn't seem inclined to dwell on it too deeply.

Nawaki took a deep breath to calm himself. He sipped the alcohol, feeling the burn as it traveled down his throat.

Yet, that wasn't enough to make him blush, despite his naturally flushed complexion.

His alcohol tolerance was higher than that of ordinary people due to the immense energy in his body. Nawaki realized how much Tsunade must have drunk to reach her current state when he noticed over 20 empty bottles on the floor...

Her sensuality was almost overwhelming; every gesture, every movement, even the way she parted her lips and exhaled a hot breath, was enticing. However, Nawaki wasn't in a state to appreciate it at the moment.

Hearing Tsunade's thoughts left Nawaki feeling somewhat depressed.

In a way, he retained his identity from his previous life, but merging with this body also made him Nawaki.

It was challenging, perhaps impossible, to completely disregard the influence he had on Nawaki, leading him to believe that he inherited more than just memories from this body.

Now he considered that Tsunade's hot breaths might not be solely due to alcohol, but also the sadness she felt remembering their parents.

"I couldn't sleep at all because of that. What happened that day, anyway?"

"I can't give you the answer, but I can be with you," Nawaki said gently. "I'll always be here for you."

"Promise?" She turned to look at him again.

"Yes, I promise," Nawaki affirmed. He nearly added 'as long as I live,' but felt it wasn't the right time to say such words to her.

Tsunade's expressive eyes seemed to pierce Nawaki's soul. The small, deft tip of her moist tongue played at the space between her pink lips. She smiled a pure, beautiful smile, her face slightly flushed, more beautiful than any painting.

Nawaki glanced at her face, then at her lips, but soon turned his gaze away from the window, looking towards the moon.

Tsunade did the same, refilling her cup and then Nawaki's.

For the remainder of the night, they drank without a word, simply enjoying the alcohol and each other's company, until the sunrise.

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